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Just another school day Just another school day

The alarm clock rings. Peter opens one eye. Then he Peter closes both eyes and yawns again. The alarm clock
closes the eye again and opens the other. He yawns and goes on ringing. Peter puts his pillow over his head.
“Switch off the alarm, stupid!” he hears his sister shout
from her room.

1 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 2

Just another school day Just another school day

His sister opens the door with a bang and bursts into his “You silly little girl!” Peter shouts and tries to catch his
room. She has a water pistol in her hands! Before Peter sister, but he stumbles over his blanket.
can get out of bed, she has soaked his pyjama jacket.
She locks the door to her room before her brother can get
her. Peter bangs on the door. He hits it with fists and kicks
it. And he shouts out in anger.

3 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 4

Just another school day Just another school day

But suddenly he is quiet. His mother seizes him by his left Peter eats his corn-flakes and at the same time tries to
ear. “Are you completely out of mind? Why are you kick Nancy under the table, but his mother notices it.
shouting like this? And what about you, Nancy? Get
“Peter, stop it!” she says.
yourselves dressed and come into the kitchen for
breakfast both of you!” “Oh come on Mum, Nancy started it. Do you know what
she did this morning?”
Dad is on a business trip the whole week and their mother
has taken a few days off from the office, but she has a lot “No – and I don't want to. Eat your corn-flakes and then
of work to do at home. brush your teeth. You have only 10 minutes to get ready
or you will miss the school bus.”
5 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 6
Just another school day Just another school day

It is raining. Peter is standing out in the rain waiting for Peter's school day starts with main lesson – the current
the bus. period is mathematics. That is not so bad, but after the 10
o'clock break, comes German and, today, they will be
It is raining, in his hurry he has forgotten his rain coat and
writing a dictation for which Peter has forgotten to learn
now the bus is late!
and practice.
His mood is even worse than before.
Herr Schmidt, their German teacher, is a very strict man.
He will not accept any excuses.

7 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 8

Just another school day Just another school day

During the break Nancy teases Peter. She follows him So now Peter is sitting on his chair in the classroom, pen in
wherever he goes and tries to kiss him. And she calls after hand, listening to his teacher's voice. “Frühstück.
him all the time: “Peter, oh my sweet brother!” All his Spaziergang. Schreibtisch.” Schmidt's voice is loud and
class mates are already laughing at him, even his best clear, but that is no help for Peter. He looks at the paper
friend Joe Hardings. This is so annoying that Peter locks on his desk. There is only his name and the date written
himself in the toilet and stays there until the school bell on it so far. “What does 'Schreibtisch' mean? And how do
rings again. you spell it?” Peter has absolutely no idea! He writes
“shribe tish = ?” without much hope of getting any points
What a great place to spend your break time!
for it. He promises to himself that he will practice more for
the next dictation. He will start this very afternoon!
9 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha (
Just another school day Just another school day

The next lesson is far better: Eurythmy. At least you get no Sports is the final lesson. The sports ground is wet and
homework and you don't have to learn for it. Mr muddy but the gym is a building site. It is getting new
Rosenburgh, their teacher, is not even angry with him windows and a new floor. At least it is not raining
because he has forgotten his eurythmy shoes again. anymore. And their teacher, Mrs Miller, has a very good
day: She allows them to play football the whole time. This
Peter likes eurythmy, but that it is something he dare not
is great fun, although Peter's team looses 3 : 6.
tell his class mates.
Afterwards they are all covered with mud.

11 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 12

Just another school day Just another school day

In the changing rooms, Peter must hurry again, because it The door is already closed and the bus is rolling from the
is so late. car park, but the driver is a kind man, also named Peter,
and he stops the bus and lets the boy on. Nancy is already
But luckily he gets the bus at the last second.
on the bus, but, fortunately for Peter, she is talking with
her girl-friends, so she leaves him alone.

On the journey home, Peter talks with the other Peter, the
bus driver.

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Just another school day Just another school day

Back home, Peter has to set the table, because lunch is Fortunately, Peter does not have much homework to do,
ready. “Oh Mom, Nancy never has to set the table, that is especially because he decides not to start learning for the
unfair!” he complains, but his mother is in no mood to next German dictation today. “There are three weeks left
discuss with him. “Peter, shut up!” is all she answers. to do this, so why should I start on a sunny afternoon like
Nancy is pulling faces at him, but he just ignores her this this?” he thinks. He phones his friend Joe and they agree
time. to meet at half past three in front of the supermarket to
go swimming in the public indoor swimming pool. He
After lunch they have ice-cream for dessert, and so
hastily finishes his homework, packs his swimming trunks
everything is fine again.
and a towel and says goodbye to his mother. She tells him
to be back at half past six.
15 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha (
Just another school day Just another school day

Joe is already there when Peter arrives on his bicycle. They do not need money to get into the swimming pool
Together, they first decide to buy some sweets in the because they have a monthly ticket.
supermarket and then to go swimming. So they end up
In the water there are already some children they know,
spending all their money on chocolate and chewing gum.
so it is great fun! But Peter forgets the time and has to
hurry so as not to be late – he can hardly say cheerio to

17 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 18

Just another school day Just another school day

Peter arrives home at exactly half past six and throws his After supper they have to get ready for bed. Mother reads
bicycle into the garage with a bang before entering the a story to Nancy, but Peter reads one of his favourite
house. It is Nancy's turn to set the table for supper, so books, Jules Verne's “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”
Peter can now be the one to pull faces at her. until he has to switch off the light.

