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The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health | 2023

The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health

Eniza Audri Maida Sari 1 , Auzurra Bismi Layla 2nd, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus 3rd

Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

The majority of teenagers in the digital era use electronic communication tools as the main method for
communicating. Indeed, there are many benefits from this because it can make it easier for them to
communicate long distances and quickly get important information. This article uses literature insights and
research evidence from several journals that the author found with the aim of discussing the impact of
cyberbullying, that it turns out that this communication media also shows a relationship between negative
impacts on mental health in teenagers who use it. One of them is due to the increasing number of cases of
cyberbullying in cyberspace, namely indirect bullying which is carried out repeatedly in the form of threats, hate
speech, acceptance, etc.
Keywords: Cyberbullying, Adolescent, Mental Health


In the digital era, the use of social media has become commonplace in society. The
use of social media has a negative impact on today's teenagers, namely the rise in cases of
cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an intentional and repeated attack. Teenagers use computers,
cell phones, and other technological devices to abuse, threaten, embarrass, or harass other
teenagers who cannot defend themselves (Santos et al., 2021).

Teenagers' way of communicating now uses modern technology such as social media,
instant text messaging or chat rooms. Even though there are many benefits, there is
cyberbullying which comes as a danger (Kim et al., 2018). Cyberbullying is indeed bullying
indirectly, but it is still related to emotional problems and mental health of teenagers. Based
on the author's experience as a victim of cyberbullying, he feels it is important for everyone,
especially teenagers who are vulnerable to being exposed to or have even been perpetrators of
cyberbullying, to learn about the impact on the victim's mental health and it is hoped that
everyone will be aware of the dangers of cyberbullying.

Strengthened by a journal entitled "Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying

on adolescent health" which explains the impact of cyberbullying and explains preventive


The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health | 2023

intervention efforts related to minimizing cyberbullying that exist throughout the world.
Journal written by Kim et al. (2018) and Baruah et al. (2017) also confirms evidence shows
cyberbullying can change behavior and emotional problems in teenagers. This is further
supported by the results of research conducted by Santos et al. (2021) and Skilbred-Fjeld et
al. (2020) states that victims of cyberbullying can experience negative impacts such as
symptoms of depression, lack of well-being, and even suicidal thoughts.

Literature review

1. Mental Health
Mental health, according to a health expert, Merriam Webster, is a good emotional
and psychological condition, a person can utilize their cognitive and emotional abilities to
function and fulfill their daily life needs. According to Zakiah Daradjat, mental health is
harmony in life that is realized between the function of a person's soul, the ability to face
existing problems, as well as feeling happiness and one's abilities positively (Fakhriyani,
D. V., 2019). Mental health is a condition related to a person's psychology or soul. Mental
health is also considered to influence a person's ability to think, feel, process emotions,
how to interact with others, as well as the process or way a person enjoys life (Rudianto,
Z. N., 2022). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state
of well-being of individuals who are aware of their abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and are able to make a contribution to
the people around them. People with good mental health often feel sad, unhealthy, angry,
unhappy, and this is a fully lived part of human life. Despite this, mental health is often
considered a purely positive influence characterized by feelings of happiness and mastery
of the environment (Galderisi et al., 2015).

2. Cyberbullying
According to Cambridge Dictionary, cyberbullying is the activity of using the
internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant
messages. According to UNICEF, cyberbullying and direct bullying often occur
simultaneously, but cyberbullying can leave digital traces in the form of recordings or
notes that are useful as evidence to help stop this wrong behavior.


The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health | 2023

3. Adolescence
Adolescence, from the Latin adolescere, means “growing into adulthood” (Shute &
Slee, 2015) and is usually associated with adolescence or the second decade of life. The
physical, psychological, and cultural expressions of adolescence may emerge at different
times in a young person's life, adding to the confusion in applying a narrow definition to
this period. Biological phenomena associated with adolescence tend to be the best known,
but span within biology a number of domains, including neuroscience, hormonal, and
cognitive. The onset of puberty is considered the main marker of the initiation of the
adolescent period. Physical and sexual maturation is accompanied by social and economic
independence, identity development, the acquisition of skills needed to fulfill adult
relationships and roles, and the capacity for abstract reasoning (World Health
Organization [WHO], 2016).


The author used descriptive analysis to explain the data that has been obtained from
valid and reliable literature. This article uses the literature review method with secondary data
in the form of previous research journals, books, websites and other scientific articles to
obtain theories that are relevant to the topic of discussion. This method is also used to explain
cyberbullying and find out the dangers and evidence of various kinds of adverse effects of
cyberbullying on adolescent mental health.

Result and finding

Cyberbullying has a bad impact on teenagers. In adolescence, according to Natalia
(2016), this period is synonymous with individuals trying to begin to recognize themselves
through exploration and assessment of their own psychological characteristics. Adolescence
is an important stage in a person's life, a time of searching for identity, facing conditions of
confusion, the need for the role of peers, and curiosity about various things. This period is
like a transition process from childhood to adulthood.

As in the journal survey results Kim et al. (2018) explained that adolescence is a
developmental period that is vulnerable to the emergence of mental disorders because it does
not yet have a good balance between emotional, intellectual, behavioral, and abilities. This
shows that teenagers are very easy to be negatively impacted as victims of cyberbullying. In


The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health | 2023

fact, the impact can be greater than ordinary bullying because several factors, including the
lack of face-to-face contact, result in the perpetrator not seeing the direct effects of his actions
and the perpetrator being able to hide his identity. The journal also shows that cyberbullying
contributes significantly to adolescents' emotional and behavioral problems such as anxiety,
anger, drug use and sexual behavior, even risking depression and suicide.

The results of research surveying Australian teenagers found that teenagers who
cyberbullied others reported experiencing more difficulties in establishing social
relationships, as well as experiencing more stress, depression and anxiety compared to their
peers who were not involved in any type of bullying. On the other hand, cyberbullying
behavior has been associated with reduced levels of adolescent self-esteem, self-efficacy,
prosocial behavior, sense of belonging, and safety at school. Research by Tsitsika et al.
(2015) showed that involvement in cyberbullying as both perpetrator and victim was higher
among adolescents who had parents with low or medium education compared to adolescents
with highly educated parents. Research by Fanti et al. (2012) of more than 1400 teenagers in
Cyprus showed that family support reduces the risk of teenagers becoming victims of
cyberbullying when the friendship environment is seen as unsupportive.

Social media can be a place where bullying starts. Social media indirectly becomes a
place to humiliate and threaten their peers systematically. This cannot be left alone because it
can have a negative psychological impact on teenagers who are victims or perpetrators
emotionally and mentally, and can disrupt their growth and development. So, the role of
parents and the environment is very important because this contributes to the formation of the
perpetrator's behavior so that they can be involved in cyberbullying.

Not many cases of cyberbullying are revealed because not all victims want to tell their
friends or parents. Apart from having a bad impact on the victim, cyberbullying also has an
impact on the perpetrator because they can be prosecuted under the laws in force in their
country. To prevent this, it would be good for us to learn to use social media wisely, think
carefully before posting something on social media, choose a social environment that has
positive values, and try not to share fake news or invalid information.


The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Mental Health | 2023

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Skilbred-Fjeld, S., Reme, S. E., & Mossige, S. (2020). Cyberbullying involvement and
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