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Tugas Kelompok

1. Zansisco Rogabe Hamonangan Pardosi (12022100376)

2. Vony Ananda Manurung (2240500200001350)
3. Valina Annisa Zaila (2240500200000047)
4. Yosefhine Br Saragih (12022200189)

Task 2

-Then role play the various conversations with

your friend or your lecturer to using some

equipment in laboratory.

Zansisco : hi valina vony same class huh?

Valina : hello zan

Vony : Yes with yosefine too

Yosefhine : Hi guys nice to meet you

Valina : Nice too meet you too

Vony : come on we can sit together

Yosefhine : oke of course

Vony : Can you put your bag under the table Val?

Valina : Okey

Yosefhine : This is an interesting lesson right

Zansisco : Yes I really curios about how the lesson turns out in lab

Valina : I know right

Vony : Guys, would you like to share your jurnal for me please?

Yosefhine : Yes why not

Valina : In this page they say to use an Erlenmeyer flask

Zansisco : Yes The Erlenmeyer flask is in the cupboard behind vony.

Don’t you mind to take it for us von?
Vony : Here it is.

Zansisco : Okey thank you so much

Vony : I Don’t mind

Valina : We need some beaker glass. Shall i bring it to here?

Yosefhine : Yes, If you need I will help you

Valina : It sounds great

Zansisco : While they go why don't we get started.

Vony : Okey I will start using my gloves

Valina : Here it is guys

Zansisco : Okey thank you so much

Yosefhine : Don’t mention it

Vony : My phone is ringing. Can you check it for me guys? because

i already use my gloves

Valina : I take it for you. It just a scam don't bother it

Vony : Okey Thank you so much

Zansisco : Guys would you like to help me stiring this solution my

hand is getting numb

Yosefhine : I will do it for you

Valina : Can you do it slowly Yos? because it's spilled everywhere

Yosefhine : Oh I'm so sorry

Vony : Could I wiping it with tissue

Zansisco : No it's toxic don't use tissue

Vony : Oh my bad. Would you like to ask the lecturer?

Zansisco : Okey I will go for it. Mr. Febri said he will do it for us in a

Valina : It's sounds good

Yosefhine : Yeah we are safe now

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