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business culture

modal verbs

management styles

getting the best out of people

business cultures

hard decisions
Ex. 1 → Revision spot. Listed below are some words you learned in the
previous units. Make sure you remember the words and translate them into

x to show initiative x to be self-employed

x an innovative approach x to treat sb with caution
x a Fortune 500 company x to be reluctant to talk
x assertiveness training x a new product launch

Ex. 2 → Which of these statements do you agree with? Explain your reasons.


1. know when your birthday is.

2. know where you are and what you're doing at all times during working
3. not criticize or praise.
4. not interfere in disagreements between members of staff.
5. not ask people to do things they're not prepared to do themselves.
6. be available at all times to give staff advice and support.
7. keep their distance from staff and not get involved in socialising outside
8. use polite language at all times.
9. work longer hours than their staff.
10. comment on the personal appearance of their staff.
[8, 100]

Ex. 3 → What is the role of a manager? Choose your top three roles from the

x coach/motivator x leader
x organiser x instigator
x mediator x mentor
x facilitator x dictator
x problem-solver x decision-maker

Ex. 4 → Complete column 2 of the table with opposite meanings. Use the
prefixes in-, ir-, un-, il- or dis-. Then complete column 3 with the noun forms.

Adjective Opposite Noun

considerate inconsiderate consideration


Ex. 5 → Match these pairs of contrasting management styles.

1. autocratic a) collaborative
2. centralising b) controlling
3. directive c) delegating
4. empowering d) democratic
5. hands-on e) people-orientated
6. task-orientated f) laissez-faire

Can you think what these management styles imply?

Ex. 6 → Discus the following questions.

1. Do men and women bring different qualities to business?

2. Decide whether you think the following management qualities more typical of
men, more typical of women or shared by both.

9 Being able to take the initiative.

9 Being a good listener.
9 Staying calm under pressure.
9 Being prepared to calculate risks
9 Being conscientious and thorough.
9 Having good communication skills.
9 Being energetic and assertive.
9 Getting the best out of people.
9 Being independent and authoritative.
9 Being supportive towards colleagues.
9 Being able to delegate.
9 Motivating by example.
9 Having a co-operative approach.
9 Being single-minded and determined.
9 Being a good time-manager.

3. Does your choice indicate a male or female-oriented view of management

4. Is it a fairly balanced or rather biased?
5. Which of these qualities do you think you possess yourself?
[1, 95]


Ex. 7 → Match each word with its correct definition.

1. executive adj a. сценарий, рецепт, план (достижения цели)

2. to fold b. примирение, умиротворение
3. a blueprint for sth c. умеющий хорошо выражать свои мысли
4. consensus d. руководящий (о должности)
5. conciliation e. иерархический
6. articulate adj f. согласие, единодушие
7. hierarchical [KDǰɇUǗɏNǰNǟO] g. закрыться; прогореть

Ex. 8 → Listen to the recording She’s the boss again and complete the
gaps with the numbers you hear.


Business has traditionally been and to a certain extent still is a boy's game.
Less than ……….. per cent of executive management positions in American and
European companies are held by women, and of the Fortune 500 only ………..
have a female CEO! Yet in Britain ……….. new businesses are started up by
women, and according to John Naisbitt and Patricia Auburdene, authors of
Megatrends', since ……….. the number of self-employed women has increased
……….. as fast as the number of self-employed men.

The Glass Ceiling Syndrome

Is it just a case of women whose career progress has been blocked by their
male colleagues - the so-called “glass ceiling syndrome" - being forced to set up
their own businesses? Or do women share specific management qualities which
somehow serve them better in self-employment? As many as ……….. per cent of
start-ups fold within their first ……….. years, but the failure rate of those run by
women is substantially lower than that. It's hardly surprising, therefore, that
though male bosses tend to be reluctant to promote women, male bank managers
seem only too happy to finance their businesses.

The Roddick Phenomenon

Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop empire, is the perfect example of
the female entrepreneur, with her company growing from ……….. to £……….. in
its first ……….. years. Perhaps the secret of her success was caution. Rather than
push ahead with the purchasing of new shops, Roddick got herself into franchising
- the cheapest way to expand a business whilst keeping overheads down. Caution,
forward planning and tight budgeting seem to be more female characteristics than
male. They are also the blueprint for success when launching a new company. The
recent internet boom allowed women like Martha Lane Fox to set up the massively
successful web travel agency In cyberspace nobody cares what sex
you are.

More Sensitive
When women join an existing company, it's a different story. Less ruthlessly
individualistic in their approach to business, women are more sensitive to the
feelings of the group or team in which they work. They are generally more
cooperative than competitive, less assertive, less prepared to lead from the front.
Though they usually manage their time better than men and may even work harder,
they are much less likely than their male counterparts to take risks And, above all,
it is risk-taking that makes corporate high fliers. As one male director put it: “I’m
not paid to make the right decisions. I'm just paid to make decisions."

