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Zakaria Maoulid Mohamed

Academic reporting

Teacher Fahima Ibrahim

December 16, 2023



Social media has a harmful impact on the mental health of today's teenagers. Mostly

known as the generation z or Gen z, it includes all the individuals born between 2000 and

2010. Those people grew up in the digital age and have been heavily influenced by

technological advancements and the rise of social media. This essay will explore the

negative aspects of social media and then denounce the toxic effects on the mental health of

teenagers. Furthermore, I will give some solution to make social media safer for teenagers.

it is noticeable that social media platforms frequently portray an idealized lifestyle. A lot of

people in Instagram and Facebook do not hesitate to fake more and more their lives to get

more followers. But most of the time, things that are shown in social media networks do not

match with reality like Laura Distin once said “Do not compare your real life to someone

else’s controlled online content “(Distin.l, 2019). Unfortunately, most teenagers do not

understand this.

secondly, young teenagers are more likely to face cyberbullying while they are passing their

time on the big social media platforms. A lot of research carried out by experts shows that a

lot off teenagers are concerned by cyberbullying:

Age and gender are related to teens' cyberbullying experiences, with older teen girls being

especially likely to face this abuse. Teens' experiences with online harassment vary by age.

Some 49% of 15- to 17-year-olds have experienced at least one of the six online behaviors,

compared with 42% of those ages 13 (Vogel. E ,2022)


In addition to the idealized portrayal of lifestyles, social media platforms can have a

detrimental impact on the mental health of today's teenagers. Cyberbullying is a prevalent

issue that many young people face while spending time on these platforms. Numerous

studies conducted by experts have shown that a significant number of teenagers experience

cyberbullying, which can have severe consequences on their well-being.

The constant exposure to negative comments, harassment, and online aggression can lead

to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression among teenagers. The anonymity

provided by social media platforms can embolden cyberbullies, making it difficult for victims

to escape their tormentors. This constant fear of being targeted can have a profound impact

on teenagers' mental health, affecting their self-esteem and overall sense of well-being.

It is crucial for society to address these negative aspects of social media and work towards

creating a safer and more supportive online environment for teenagers. Germany Kent once

said “when your mental health becomes impacted by social media then it is time for a

detox” (Kent.G, 2015). This includes implementing stricter policies against cyberbullying,

promoting digital literacy and responsible online behavior, and encouraging open

conversations about mental health. Like the drug the drugs, detox can help our teenagers to

figure out the problem cause by social media on their mental health like suggested by

Damon Zahariades “A digital detox will help to eliminate the stress you are feeling so you

can regain control of your life “(Zahariades.D , 2018).


In conclusion, social media platforms have a harmful impact on the mental health of today's

teenagers. The idealized portrayal of lifestyles and the prevalence of cyberbullying

contribute to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression among young people. It is

essential for individuals, schools, and society as a whole to take proactive measures to

mitigate these negative effects and foster a healthier digital landscape for our teen



Vogels. E (2022) Pew research center.

Kent.G(2015) “you are what you tweet “

Zahariades.D (2018). “Digital detox “

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