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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement to Obtain

Strata One ( S1) Degree








1.1 Background of The Research

Beauty standards have been a major issue for many years now. women have

been willing to change their bodies over and over to please themselves and others.

Beauty standards are a form of social construction made and approved by a group of a

society. According to the news article from The Beacon (2018), beauty standard is the

socially created perception that physical appearance is one of women's most essential

attributes, and something all women should aspire to achieve and preserve. The

standard of beauty is essentially a variable standard of what it means to be attractive

that is contingent on the feminine beauty ideals that are present in a given culture.

American beauty standards have strict expectations of physical attractiveness.

The rules of beauty have changed throughout human history. In the U.S, Beauty

standards have body type characteristics and fashion trends that classify a person as

conventionally attractive in the eyes of the masses. Women will be considered

attractive if they have certain criteria. Having a proportional body and will make it

easier for them in everyday life. American standards of beauty have changed

significantly over the years. Pale skin than tanning, curvy skin rather than thin skin,

bathing is a choice, not a social norm. Today's society is not much different from the

past, and the way the media portrays men and women has now become the standard of

normal beauty in the 21st century. American people are very diverse and what is

acceptable to gender, age or race differs from person to person. More specifically,
American women share complaints regarding the unrealistic beauty standards that are

set by the media and society

Patraichal enviromental strenghten that women and beauty are an identical unit.

Beauty as a feminine trait has actually been deeply rooted in a wider and culturally

programmed social system. Every day women are convinced by beauty myths that

increasingly plunge women into the abyss of worshiping beauty. Men and women are

starting to embrace their imperfections and take control of how beauty is defined The

discourse of beauty will continuously strive to redefine what is called the ideal of

beauty, where the parties who have this interest are the producers of beauty

products.Modern beauty trends set a tall, slender and slender body, have a dense

buttocks and chest, white skin, a sharp nose, thin cheeks, rosy lips, and black or shiny

hair and so on. According to Gallagher and Hebert (2007), cosmetics companies

promise women an outcome and suggest an ideal way of looking. Voluminous

eyelashes, moisturising lip colour, natural looking face powder and age defying

creams all become part of an ideology of beauty. This ideology works by transforming

an ideal beauty into a timeless and universal standard towards which ‘ideal women’

should strive . As an advantage and a necessity, beauty products or skincare are an

endless field to be explored or developed. Beauty standards are heralded through

media such as online media or offline media for example packaged in beauty product


The discourse of beauty and femininity cannot be separated from the

construction of a patriarchal culture. They give power to men on the one hand to give

recognition to women's femininity, and on the other hand women to always seek

recognition of their femininity from men.The process of socialisation is embedded in

patriarchal values, where beauty is emphasised for girls, while independence and
adventure are emphasised for boys.(Leoto,2014) The standard of beauty created in

western culture is the formation of patriarchal culture. the patriarchs created a standard

of beauty that could make women feel insecure about themselves. the rise of cosmetics

and beauty tools circulating manipulate beauty standards themselves.“Physical

attractiveness is a major asset in sexual exchange and is associated with upward

economic mobility in particular for females, and we also know that it brings

substantial economic gains in the labor market” (Mulford et al. 1998; 1,566). Women

are put under monstrous strain to look preferable delighful. Cosmetics has turned into

an essential piece of many woman lives since it allows them the opportunity to change

or rather to improve their looks and create confidence. It should be noticed that the

very notices that case to open each lady's magnificence impart the thought that ladies

are some way or another intrinsically defective without magnificence improving items.

This subtext prompts body disappointment and subsequently low confidence in

numerous ladies and features by and by the ongoing fight for control of ladies' bodies.

Although there have been a lot of movements and changing seen. In fact, the

beuaty standard issue seems to be yet unsuccessfully overcome until now. Beauty

standards are still a matter of debate for many social world. The proof is that many

women in various parts of the world feel insecure. they think they are not attractive

enough. this insecurity makes a lot of changes in themselves. starting from erratic

emotions and withdrawing from the surrounding environment.According to

Hendriques and Patnaik (2020) Body image refers to a person’s perception of their

physical self and the thoughts and feelings, positive, negative or both, which result

from that perception. women often feel uncomfortable with their bodies due to social

pressures and societal perceptions. The beauty standard that is created comes from the

mindset of the patriarchal society that suppresses society, especially women.

The issue about beauty standard depicted in te novel Reasons to be Pretty

(2008). The novel revealed the life of a young women who become the victim of

beauty standard in America social life. The bad mocking comes from this american

women’s society that makes her underpressured.

