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Rational Analysis and

Design of Prestressed
Concrete Beam Columns
and Wall Panels

Noel D. Nathan
Professor of Civil Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

P east and shipped in lengths extend-

recast concrete columns are often pirical formulas for the effects of slen-
derness, but limit the range of slender-
ing over two, three, or more stories. In ness for which they may be used. For
consequence, they are frequently long example, ACI 318-83' requires that if
and slender, at least until jointing is the slenderness ratio L/r exceeds 100,
complete, so that handling stresses may design shall be based on analysis which
give rise to problems. "shall take into account influence of
Similarly, precast loadbearing wall axial loads and variable moment of in-
panels for light industrial or warehouse ertia on member stiffness and fixed-end
structures are generally required to be moments, effect of deflections on mo-
very tall, again leading to high slender- ments and forces, and the effects of du-
ness ratios. The roof loads, distributed ration of loads." No direct guidance,
along the wall, are usually quite light, so however, is given on how to make such
that stress conditions are often domi- an analysis.
nated by the bending moments arising Precast prestressed concrete columns
from wind loads and load eccentricity. and wall panels frequently fall within
For the above reasons, precast col- the range of slenderness that excludes
umns and loadbearing walls are fre- use of the empirical formulas. Further-
quently prestressed. more, it has been found that the empiri-
Codes of practice usually provide em- cal formulas are not as precise for the

very low percentages of steel that are
generally present in precast members,
even when the slenderness ratios are
small. Secondary effects of axial loads on
This paper will address these prob- frame members are discussed. Meth-
lems by reviewing the analysis for sec- ods of analysis for these forces are
ondary effects in columns and walls. reviewed. Characteristics of pre-
Methods involving varying degrees of stressed concrete members which
approximation will be briefly discussed. affect the method of analysis are de-
The effect of prestressing will be re- scribed, and it is noted that "rational
viewed, and it will be suggested that ra- analysis" is often required. Construc-
tional analysis of components should tion of a computer program to perform
generally be the preferred approach for such an analysis of component mem-
precast prestressed elements. bers is discussed, and a program is
The theory of such a rational analysis described in detail in an appendix.
will be developed. The construction of a Several examples are included.
computer program typical of those used
by researchers for this purpose will be
briefly described. A listing and docu-
mentation of the program can be ob-
tained at cost of reproduction from the curves for standardized products such as
Prestressed Concrete Institute. columns, double tees, piles, and other
The computer program may be used customized units. The author's program
to determine the design moments for a has been written in very elementary
given set of loads and end conditions, or FORTRAN and therefore should be
to develop design curves of acceptable easily adaptable to specific needs.
loading for given member cross sections
and will predict material or instability
failure. The cross section may have any SECONDARY EFFECTS
polygonal shape and may have any IN FRAMES
number of mild steel bars and/or pre-
stressing tendons. The concrete and This section contains a brief discus-
steel components may have any stress- sion of the problems associated with
strain laws, specified in functional form axial loads in frame elements and of the
or in the form of points on an experi- methods of dealing with them.
mentally determined curve. The presence of axial compression in
Any form of lateral loading can be a frame member has two effects:
handled, specified by the primary 1. The stiffness of the member is re-
bending moment arising therefrom. The duced.
axial load may he applied with different 2. Secondary bending moments, not
eccentricities at the two ends. Initial accounted for in the primary analy-
curvature may be included. sis, are generated when the line of
Note that the boundary conditions action of the axial force is no longer
must be known or an effective length coincident with the centerline of
must be estimated. A load-deflection the member.
analysis is used to account for lateral It is possible to make analyses which
displacement of the joints if such dis- take all these factors into account, but
placement is permitted. difficulties are involved,2 3 particularly
It is recommended that precast con- in the design stage of reinforced or pre-
crete manufacturers use computer pro- stressed concrete frames. However, the
grams such as this to develop design first effect, namely, the reduction in

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985 83

stiffness, is negligible if the axial load is second effect, using the braced effective
a reasonably srnall proportion of the length.
Euler load for the member.'•°
This condition is generally satisfied in Method 2
practical building frames, so that the
effect of stiffness Ioss on the distribution An approximate analysis is made to
of internal forces may effectively he ig- determine the horizontal displacements
nored. A method of accounting for loss of the joints, and the so-called P-
of stiffness, given in Refs. 5 and 6, is ( load-deflection) moments arising
referred to below. therefrom are directly calculated. The
The secondary bending moments magnification factor is then used to ac-
arise from changes in the geometry of count for the additional secondary mo-
the structure which are not taken into ments due to deflection of the column
account in the primary analysis. These centerline, using the effective length for
effects may again be separated into two a braced column.
1. Relative motion of the joints with Method 3
respect to one another, in the
transverse direction to the axial The procedures of Methods 1 or 2 are
loads. Erection tolerances may used, but the response of the equivalent
contribute to this effect. column is determined by some rational
2. Departure of the member center- procedure instead of by means of the
line from the straight line between semi-empirical magnification factor.
the joints, due to bending of the
member along its length. Thermal Method 4
bowing, manufacturing tolerances,
and camber may be significant in The entire analysis accounting for all
this respect. the nonlinear secondary effects is carried
The response of a structure to loads, out by a rational procedure, as discussed
accounting for these effects, may be in Refs. 2 and 8. As mentioned above,
evaluated by a variety of procedures: this process is far too complex for practi-
cal use in the design stage of concrete
Method 1
An equivalent pin-ended member is
assumed for each column. The "effec- COMMENTS ON
tive length" of this equivalent member ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES
depends upon the end conditions.?
When sidesway is not prevented, the In this section, further comments are
first of the effects noted in the previous made on the individual steps involved
paragraph is accounted for if the deflec- in the above procedures, namely, the
tions are measured from the thrust line, determination of effective Iength, the
and the column is given an imaginary calculation of P-A moments, and the
extension, until it recrosses the thrust use of magnification factors.
line at an imaginary point of inflection.
The response of this equivalent pin- Effective Length
ended member is then obtained by mod-
ifying the primary bending moment The bifurcation buckling load for an
causing sway by a magnification factor. individual column with pure axial load
The moments not associated with sway is determined by the Euler load for a
are also magnified to account for the hinged column of effective length kL,

^ f
Points of inflection


Points of Inflection

~ 1 t 61

r _^


Fig. 1. Effective lengths of columns in a frame (after Ref. 9).

the distance between the points of in- occur, leading eventually to material
flection at the instant of buckling. In failure or to instability. The magnifica-
framed members (see Fig. 1) the effec- tion, however, also depends upon the
tive length depends upon the relative effective length and therefore on the re-
stiffnesses of the columns and the re- straint conditions at the ends of the col-
straining beams. umn.
When moments or lateral loads are The determination of effective length
present, as is usually the case, instead of is discussed in Refs. 3, 7, and 9. In prac-
bifurcation buckling, magnified mo- tice, the Jackson-Moreland alignment
ments (i.e., added secondary moments) charts are generally used for this pur-
9 • 10

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1985 85

5 ^, !0
20 k +19.7 +19.7 8.42
A = 0,0521°_'
o Columns=8000
IEI Holding Force
EI Beom=30000 IT 400x0,0521
cv = =2.08
4.21 4.21
(0) (e)


-343.1 +249.5 14.03 +4.88 +4.88 2.08

r) "' m
in v v A= 0.0429
+ Holding Force
,r, .. 400 x0.0129=0.52
+ 51.46 37.43 r 1.04 ; ___

(b) (f)

+798 +79.8 34,03 +1.21 +1.21 0.52

m _
(4I N
A= .5 4=0.0032
0210 yr -
Holding Force
o M1 =400x0.0032 _0.13 N-
o "' 10
17.02 17.02 a' 026,--Neglect- 0.26 1
(c) (g)

4 4Q0

20 -263,3 +329.3 to 20 -237,5 +355.1-

-K M of IL)
Lo o =0.2105 N) 6=0.279 r?
Holding Force
+ Final Solution m
400 X 0.2105 N m d
10 =8.42 u)
m 34.44 54.44 N + 36.14 56.06

(d) LO (h)

Fig. 2, Iterative load-deflection (P- A) analysis.

pose; k is often taken as unity when therefore, by the same reasoning, a
sway is not permitted. holding force of 400 x 0.0521110 = 2.08.
The derivation of these charts is dis- The effect of removing this force is
cussed by Galambos, Kavanagh, 7 and shown in Fig. 2f, and it is seen that there
Chu and Chow." MacGregor and is a further deflection of 0.0129 and a
Hage,'u however, assert that the charts holding force of 0.52.
are "based on highly idealized and quite This leads to Fig. 2g, with deflection
impractical cases," and they show that 0.0032 and holding force 0.13, This is
they lead to unrealistic results — often considered negligible, and the solution
highly conservative but occasionally is assumed to be the sum of Figs, 2d, e, f,
unconservative. and g. If the process does not rapidly
The difficulties in using the effective converge, it indicates that the structure
length approach are associated with the is probably too flexible with respect to
evaluation of the restraining effects of sway.
the beams on the column, particularly in Note that the solutions for Figs. 2e, f,
unsymmetrical structures, when side- and g are simply prorated from that of
sway takes place. It is for this reason that Fig. 2c. The whole procedure is usually
the P-A method4"2 is advocated for the an elastic analysis performed with re-
separate evaluation of the moments spect to the factored loads; however,
arising from side sway. since it is an elastic analysis, it can often
he obtained by factoring up the compo-
nents of a service load analysis (similar
Evaluation of P- Moments to Figs. 2b and 2c) performed to check
The application of various procedures service load drifts. Note that if there are
for computing the effects of sidesway changes in the stiffnesses due to crack-
are excellently set forth in Refs. 5 and ing as the factored loads are approached,
12, and will be briefly discussed here. this should be accounted for.'E
An iterative procedure 4'5• '2 will be il- The process illustrated in Fig. 2 is
lustrated by means of the simple portal easily extended to the general case of
frame shown in Fig. 2a. In Fig. 2b a first multiple stories and multiple bays. It
order analysis is made of the gravity has accounted for the secondary mo-
loads. Sidesway is prevented by means ments arising from horizontal motion of
of a holding force found to be 14.03. Fig. joints, but moments arising from dis-
2c shows the removal of that holding placement of the member centerline
force together with the application of between joints have yet to be accounted
the lateral load of Fig. 2a. for by means of the magnification factor
The sum of Solutions 2b and 2c, (based on the braced effective length),
shown in Fig. 2d, would complete the or by further rational analysis. Note that,
usual first order analysis. But now, the even when side sway is restrained, this
deflection (A = 0.2105) is computed and process leads to the values of the forces
it is deduced that the columns are acted in the wall or bracing providing the re-
upon by a moment !PA (i.e., 400 x straint.
0.2105) which is not, as yet, balanced. If the increments of deflection in the
Therefore, in order to maintain equilib- preceding method are written out in
rium, there must be a remaining holding symbolic form, it will be found that they
force of: form a geometric series whose sum is
given by:'R
V A/h = 400 x 0.2105110 = 8.42
HIK = ^ 1(1^
The effect of removing this force is A,=
shown in Fig. 2e; however, there is then 1— 1— ^'
a further deflection of 0.0521 and Kh Hh

