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Effects of Sociol Media on Youths

1.1 Introduction
Sociol media is an internet-based form of communication. There are many forms of social
media including, blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing.sites,
instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, vitual worlds and more. As of
December 2019, total worldwide population was 7.8 billion and of these internet has 4.54.
billion users. There are 3.125 billion active sociall medra users and on average people have
7-6 social media accounts. The average time spent on social media is 142 minutes a day.
Social media, platforms having alot of users basically shows that it has a lot of advantages to
the users, like it allows one to reach, nurture and engage with their target audience mostly in
businesses. However, there are equally negative effects of social media on the youths and this
research project will provide an overview of some of the negative effects of social modia
among the youths.
1.2 Background
Social media introduced users to digital, communicaton through email, bulletin board
messaging, and real time online chatting. This gave rise to the earliest social media networks,
beginning, with the short-lived six degrees profile uploading service in 1997. This service
was followed in 2001 by Friendster. The evolution of social media has been fuelled by the
human impulse to communicate and by advances in digital technology. According to
Merriam-webster, social media is defined as “forms of electronic communication through
which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and
other content. In less than a generation social media has evolved from direct electronic
information exchange to virtual gathering place to retail platform to vital 21st century
marketing tool. In a sense social media began on May 24, 1844 with a s series of electronic
dots and dashes taped out by hand on a telegraph machines in the 1980s and 90s, the internet
growth enables the introduction of online communication services such as prodigy. In 1999
live journal publishing site was launched. This coincided with the launch of the blogger
publishing purchased by Google in 2003. Todays social media landscape is populated by a s
suite of services that jockey for the attention of more than 5 billion device users worldwide
e.g. in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, snapchat, Tiktok etc. what follows is an
examination of the relative rapid growth of social media as sociological and commercial
force, and the change it has brought to the marketing world.
Literature Review

Social media is widely used by the adolescence and youth. Starting from Facebook in 2008 it
has seen a massive increase in the users who choose it for diverse purposes. It provides with
the chance of showcasing their hidden skills to the world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
You-tube, Snapchat and Tumbler all offer far reaching prospects to observe and choose them
according to their interests. From getting salaried to running a business, from relishing
impressive content to presenting inner skills from reading books, novels and interesting
content to staying updated with the happening events. It benefits each of the users in the best
desired way where social media has comprehensive and far-reaching impacts on the youths. It
also being used in negative means, from cyber bully to online crimes and from hacking to
data breaches. It also has deleterious impacts.
In Morden time, social media has been used by young students during their studies, it enables
them to grasp different kinds of information from diverse resources. Students use it for
enhancing knowledge and to understand the concealed secrets. Moreover, it allows them to
share files easily that contain books articles and informative videos.
On the contrary social media is also affecting the youngsters in a s negative means. Research
states that students who use social media in their studies hours had lesser grades than those
who did not involve themselves in these activities. Furthermore, extensive an unbalanced use
of social media sites also leads to mental and psychological stress and this way it affects their
studies, learning and understanding skills.
There is also need for parents to keep an eye on these activities of their children and teens. As
social media allows the liberty of users there are suspicion that they might indulge themselves
in immoral or unlawful activities. For this proper guidance and teaching is necessary and it
could be stated from home. The motive of positivity could only be achieved if youngsters
have the understanding of good and bad. Health of teens and youth is one of the major
concerns in modern times and terms and use of social sites on large scale also escalates it.
Mental stress is dropping adolescents in dismal situation where they found themselves, in
loneliness and despair. Furthermore, excessive use of social media also leads to psychological
pressure and disconnects the individual from outer world and hence stops them from learning
and acquiring new stuff.

1. Akram, W & Kumar, R. (2017). A study of positive and negative effects of social
media on society.
2. Clinical report- the impact of social media on (2011) American Academy of
Paediatrics retrieved 12,3,2020
3. Daniel leung R. L. (2013) Social Media in Tourism and hospitality, A literature
review. Journal of travel and tourism.
Problem statement.
We already know that young people spend a lot of time on social media and this leads to ow
self-esteem, peer pressure, and mental ill-health. A number of studies have found associations
between increased social media use with depression, anxiety, cyberbully, body image and
teen addiction. Which results in less time spent doing healthy and real-life activities.
The reason we need to be aware of these effects and familiarise with them is because we will
be able to handle.
By researching this topic, we will be able to prevent premature death caused by these effects
like depression due to bad body image. Youths will understand things like cyberbullying and
what to do in case they experience it. The research questions to be addressed are;
1. Determine and explain all the negative effects of social media.
2. How to respond positively on these effects
3. Hoe to minimise them among the youth
4. How to live with them and not letting them affect them negatively
For use to solve this problem we have to collect useful information concerning our area of
study. The information will give us the guidelines on how to find solutions to the problem.
First, we can conduct interviews. Through interviews we will be able to interact with some
youths and try to determine their experience with social media. We will be able to determine
the percentage of youth affected negatively by social media. We will be able to know how
they perceive the social media and are they aware of the negative effects. Through use of
questionnaires we can be able to ask them questions on the effects and see their opinion on it.
The study will be conducted between September 2022 and May 2023.

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