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The Impact of media or social media on young adolescents

Does social media impact young adolescents? Media and social media have completely changed how
information is transmitted and distributed, particularly among younger teens. In this digital age,
there are countless opportunities to connect with friends, have access to vast amounts of
knowledge, and express oneself creatively. It also raises a wide range of difficulties and worries. As it
affects their ideas, behaviours, and overall development, the effect of media and social media on
young adolescents is a topic of great interest and significance. The multiple impacts of media and
social media on young teenagers are examined in this video.

Social media has a range of negative impacts on young adolescents. It exposes them to
cyberbullying, leading to emotional distress and low self-esteem. The constant comparison to
idealized lives on social media can erode their self-confidence and create negative body image
issues. Fear of missing out can cause anxiety and a compulsive need to be constantly connected.
Sleep disturbances due to late-night social media use affect their overall well-being. Privacy concerns
put them at risk of exploitation, and the constant stream of information on social media contributes
to decreased attention spans, affecting their academic performance. Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of
Psychology at San Diego State University, emphasizes the negative effects of social media on mental
health. She argues that excessive screen time and social media use contribute to increased rates of
depression, anxiety, and loneliness among adolescents. According to Dr. Twenge's research, there is
a connection between young adolescents' increased usage of social media and smartphones and the
rising incidence of depression and anxiety. She highlights research showing that young people are
more likely to report signs of these mental health difficulties the more time they spend in front of
mobile phones.

While there are negative impacts, social media can also have positive effects on young adolescents.
It provides a platform for self-expression and creativity, allowing them to showcase their talents and
connect with like-minded individuals. It offers opportunities for learning and exposure to diverse
perspectives, promoting cultural awareness and global understanding. Social media can also be a
source of inspiration, motivation, and empowerment, as young adolescents find role models and
positive influences. When used responsibly, social media can enhance communication skills and
digital literacy, preparing them for the digital age. Dr. Danah Boyd, Principal Researcher at Microsoft,
is a highly respected scholar who has conducted extensive research on the intersection of youth,
technology, and society. She argues that social media platforms provide pathways for self-
expression, creativity, and connection, allowing adolescents to explore their identities and form
supportive communities. Dr. Boyd places a strong emphasis on the value of developing the skills
needed to successfully navigate the digital world. She makes the case that young people who use
social media and other digital platforms frequently can develop important abilities like media
literacy, teamwork, and critical thinking.

In summary, there are many different factors that affect how media and social media affect young
adolescents. Although these platforms have many advantages, including information availability,
social connectivity, and chances for skill and self-expression growth, they also carry a risk to online
safety, academic performance, mental health, and body image. It is important to understand that
the results might differ from individuals and depend on things like parental supervision, individual
resilience, and media literacy. Promoting responsible media usage, critical thinking abilities, and
open discussion about the potential advantages and disadvantages of media and social media is
crucial for ensuring a favourable outcome.

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