PC! JOURNAL May-June 1985 87


2 -263.3 +329.3


+ ^I = 0.2105
OZ 0.2797 ieq.1)
Holding Force N
400 x 0.2797 'r)
m 0 F1.19 N


+26.2 +26.2 11.19

tD ^D




-237.1 +355.5
N) Ln
N N)


v v
u^ C%1


Fig. 3. Secondary analysis using series summation for deflection A.

or where
Al = primary deflection (Fig, 2c)
Q s _ 0.2105 A2 = final total deflection
= 0.2797
1 _ (400) (0.2105) H = sway force
(34.03) (10) K — lateral stiffness of frame

Fig. 4. Imaginary bracing providing secondary forces.13

Note that if the numerator is equal to displacement a$ . (Negative because the

or less than zero, the series does not member must exert a force in the same
converge and the structure is unstable. direction as its deformation.) The stiff-
In this way, the total deflection is ob- ness of the bracing member with respect
tained without iteration, and the total to extension along its axis is AE/L, so
holding force from Figs. 2e, f, g follows that the stiffness with respect to hori-
immediately. One more elastic analysis zontal displacement is (AE/L) costa.
under this force gives the final result Thus:
(see Fig. 3).
This procedure is strictly valid only AE
L cosaa D2 (2)
for single story frames, but it can be = - li 2

used for multistory structures in which

there are points of inflection in the col- or
umns (relatively stiff beams) and in APL 1
which the magnification is of the order A = - Eh costa
of 1.5 or less .5
Finally, an ingenious method suitable where L is the length of the bracing
for computer analysis of large frames, member.
presented by Nixon, Beaulieu, and That is, if imaginary bracing members
Adams,13 will be described. are inserted in each story, with negative
Suppose, as before, that the final lat- areas as given by this equation, they will
eral deflection of the structure in a given lead to correct moments in the columns
story is A., giving rise to total column and beams. The shears and axial forces
moments IPA. As shown above, an ad- will be somewhat in error due to the
ditional horizontal force ZPAslh in the forces in the bracing, but these effects
direction of AQ would cause these mo- will be quite small3 ° (the negative areas
ments. required are, in fact, very small), and
Now suppose that an imaginary brac- they can be minimized by making the
ing member is added as shown in Fig. 4 bracing angle a as flat as possible. One
with stiffness such as to cause the force bracing member per story can stretch
- 'PA2 1h when there is relative lateral across all the bays of the frame. This

PCI JOURNAL May-June 1985 89


EA (Bracing) _- PL • } 2 [eq.(2)]
h cos a

10 . 12

E cos t a =-40

11 200 4000 -480

K (Structure) 4000 11200 -480
-480 -480 (192-40)

Generalized Forces R = - 444.4

Displacements = K - ^ = R = -.069

Knee Moments = 237.1 , 355.5

Fig. 5. Second order analysis using bracing with negative area.

procedure, shown in Fig. 5, can he used members can be accounted for in each of
in a standard frame analysis program the foregoing P- analyses by including
without modification. a "flexibility factor" in the term P. This
The loss of stiffness in the column factor, developed in Ref. 5, is given by:

4('PA - qI ) + ( ALA+3) (q,u+3) {3)

y = 1 + 0.22
[( +2) (tPB +2) - 112



1.5 ov



2 ! ^a


.3 .4 . 1.5 2 3 4 5 678910
0.1 .15 .2

Fig, 6. Flexibility factor y of Eq. (3). r = (I E11L)columns at End i of column.

(Y E1!L)beams

where 1 (4)
S = 1 – PIPS

= 1^ Eq. (4) is essentially the same formula

/ L \`°`
' at End A or B of column used in the ACI Building Code.' When
the effective length for the sway case as
1 L^ !beam illustrated in Fig. 1 is used, this magni-
The t/j factor varies between 1 and fication factor includes the P -A effects
about 1.2, and values are given in Fig. 6. discussed above, since the displacement
Inclusion of this factor gives a good es- from the thrust line includes the A de-
timate of the lateral deflections, al- flection. However, it will be observed
though the redistribution of the mo- that the additional moments of Figs. 2d,
ments is not properly accounted for, e, f, and g all arise from the conditions of
Fig. 2c, and are quite independent of
Fig. 2b (except insofar as the holding
Magnification Factor force of 14.03 is concerned).
It is shown by Galambos (pp. 246-7 of Thus, the magnification factor associ-
Ref. 3) that the moments in a column ated with the sway-permitted effective
bent in single curvature are magnified, length applies only to the moments
due to displacements with respect to the arising from sway forces (Fig. 2c). This
thrust line, by the factor: is made clear in Ref. 1, where the mag-

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 91

nified factor moment in a column is:
Sb = Cm . 1 (7a)
1 – PIbP^
Mc = Sn Man + S. t. (5)
in which
MZD = value of larger factored end mo- 1- Y.P110
ment on compression mem-
bers due to loads which result where the summations are over all the
in no appreciable sidesway, columns of the story.
calculated by conventional
elastic analysis AEI
P^ _ (kL
^y ($)
M eg = value of larger factored end mo-
ment on compression member
due to loads which result in ap- In calculating P, , the value of k is ob-
preciable sidesway calculated tained from the Jackson and Moreland
by conventional elastic frame charts for the braced and unbraced
analysis cases. Approximate formulas are given'
for the rigidity El which represent be-
Note that 8 h and 8,, discussed below, havior as the ultimate load is ap-
are based on the effective length proached.
for the braced and unbraced cases, An interesting result from Ref. 14
respectively. shows that the critical load for any floor
It is recognized that the two compo- of a frame is:
nents of M, in Eq. (5) do not necessarily
occur at the same point in the column, Hh (9)
and are therefore not directly additive. Y
Nevertheless, the true maximum cannot
be greater than their sum, so, for the where
sake of simplicity, this conservative 0 is the deflection from a first-order
form is accepted. analysis.
The same problem arises more y depends upon the deflected shape
acutely when braced columns are sub- of the columns, Its numerical value
ject to double curvature. In that case, the lies between 1 and 1.22. [See Eq.
maximum secondary moment certainly (3) and Fig. 6.1
occurs at a point remote from the If one takes y = 1, then:
maximum primary moment at the end of
the column. The magnification factor S$ = 1 (10)
should then include a factor C,,, _- 1. The _
theoretical value of C. for elastic col- 1 Hi
umns is given in Ref. 3, p. 246, together
with various approximations, including The deflection A should be obtained
that used in Ref. 1: from a primary analysis of the sway ef-
fects, presumably using the rigidity El
specified for use in P.
Cm = 0.6+0.4M2u0.4 (6) MacGregor and Hage' 2 present step-
by-step procedures for the use of these
Finally, noting that, due to diaphragm methods in the design process. For ex-
action of the floors, the displacements of ample, one may begin with S, from Eq.
all columns are essentially equal at floor (10) based on the permissible drift index
levels, so that the sway magnification MIh and end with column size selection
factors are the same for all columns of to ensure that the permissible index is
one story: not exceeded.


Fig. 7. Instability failure and material failure.

APPLICATION TO analysis at the tangent stiffness of the

PRESTRESSED CONCRETE structure is possible. The total moment,
including the P -A contribution and the
It has been shown" that, since they braced column magnification factor, is
generally have a very low steel ratio, compared with short column capacity.
prestressed concrete members have If the columns become unstable be-
different moment-curvature relation- fore reaching material failure the analy-
ships from normal reinforced concrete sis becomes more complicated (see Fig.
members, As a result of this, they are 7). MacGregor and Hage 12 caution
governed by instability rather than by against this possibility, giving criteria by
material failure for almost the entire which its likelihood may he assessed;
range of slenderness values. Further- but they note that it is seldom encoun-
more, they are often used at higher tered in reinforced concrete building
slenderness ratios, which compounds frames. When it is, the analysis of Fig. 2
the problem. must be modified to account for the loss
The P-A analyses discussed previ- of stiffness along the lines indicated in
ously are not directly applicable when Refs. 16 and 17, or the y factor of Eq.(3)
instability governs. It is assumed in can be included in the magnification
those analyses, in removing the holding factors to correct the deflections.
forces (Figs. 2d, e, f, g), that a linear The susceptibility to unstable behav-

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 93





{,1) io

6 pro

0.02 .04 06 .08 .10 .f 2 .14 .18 30 .40 .50
.16 20


Fig. 8. Design aid for X adjusted for use with ACI Code strength reduction factor and load
duration factor 0 -_ ,3 u ^ 0.5. Sections with no compression flange.

for in members with very low steel ra- with

tios also leads to problems in evaluating X =i63.2
the moment magnification due to de- 13 d = ratio of maximum factored dead
flection of the member centerline be- load moment to maximum fac-
tween joints. tored total load moment (always
Attempts have been made to extend positive)
the range of applicability of the ACI
magnification procedure' to members = 2.5 + Pl where 6 r^ 70
with low steel ratios and high slen-
derness ratios. Using the theoretically 35 for sections with
accurate loads generated by the com- Llr –
0.09 compression flange
puter program detailed below, an effec- B=
27 for sections with no
tive rigidity El was back-calculated for – 0.05 compression flange
use in the computation of P:
Design charts for ,, are shown in Figs.
El = E,I,1X(1 + 63,) (11) S and 9.


60 2S



(A) r0

0.02 04 .06 .0 8 .10 .12 .14 J9 .30 .40 .50
16 .20

Fig. 9. Design aid for x adjusted for use with ACI Code strength reduction factor and load
duration factor 0 _ {3 d a 0.5. Sections with compression flange.