19 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 20

“Just another school day“ – Vocabulary

page 1 business trip - Geschäftsreise to follow - folgen, verfolgen

alarm clock - Wecker the whole week - die ganze Woche wherever - wo immer
to ring - klingeln to take a few days off - sich ein paar Tage frei nehmen to call after s. o. - jemandem nachrufen
to yawn - gähnen office - Büro class mates - Klassenkameraden
to switch off sth. - etwas ausschalten already - schon
to shout - rufen page 6 to laugh at s. o. - jemanden auslachen

to notice - bemerken even - sogar

to know - wissen to annoy - ärgerlich, nervig

page 2
to brush one's teeth - sich die Zähne putzen to stay - bleiben
to go on - weitergehen, fortsetzen
to get ready - fertig werden school bell - Schulglocke
to put - setzen, stellen, legen
to miss - verpassen to spend - verbringen, ausgeben
pillow - Kissen
break time - Pausenzeit

page 3 page 7
hurry - Eile page 10
a bang - ein Knall
to forgot - vergessen pen - Stift, Füller
to burst into - hineinplatzen
rain coat - Regenmantel to listen - zuhören
to soak - durchnässen, einweichen
to be late - spät sein / kommen voice - Stimme

mood - Stimmung desk - Schreibtisch

page 4
worse - schlechter to mean - bedeuten
to try - versuchen
to spell - buchstabieren
to catch - fangen
hope - Hoffnung
to stumble - stolpern page 8
to promise - versprechen
blanket - Bettdecke main lesson - Hauptunterricht
himself - sich (selbst)
to lock - verschließen lesson - Unterrichtsstunde
afternoon - Nachmittag
to bang - schlagen current - gegenwärtig
to hit - schlagen break - Pause, Bruch
to learn - lernen page 11
fist - Faust
to practise - üben far better - viel besser
to kick - treten
strict - streng at least - zumindest
anger - Wut, Zorn
to accept - akzeptieren, annehmen to be angry with s. o. - auf jemanden böse sein

excuses - Entschuldigungen to dare - wagen

page 5
to tell - erzählen, mitteilen
suddenly - plötzlich
quiet - leise page 9
during - während page 12
to seize - fassen, greifen
break - Pause the final lesson - die letzte Stunde
to be out of mind - verrückt sein
to tease s.o. - jemanden ärgern the sports ground - der Sportplatz

21 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 22

“Just another school day“ – Vocabulary

wet - feucht page 15 page 17

muddy - schlammig back home - zu Hause zurück to arrive - ankommen
the gym - die Turnhalle to set the table - den Tisch decken bycicle - Fahrrad
a building site - eine Baustelle lunch - Mittagessen together - zusammen
to allow - erlauben never - nie to buy - kaufen
the whole time - die ganze Zeit to complain - beschweren sweets - Süßigkeiten
to loose - verlieren to be in no mood - nicht in der Stimmung sein to spend - (Zeit) verbringen, (Geld)
to be covered with mud - mit Schlamm bedeckt sein ausgeben
to discuss - diskutieren
to shut up - den Mund halten
page 13 to answer - antworten page 18
the changing room - die Umkleidekabine to pull faces - Grimassen schneiden to need - brauchen
must - müssen to ignore - ignorieren to get into - hineinkommen
to hurry - (sich) beeilen this time - dieses Mal because - weil
late - spät dessert - Nachtisch a monthly ticket - Monatskarte
luckily - glücklicherweise already - schon
to get - bekommen page 16 to know - wissen, kennen
great fun - großer Spaß
especially - besonders
hardly - kaum
page 14 to decide - entscheiden
cheerio - Tschüs
the car park - Parkplatz sunny - sonnig
driver - Fahrer to think - denken
kind - freundlich to phone - telefonieren, anrufen page 19
to let s. o. on the bus - jdn. in den Bus lassen to agree - vereinbaren exactly - genau
fortunately - glücklicherweise to meet - treffen to throw - werfen
to talk - unterhalten public indoor swimming pool - Hallenbad to enter - eintreten
to leave s. o. alone - jemanden in Ruhe lassen hastily - hastig it is Nancy's turn - Nancy ist an der Reihe
journey - Reise, Fahrt to finish - beenden supper - Abendessen
on the journey home - auf dem Heimweg to pack - packen
swimming trunks - Badehose page 20
a towel - ein Handtuch to get ready - fertig werden
to switch off - ausschalten

23 text & illustration: Alexander Piecha ( 24

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