Playwright Neil LaBute wrote a series of plays known as the Beauty Plays, dark

comedies that address our society’s obsession with body image and appearance. Each

play confirms the notion that people do extreme things in the name of beauty. This

play begins with the life story of a young American girl named Stephanie. Stephanie is

a girl who looks ordinary and unattractive. His life is so monotonous and often gets

pressure from the surrounding environment regarding appearance. She has a boyfriend

named Greg. This pressure comes from the environment and friends. Society is

preoccupied with this notion. The characters are four working class individuals, living

in working class neighborhoods, who are settled in their lives; they would not be on a

magazine cover for their beauty. Physical problems and an unattractive way of

dressing are the main problems that make Steph depressed and tend to be emotional.

She has a boyfriend named Greg. Greg who refers to the new woman at work as

“pretty” and to his own girlfriend Steph as “regular.” Using these labels ultimately

damages their relationship and creates major life changes for the characters involved.

Steph always felt insecure when meeting people. This pressure comes from the

environment and friends. Physical problems and an unattractive way of dressing are

the main problems that make Steph depressed and tend to be emotional.

There is a thesis that is related to the play Reasons to Be Pretty (2008) by Neil

La Bute that found by reseacher. That is Ugliness of gorgeousness: an exploration of

the obsession of beauty in Neil LaBute 's "Reasons to be Pretty " (2012) written by

Asedo Wilson. This thesis focus on the obsession of the society aboutt beuaty. This
thesis also revealed about the society coments about the level and gorgeousness of

someone in american culture.

1.2 Focus Of The Problem

In the analysis of drama Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil La Bute the researcher

will outline two focuses. That is How does a women becomes the victim of standard

beauty that created by the American Culture and how does the impact of beuaty

satndard as revealed by the drama.

1.3 Reseach Question

1. How does a women becomes the victim of standard beauty that created by the

American Culture as revealead by drama Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil La Bute (2008)

2.. How does the bad impact of the beuaty standard as revealed by Reasons to be

Pretty by Neil La Bute (2008)

1.4 Purpose of The Research

This reseach aimed to outline two problems. How does a women becomes the

victim of standard beauty that created by the American Culture and how does the bad

impact of beuaty standard as revealed by the drama.

1.5 Conceptual Framework

Beuaty Standard Created by Patriachy

Discrimination Oppresion


2.1 Review of Related Literature

2.1.1Feminist literary theory.

Throughout history, the main focus of feminism has been inequality between men

and women in each society. After the French philosopher Charles Fourier coined the

term "feminism" since the early 19th century Since 1837, feminism has evolved into

theory, what is now known as feminist literary criticism. It is a literary criticism like

any other literary criticism, but the point of view is feminism. when Applying feminist

literary criticism to the text allows you to discover the stories of women supported by

Her personality, theme, etc. Through this particular literary criticism, one can

deconstructing the way female characters and texts portray them. Over it, we can

apply what you know today about the history of feminism Modern society and its

social role when the text is written.

Feminist literary criticism helps us see literature from a different perspective. It

applies feminist philosophy and perspective on the literature we read. There are

different types of feminists literary theory. Some theorists are studying the languages

and symbols used, and their languages and usages. The symbol is "gender-specific".

Others remind us to analyze how men and women write differently and have different

genders. The author influences the way literature is written. Many feminist critics look

down on characters, especially women The character is portrayed and the writer will

be asked to consider how the female character's portrayal "strengthens or weakens"..

Feminist literary theory also suggests that the gender of the reader often influences our

response to text. For example, feminist critics may argue that certain male writers
speak to their readers as if they were them.Like feminism itself, feminist literary

theory requires the reader to consider the relationship between men and women and

their relatives role in the society . Society is often unequal and reflects the ideology of

a particular patriarch. These unequal relationships are diverse methods of literary

production and literary texts. Feminist theorists encourage us to pay extra attention to

the patterns of thoughts, actions, values and powers in these relationships. As a social

movement, feminist criticism highlights the various ways women, in particular, have been

oppressed, suppressed, and repressed. It asks new questions of old texts. It develops and

uncovers a female tradition in writing. It analyzes women writers and their works from female

perspectives” (Copeland 184-186). Feminist theory is a bridge for readers to focus on the

differences in male and female characters in a literary work. With this theory the

reader can find out whether women are used as objects or actually have more power in

a literary work. Feminists themselves have the concept of equality between men and

women themselves. In feminist literary works, it will be seen the misalignment of

positions between women and men in a literary work

Patriarchy is one of the key concepts of feminist literary criticism. Feminists, it is

a social authority, at the heart of social organizations, managing property, playing a

leading role in moral authority and political leadership, women and children with a

male family .Historically, patriarchy has evolved in political, social, economic, and

legal organizations of many different cultures. It also refers to the system of male

domination and female subordination. According to Guo (2018) The patriarchal

ideology also can be called masculinist or androcentric which is prevailing in most

great classical literary writings that were mainly created by male for male up to now.