The artificial nature of these factors all the section properties are reflected in
must be emphasized. In the first place, the moment-curvature relationship.
sections with highly nonlinear mo- It is presumed that the effects of 4 and
ment-curvature relationships are being /3d should be to modify the moment/cur-
represented by a formula derived from vature relationship as shown in Fig. 10.
linear material behavior (see Ref. 15, For reinforced concrete columns with
Fig. 14). Further difficulties arise from steel ratios of at least 1 percent and axial
the application of the strength reduction loads not too far below the "balanced"
factor 0, and with the long-term load value, the moment-curvature relation-
factor f3,. ship tends to be of Type A in Fig. 10.
Together, these two factors account The influence of the ¢ and [ factors is
for variations in Young's modulus (due then accurately represented by applying
to creep and accidental variations), and them as in Eqs. (7) and (11). For the
for accidental variations in the moment members with low steel ratios and axial
of inertia and strength of the cross sec- loads presently under discussion, the
tion. With regard to slenderness effects, moment-curvature relationships are of

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 95

Type B in Fig. 10, and the influence of Since it is intended to cover a wide
the 0 and fa d factors is not properly ac- range of cross sections and design pa-
counted for when they are inserted as rameters, Eq. (11) is often very conser-
shown in Eqs. (7) and (11). vative. However, prestressed elements,
In order to retain the traditional form particularly when precast, usually in-
of these equations, therefore, it is neces- volve a good deal of repetition, since
sary to modify the quantities 71 and B still that is often the economic justification
further to the forms given in Eq. (11) for their use.
above. These are to be applied with the This fact, coupled with the growing
ACI Code value of the ¢ factor and with availability and declining cost of com-
i3 from 0 to 0.5. To predict the actual puters, suggests that a rational analysis
capacity of a cross section with 0 = 1 would be appropriate for the develop-
and /3d = 0, the expression given in Ref. ment of the magnified moments. Man-
15, p. 68, should be used. ufacturers of standardized items could
easily supply load capacity charts that
include slenderness effects, and spe-
cialized items can be quite econom-
CURVm (1 +dal ically analyzed if reliable programs are

Fig. 10. Application of strength reduction factor and load duration factor to moment-
curvature relationships. Heavily reinforced sections (A) and lightly reinforced sections (B).

piles and building members is that they concerned with the rational analysis of
are often statically determinate, or have secondary moments in prestressed
reasonably well-defined boundary con- members with known effective lengths
ditions, at least during the application of or boundary conditions.
the dead loads (when they are often
most vulnerable). Thus, one can fre-
quently apply the effective length OUTLINE OF RATIONAL
method, whether or not sidesway is pre- ANALYSIS PROCEDURE
In summary, the application of the P-A In this section, the essential steps in
methods to prestressed concrete should the rational analysis of a beam column
he made with caution, in that stiffness with known boundary conditions (Ref.
reduction may have to be considered. In 3, p. 254) are defined.
applying magnification factors, whether The external moment at any point in a
to account for both P-A moments and beam column (Fig. 11) is given by the
deformation of the member between primary moment (.M,) arising from the
joints, or only for the latter, the usual end moments and lateral loads, plus the
procedures have been found to he less secondary moment given by the axial
reliable than they are for normal rein- load times the centerline displacement:
forced concrete members. However, the M(r) = M 0 (x) + Pu
repetition associated with precast mem-
bers and their simpler boundary condi- The internal moment of resistance
tions favor the application of effective depends upon the axial load and the
length methods with computer analysis curvature, namely, the P-M-0 relation-
of magnification effects. ship. This is a complex function of the
The remainder of this paper will be material properties, including the in-


P M^ M2 P

Pv Secondary Moment

Primary Moment M.
due to M and Q

Fig. 11. Primary and secondary moments in a loaded beam column.

PCI JOURNAVMay-June 1985 97


BMax. End Eccentricity
C Column L 1 MaterialFailure)
Max End Eccentricity
Column L 2 (lnsiobility Failure)
Thrust Line .A



Fig. 12. Column deflection curves — Equal end eccentricities, single curvature.

elastic range up to failure, and the plied axial load the member can
member cross section. The curvature, in sustain.
turn, is a function of the centerline dis- In any case, the first step is the evalu-
placement and its derivatives, and, for ation of the PM-4 relationship for the
small displacements, may be approxi- given cross section and the appropriate
mated by u". Thus: material properties (having regard for
duration of loading, for example), giving
MW(x) =f the function f (P, v", material, section).
= f(P, v", material, section) for It is recommended here that the solu-
small displacements v tion of the differential equation then
For equilibrium, therefore: proceed by means of the numerical pro-
cedure set forth in Ref. 3, p. 279, or Ref.
Mea" (x) — Mw (x) 18, p. 171. Starting with the prescribed
boundary conditions at one end (usually
or displacement and moment), the re-
Mo (x) + Pv = f (P, v", material, maining condition (usually slope) is as-
section) (12) sumed, and the solution curve is evalu-
ated at successive nodes along the
The solution of this differential equa- member by assuming a circular curva-
tion is usually required in one of the ture within each short segment. The
following forms: starting slope is adjusted and the proce-
• The maximum moment in the dure repeated until the prescribed
member, given the applied lateral boundary conditions at the far end are
and axial loads. satisfied.
• The maximum axial load the mem- When the maximum sustainable axial
ber can sustain, given the applied load is the sought-for quantity, it may be
lateral loads. reached when material failure occurs in
• The maximum eccentrically ap- the extreme fibers of the cross section;







Q E D C 8 A
0 O E D, _-C^^B A






Fig. 13. Possible load paths in load-moment space leading to column deflection curves of Fig. 12.
or it may he reached because at some with loadP and eccentricity greater than
value of the load the bending moment at C. At eccentricity C, the practical col-
a point within the length of the member umn bows sharply to failure at load P
begins to increase without bound. In (unless the load is reduced as the col-
practice, this means that: umn deflects under it, to give the de-
• If there is no possibility of load scending branch of the load curve).
shedding, the member would sud- At higher eccentricity, this unstable
denly how and material failure behavior is exhibited before the load P
would occur, although the last cal- can be reached. For the column of
culable value of the moment could length L I , on the other hand, the eccen-
he well below the failure value. tricity can be increased to A, whereupon
• If there is a possibility of load the column cross section fails at Ioad P.
shedding, the axial load on the af. All the column deflection curves of
fected member would begin to de- Fig. 12 are at one value of the axial load,
crease, although deflections and and they generate one point an a load-
interior moments would continue moment interaction curve for each
to increase. length of column. Repeating the process
For this reason, the search for the for different levels of axial load com-
maximum sustainable eccentrically ap- pletes the toad-moment curves, and al-
plied load, in the basic case of equal end lows the identification of maximum end
eccentricities and single curvature, is eccentricities (or moments) for any
best conducted by the generation of sets given axial load, for the chosen column
of column deflection curves (Ref. 3, p. lengths.
273) as shown in Fig. 12. Starting at the
midheight of the column, with slope
equal to zero and moment equal to that ESTABLISHING THE
causing material failure (or with the P-M-4 RELATIONSHIP
equivalent eccentricity from the thrust
line), the column deflection curve is Turn now to a more detailed exam-
generated by integration of the differ- ination of these steps, beginning with
ential equation as indicated above (Line the calculation of the moment-curvature
A, Fig. 12). The starting moment (or ec- relationship. Strictly speaking, this de-
centricity) at the midheight of the col- pends upon the exact loading history; if
umn is then reduced in small steps, and this were known, it would be possible to
new column deflection curves (Lines B, alter the computational procedure to
C, D, E, Fig. 12) are generated. suit it. However, it is simplest to make
These curves serve for columns of any the computations as though the axial
length, as shown in the figure; the curve loads were applied and held constant
giving the greatest eccentricity at the while the moments or lateral loads are
end of the column is the governing one: increased to their total or failure values.
either it corresponds to material failure This is believed to cause no serious
at midheight (Column L,, Fig. 12) or it error. For example, as shown in Fig. 14,
corresponds to instability (Column L2, the points on a beam column loaded
Fig. 12). monotonically at constant eccentricity
If the load were to be increased at would follow Load Paths OA, OB, OC,
constant end eccentricity corresponding OD; in the calculations, they are as-
to A, B, C, D, or E in Fig. 12, the mid- sumed to follow Paths PA, PB, PC, PD,
height cross section would follow load but the final results should be unaf-
paths such as those shown in Fig. 13. fected by this. Had the actual load path
For the column of length L 2 , there is not been monotonic (either of the
simply no equilibrium configuration dashed paths), the outcome would have
a P


Fig. 14. Load paths in load-moment space.

been influenced, it is believed, in a top fiber strain are given:

minor way.
f=E1 – ( Jl 00 (14)
The following additional assumptions
are made: The stress distribution follows from
1. Sections originally plane and nor- the material law, and the load and mo-
mal to the neutral surface remain ment are given by:"
so. There is no twisting or bending
out of the plane of loading. P = A -dA = fYb
&t body (15)
2. The material laws are known and J
are not path dependent. The fibers
in the beam column will obey the M ydA = J b (16)
fA o
stress-strain laws indicated by the hY rdy
chosen uniaxial relationship.
Since the stress-strain law is generally
Given particular values of the curva- not known in functional form, the inte-
ture 0 and the ordinate of the unstrained grations must be carried out numer-
fiber yo , the strain at any point is then ically. This is easily done by dividing
defined'" by: the cross section into narrow horizontal
strips, determining the strain and hence
E = 4(w — i0 (13)
the stress at the centroid of each, and
Or, alternatively, if the curvature and evaluating and summing the contribu-

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1985 101




0 600



-300 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
MOMENT ( kips ins)

Fig. 15. Curvature contours in load- moment space.

tions of each strip to the load and mo- SOLUTION OF THE

Thus, for selected values of the cur-
vature and the ordinates of the un- Once the moment-curvature relation-
strained fiber related sets of P-M-4 val- ship for the given load has been estab-
ues can be generated. In this way, con- lished, the differential equation of
tours of equal curvature can he devel- equilibrium [Eq. (12)] is defined, albeit
oped to cover the entire load-moment numerically.
space on an interaction diagram for the
cross section, as shown in Fig. 15. If the displacement v(x) and the slope
Finally, for a selected load path such v (x) are expanded in Taylor series, one
as PA on Fig. 15 (which corresponds to obtains,'9 after truncation:
the moment increasing monotonically
v(xa + AX) = t3rxo) + a(x0)Ax
from zero at constant load P) the mo-
+ 1/24(x„)Ax 2 (17)
ment-curvature relationship can be ob-
tained by the intersections of the load a^(x 0 + 1]x) = r^(xo) + k(x0)Ox (18)
path with the curvature contours (Fig.
16). where
The next step is to solve the differ- a = v', the slope
ential equation of column equilibrium. dA= v", assumed to be the curvature




00 0.0005 0.0010 00015 0.0020 0.0025


Fig. 16. Moment-curvature relationship for monotonic moment increase at constant load
obtained from intersection of load path with curvature contours on Fig. 15.

Note that the truncation of Eqs. (17) the next station x„ + Ax.
and (18) is equivalent to assuming con- Consider the case of a beam column
stant or circular curvature between xa with a given lateral load. Suppose that
and xo + Ax0 ; therefore, it is actually the maximum possible eccentricity at a
more accurate to use 0 at xo + Ax/2 in- given load is to he determined in order to
stead of at x, on the right hand sides of find a point on the load/end moment
Eqs. (17) and (18). interaction curve in the presence of the
Now if all the quantities of interest are stated lateral load. The eccentricity at x
known or assumed at x0 , Eq. (12) can be = L is K times that at x = 0. (Other prob-
used to determine 0 at the center of the lems, such as the magnified moment for
next segment: first evaluate the moment a given lateral load, axial load, and ec-
at that point: centricity are simpler specializations of
this case.)
M= M a +PIv + aAX (19) t is to find the starting ec-
The objec
centricity (at x = 0) such that the mem-
her is just on the point of failure, either
where by instability or by material failure. This
Mo is at x0 + Ax/2 is done by first seeking an eccentricity
v and a are at xo so large that the member does fail; it is
The curvature 0 is then obtained from then reduced in steps of 10 percent until
the P-M- relationship for the given the member does not fail. This estab-
load, and Eqs. (17) and (18) are used to lishes the range of values within which
evaluate all the necessary quantities at the answer lies. This range is then ex-

FO CI JOURNAL7May-June 1985 103

Set starting
accent.. $
Set target end
accent, = K 8

;onstruCt column
deflection curve
(call TEN)

7ma9.fact. Yes Does Yes
Double start. required for column
accent. and van a 50 fail
restart count
\ 7

No 160 No

woes Print CDC

s the No Yes
column ar Max_Mom.
st trial as required.
' 10 fail
20 le
it art inp Ye9
Is ecc.=0
Increase 250
otart.ecc. I No (Starting Yea Print
Print 'Column can
by 0.9 eccent-being CDC
Reduce 150 Return. No 85 not carry
reduced by
slope this load'
by 20% Return.
\? is
Set ICO=1 Ic0=1\
Reduce starting No (Starting
accent_ byS /10 80 educed by

f 30

Reduce starting
Iccent. by 8/100

Fig. 17. Flow chart for control of boundary conditions in construction of column deflection
curves (Subroutine MSIX).