Better Communicators

It's an overgeneralization, of course, but it remains true that men will more
readily take the initiative than women. The female style of management leans
towards consensus and conciliation. Women seem to be better communicators than
men - both more articulate and better listeners. And perhaps it is women's capacity
to listen which makes them particularly effective in people-oriented areas of
business. In any mixed group of business people the ones doing most of the talking
will almost certainly be the men. But perhaps only the women will really be

The New Achievers

It was predominantly men who led the hierarchical corporations of the

……….. . But it may be women who achieve the most in the more democratic,
people-centred years to come.
[1, 96-97]
Ex. 9 → Now read/listen to the article again and mark the statements below as
True or False.

… 1.
Women are at least as entrepreneurial as men.
… Most female managers prefer task-based jobs to people-centred ones.
… 3.
Women tend to be more conscientious than men.
… 4.
Women who do succeed in business have to become even more ruthless
than men.
… 5. Men aren't as financially aware as women.
… 6. Women are more likely to be the managers of the future than men are.
[1, 97]


70. to facilitate облегчать, помогать, способствовать

to facilitate economic recovery — способствовать
восстановлению экономики
modern inventions facilitate housework — современные
приспособления облегчают работу по дому
Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.
– Компьютеры можно использовать для более
эффективного изучения иностранных языков.

a facilitator помощник, посредник (лицо, способствующее

прогрессу, развитию)
conference facilitator — фасилитатор конференции
audit facilitator — организация, оказывающая
помощь в проведение аудита

71. to delegate делегировать, передавать (полномочия и т. п.)

to delegate authority — передавать полномочия
to delegate (to) smb. to do smth. — поручить кому-л.
/уполномочить кого-л./ сделать что-л.
Where appropriate, I delegate as much work as
possible. – Где это уместно, я стараюсь давать
свом подчиненным возможность принимать
самостоятельные решения.

72. biased пристрастный, предубеждённый, необъективный

[ˈbaɪəst] He is biased against women. – Он с предубеждением
относится к женщинам.
She is too biased to write about the case objectively. –
Она слишком предвзято настроена, чтобы
написать об этом случае объективно.
My parents are biased against popular music before
they even hear it. – Мои родители относятся к поп-
музыке отрицательно, хотя ни разу её не слушали.

ant. unbiased — беспристрастный

bias noun пристрастие, предубеждение, пристрастное

[ˈbaɪəs] отношение
gender bias — половая дискриминация
There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her.
– Было очевидно, что к ней относились c большим

The judge withheld the information on the grounds that
it would bias the jury. – Судья не сообщил эту
информацию, руководствуясь тем, что она
может повлиять на присяжных.

73. position должность, пост

He was appointed to the position. – Его назначили на
эту должность.
They advertised that a position was open. – Они
объявили, что вакансия свободна.
She lost her position in a boardroom coup. – Она
лишилась должности в результате внезапной
смены власти в совете директоров.
He holds a high position in the government. – Он
занимает высокий пост в правительстве.
The senator was forced to resign his position. –
Cенатора заставили покинуть свой пост.

74. rate скорость, темп; процент, доля; коэффициент

casualty rate — количество убитых и раненых
People work at different rates. – Люди работают в
разном темпе.
They only pay tax at the rate of 5%. – Они платят
налог по ставке всего пять процентов.
a notable increase in the crime rate – заметный рост
The rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate. –
Тропические леса исчезают с пугающей

75. substantial существенный, важный, значительный; большой

substantial improvement — явное, значительное
substantial increase — значительный рост
substantial price — солидная цена
He earned a substantial wage. – Он получал
приличную зарплату.
The bill passed without substantial alteration. –
Законопроект был принят без существенных

76. to expand adj расширять, развивать, распространять;
расширяться, развиваться, распространяться;
to expand the assortment — расширять
expand production — расширять производство
Reading helped to expand her vocabulary. – Чтение
помогло расширить её словарный запас.
Our trade with China is steadily expanding. – Наша
торговля с Китаем постоянно расширяется.
The lack of investors has frustrated them in their
efforts to expand the company. – Отсутствие
инвесторов, расстроило их планы по расширению
компании, несмотря на все их усилия.
The director plans to expand the firm into an
international company. – Директор планирует
расширить фирму до транснациональной

77. overheads накладные расходы, стоимость издержек;

непроизводительные расходы [money spent
regularly on rent, insurance, electricity, and other
things that are needed to keep a business operating]
They will cut office overheads by startling amounts. –
Они существенно снизят расходы на содержание

78. counterpart коллега, должностное лицо, занимающее

аналогичный пост (в другом учреждении, в другой
стране и т. п.)
The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese
counterpart. – Министр иностранных дел
встретился со своим китайским коллегой.