In these works, male writers usually describe female characters, neglecting female

their own characteristics but using the male values and ways of thinking, emotion and
action. The great influence of patriarchy in modern times can be seen in the drama

Reasons to be Pretty. Men are very dominating, including in terms of appearance and

lifestyle. men tend to discriminate against women who do not follow their own

standards of beauty. The patriarchs control the mass media by showing the standard of

beauty itself so that women who do not have these qualifications are discriminated

against in the community and are considered not to meet existing beauty standards. it

affects the lives of many women in the west

2.1.2 Beauty Standard Defintion

Beauty standard is the socially created perception that physical appearance is one

of women's most essential attributes, and something all women should aspire to achieve

and preserve.According to article from Bradley University (2021) ideal beauty

bombarding us daily, it is easy to forget that standards of beauty are arbitrary and they

vary greatly both from one culture to another and over time.Such variations in ideals of

beauty often reflect the roles women and men are expected to fulfill in a given society.

Beauty standards change over time. Beauty standards are determined by the culture in

which we live. According to article from Bradley University (2021) Consider some

recent changes in the US. In the 1960s and 70s, beauty ideals for women shifted from

the mature curvaceous body of stars such as Marilyn Monroe to the stick-thin, flat-

chested figure epitomized by supermodels such as Twiggy or Kate Moss. American

culture tends to set beauty standards like magazine models. It is from these magazines

and social media that women will imitate and be influenced that the standard of beauty

is absolute as shown.

Beuaty standard came and created by Capitalist that leads by patriachy roles.

According to Povey (2021) Beauty standards have always been extremely prevalent
throughout human history, and today they drastically affect everyday interaction, the

media, and the commercial world. They determine what is “beautiful”, from body

shape, to facial proportions, to height and weight. Extending from racism, to capitalism,

to media, beuaty standard has ended up a way for individuals to lose organization to a

social framework. Indeed whereas excellence items are promoted as individualism,

they truly aren’t, and are basically beneficial to those with capital or

social control. Beuaty Standard  is in a odd valley between a truth of science and a

social develop, which is why canceling the concept is greatly troublesome,

or indeed incomprehensible.

a. Discrimination

Gender discrimination is a common violation of civil rights in many forms,

including sexual harassment, discrimination during pregnancy, and unequal wages for

women who do the same job as men.Because of gender stereotypes women are often

less valued in our society. Girls and women most suffer from the negative effects of

strict gender norms and roles, are most likely to experience restricted freedom and

mobility, experience epidemic levels of violence and harassment around the world, and

how they live. There are fewer choices about their life. Objectification occurs when

treated as a commodity or thing, regardless of personality or dignity. This often happens

with media where women are airbrushed in Photoshop. As a result, women's looks are

much more emphasized and valued than other skills. This affects the girl's body image,

self-esteem, and ultimately the value she puts on herself. Body dissatisfaction can have

harmful emotional, psychological and physiological effects. During adolescence, girls

appear to be more vulnerable than boys) to the negative psychological health effects of

stress; they present significantly higher levels of adaptation, depressive symptomatology

and eating disorders ( Reut,2015) The discrimination women get from the surrounding
environment is not only through physical violence or sexual violence. women are also

discriminated against in terms of appearance and body shape. women who are

considered not to meet the existing beauty standards are women who fail. this makes

women tend to be depressed and feel isolated.