Fig. 1a. Flow chart for construction of a column deflection curve (Subroutine TEN).
See also Figs. 17 and 19.

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 105

r Mate*+al Failure

Material Failure

Material Failure
z 3(AB000IMO)

w ^p SfASTYX)
a (ASVO)


Fig. 19. Examples of construction of column deflection curves,

keyed to the flow chart of Fig. 18.

plored in steps of! percent of the initial hand end is varied until the target ec-
eccentricity until, again, the first value centricity is reached (if possible) at the
which does not cause failure is found. right hand end.
This is accepted as the answer. In Case I (Fig. 19a), the target eccen-
The process is illustrated by the flow tricity cannot he reached because mate-
chart of Fig. 17, where the node num- rial failure occurs within the span.
bers correspond to statement numbers In Case II (Fig. 19b), the eccentricity
in the program. In each step of this pro- at the right hand end reaches a maxi-
cedure, it was necessary to construct the mum short of the target, and then begins
column deflection curve for the given to reduce with increasing starting slope
eccentricities, or to determine that the (although interior deflections continue
member failed. This will he discussed to increase). This indicates instability
in the next paragraph. In the program failure.
referred to, it is performed in a subrou- In Case III (Fig. 19c), two configura-
tine labelled TEN. tions are found giving the correct target
Now turn to the problem of con- eccentricity. The one with the smaller
structing the deflection curve for a col- starting slope (and smaller midspan de-
umn with given lateral and axial loads, flection) is the stable one. The other one
where the starting and ending eccentric- represents the case where the member
ities are fixed. The aim is to vary the has snapped through and is on the de-
starting slope until the correct condi- scending load branch. Fig. 20 illustrates
tions are reached at the far end. This this case.
may not be possible because the bend- In Case IV (Fig. 19d) the starting
ing moment corresponding to failure is slope is increased in large steps for
reached at some intermediate point, or Trials 1, 2, and 3. Since Trial 3 over-
because, as the starting slope is in- shoots the target, the program returns to
creased, the eccentricity (or deflection Trial 2 and increases the slope in small
from the thrust line) at the far end ap- steps until the target is again reached
proaches the target value and then re- with Trial 5, which is accepted. Case V
cedes without reaching it. is similar to Case II, but the solution is
This indicates instability failure: no reached by a different path through the
equilibrium position exists having the flow chart.
required eccentricities. The situation is These cases will now be described in
similar to that for the column of length detail, with an indication of the path
L2 illustrated in Figs. 12 and 13. followed by the program logic. The
This problem can he handled by the reader not interested in the program
procedure outlined in the flow chart of logic may move to the end of this sec-
Fig. 18, which is seen to be fairly com- tion.
plicated. The easiest way to explain it
might be to follow through some spe- Case I (see Fig. 19a)
cific cases, which will be explained in
detail below, in conjunction with the On the first attempt, with a trial start-
flow chart. Before entering into the de- ing slope, material failure is reached at
tails, a very brief explanation of each some point in the column. The attempt
case will be given. is immediately abandoned, and the
The examples are illustrated in Fig. starting slope is reduced in small steps
19, which shows the deflected shapes of until the far end is reached without ma-
the member. For each case, the axial terial failure. The end eccentricity is
load, lateral load, and the eccentricity at then below the target value. This may
the left hand end are held constant at the indicate that the target value cannot be
given values, and the slope at the left reached because of material failure, or

PCI JOURNAIJMay -June 1985 107

the design may be on a descending target value again, when ABCF is foI-
branch of the load path; therefore, still lowed, and the result is accepted.
smaller values of the starting slope must
be tried.
The program is directed along Path Case IV (see Fig. 19d)
ABCO on Fig. 18, to make a second trial On the first trial, material failure is not
with reduced starting slope. On the sec- encountered, but the far end eccentric-
ond trial, the end eccentricity decreases, ity is below the target value (Path
Path ABCEHKL is followed, and the re- ASQO). The starting slope is increased
sult is recorded as material failure; the by a large amount and a second trial is
design is on a stable branch of the load made; the far end eccentricity increases,
path, since increased starting slope but is still below the target (ASVO). The
leads to increased end eccentricity, but starting slope is gradually increased
material failure intervenes before the until the target is exceeded (ASUO),
target end eccentricity can he reached.
when one large decrease in the starting
slope is made, whereafter it is increased
Case II (see Fig. 19b) again in small steps. Subsequent trials
follow Path ASTO until the target is
Again, after reducing the slope to
again exceeded, when Path ASTYX is
avoid material failure, the end eccen-
followed and the result is accepted as
tricity is below the target value. The
program is directed along ABCO as in
Case 1, but on the second trial with re-
duced starting slope, the end eccentric- Case V (see Fig. 19e)
ity increases (but does not reach the tar-
get), indicating that the design is on an The first two trials are as for Case IV
unstable load path; the program is di- (Paths ASQO and ASVO) but eventually,
rected along ABCEHIMO for a third before the target is reached the end ec-
trial at a further reduced starting slope. centricity begins to decrease. Path
This time the end eccentricity also re- ASWZ is followed to indicate instability
duces, indicating that the design has failure.
moved back along the stable path,
reaching the peak before the target, and Case VI
instability failure (Path ABCEHKP) oc-
curs. The first trial is as for Case IV (Path
ASQO), but on the second trial with a
Case Ill (see Fig. 19c) larger starting slope, the end eccentric-
ity decreases. This indicates that the de-
The first two trials are exactly as in sign is on an unstable load path, and
Case II (Paths ABCO and ABCEHIMO). Path ASBCO is followed and the process
On the third trial, the end eccentricity of Case II or Case III is repeated to work
again increases and exceeds the target back up this unstable load path to the
value. The unstable path has to be fol- peak and beyond, if necessary.
lowed up to the peak, and then down the Other cases can be traced through Fig.
stable branch until the target is reached. 18 in a similar way.
The program is, therefore, directed In the special but most common case
along Path ABCDGIMO for another trial of columns loaded with equal end ec-
at a still further reduced starting slope. centricities, causing single curvature
When the end eccentricity begins to de- but no lateral load, an entirely different
crease, the process is redirected along procedure is carried out as described in
ABCDCJNO, until it falls below the the previous section on the solution of


P —►

d P





Fig. 20. Load paths at ends and center of eccentrically loaded column,
leading to stable and unstable equilibrium configurations.

the differential equations, as shown in cedure, where it accounts for the influ-
Fig. 12. This set of curves allows one to ence of analytical and construction inac-
determine the magnification factor for a curacies on the Euler load and hence on
given eccentricity, or the maximum pos- the moment magnification itself. This is
sible eccentricity (whether governed by accomplished in the ACI Code method
instability or material failure) for all by, in effect, reducing the rigidity EI of
lengths ofthe column for the given load. the cross section, which is the slope of
the moment-curvature relationship.
When the moment-curvature relation-
APPLICATION OF ship has a "yield plateau," the moment
STRENGTH REDUCTION AND capacity should presumably also be re-
duced as shown in Fig. 10. It would be
LOAD DURATION FACTORS subject to variations from the same
In the ACI Code column design, the causes as the rigidity, and its value is
strength reduction factor is applied at now relevant to the moment magnifica-
two points in the calculation. It appears tion. The program is written to perform
first in the moment magnification pro- the modifications to the moment-cur-

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985 109

vature relationship indicated in Fig. 10, mal to the neutral surface remain so.
The value of may be entered, or the 7. The stress-strain laws of the mate-
ACI Code values (with the transition
rials are known and are the same in
belowP = 0.1 may be requested. bending as they are in uniaxial stress.
The strength reduction factor appears 8. The stress-strain laws reflect the
a second time when the magnified mo- duration of loading or other time effects;
ment is compared with the nominal ca- or the load duration factor /3, correctly
pacity of the member without magnifi- models the creep.
cation; the latter is reduced by the ca- 9. There is perfect bond between
pacity reduction factor. This operation is steel and concrete.
performed by the program; the value of 10. Material failure of the cross sec-
0 is entered independently of that used tion is due to the concrete reaching
in the magnification procedure. A dif- some limiting strain.
ferent value may he used if desired, or 11. The result is not significantly de-
again, the ACI Code values may be se- pendent upon the precise load path in
Iected. the load-moment space.
The load duration factor fa d is also ap- Note that Assumption 9 implies that
plied in the ACI Code magnification the prestressing tendons and other re-
procedure in such a way as to reduce the inforcement are fully developed at the
rigidity of the cross section by the in- points of high moment. The reduced ca-
verse of (1 + /3d ). This is again achieved pacity of the section in the development
in the program by stretching the curva- region of pretensioned members should
ture axis of the moment-curvature re- he considered separately.
lationship as shown in Fig. 10.

The stability analysis of frame struc-
The assumptions made in the forego- tures has been discussed. Generally, the
ing analysis have been stated as they recommended procedure involves a
were made, but they will be collected second order elastic analysis (with stiff-
together here for reference: ness modified to account for cracking) to
1. If sway is permitted, the P-A mo- determine the P-A effects due to joint
ments due to sway have been estimated translations, followed by magnification
and the effective length factor is being of moments based on braced effective
set at 1 for the effects of column center- lengths to account for centerline deflec-
line deflection; or the sway-permitted tions.
effective length factor, greater than 1, Prestressed concrete members are
has been estimated to account for both more subject to instability rather than to
P- moment and centerline deflection. material failure than are conventionally
2. If sway is not permitted, the reinforced concrete members; loss of
sway-prevented effective length factor stiffness in column members may
has been estimated or conservatively set therefore be of greater significance in
at unity. the secondary analysis for P -A effects;
3. There is no torsional buckling of and the semi-empirical moment magni-
the section. fication procedures need modification,
4. There is no local buckling of parts and are in any case less reliable.
of the section, such as the flanges. However, the large scale production
5. Deflections are small enough forv" and standardization associated with pre-
to represent curvature, so that Ely " = M. cast prestressed members suggests the
6. Sections originally plane and nor- use of computer programs for the me-
merit magnification solution; in fact, ra- order analysis for P-ti effects, remains.
tional analysis is required by codes of Further work is necessary to study the
practice for the high slenderness ratios loss of stiffness in prestressed concrete
often encountered in these members. members in the presence of axial load in
The preparation of a typical program to the inelastic range, and to develop reli-
perform this task has been discussed, able P-A analyses when individual
and is described in detail in Appendix members are subject to stability rather
B. than to material failures.
The program may be used for the ra-
tional analysis of slenderness effects in
prestressed and/or reinforced concrete ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
columns, wall panels, or piles. It is use-
ful for developing the load-moment re- This work was funded by the Natural
lationships necessary in the design pro- Sciences and Engineering Research
cess, with or without slenderness; the Council of Canada. Computing facilities
solution of particular cases or the prepa- were made available during the author's
ration of design charts for standardized sabbatical by the University of the
items may be quite easily and inexpen- Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
sively carried out. Africa. Encouragement and help have
The difficulty of establishing the ef- been received from the PCI Prestressed
fective length for the sway case or, al- Concrete Columns Committee, and
ternatively, of carrying out the second- from other members of the PCI.

