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Practice – Part 1

NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 03

It’s Movie Time – Viewing, Analyzing, Reflecting

Name: _________ Prog./Yr./Sec.: _________ Date: ________ Score: _______

Due Date:____________________


Watch the Movie entitled “Four Sisters And A Wedding” of Cathy Garcia-Molina via . After watching the movie, fill-in the
matrix below:

A. Fill Me Up!

Trait/Characteristics How it is manifested in the Comment


1. Crab Mentality Crab mentality was It’s very sad to think that
manifested in the movie instead of supporting
when they argued and each other because they
compared themselves as are family they tend to
they foresee that one of pull down their sister who
them do better than they achieve success greater
are instead of lifting up than them.
each other, they tend to
pull down their sister who
achieve success greater
than them.
2. Procrastination Procrastination was It rooted too much pain.
manifested in the movie Teddy waited too long for
when it takes time for saying the truth and it
them to tell the truth. They kills her inside. She
tend to carry their baggage caused too much pain for
despite knowing that there herself and living a life of
will be negative lies.
consequences for doing so.
3. Bahala Na Bahala Na was manifested The result worsen the
in the movie by the scene
wherein Tented contented situation and Teddy
with her job in Spain, suffered a lot. She could
became a waitress and do better if she want to,
maid just to earn money there is great opportunity
for her family. She did it for her yet she chose to
because she thinks she was became a waitress and a
not good enough housemaid.
compared with her
successful sister. Indeed,
she took the risk for come
what may, whatever job it
is. Instead of doing
something to make things
happen, she tend to just
leave the outcome to
whatever that could
happen come what may
we say.
4. Hypocrisy It was manifested in the It’s not good to be
movie when they tend to hypocrite because it feels
pretend that they are like you are living like
happy and successful. First hell. It’s not easy to
is Teddy she was hypocrite pretend in front of your
for thinking that if ever she family while you are
tells the truth she will shattering inside. Living
prove her mother and like somebody even you
sister that she is not good have nothing at all.
enough and she’s a loser.
The fear of being an
outcast has forced a lot of
people to live a double
standard life. To hide our
failure in following a norm,
we tend to be condemning
to those who are caught
red handed.
5. Ningas Cogon Ningas Cogon was Discouraging trait the
manifested when they are must be changed because
beyond excellent at if this will keep going no
starting projects or idea progress will happen.
execution. Nevertheless,
after a few hours or days,
they lose the excitement,
and we become too lazy to
finish what they had
started and come with
another idea.
6. Filipino Time It was manifested when This must be changes in
Angel Locsin (Alex) come order to be productive
late on the day the siblings and not wasting the time
will supposed to come of others. And also not
home. Even if she is the destroy the significant of
nearest among the three the companion of each
sister compared to her two other and practice not be
sister work abroad she was late.
the last one to arrive.
7. Gossiping It was manifested in the It’s very bad trait to think
movie when the siblings someone in their back.
are talking behind their Being back stab by your
back instead of confronting own family is beyond
and voice out their hurtful and very
thoughts. Also it showed discouraging. Family must
during the Salazar Family lift up each other as they
visited to Princess’ Family thrive to achieve their
and kept murmuring and enormous dreams.
gossiping in their back as
they don’t like the way
they act. Secrets are
brought out; failures and
flaws are emphasized; and
relationships are
8. Blaming Others It was manifested in the This trait will just make
movie when they blame the situation even
each other on the time worsen. Helping each
they know their youngest other plays a major role
bother CJ will getting in achieving progress and
married. Also, they kept on best outcome.
blaming others why they
had felt the way they did
by their own viewpoint and
judgement.They tend to
rise their pride and blame
each other instead of
accepting that it is their
own initiated problems and
lapses. When mistakes
happen, they do not want
to take the blame,so
instead they point at
others.This shows how
they can be irresponsible
for their actions.

