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1 2 3 4 5

Needs Satisfactory Good Very Excellent

Improvement Good

Grammar Student was Student was Student was Student Student was able
difficult to able to able to was able to to express their
understand express express express ideas and
and had a their ideas their ideas their ideas responses with
hard time and and and ease in proper
communicatin responses response responses sentence structure
g their ideas adequately fairly well with ease and tenses.
and but often but makes in proper
responses displayed mistakes sentence
because of inconsistenc with their with minor
grammar ies with theirtenses, problems.
mistakes. sentence however is
structure able to
tenses. correct
Pronunciatio Pronunciati Pronunciation was
Pronunciatio Student was Student was n was good on was very clear and
n difficult to slightly with and did not very good easy to
understand. pronunciatio interfere and was understand.
quiet in n at times, with able to
speaking, but communicati pronounce
unclear in generally as on. the words
pronunciation. fair. well.
Speech was Speech Speech was
Speech was Speech quite was well effortless and
Fluency very slow, was slow smooth but delivered smooth with
stumbling, and often with some smoothly speed that comes
nervous and hesitant and hesitation but with close to that
uncertain with irregular. and brief native speker.
response, Sentences unevenness pauses and
except for may be left caused gaps.
short quiz or uncomplete primarily by
memorized d, but the rephrasing
expressions. student is and
Difficult for a able to grouping for
listener to continue. words.

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