NOTE: Discussion of this paper is invited. Please submit

your comments to PCI Headquarters by January 1, 1986.

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 111

1. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code 12. MacGregor, J. G., and Hage, S. E., "Sta-
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete bility Analysis and Design of Concrete
(ACI 318-83)," American Concrete In- Frames," Journal of the Structural Divi-
stitute, Detroit, Michigan, 1983. sion, ASCE, V. 103, No, ST10, Proceed-
2. MacGregor, J. G., "Stability of Multi- ings Paper 13280, October 1977, pp.
Story Concrete Buildings," ASCE- 1953-1970.
IABSE Conference on Tall Buildings, 13. Nixon, D., Beaulieu, D., and Adams,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, SoA-Rep 23-3 P. F., "Simplified Second-Order Frame
Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, Analysis," Canadian Journal of Civil
V. III, 1972, pp. 517-536. Engineering, V. 2, No, 4, December
3. Galambos, T. V., Structural Members 1975, pp. 602-605.
and Frames, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engle- 14. Rosenhlueth, E., "Slenderness Effects in
wood Cliffs, N.J., 1968. Buildings,"Journal of the Structural Di-
4. Wood, B. R., Beaulieu, D., and Adams, vision, ASCE, V. 91, No. STI, February
P. F., "Column Design by P Delta 1965, pp. 229-252.
Method,"Journal of the Structural Divi- 15. Nathan, N. D., "Slenderness of Pre-
sion, ASCE, V. 102, No. ST2, Proceed- stressed Concrete Columns," PCI
ings Paper 11936, February 1976, pp. JOURNAL, V. 28, No. 2, March-April
411-427. 1983, pp. 50-77.
5. Lai, S.-M. A., and MacGregor, J. G., 16. Gere, J. M., and Weaver, W., Analysis of
"Geometric Non-Linearities in On- Framed Structures, Van Nostrand, Co.
braced Multi-Story Frames," journal of Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1965, pp.
the Structural Division, ASCE, V. 109, 428-431.
No. ST11, November 1983, pp. 2528- 17. Ghali, A., and Neville, A. M., Structural
2545, Analysis, Chapman and Hall, London,
6. Lai, S.-M. A., MacGregor, J. C., and 1977, Chapter 15.
Hellesland, J., "Geometric Non-Lin- 18. Timoshenko, S. P., and Gere, J. M.,
earities in Nonsway Frames,"Jou rn al of Theory of Elastic Stability, Second Edi-
the Structural Division, ASCE, V. 109, tion, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y.,
No. ST12, December 1983, pp. 2770-85. 1961.
7. Kavanagh, T. C., "Effective Length of 19. Nathan, N. D., "Slenderness of Pre-
Framed Columns," Transactions, ASCE, stressed Concrete Beam-Columns," PCI
V. 127 (1962), Part I1. pp. 81-101. JOURNAL, V. 17, No. 6, November-De-
8. Bleich, F., Buckling Strength of Metal cember 1972, pp. 45-57.
Structures, Engineering Society Mono- 20. Salmons, J. R., and McLaughlin, D. G.,
graph, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., "Design Charts for Proportioning Rec-
1952. tangular Prestressed Concrete Col-
9. Johnston, B. G. (Editor), Guide to Stabil- umns," PCI JOURNAL, V. 27, No. 1,
ity Design Criteria for Metal Structures, January-February 1982, pp. 120-143.
3rd Edition, Column Research Council, 21. Wang, P. T., Shah, S. P., and Naaman,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, A. E., "Stress-Strain Curves of Normal
N.Y., 1976. and Lightweight Concrete in Compres-
10. ACI Committee 318, "Commentary on sion," PCI JOURNAL, V. 75, No. 11,
Building Code Requirements for Rein- November 1978, pp. 603-611.
forced Concrete (ACI 318-83)," Ameri- 22. Busch, H., "Researches Towards a Gen-
can Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michi- eral Flexural Theory for Structural Con-
gan, 1983. crete," ACI Journal, V. 32, No. 1, July
11. Chu, K. H., and Chow, H. L., "Effective 1960, pp. 1-28.
Column Length in Unsymmetrical 23. Sheppard, David A,, "Seismic Design of
Frames," Publication, International As- Prestressed Concrete Pilings," PCI
sociation of Bridge and Structural Engi- JOURNAL, V.28, No. 2, March-April
neering (IABSE), V. 29-1, 1969. 1983, pp. 29-49.

A = cross section area yb = ordinate of bottom fiber
h = width of cross section at ordinate yi = ordinate of top fiber
Y a = slope of column deflection curve
C. = modifier to magnification factor a = angle between imaginary brac-
for unequal end eccentricities ing and horizontal
E = Young's modulus /3 – ratio of maximum factored dead
E, = E of concrete load moment to maximum Eac-
h = story height tored total load moment (always
H = lateral force positive); the load duration fac-
1, = moment of inertia of concrete tor
cross section y = flexibility factor[see Eq. (3)]
k = effective length factor S = magnification factor
K = lateral stiffness of frame 8y = magnification factor (braced
L = unbraced length case)
M = moment 8, = magnification factor (sway case)
M. = primary moment 8 = first trial value of starting eccen-
= larger factored end moment tricity
(braced case) A = deflection of joint normal to axis
b12a = larger factored end moment of beam column
(sway case) Dl = A calculated by first order analy-
fi, = magnified column moment sis
MI. = external moment ^ = A including secondary effects
M,,,, = internal moment e = strain
P = axial load E, = strain in top fibers
Pa = maximum pure axial load 7) = factor used in calculation of P,
P, = critical load [Eq. (11)]
P5 = Euler load B = factor used in calculation of P,
P. = ultimate load [Eq. (11)]
r = radius of gyration K = ratio of eccentricity at bottom to
V = transverse deflection of member eccentricity at top
centerline A = factor used in calculation of P,
x = distance along member center- [Eq. (11)1
line o• = stress
y = ordinate of point in cross section th = curvature
yo = ordinate of unstrained fiber (h = strength reduction factor

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985 113

What follows is a detailed description ment due to lateral loads may have any
of a computer program to perform the shape; it is entered by means of its tenth
analysis described in the paper. It was point values.
written by an unsophisticated pro- For given values of F, e, K, and pri-
grammer with the intention of making it mary moment, the maximum value of
easy to understand and to modify rather the magnified moment within the span
than to make it efficient from a compu- can be computed; or, while the other pa-
tational viewpoint; running costs are rameters are held constant, the eccen-
generally not a large factor. Because it tricity e can be increased until failure.
was intended to be used for research Failure may be due to material failure
purposes, the program as presented here at some interior section where the mag-
is capable of handling a variety of cases nified moment reaches the short column
and all the computed curves are gener- capacity, as for the load P, applied at ec-
ated from an extremely dense array of centricity e,, or due to instability, as for
points. the load P z applied at eccentricity e2
For practical purposes, the scope (Fig. BI). The output will indicate
could be more limited and the arrays which has occurred.
could be reduced in size, It is hoped that By entering several loads and gener-
the processes of familiarization, adapta- ating several points such as A,, A E , one
tion, and modification have been made can develop the line through them,
as easy as possible. The assumptions which is an interaction curve of load P
and theories used are as set forth in the versus end moment Pe for a given slen-
paper. derness ratio.
Equations referred to by number in The program can also be used merely
this Appendix are those in the paper. A to compute the short column interaction
listing of the FORTRAN source program curve for complex cross sections, or the
is available at cost of reproduction from moment-curvature relationships at
PCI Headquarters. given loads. In this mode it generates
design information such as that given by
Salmons and McLaughlin, 20 for any
Capabilities shape of member with any arrangement
The problem to be solved is illus- of reinforcement and prestressing ten-
trated in Fig. BI. The cross section may dons. Length effects can be included by
have any polygonal shape (or any curved running the whole program.
shape which can be adequately approx-
imated by a polygon) with any arrange- General Procedure
ment of prestressing tendons and/or
nonprestressed reinforcing bars. The behavior of the section as the
The axial load P can be applied at any strain is uniformly increased to failure is
eccentricity e at one end, and at any ec- first established. This is the load-mo-
centricity Ke at the other. Note that K ment relationship at zero curvature; it
may he positive, negative, or zero. Ini- may lie along the zero moment load axis,
tial crookedness in the shape of a sine but only for symmetrically reinforced
curve is provided for: the amplitude sections (Fig. B2). In fact, it is the mo-
must be supplied by the user. Camber ment necessary to remove the camber
due to prestress is automatically ac- due to prestress in the presence of the
counted for. The primary bending mo- given axial load.




--f - e



Fig. B1. Definition of the problem to be solved.