9. Inconsideration It was manifested by the This habit will cause

hardheadedness and past misunderstanding among
experiences that made the sibling and rooted to
their heart became stone. hatred.
Because of their past issues
they tend to forget that
they all have emotion and
not considering it. Also, the
viewpoint of CJ, they tend
to conclude and judge
Princess based on her
actions and appearance
and family background.
They are not considering
the feeling of their
youngest brother.
10. Ignoring or not It was manifested by the It will leads to negative
following simple rules
action undertake by Toni outcomes and will cause
and regulations
Gonzaga (Teddy) when she harm. Following simple
go to the Papa’s Spa (the rules and regulations
suspicious happy ending helps a lot in achieve a
spa) and got nothing but a peaceful and safer living.
trouble. She did it even if
she was restricted by her
younger sister not to and
warned her not to continue
for what she had planned.
11. Attention grabbing It was manifested in the This habit is too
movie by the mother of unattractive and
Princess actions. Shediscouraging. It is better
simply, being an attention to act with simplicity
grabber. Indeed in her without plasticity. Indeed
desperate need to be the it makes more sense and
center of attention, she do attention if you act the
you are and be the best
things that are already
that you can be in your
embarrassing like butting
in conversations as a know-
it-all or by being own simple way
scandalous. She also wore
very improper attire and
his tone of voice is over

12. Too sensitive Too sensitive was Learn to manage the

manifested in the movie by emotion is the key to
the hidden feeling they had surpass this trait. Its not
kept inside. If they hear easy if you are sensitive
some words that may refer person wherein you put
to them, it causes tantrums meaning to everything
and mood swings and and seems that you have
rooted for conflict among no peace of mind.
siblings. By their unspoken Overthinks a lot and put
feelings they became meanings to the words of
sensitive and irritated by others.
the words and action taken
by their sisters. Also by the
feelings of Bea Alonzo
(Bobbie) she became very
sensitive for she thought
that no one had favorites
on her and her so called
best friend became his ex
boyfriend, girlfriend.

13. Living beyond their Living beyond their means This trait is very
was manifested in the frightening. Living a life of
movie by how the Family yours is much significant
of Princess prepared for if you know you are
the upcoming wedding. yourself. All we need to
The preparation was too do is to impress ourselves
much and the planes was with the attributes we
too ugly. Also it was had inside and not to
manifested by the eldest impress other people
sister Teddy she borrowed with the fake things we
money for her fare and desired to have.
acts like she was a
successful teacher in Spain.

14. Passivity Passivity was manifested in It is not worthy to think

the movie by no trusting that you are nothing and
their potential and what you can’t do something
they have. Alex do not do better. Even how tough
anything about them. One the situation is we must
of her excuses is the lack of not tend to forget that
faith that her small actions we have something to
can bring change. share with and our small
action can bring big

B. Answer Me.

1. Discuss one positive characteristic of Filipinos manifested in the movie.

The positive characteristic of Filipinos manifested in the movie is having a

strong family ties. It was manifested beyond all the struggles,
misunderstanding and conflicts they been through, their love from one
another prevails after all. They possess distinct characteristics and
attributes that made their family even stronger. In the last part of the story
it was shown how they give importance to the existence of each of them
and their heartfelt love. Indeed, the movie manifested how Filipino family
bond together and how the undying love prevails after

2. Do you see one negative characteristic you have in your family? What is it? How can you
help erase that and make it to be “positive”?

No,because our parents has a positive characteristic. They even taught us

to be positive thinkers or open-minded and we shouldn’t compare
ourselves to others or be contented on what you
Practice – Part 2


NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 04

On Citizenship

Name: Caryl Joyce A. Sigue________ Prog./Yr./Sec.: BSIE 1-A__________ Date: ________

Score: _______
Due Date:________________


Watch the video clip entitled “Wastong Paggalang sa Watawat ng Pilipinas

” via

1. Enumerate the reminders on how to respect the Philippine Flag.

 The National Flag shall be displayed in all public buildings, official residences, public plazas,

and institutions of learning everyday throughout the year.

 It shall be blue field on top in times of peace.

 A worn-out National Flag should not be thrown away. It should be solemnly burned to avoid

misuse or desecration. The National Flag shall be replaced immediately when it begins to

show signs of wear and tear.