79. capacity ёмкость, вместимость, объём, пропускная

способность; (for, of) способность (к чему-л., на
storage capacity — вместимость хранилища
mind of great capacity — всеобъемлющий ум
capacity for making friends — коммуникабельность,
способность сходиться с людьми
plant capacity — производственные мощности
in the capacity of — в качестве
to have capacity for — обладать способностью к

She has the capacity to go all the way to the top. – У
неё хватит сил пройти весь путь до самой
Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is
limited. – Наши возможности для проявления
заботы, любви и внимания ограничены.
They were iceboats, designed for a 10-ton capacity. –
Это были рыболовные суда с рефрижераторными
установками грузоподъемностью 10 тонн.


Ex. 10 → Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the text of
the unit. Use a dictionary if necessary.

x glass ceiling
x high fliers
x only too (happy)
x to lead from the front
x to lean towards sth

Ex. 11 → Match each of the words in the first column with a word from the
second column to make nine word partnerships from the article. There are
some alternative partnerships, but there’s only one way to match all nine.

1. senior a) budgeting
2. career b) structures
3. forward c) taking
4. tight d) progress
5. risk- e) organizations
6. high f) positions
7. hierarchical g) skills
8. flexible h) planning
9. communication i) fliers
[1, 98]

Ex. 12 → All the words below form strong word partnerships with one word
which you have to guess. But the vowels are missing from each word. How many
can you work out? Referring back to the article will help you with some of them.
l_ _nch
s_t _p
j_ _n
l_ _v_
s_ll _ff
w_nd _p
fl_ _t
s_bs_d_ _ ry
[1, 98]
Ex. 13 → One of the words in each list below will not form a strong word
partnership with the word staff. Which one?

recruit 1. Which of the verbs mean:
train full-time a) to hire
develop part -time b) to fire
lay off half-time
dismiss permanent 2. Two of the verbs mean to hire another
poach temporary company's best people. Which two?
take on extra
take off administrative 3. Which of the two is the less offensive
headhunt term?
[1, 98]

Ex. 14 → The adjectives listed below describe some of the positive qualities of
good managers. Change each adjective into its opposite by adding un-, in-, im-, ir- or

co-operative assertive reliable

sincere articulate consistent
communicative discreet rational
competitive skilled committed
sensitive intelligent approachable
supportive loyal honest

Ex. 15 → Find at least one adjective from the list above to describe the
following managers.
1. She always means what she says.
She's totally ...
2. He always voices his opinions and needs.
He's very ...
3. She's very good at expressing herself.
She's extremely ...
4. You can depend on him.
He's very ...
5. Her door is always open if you've got a problem.
She's very ...
6. His job comes first.
He's totally ...
7. She is quick to help colleagues and subordinates.
She's extremely ...
8. He doesn't go around gossiping behind people's backs.
He's very ...
9. She doesn't let her emotions interfere with her work.
She's very ...
10.He always works to the same high standard.
He's extremely ...
[1, 99]

Ex. 16 → Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of
modal verbs (underlined). Refer to the GRAMMAR LAB in Unit 6.

1. Я не знаю наверняка, но возможно его уволили за раскрытие секретной

информации по сделке.
2. Майк не мог так солгать, он всегда был честным и надежным партнером.
3. Неужели компания могла так быстро прогореть? Они всего месяц назад
запустили новый продукт, и продажи выглядели весьма успешными.
4. Не может быть, чтобы столь уважаемая компания занималась
переманиванием сотрудников своих конкурентов. Неужели им не важна
репутация фирмы?
5. Во время саммита министр планирует провести встречу со своим
британским коллегой. Темой переговоров наверняка станет расширение
торгового сотрудничества между двумя странами.

6. По-прежнему сохраняется сильное предубеждение в отношении женщин,
занимающих руководящие должности.
7. Ученых сильно беспокоит невиданная скорость вымирания некоторых
видов животных, что может оказать значительное влияние на жизнь
8. Компания столкнулась с нехваткой производственных мощностей, и
планирует строительство еще одного завода в Польше.


Now write down ❺ words/expressions you didn’t know or you want to use
more. Make your own sentences with them.



Ex. 17 → Listen to the recording and write down ❺ key points on ways
managers can get the best out of people.






1. Do you agree with the ideas expressed by the speaker? Why/not?

2. When you have to be in charge (of a team, project), what management
style do you lean towards?
[8, 101]


Ex. 18 → Recollect the management styles that you discussed in ex. 5.

Ex. 19 → Match each word with its correct translation.