Then the load-moment curve for the boundary conditions by a numerical

short column corresponding to the max- procedure.
imum concrete strain is calculated, to- Each of these steps is performed in a
gether with the associated curvatures separate subroutine named MONE,
(Fig. B2). These values are used to de- MTWO, MTHREE, etc., which are
termine the range of curvatures and called by a short control program. Vari-
moments which will be encountered ous arithmetic procedures which are re-
with the particular section under inves- peatedly used by these main subrou-
tigation. tines are executed in another set of sub-
A set of intermediate curvatures is routines named ONE, TWO, etc. The
then selected and contours of equal cur- results are printed out by a set of rou-
vature are calculated, covering the en- tines named WRITE1, WRITE2, etc.,
tire feasible area of the load-moment any of which can be suppressed if only
diagram. For each of the desired loads, specified data are required. The input
values of moment and curvature are ob- data, from Subroutine INPUT, are
tained from the intersection of the load shared by the main subroutines in com-
coordinate with these contours, estab- mon statements, but the computed vaI-
lishing the moment-curvature relation- ues are generally transferred in the
ship for that load (Figs. 15, 16 of the calling statements for the subroutines.
main part of the paper). All input data referring to the material
This moment-curvature relationship laws are grouped in a separate common
is then used to obtain the column de- statement.
flection curve for the given load and Detailed descriptions will now be

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1985 115

10001 000047-
= 00008

n_ ^I
Y 7
^ }I

/ \0= o.00ie8
o UI
of may, (up to such 30 points)


^¢ m = 0.007to

0 4600

MOMENT C hips ins)

Fig. B2. Short column load-moment relationship with curvatures on boundary

of load-moment space, for the section of Fig. B3.

given of each of these routines, illus- documentation; this section will provide
trated by means of the actual output a general description of the options
from the section of Fig, B3. open to the user.
The coordinates of the concrete cross
section are entered with respect to a set
MAIN Program of axes set up so that the neutral axis will
The principal variable names are he parallel to the x-axis. The origin
listed in comment statements. The sub- should be set outside the section, so that
routines to carry out the steps described the entire section lies in the first (posi-
above are called in turn, each followed tive) quadrant. Any polygonal shape
by the appropriate output routine. Pro- may he entered, with up to 20 sides.
vision is made for stopping after gener- Thus a circular section can be approxi-
ation of the short column data, or after mated by a twenty-sided polygon, if re-
the moment-curvature relationships. quired.
Any of the output segments may also he Data for material laws will be dis-
suppressed. cussed below. Arrays are dimensioned
for up to 20 nonprestressed bars which
may have different areas and coordi-
INPUT nates. (Since plane sections are assumed
Details may be found in the program to remain plane and the neutral axis is to

5 270

rn N

0 o
0 0001 0.002 0.003 -0.004 0 0.004 0 0.02 0.04

e . - 0"

3-#t3 k N
4-112°0 strands


Fig. B3. Illustrative example: double tee used as loadbearing wall unit.

be parallel to the x-axis, the x-coordinate primary bending moment must be en-
of bars is actually immaterial, and bars tered for each length by giving the val-
with a common y-coordinate might well ues at the tenth points and the two ends.
be lumped together.) At present, these The amplitude of the initial crookedness
bars must all have the same material (assumed to be a sine curve) must be
law. entered for each length, if desired.
Up to 20 prestressing tendons can be
included, with different areas, cen-
troids, and prestress forces. The pre-
stress can be entered in the form of a This is a subroutine to determine the
stress, a force, or a strain, corresponding area and centroid of the concrete sec-
to zero strain in the surrounding con- tion, and the maximum load. The load-
crete, i.e., the value of stress, strain, or moment relationship for zero curvature
force must be that existing after all is also computed; this will be a straight
losses except elastic shortening. Again, line coinciding with the load axis on the
x-coordinates are immaterial and ten- Ioad-moment diagram for symmetric
dons with equal q-coordinates can be sections. But, if the reinforcement is not
lumped; and, again, all tendons must symmetrically placed with respect to the
have the same material law. plastic centroid,* it may be a curving
Up to 20 axial loads may be investi- line. The data generated by this subrou-
gated; they may be entered as absolute
values or as ratios of the maximum axial "The centmid of forces when a uniform strain corre-
load. Up to 20 column lengths can be sponding to the peak concrete stress is applied to
studied. If there is lateral loading, the the entire cross section.

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985 117

tine are not necessary for the final result, anced load and moment is also deter-
but they are used in the program for se- mined. If 0„, > 2 0', the interval be-
lecting other parameters. tween 0' and 4 m is divided into 10 parts
The area and centroid of the concrete and the interval between 0 and 0' is di-
are calculated in Subroutine FIVE, and vided into 20 parts. If ¢„, -- 2 ', the
the prestressing is converted to strain if interval from 0 to 0,,, is divided into 30
it was given in some other form. The parts. These divisions define the cur-
strain in the concrete is then uniformly vature values for which contours will be
increased in 30 steps from zero to fail- developed; the procedure is found to
ure, while compatibility is maintained give a reasonable coverage of the load-
with the steel elements. The load and moment diagram (see Fig. B2). For
moment corresponding to each step are practical purposes, the number of con-
calculated, defining 30 points on the tours could be greatly reduced.
load-moment-zero curvature relation- A contour of equal curvature is then
ship (see Fig. B2). generated for each of these curvatures.
The extreme fiber strain is set equal to
the failure value for the concrete, and
MTWO the neutral axis depth is set to give the
This is a subroutine to determine the desired curvature (curvature = extreme
load-moment-curvature interaction fiber strain/neutral axis depth). Subse-
curve for the nominal load capacity of quently, the neutral axis depth is de-
the short column. creased in steps of 'loo of the member
The depth of the section is calculated depth, while the curvature is kept con-
and divided into 30 parts. The neutral stant. For each neutral axis depth the
axis is then placed at each of these posi- force and moment arising from the con-
tions in turn, with the extreme fiber crete stresses are calculated by Subrou-
strain of the concrete set to equal the tine THREE.
value defined as failure. The total force The compatible strains and hence the
and moment resulting from stresses on stresses in the steel elements are then
the concrete section are calculated in computed, and their contributions are
Subroutine THREE, using Eqs. (15) and added to the load and moment values.
(16). Thus, up to 30 pairs of values of load and
The compatible strains in the steel moment are computed to define each of
elements are computed, and the corre- 30 contours of equal curvature. See Fig.
sponding stresses, from Subroutine SIX, 15 of the paper. The number of pairs of
used to obtain the forces which are in- values could also he reduced for practi-
cluded in the total force and moment. cal purposes.
The curvature is calculated by dividing
the failure strain in the concrete by the MFOUR
neutral axis depth [Eq. (13)]. See Fig.
B2. This is a subroutine to develop mo-
ment-curvature relationships for the
given loads. For each of the curvature
MTHREE contours obtained in MTHREE, a value
This is a subroutine to calculate con- of moment is interpolated (by means of
tours of equal curvature covering the Subroutine SEVEN) at each of the given
load-moment diagram. loads. On the zero curvature relation-
The curvature cam at zero load is ex- ship, the value of moment at zero cur-
tracted from the data generated by vature for the given load is interpolated,
MTWO; this is the maximum curvature. and the maximum moment and the cor-
The value of curvature 0' at the bal- responding curvature are obtained by

Fig. B4. Interpolation for curvature as a function of moment.

interpolation on the short column re- lation is made only on the ascending
lationships. Thus up to 32 pairs of values branch and the maximum moment rep-
of moment and curvature are obtained resents failure.
for each load, defining the moment-cur- Occasionally, for example with I-
vature relationship for that load. shaped sections where tension is al-
Generally, the moment increases lowed in the concrete and there is very
monotonically with curvature up to fail- little reinforcement, there may be a local
ure, or up to some maximum, whereafter maximum moment before the overall
there is a steadily descending branch to maximum is reached. This also is shown
material failure (see Fig. B4). When in- on Fig. B4. In that case, to avoid prob-
terpolation is made to find the curvature lems with the interpolation routine, the
for a given moment, the interpolation curve is smoothed by removal of the
routines automatically reject the de- first, local maximum, as shown in Fig.
scending branch of the curve; interpo- B4. This is slightly conservative, but is

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985 119

believed to deviate very Iittle from the moment and therefore deflection are re-
true final result. duced by a small amount chosen by the
If there is to be reverse curvature (i.e., user (the default value is 0.05 times the
if the end eccentricities are such as to maximum moment) and another column
produce double curvature) the mo- deflection curve is generated. The pro-
ment-curvature relationship must be cess is repeated until the end deflection
extended into the negative range. If the is decreasing for all lengths; the maxi-
cross section is symmetric about an x- mum end deflection is the required
axis, the extended portion of the curve is value; the end eccentricity to cause fail-
merely the mirror image of the portion ure. If it was obtained from the first col-
already calculated. Subroutine NINE is umn deflection curve, which started
used to carry out this operation. with the maximum moment at mid-
If the cross section is not symmetric height, it represents material failure; if it
about an x-axis, Subroutine EIGHT is was obtained from a subsequent curve
used to reverse all the coordinates (i.e., with lower midheight moment, it repre-
to turn the section upside down, as it sents instability failure.
were) and the complete process, in-
volving Routines MTWO, MTHREE,
and MFOUR, is repeated. Subroutine
EIGHT is again used to merge the posi- This routine develops the column de-
tive and negative moment-curvature flection curves for the more general case
relationships. in which the end eccentricities are not
equal and there is applied lateral load.
In contrast to MFIVE, each length case
must he handled separately, since the
This routine deals with the special column deflection curves are con-
case where there is no lateral load but structed from the end rather than from
equal end eccentricities, and the maxi- the midheight, as described in the paper
mum eccentricity is required at given under "solution of the differential
load levels. equation."
The procedure consists of starting at The segment length is first adjusted if
midheight of the column, with the max- necessary so that there will he an exact
imum possible moment at that point. number of segments. Then the starting
This maximum moment is obtained from slope and deflection (or eccentricity) are
the high point on the moment-curvature selected. The problem is to determine
relationship for the given load. At the the order of magnitude of slope and de-
midheight point, the starting slope is flection appropriate to the column under
zero, and the deflection (measured from study, since these may vary widely from
the thrust line) is given by the starting case to case.
moment divided by the load. The approximate initial slope of the
The column deflection curve is now moment-curvature relationship is de-
constructed using Eqs. (17), (18), and termined by dividing the fifth positive
(19). This process is continued, as de- value of the moment by the corre-
scribed in the paper, until a complete sponding curvature. This gives the ini-
quarter wave of the column deflection tial EI value. Now, the slope at the end
curve has been generated, or until the of a simply supported beam carrying a
half lengths of all the columns to be in- uniform load is ML2I(3EI), where M is
vestigated have been exceeded. The the maximum moment.
end deflections of all the columns are Therefore, the order of magnitude of
noted. (See Fig. 12 in the paper.) the slope in a given column is expected
Returning to midheight, the starting to be:

5EI In the numerical integration of
where stresses over the concrete area, the latter
M, = maximum moment capacity of is divided into narrow strips parallel to
cross section the neutral axis, and this subroutine is
EI = initial value of El as determined used to define the extent of such a strip.
above (A constant stress will then be assumed
The first starting value of the slope is over each strip.)
set equal to a. Given the coordinates of the apices of
The initial eccentricity is set equal to: a polygon, and the y-coordinates defin-
ing the upper and lower boundaries of
the intersecting strip, the subroutine
& = M,–M"
P will determine the coordinates of the
sub-polygon which lies within the strip.
where Mp is the maximum value of the (If the whole of the original area lies
primary moment. within the strip, the original corner co-
Increments of the starting eccentricity ordinates will he returned.)
are first set to 8/10, and then to 8/100 for The end points of each side of the
given polygon are examined in turn; it is
fine adjustments. If the program is being
used to find the magnification factor for established whether the side being ex-
amined lies wholly outside or wholly in-
a given eccentricity, of course, the initial
value is set to that quantity and no in- side the intersecting strip, or whether it
is entering or leaving that space. Sub-
crementation is required.
The procedure to be followed from routine TWO is then used to evaluate
the coordinates of the point where a line
this point requires the establishment of
actually crosses one of the strip bound-
a starting eccentricity which will lead to
aries. The comers of the new sub-poly-
failure. Thus, with the initial value set to
gon consist of these points together with
S as defined above, a column deflection
the original ones which lay within the
curve is calculated by the Subroutine
If the column does not fail, subse-
quent trials are made with 26, 46, etc., TWO
until failure is achieved. The starting This short subroutine determines the
value is then reduced in steps of 8110 coordinates of the point at which a given
until failure does not occur. At that stage line crosses a line of constant y.
the last step is retraced, with the initial
eccentricity now being reduced in steps
of E/100, until failure again does not
occur; this last trial is taken to give the This subroutine is used to integrate
configuration of the column which is the concrete stresses to give the total
"just safe." force and moment. The coordinates of
The starting slope is set to a, as de- the corners of the concrete area and the
fined above, when TEN is called for the y-coordinate of the neutral axis are
first time. After that, it is left equal to the given. The strain distribution is implic-
value returned from TEN, except when itly given, either in the form of the ex-
the last step in eccentricity is about to be treme fiber strain or as the curvature
retraced, when it is reduced by 20 per- (equal to the extreme fiber strain di-
cent. vided by the neutral axis depth). The
Fig. 17 of the paper shows the partial areas above and below the neutral axis
flow chart for MSIX. are each divided into 20 strips of equal