According to Better Health Chanel article (2020) Body image issues affect

people of all ages, genders and across all cultures. Recent research suggests that 80% of

Australian women are dissatisfied with their bodies to some degree. A negative body

image can lead to dieting and disordered eating behaviours. Self-body image can

likewise influence women proactive tasks. Feeling unsure or awkward with appearance

or body size or shape can prompt ladies staying away from actual work. This can be on

the grounds that they feel that being dynamic or participating specifically exercises

opens their body to the public eye. On the other hand, a lady may overexercise or take

part in an unreasonable measure of active work to get thinner or change their body

shape. A solid relationship with actual work implies participating in standard actual

work that is centered around keeping up with or working on actual wellness, and is an

action that is fun and pleasant. Attempt to zero in on the advantages of actual work for

physical, mental and social wellbeing, instead of for weight control or changing body

size or shape.

b. Oppression

Dismantling gender oppression against women and girl will focus on the

different issues they face in the present society. As stated by Webster, gender abuse

and discrimination is unjust or cruel exercose of authority of power. oppression that

occurs against women does not only occur in the form of physical violence, but also in

the form of mental oppression. Women get this vile thing through the environment in
which they live and the people around them. This oppression has existed from old

generations. Oppression that really hurts women's mentality, one of which is the

comparison of physical form and the need to follow the developing trend . According

to Napikoski (2020) Oppression is the inequitable use of authority, law, or physical

force to prevent others from being free or equal. Oppression is a type of injustice. The

verb oppress can mean to keep someone down in a social sense. It can also mean to

mentally burden someone, such as with the psychological weight of an oppressive


Mental oppression is a part of subordination to women. women's mentality tends

to be suppressed indirectly by the mindset of western society which places that women

must be beautiful, have straight hair, white and tall. The stigma circulating in the

community has indirectly suppressed the right of women to appear or dress according

to their comfort. The emergence of feelings of being rejected and feeling alienated is

one form of this mental subordination. The issue of violence against women is

considered a grave violation of human rights that occurs across race, age, culture, and

religion worldwide. It includes any act or conduct that may cause death or physical,

psychological, or sexual harm to women whether in the public or private sphere that is

done solely based on gender.(Sarridiene,2018) The issue of viciousness against

women has been talked about, discussed, campaigned, and battled for in late many

years and much research on the occurrence, detailing, and ramifications of such

brutality against ladies has likewise been directedin numerous districts and nations.

These deliberate dissident endeavors prompted the primary statement that perceived

the needto give women the freedoms to balance, security, freedom, uprightness, and

nobility of every single person. Indeed, even with suchworldwide endeavors, and

regardless of the presence of regulations that rebuff men who execute savagery against
women, theissue keeps on continuing around the world. Scholastics subsequently

consider it significant to decide the fundamental causes andinspirations for such

egregious demonstrations to tackle the issue at its foundations.

2.2 Previous Study

There is a thesis that is related to the play Reasons to Be Pretty (2008) by Neil

La Bute that found by reseacher. That is Ugliness of gorgeousness: an exploration

of the obsession of beauty in Neil LaBute 's "Reasons to be Pretty " (2012) written

by Asedo Wilson. This thesis focus on the obsession of the society aboutt beauty.

This thesis also revealed about the society coments about the level and

gorgeousness of someone in american culture.

In this thesis also discussed about how the setting and plot of the drama. The

author analyzes the problem in this thesis based on these two elements. the writer

analyzes per act of the drama. The author brings out meaning through per character

analysis to find social judgment according to the case raised by the author.

Unlike the relevant study above, The Bad Impacts of Beuaty Stadard in

American Culture in Reasons to be Pretty by Neil La Bute (2008) focused on the

bad impact of beuaty standard that arises in the society life of the women

characters. The analysis firstly outline with the way the society supress the women

about physical appereance. The second is the impact of the standard beuaty that

related to the women character in the drama.



3.1 Data and Source of Data

In this research, the data will be collected from the drama Reasosn to be Pretty

(2008) in following procedures:

1. Reading the drama Reasons to be Pretty (2008) by Neil La Bute

2. Sorting and collecting the data related to the issue of bad impact beauty

standard in Reasons to be Pretty (2008) by Neil La Bute

3. Identifying the data related to the issue of bad impact of beuaty standard

experienced by the character in Reasons to be Pretty (2008) by Neil La


3.2. Technique of Data Analysis

The data is analyzed based on beuaty standard in America seen from feminism

perspective. In feminism literary theory,beuaty standard comes from society that is

ruled by the patriachy. The elements of drama that is used The drama is analyzed

based on character and plot of the story. Related to the data collected and the data will

be analyzed based on Feminist literary theory. Through this concept, it can be seen

that bad impacts of beuaty standards has two impacts;Discrimination and Oppression.
From these impacts, researcher can show sequences of event beauty standard issue of

characte that occurs in the drama Reasons to be Pretty (2008) by Neil La Bute.


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