 The National Flag may be used to cover the caskets of the honored dead of the military,

veterans of previous wars, National Artists, and of civilians who have rendered

distinguished service to the nation, as may be determined by the local government unit

concerned. In such cases, the National Flag shall be placed such that the white triangle

shall be at the head and the blue portion shall cover the right side of the casket. The

National Flag shall not be lowered to the grave or allowed to touch the ground, but shall be

folded solemnly and handed over to the heirs of the deceased or next of kin.

 During the flag raising ceremony, the assembly shall stand in formation facing the National

Flag. At the moment the first note of the National Anthem is heard, everyone in the

premises shall come to attention; moving vehicles shall stop. All persons present shall

place their palms over their chest, those with hats shall uncover, while those in military,

scouting, security guard, and citizens military training uniforms shall give the salute

prescribed by their regulations, which salute shall be completed upon the last note of the


 It shall be prohibited:

 To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on, cast contempt, or commit any act or omission

casting dishonor or ridicule upon the National Flag or over its surface;

 To dip the National Flag to any person or object by way of compliment or salute

 To use National Flag

 To display the National Flag

 To wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform;

 To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings, advertisement, or imprint of any

nature on the National Flag;

 To print, paint or attach representation of the National Flag on handkerchiefs, napkins,

cushions, and articles of merchandise;

 To display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other diplomatic establishments,

and in offices of international organizations.

2. Why do you think the Philippine Flag should be respected?

We ought to express our respect all the time to the Philippine Flag because it exemplify the
country’s standards and conventions, express the standards of sway and national
solidarity .Moreover the flag is the country’s most cherished symbol. It is the nation’s emblem
for freedom. It symbolizes patriotism, adores nation and sense of nationhood, and encapsulates
the goals and assumptions of the Filipino individuals in their endless journey for freedom. It
stands as the instrument of solidarity that ties the Filipino people._
Present – Part 3


NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 05
Let’s solve corruption!

Name: Caryl Joyce A. Sigue___ Prog./Yr./Sec.: __BSIE 1-A____ Date: ________ Score: ___
Due Date:__________________


Watch the video clip entitled “Bakit May Korapsyon sa Pilipinas” via

1. Enumerate the reasons why there is a rampant corruption in the


 Poverty

 Greediness

 Corruption became a culture

 Order

 Needed for the budget of next election

 Injustice

 Lack of fear to the government

 Love of love for the country

 Being ungodly

2. As an ordinary member of the community, how can you help solve

Graft and Corruption in the locality?

As a member of the community , I can help solve graft and corruption in the locality by
creating a youth group that share disapproval of corruption and raise awareness avout
corruption’s adverse effects on society. I’ll encourage them to disseminate these
information in the whole community. And also, I’ll them that all sort of corruption is
never good whether big small, because teaching them to stop bribery in school would
be a great help so that in the future, they’ll never become corrupt officials and leaders.
In addition, I will promote being a wise voter and to choose right leaders for our


NSTP-CWTS Social Action Activity No. 03

My Advocacy to help and take Action

Name: _Caryl Joyce A. Sigue____ Prog./Yr./Sec.: __BSIE1-A__ Date: _____ Score: _____
Due Date:_________________


1. Interview an elementary pupil and ask him/her about what is his/her perspective
about politics and political leaders.

2. Explain to the child as well Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees
you think is important for the child to know.

Note: Please attach a copy of the pictorial as documentation evidence of your informal
conversation with an elementary pupil.

Based on the interview, what is his/her perspective about politics in the

Philippines? Does the child have an idea already about Philippine Politics? What is
his/her idea on Characteristics of Political Leaders?

Based on the interview, her perspective about politics in the Philippines is that the country is a
democracy, led by a directly elected president who serves as both the head of state and the
head of government. The president heads the executive branch, and has significant political
powers. Presidents are limited to a single six-year term of office._Yes. Her idea on
characteristics of political leaders must be able to inspire others

What are the 3 Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees you shared to
the child? Why you chose these 3 norms?

The 3 Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees I shared to the child is the simple
living, justness and sincerity because I believe that this 3 norms of conduct of public officials
and employees that I shared to them is very useful on their future.

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