PCI JOURNAL1May-June 1985 121

depth, parallel to the neutral axis. (If the by pairs of points entered with the
material law for the concrete is from 1 to input. It is assumed that there is no ten-
4, it is assumed that tension is not al- sile stress. The routine is intended to
lowed and the area below the neutral represent concrete.
axis is not considered.) MAT2 represents the stress-strain law
Each of the 40 strips is considered in of concrete in the functional form:
turn; the coordinates of the comers are
found using ONE, and the area and _ 2 1 E/Ea j f
centroid of each strip are found using ^C I + (/)2
FIVE, The material law is then used in
SIX to determine the stress at the cen- where
troid and the force in the strip (assuming f,' = cylinder strength
it is uniformly stressed) and its moment E = strain
about Y = 0 are calculated. Eo = strain at peak stress
Again, it is assumed that there is no
FOUR tensile stress.
MATS contains stored pairs of stress-
This is a short subroutine to deter- strain values representing points on an
mine the biggest and smallest of a list of experimental curve taken from the liter-
numbers. It is used, for example, in ature.El It is entered with the peak stress
finding the overall depth of a cross sec- and the corresponding strain for the case
tion. being considered, and the stored values
of stress and strain are scaled up or
FIVE down to pass through this point. The
current stress or strain is found by inter-
This is a subroutine to find the area polation. This curve seems more appro-
and centroid of a polygon with n apices priate for very high concrete strengths
defined by coordinates x and y. They are (about 7 ksi).
given by:
MAT4 gives the stress-strain law in
the functional form proposed in Ref. 21,
Area = 1 1 y j (xc+^ – x_1)
1=1 MATS is similar to MATT. It is in-
tended for steel, and tension may he
Moment of area (about y = 0) permitted.
MATE is a bilinear stress-strain curve
lk fY3 (x1 +, – Z) (J 1 + yt +t Ya + y ) for the elastic/perfectly plastic case. It is
intended for mild steel, and the Young's
The apices are taken in cyclic order in modulus and yield stress must be en-
either direction. tered with the data.
MATT is similar to MAT5. It is in-
SIX tended for prestressing steel.
This redirects the program to the ap- MATS contains stored pairs of stress-
propriate subroutine for the assumed strain values for a typical seven-wire
material law, which is defined by the strand with f,. = 270 ksi. If it is entered
parameter MATLAW. The routines with a value off,,, other than 270, all the
MATT, MAT2, etc., then determine the stress values are scaled up or down ap-
stress corresponding to the given strain propriately.
or vice versa. (The sought-for quantity is MAT9 uses the bilinear stress-strain
set to zero in the calling program.) law defined in the British Code of Prac-
MAT! interpolates in a curve defined tice CP110 for steel reinforcement. It

must be entered with the yield stress in sections. The previously generated pos-
M Pa. itive branch of the moment-curvature
MATI.O is similar to MATT, with ten- relationship is stored in a temporary lo-
sion allowed. It is intended for use with cation and the section is then inverted.
concrete where MAT5 and MATT are All the relevant coordinates are trans-
used for mild and prestressed steel. formed to read from a new origin on the
MATH is similar to MATS, using a opposite side of the neutral axis. The
curve taken from Ref. 22. It appears to program then returns to calculate a new
be more appropriate for the usual con- moment-curvature relation, which will
crete strengths, up to 5 or 6 ksi. be the negative branch.
Other stress-strain laws can easily be
entered as MATH, MAT12, etc. NINE
This subroutine merges the positive
SEVEN and negative branches of the moment-
This subroutine contains a linear in- curvature relationships when double
terpolation procedure which is used re- curvature is present. In the unsymmet-
peatedly throughout the computations ric case, both branches have been cal-
for finding values of stress in terms of culated, and it is a matter of retrieving
strain, curvature in terms of moment, the positive branch from temporary stor-
etc. Cubic interpolation has been used age and of merging the two. In the sym-
for research purposes, but the difference metric case, the negative branch is con-
in the end result appears to be neglible. structed as the mirror image of the posi-
Several points defining the relation- tive branch.
ship between x and y are given. The
routine first investigates the relation-
ship to determine the range over which
The column deflection curve for the
it is single valued in y, i.e., the number
general case is computed here, when
of points for which x is increasing; the
this subroutine is called by MSIX. The
remaining points are discarded (see Fig.
B4). starting eccentricity (Deflection
DEFL(I) measured from the thrust line)
The position of the point i for which y
and the target eccentricity at the other
is desired is determined. y is calculated
end, as well as the starting slope for the
by linear interpolation. If z lies outside
first trial, are given by MSIX. The object
the range of x, the value of is linearly
is to vary the starting slope until the
extrapolated from the last two points and
target eccentricity at the other end is
a message is printed to that effect. If $
has a value that cannot be reached by x,
such as C on Fig. B4, the value of y cor-This may not be possible because the
bending moment corresponding to faiI-
responding to the nearest valid x value,
ure is reached at some intermediate
such as that at B, is given, and an appro-
point, or because, as the starting slope is
priate message is printed. This may in-
varied, the eccentricity at the far end
dicate a serious error, or it may only be
that the round off error has led to theapproaches and then recedes from the
value of i (NN) being slightly overes-target value without reaching it. This
timated. signifies instability failure.
Starting with the values obtained from
MSIX, the column deflection curve is
EIGHT computed node by node as described
This subroutine is used when double for MFIVE, except that the bending
curvature is present in unsymmetrical moment now contains a contribution

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1985 123

from the primary moment, obtained by present. If the end deflection is greater
interpolation. than the target, the starting slope is
The starting slope is increased in gradually reduced until the target is
steps of a/10 (after an initial reduction, if reached from above, indicating a stable
required, because of material failure equilibrium configuration.
within the span) until the end deflection If, during the construction of a column
exceeds the target value. The sub- deflection curve, the moment at an
routine then retreats to the previous interior node reaches the maximum
starting slope and increases it in steps of value, corresponding to material failure,
a/100 until the end deflection again ex- there is an immediate return to the start,
ceeds the starting value. This is taken to with the starting slope reduced by
he the correct value. x1100. This is repeated until the end is
If the end deflection approaches the reached without attaining the failure
target and then recedes without reach- moment. If the end deflection is then
ing it, while the starting slope is con- below the target value, it means the
tinuously increased, this signifies insta- target cannot be reached, and material
bility failure, If the end deflection im- failure is present unless this was the first
mediately begins to decrease as the trial. In that case, the member may be
starting slope is increased, this means in a post-buckling configuration, and
the member is in an unstable configura- this must be tested by reducing the
tion, representing post-buckling be- starting slope still further by a/100, to
havior; the starting slope is then con- investigate the trend in the end deflec-
tinuously reduced by x1100 until the tion as described above.
end deflection begins to reduce also. If, The flow chart of Fig. 18 and Fig. 19
at this stage, the end deflection is less of the paper, and the accompanying dis-
than the target, instability failure is cussion, illustrate these points.

NOTE: A detailed listing and documentation of the

computer program are available at cost of
reproduction from PCI Headquarters.

In this section five numerical exam- Input
ples are given to show the application of All units are in kips and inches.
the computer program. 1972 Santa Fe Pomeroy 16 in, Pile Test (Title)

131111010 Program control

EXAMPLE 1 0.0 Controls on length intervals
Ref. 23 gives the results of several to be used in calculation, etc.
tests in which prestressed concrete piles — default values called for
4 No. of comers to concrete section
were put under axial load and then
loaded laterally to failure. The test
16.0 x-coordinates of corners
shown in Fig. C1 was used as an exam- 16.0
ple. The program is used to analytically 0.0
check the stability of one of the piles 0.0
tested and compare the results with the 0.0 y-coordinates of corners
experimental values. 16.0


Experimental result'
15 Failing lateral load = 15K
at deflection = 7.6'

Comp uted result:

0_j 14 Failing lateral load =I3.95K
of deflection = 2.24'
W 13

N 2
16'50. PiI ^' ll- 7/16 ,A 270 K strands
W3.5 Spiral (f, =6200psi
at time o1 test)
ps =0.002
P=15Kat failure
600K K

0 I 2 3

Fig. C1. Example 1. 1972 Santa Fe Pomeroy 16 in. pile test from Ref. 23.

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985 125

16.0 Output
2 Concrete stress-strain law
8.2 Cylinder strength of concrete The deflected shape of the member
0.002 Strain at peak stress plus the bending moments are printed
0.003 Strain at failure out.
0 No. of reinforcing bars
6 No. of prestressing tendons
0.115 Results
0.230 Areas of strands - One The results are shown on Fig. Cl.
0.230 strand plus five pairs
0.230 with equal y-coordinates Failure was reached at a lateral load of
0.230 13.95 kips due to instability. The de-
o ,3o flection in the preceding step (13.90
2.5 kips) was 2.24 in. The experimental re-
3.373 sults gave failure at 15 kips and 7.8 in.
5.715 y-coordinates of strands However, this would indicate a midspan
8,783 moment of:
M - (600)(7.8)/12 + (15)(43.17)14
2 Control indicating prestress is = 552 kip-ft
to be given as stress at zero This moment seems well beyond the
concrete strain, i.e., after all capacity of the cross section, so it is
losses except elastic shortening,
146.6 probable that failure occurred at a lower
146.6 deflection, the actual value of which
146.6 would have been difficult to measure as
146.6 Prestress the member became unstable.
Use of Formulas
8 Stress-strain law for prestressing
270.0 Ultimate stress of prestressing To compute the actual strength of this
strand member, without 0 or f3,, factors, the ex-
1 No. of axial loads
pressions ofRef, 15, p. 68 would have to
600.0 Axial load
5 Nn. of
be used, They are found to give X = 1.5,
8 =
0 .0 Length 7.59, and maximum lateral load 4
0.0 kips. The unmodified ACI Code formula
259.0 would give P,, = 415 kips < 600 kips.
518.0 Primary bending moment at tenth
777.0 points for lateral load of 10 kips.
1036.0 These will be increased in steps EXAMPLE 2
1295.0 to failure.
1036.0 The load-moment relationships for six
777.0 lengths and ten load values were corn-
518.0 puted for the double tee section of Fig.
259.0 B3, with equal end eccentricities and no
0.0 lateral load. The input was similar to
0.0 Amplitude of initial crookedness that of Example 1, with different num-
0.0 Eccentricity at starting end hers in the program control card for the
0.0 Ratio of eccentricity at far end to
equal end eccentricity, failure load
that at starting end
1.0 Strength reduction factor in case.
slenderness effects The ACI Code strength reduction
1.0 Strength reduction factor on final factor was used both in calculating slen-
results derness effects and in reducing the short
0.0 Loading duration factor,8, column capacity. The ratio )9 d was set at



Double Tee of Fiq,B3
250 Load Duration factor Rid-0-2
- Enter with factored load and
tp IN cV factored primary moment = Pe
Coservati m
for wind loadmoment
200 a ^D fi ^
d to



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
(DM n (kipsft)

Fig. C2. Example 2, Design curve for double tee of Fig. B3. ACI strength reduction
factors and load duration factor (3 d = 0.2. Strands are assumed fully developed
at points of high moment.