1. a blend of a. вклад
2. cordial b. привлечь, задействовать
3. hallmark c. держать в ежовых рукавицах
4. input d. сердечный; задушевный
5. downside e. вмешиваться, включаться
6. to get onboard f. процветать, преуспевать
7. to thrive g. смесь
8. to step in h. недостаток
9. to keep people in line i. высказывать свою точку зрения
10. to speak up j. отличительный признак

Ex. 20a → Watch the video and complete the table below.









Ex. 20b → Draw or find pictures which best show these management styles.


Ex. 21 → Intercultural management experts Fons Trompenaars and

Charles Hampden Turner have identified 4 distinct organizational cultures.
Read the descriptions and decide:

1. in which culture(s) personal relationships are very important.

2. which culture has the strictest hierarchy.
3. which culture has the least formal organization.
4. which culture regularly sets employees different goals and objectives.


Highly personal with close face-to-face relationships, but also hierarchical, the
leader is the caring father.


Has a steep hierarchy, broad at the base and narrow at the top. Impersonal.
Authority comes from a person's role and position in the hierarchy.


Egalitarian and oriented to tasks typically undertaken by teams or project groups.



The organization serves as an incubator for self-expression and self-fulfilment.

Personal and egalitarian with almost no structure at all. Often a strong emotional
commitment to the work. [9, 46]

Ex. 22 → Listen to four people speaking about their companies and

decide which culture from ex. 21 is described in each passage.

Ex. 23 → Match 1-6 to a-f to form complete sentences.

1. This firm is extremely hierarchical, a. but they do take good care of their
2. We’re very familiar and informal staff.

here; b. he expected complete obedience
3. He pretends to be egalitarian; from his staff.
4. They’re rather conservative and c. I felt I didn’t exist as a human being.
paternalistic, d. each level has its specific powers and
5. Relationships were so impersonal responsibilities.
and unfriendly; e. everybody uses first names.
6. My old boss was very authoritarian; f. but it’s he who makes the decisions.
[9, 47]

Ex. 24 → Answer the question below.

¾ Which culture would appeal to you most? Why?

Ex. 25a → In each of the following situations, decide if you would give the
applicant the job or not.

Make a note of whether you would:

• accept the candidate.

• reject the candidate.
• call the candidate for a second interview.


The applicant is a 36-year-old woman The applicant is a 29-year-old woman.

returning to work after giving up her On paper she looks impressive and at
previous job to start a family three years interview she came across very well
ago. She is well-qualified for the post indeed. In terms of experience and
and much more experienced than any of expertise, she is clearly the best person
the other applicants. She is, however, a for the post. There’s only one problem:
little out of touch with the latest the job is in a country where women do
developments in the industry you work not have equal status with men and
in and would require some retraining. where very few women hold
Most of the other applicants are younger management positions at all, let alone
men. senior ones such as this.


The applicant is a 44-year-old woman. The applicant is a 31-year-old man. The

You have recently interviewed twenty company you represent runs
people for a very responsible post assertiveness training courses for
within your company and she is one of women in management and at the
the two on your final shortlist. The other moment you have an all-female staff.
most promising –candidate is a 29-year- Whilst the applicant has an excellent
old man. On balance, you think the man track record in management training
would probably be the better choice with mixed groups, you have some
but, at present, your company has only doubts about his credibility running
appointed 3 female managers out of a seminars exclusively for women, some
total of 32 and you are under a lot of of whom tend to see male managers
pressure from the personnel department more as an obstacle than an aid to their
to exercise ‘positive discrimination’ in progress . You’re also concerned about
favour of women . how the rest of the staff will react to

Ex. 25b → Now listen to a short extract from their job interviews. Do
you want to change your mind about any of them? Explain.

[1, 101]

business ethics

subjunctive mood

business ethics on the job

resolving environmental issues

business and ethics

corporate ethics
Ex. 1 → Revision spot. Listed below are some words you learned in the
previous units. Make sure you remember the words and translate them into

x an ecological initiative x a valuable asset

x the hazards facing today’s world x by definition
x to come up with a plan to do sth x short-term goals

Ex. 2 → Discuss the following questions.

1. Where do you stand on green issues?

2. How important, would you say, is the role of business in protecting or
destroying the environment?
3. To what extent is ecology an economic issue?
4. Does the international business community really have a responsibility to
sustain the natural resources it commercially exploits? Or is that a matter for
the world's politicians to sort out?
5. What, in your view, are the four major industrially created hazards facing
the environment?

¾ nuclear reactors
¾ industrial emissions
¾ the destruction of the rainforest
¾ nuclear waste
¾ industrial waste
¾ carbon monoxide fumes from vehicles
¾ oil spills at sea
¾ chemical effluent
¾ the greenhouse effect
¾ the consumption of non-renewable energy
¾ the use of non-biodegradable materials
¾ nuclear and chemical weapons build-up

6. Provide examples of environmentally sound companies.

[1, 113]

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