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1000-A /4781 Purok Bigayan Brgy. Calios Sta. Cruz, Laguna

1st Quarterly Examination
S.Y. 2022-2023

Subject & Grade: General Biology 1 Quarter : 1st Qtr/1st Sem

No. of
Knowledge Process Total
Topics Days
60% 40% Items

Cell structure & functions 4 8 5 13

Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic 2 4 3 7

Animal & Plant cells 1 2 1 3

Cell modifications 1 2 2 4

Mitosis & Meiosis cell

4 8 5 13
TOTAL 12 24 16 40

Prepared by: Checked by:

Benson R. Corneja Mrs. Aileen C. Legaspi

Subject Teacher High School OIC
Maranatha Christian Academy
Sta. Cruz, Laguna __
1st Quarterly Exam

Name : ____________________________________________ Date : __________________

Grade & Strand: ______________________
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. It is the production of new cells to bring about growth, replacement of damaged
A. Cell cycle C. Cell division
B. Heredity D. Genetics
_____ 2. What are the initials of the stages of cell division? 
_____ 3. Which cell is produced through Meosis cell division?
A. Sperm cells C. Brain cells
B. Heart cells D. Skim cells
_____ 4. How many chromosomes does a haploid cell has?
A. 23 C. 22
B. 46 D. 47
_____ 5. The Crossing- over ______________. 
A. Completes meosis C. continues with meosis II
B. Produces haploid cells D. increase genetic variability
_____ 6. How many daughter cells are produced after meosis?
A. 2 diploid cerlls C. 4 diploid cells
B. 2 haploid cells D. 4 haploid cells
_____ 7. What event does not happen in the Mitosis cell division?
A. Duplication of DNA C. synapsis and crossing-over
B. Formation of cleavage furrow D. Cytokinesis and karyokinesis
_____ 8. What type of cell division id for production of gametes?
A. meosis C. telkinesis
B. mitosis D. cytokinesis
_____ 9. It is for locomotion, propels the cell towards the egg for fertilization and contains
microtubule and plenty of mitochondria
A. microvilli C. xylem
B. flagellum D. phloem
_____ 10. Cilia is a specialized structure of tracheal cells which allow the organ to perform
specific task. Which function is typically delivered by the trachea due to the
presence of cilia?
A. being able to talk loudly C. swallowing without aspiration
B. ability to cough out phlegm D. breath air smoothly
_____ 11. These cells have pits and pores that help in the process of material transport.
A. xylem and phloem C. RBC and platelets
B. intestinal cells D. dendrites and axon

II. Identification. Label the following picture. Write your answer on the space provided. Choose your
answer inside the box.
1.  __________________        2. _________________       3.  _________________       4. __________________


5.  ____________________        6. _________________        7. _________________       8.  _________________

9. ___________________       10.  _________________        11. ________________       12.  _________________

Cytokinesis Chromosome Diploid cell Anaphase Interphase       Metaphase

DNA Prophase Gametes Telophase Haploid cell     Daughter cells

III. Labelling. Write the letter on the space corresponds to name of the part.

_____ Cell wall _____ Endoplasmic reticulum _____ Mitochondria _____ Lysosomes

_____ Ribosomes _____ Golgi Apparatus _____ Chloroplast _____ Nucleus

_____ Centrioles _____ Vacoule _____ Cell membrane

IV. Matching Type.  Match column A with column B. Write only the letter. 
                Column A Column B
______ 1. The control center of the cell A.  cell membrane
______ 2. Provides energy for the cell B.  Lysosomes
______ 3. Regulates entry and exit of materials C. Nucleus
______ 4. Stores water and wastes D. Endoplasmic reticulum
______ 5. Contains green pigment E. Cytoplasm
______ 6. Distribute materials in the cell   F.  Chloroplasts
______ 8. Sorts, packages and secretes materials G. Vacuole
H.  Mitochondrion
I.  Golgi body

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