0.2. Fig, C2 shows the results in a form EXAMPLE 3

that might be provided by a precast
manufacturer. The figure is a design Make the stability calculations for the
chart for this member, similar to those column of Fig. C3; try the section shown
given in Ref. 20, but including length in that figure.
effects. Total factored load = 100 kips
The chart is entered with the factored Eccentricity at starting end (bottom) =
loads and the factored primary moment:
20 kip ft x 12 = 2.4 in.
the interaction lines for the stated
lengths define the safe values. If the 100 kips
primary moment arose from a parabolic Eccentricity at far end (top) = 0
wind load moment diagram instead of a Lateral load = 0
constant Fe moment diagram, the results Strength reduction factor: ACI Code
would be somewhat conservative. value

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985 127

D.L. = 65 kips (Factored)
LL. = 35 kips (Factored

L.L.M0M =13 kips ft (Factored)
D.L.MOM.= 7kipsft (Factored?

4 j:• —_ -
270 ksi ^n ^,


Column braced against sway 0.5 0 30 20 10 0

(ins) (kips ft )

Fig. C3. Example 3. Braced prestressed concrete column.

Sustained load factor 13 d = 7/20 = 0.35 simple yet safe. A penalty must be paid
Effective length factor = 1 for the use of simplified calculations.
The data are entered as for Example 1, (Hence, the need for more accurate ra-
and the column is found able to sustain tional analyses as advocated herein.)
the load with a maximum moment of In this case, Eq. (11) indicates a
21.4 kip-ft. larger, 15 in. square section. (With
The deflected shape and moment dia- higher load duration factor Fa d the ap-
gram are shown in Fig. C3. The column proximate procedure becomes still more
is apparently able to carry the factored conservative.) Then:
loads with a substantial margin, but re- P,, = 1087 kips
peating the calculations with increasing P = 100 kips
load indicates that instability occurs as PIP,= 0.092
shown in Fig. C4, L/r=96
r^=2.5+ 1.6/(P/P.) = 19.9
B = 271(Llr) – 0.05 = 0.231
Use of Formulas
A = 4.60
A formula that covers the full range of El = E, I, A(I + $d ) = 3000000 kip-in!
section properties, slenderness values, P, = 159 kips
and load durations must necessarily be 0 = 0.75
conservative in most cases, if it is to he C,,, = 0.6






0 20 40 60 80 100
0 M n (kips ft }

Flg. C4. Column of Example 3: proximity of instability failure belies appearance of

excessive safety at magnified factored moment.

8 = C m /1 – PLOP, = 3.72 impending failure in instability as

M = 20(3.72) = 74.4 kip-in. shown on Fig. C4.
This moment is satisfactory for the 15 The problem arises from the fact that a
in. square section, but it is clear that this linear model is used to describe nonlin-
calculation greatly exaggerates the mag- ear behavior as discussed below Eq.
nification of the moment. However, this (11), and as considered in detail in Ref.
discrepancy is intentional, reflecting the 15, in reference to Fig. 14 of that paper.

PCI JOUANAUMay-June 1985 129

EXAMPLE 4 • Design Loads:
Case 1. U = 1.4D + 1.7L
Make the stability calculations for the
P = 32.5 kips
portal frame of Fig. C5, using the section
No wind loads
of Fig. C3, with modified strand layout
Case 2, U = 0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L +
as indicated in Fig. C5.
Dead load on roof = 539 lbsllin. ft
P = 24.4 kips
Live load on roof = 320 lbs/lin. ft W = 204 plf (pressure)
163.2 plf (suction)
Loads on walls: Case 3. U = 0.9D + 1.3W
P1) = 25(0.539) = 13.48 kips/panel P = 12.13 kips
PL = 25(0.320) = 8 kips/panel W = 208 plf (pressure)
166.4 plf (suction)
The two walls cantilever from the
Clearly, Case 2 governs.
base, with the roof forming a pinned Suppose that, under Case 2 loads, the
strut between them, carrying the com-
moment of inertia of the section will be
pression necessary to equalize the de reduced by cracking to one-half of the
flections. Length changes in the roof
initial value: say 1440 in .4 (This is the
unit could be included but will be as-
difficult part of this analysis; it should
sumed to be zero here, for clarity. be done iteratively, with the assumed
• Primary Analysis at Service Loads: value being confirmed by calculation
after the secondary moments are found.)
Let compression in roof member =
F lbs • Primary Analysis at Design Loads:
4 ± FL Equate deflections at tops of walls
Deflection at roof level = -L (Use E = 4000 ksi, I = 1440
(Use E = 4000 ksi, I = 2872 in.') 204L 4 FL 3 = 163.2L 4 + FL3
Equate deflections at tops of walls: 8EI 3EI 8EI 3EI
160L' FL 3 128L 4 FL3 F = 183.6 lbs
8EI 3EI 8EI 3E1
_ 204L4 _ 183.6L-'
F = 1441bs ' 8EI 3EI
_ 160L 4 _ 144L3 = 2.28 in.
• Secondary Analysis at Design Loads:
= 0.90 in.
• Secondary Analysis at Service Holding force H = IPA,
HoldingforceH = IPA` 31EI
= 0.27 in.
_ EP_,L 2

6EI A = Y.PA :L2

= 0.05 in.
= 0.03 in.
No further iterations are necessary:
3 = 0.95 in. Accept: A = 2.58 in.

8 DT 16 2" Normal WT.

Bearing plates
centered on centroid
of section


Wind load 7 20 psf ( pressure )

16 psi ( suction)

Live load on roof = 40 psf

BDT12 wolls with 4-l/2 '4 strands
d - 2 = 10'
Otherwise as FIG. B2 . I = 2872

Fig. C5. Example 4. Portal frame with unbraced double tee cantilever wall units.

Moment at base of wall = Alternative Solution to Example 4

(0.204)(24)2 12 – (0.184)(24) + Using Program
(24 .4)(2.58)/12 The problem can be solved entirely
= 59.6 kip-ft by means of the computer program.
Moment capacity of section 4M at The load P is assumed to act vertically
d?P„ = 24.4 kips, assuming strands are through the centroid of the concrete
fully developed at the point of maximum section at the top. At the bottom, it is set
moment, is calculated to be 63.3 kip-ft. to some trial eccentricity. The data are
then entered as for Example 1, with the
• Moment Magnification primary moment due to the wind load
It would ordinarily be necessary to and the calculated compression in the
account for additional moments due to roof member.
departure of the column from the line The bottom is used as the starting end,
joining the ends. This would he done by and the slope there is examined. Exam-
applying the moment magnification ination of the curvature contours from
factor to the braced effective length, or the first run of the program shows that
by rational analysis, with the primary the member is cambered, with curvature
plus P- moments. However, in the case at zero moment equal to 0.000032. It
of a cantilever column, the maximum follows easily that the camber is 0.33 in.
moment is obviously at the base and this and the slope at the base of the unit
is not necessary. would depart by 0.0046 from the verti-

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985 131




677 —


< 500




0 500 1000 f500


Fig. C6. Design data generated for Example 5. 1fi in. square column with
no length effects.

cal, if the unit were erected with the top sumed to act in the roof unit, to 50 lbs
of the section vertically above the bot- tension. The required balance is then
tom. The base eccentricity is varied in obtained, with tip deflections equal to
subsequent runs until this slope is 2.20 in., and the maximum base mo-
achieved. ments equal to 64.4 kip-ft (windward)
When the process is repeated for the and 50.3 kip-ft (leeward).
leeward side, it is found that the tip de- It should he recalled that the manual
flections are not equal. This necessitates P-A calculation above depended upon
a change in the compression force as- the value adopted for the moment of in-

ertia of the cracked section, which EXAMPLE 5
should have been calculated and cor-
rected after the first trial_ Thus, the ap- A square prestressed concrete column
parent agreement is in part fortuitous, is to he designed using the following
and in part due to the fact that the axial data:
load is relatively small. P,, = 550 kips f, = 270 ksi
Note that this problem could usually M,, = 875 kip-in. J, = 154.9 ksi
be solved quite simply by using the ef- f, = 6 ksi =0.7
fective length concept: by doubling the The minimum cover to the center of
prestressing steel is 2 in.
column length to include the mirror
image below the foundation, with the This is Example 1 from Ref. 20, p. 138.
axial load concentrically applied. The As in that reference, a 16 in. square trial
P-A effects would emerge naturally from section was selected. The solution was
such a calculation. obtained by running the program only as
The difficulty in this case arose from far as the ultimate strength interaction
the unsymmetric section with the con- curve, since no length effects are in-
sequent camber in the unloaded state. volved.
This means the mirror image column of Fig. C6 was obtained after a few min-
effective length 2L, would have had a utes spent coding and running the pro-
slope discontinuity at midheight. Al- gram. As will be seen, it was concluded
though manual calculations can ignore that the column was safe with four 3-in.
the camber, there does not appear to be diameter strands, giving a steel area of
any way of avoiding it in the more exact 0.34 in. ! At the given eccentricity, a load
calculations. of 677 kips could be safely carried, with
a moment of 1083 kip-in. These are ex-
actly the results obtained in Ref. 20.
Note that the functional form used for
Use of Formulas
the concrete stress-strain curve in Ref.
Again, with use of the unbraced ef- 20 was not included in the program;
fective length of 2L, moment magnifi- nine points on the curve were calculated
cation formulas should lead to the P-A and entered, giving this result.
moment. However, the L/r ratio for this Slenderness effects could have been
member is 576/3.16 = 182, which is out- included by running the whole program.
side the range of applicability of any The design curves of Fig. C6 would
such formula. Thus, in this case, rational then include length effects, as do those
analysis of some form is mandatory. of Example 2 (Fig. C2).

Metric (Si) Conversion Factors

i It = 0.305 rn 1 kip = 4.446 kN
1in.=25.4mm 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa
1 in.2 = 645.2 mm2 1 kip-in. = 113 N-m
1 in .4 = 416231 mm" 1 kip-ft = 1356 N-m
1 lb = 4.448 N 1 psf = 0.0479 kPa

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 133

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