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Sensethrough Real-Life
Situations in School
umber sense is “a way of thinking that real contexts, numbers will have significant meaning
should permeate all aspects of mathematics for them. Furthermore, Curriculum and Evaluation
teaching and learning” (Reys 1994, p. 114). Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 1989)
NCTM (1989, 2000) states that the development of stresses that “children with good number sense
number sense should be connected with real-life develop references for measuring common objects
situations. If children learn to apply numbers within and situations in their environments” (p. 38). This
statement reinforces the idea that children’s number
By Der-Ching Yang sense can be developed through interaction with
everyday objects in a realistic setting. This article
Der-Ching Yang,, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on
mathematics education at National Chiayi University in Taiwan. He is interested in number
shares a fourth-grade lesson from Taiwan in which
sense, children’s mathematical thinking, and assessment on number sense. number sense is developed through real classroom

104 Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006

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The Setting After Hsu was satisfied that the students under-
stood what the problem entailed, he asked them to
The instructor for this lesson, Tony Hsu, has fourteen begin small-group discussion and come up with
years of teaching experience. His fourth-grade class solutions. He asked the students in each group
has thirty students. To promote the development of to write down their methods and ideas, while he
number sense, which Hsu feels is important and walked around and observed their discussions.
necessary, he has devised some challenging activi-
ties to stimulate his students’ mathematical think-
ing and problem-solving abilities. In an attempt to The Resulting Discussion
create an exciting and interesting learning environ- Hsu asked the students in these small groups to dis-
ment, he divides his students into small groups and cuss the problem, decide on their answer, and be pre-
asks them challenging questions. He encourages pared to explain their answer. He moved among the
everyone to actively participate by discussing and groups for a few minutes, listening to their discus-
sharing their ideas. After small-group discussions, sions and checking on their progress. Although this
he leads the whole class in discussion, encourag- question was very different from those found in the
ing students to explain their thinking, share their textbooks the class used, Hsu was still a bit surprised
reasons, and defend their answers. Some highlights to find that after ten minutes only two of the six
from one of his lessons are given here. groups had come up with all six correct answers. He
decided it would be helpful to gather some feedback
from a whole-class discussion. He began by asking,
The Activity “Which group would like to go first?”
Hsu presented the problem in figure 1 to his stu-
dents and then gave them a chance to understand Whole-class setting: Discussing
what they needed to do to solve the problem. students’ explanations
Keri. We thought that the length and width should
Posing a challenging, real-life be 32 and 20.
problem Teacher. Can you tell us why you think the length
Teacher. Class, as you can see from these pictures, and width should be 32 and 20?
this is the school basketball court we visited this Keri. Because 104 is too long, 12 is too short,
morning. Here is the problem I would like you to and 640 is also too long. We think that 20 and 32
solve [see fig. 1]. Now, you need to carefully read matches our basketball court. 3, 10, and 8 is also
through the problem, consider the statements, and too short for the length.
discuss any relationships you can find between the When Keri presented the group’s answer, Hsu
information given and the numbers in the box. Next, encouraged them to explain how they had arrived at it.
select the numbers from the box to fill in the blanks Even though they had given the correct answer, with
so that the story makes sense. (Some students raise a reasonable explanation, he attempted to introduce
their hands and try to ask questions.)
Keri. There are eight numbers in the box, but only six Figure 1
blanks, so there are two extra numbers. Am I right?
Our School’s Basketball Court problem
After presenting the problem to the students,
Hsu encouraged them to ask questions in order to Please choose, from the numbers in the box,
make sure they understood the problem. By asking the correct answers to fill in the blanks:
questions, students can gain relevant information,
which helps not only themselves but also other 104, 12, 640, 20, 32, 3, 10, 8
students. The teacher can help in directing students’
questions by ensuring that they know what the Our school has a basketball court that is ___
problem is asking them to do. meters long and ___ meters wide. Its length
is ___ meters more than its width. The perim-
Encouraging students to query eter of the court is ___ meters, and the area of
the court is ___ square meters. The rim of the
the problem ­basket is ___ meters from the floor. (Greenes,
Teacher. Yes! Good! Any more questions? (There Schulman, and Spungin 1993)
are none.) Now please go into your small groups to
discuss the problem. You have five minutes.

Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006 105

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should be 32 and 20, with the length being 12
meters more than the width.
Teacher. Why? Can you give us your reasons?
Bill. Because you need to consider the following
question: What is the perimeter of the court? The
perimeter of the court is 104.
Teacher. Can you tell us what the perimeter of a
rectangle is and why you think the perimeter is
Photograph by Ping Jui Chiang; all rights reserved

Bill. The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the
length times 2 plus the width times 2. A rectangle,
with four sides, has two lengths and two widths.
The perimeter of a rectangle is, therefore, equal to
32 × 2 = 64 plus 20 × 2 = 40. 64 + 40 = 104.
Tim. The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance
from a point. Walk along the sides and go back to
the starting point.
Teacher. Do you all agree? (Many students answer,
Through discussion of different answers and dif-
ferent approaches, the children were able to clarify
some doubt by accepting different answers in order to their thinking and strengthen their understanding.
arrive at the correct answer and, in the process, help all The following question was more challenging for
the children make sense of the question. these students. Although they had already dis-
cussed how to find the area of a rectangle, using
Expanding on students’ the formula l × w, they had not been taught how to
explanations and multiply two digits by two digits; their experience
encouraging learning of multiplication consisted only of multiplying two
Teacher. Anyone have a question? or three digits by one digit. Accordingly, this was a
Jack. Yes! We agree. We also think that the length is challenge for the students.
32 and the width is 20.
Teacher. Why is that? Encouraging students to
Jack. It agrees with the answer to the third question. question, debate, and
The difference between the length and the width is prove their solutions
12. (Many other students voice their agreement.) Teacher. Who can tell me what the area of the bas-
Teacher. Do all of you agree? ketball court is?
Ella. No! Our answer is different. We think that Amy. 10 square meters. (Many students show sur-
the length is 32 and width is 12, which makes the prise at this.)
length 20 meters more than the width. Teacher. Can you tell us how you came up with this
Hsu encouraged the students to figure out the answer?
answers for the first three blanks, not worrying Amy. Because the numbers 32, 20, 12, and 104
whether they were right or wrong. This helped the have already been used, they cannot be used
students further clarify their thinking through dis- again. Only four numbers are left. 640 is too
agreement and debate. large, 3 and 8 are too small; therefore, I think the
answer is 10.
Prompting students to give Bill. We think the area of the basketball court is
comprehensive explanations approximately double the area of our classroom.
Teacher. Can you tell us why you think that this is Therefore, if the area of the basketball court is 10
the correct answer? square meters, this would mean that the area of the
Ella. Because 32 minus 12 equals 20; this also sat- classroom is only about 5 square meters. That’s
isfies the first three blanks. impossible! The area of the classroom must be
Bill. We disagree! (Many other students also more than 9 square meters, which would make the
disagree.) We think that the length and the width area of the basketball court double that size more

106 Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006

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than twice 9 square meters. 10 square meters is far Teacher. Do you agree with George’s definition of
too small. It is impossible! area? (Many students say that they agree.)
George. Excuse me, sir. The area of the court Several students had misunderstood the con-
should be the length times the width. cepts of the area and the perimeter of a rectangle.
Teacher. So what do you think the area of the court Hsu led the discussion in helping them clarify the
should be? definitions of area and perimeter
George. The area should be 640 square meters. through the explanations of George,
(Students are surprised by this answer.) who had a better understanding of
Bill. Disagree! 640 is too large. How can the court these things.
possibly be that size? We would need to walk for a
long, long time to cover that distance. Challenging students Teacher. So what do
Teacher. Why? Keri. How do we know 32 times 20
Bill. If I take a big step, it is about 1 meter. If I took is equal to 640? you think the area of the
640 steps, then I would be outside the school. How Teacher. Good! A very good ques-
can this be the area of the court? tion! Can you tell us why? court should be?
Hsu understood that this group had some mis- George. The numbers cannot be used
conceptions about the definition of area. He knew more than once and since the num- George. The area should
some of the students had trouble knowing the dif- bers remaining are 640, 3, 10, and 8, be 640 square meters.
ference between area, perimeter, and length. He only 640 is appropriate, because 3,
also knew that they needed clarification on exactly 10, and 8 are all too small. Bill. Disagree! 640 is too
what area is. He therefore decided to lead some Teacher. Can anyone tell us how to
of the other students, by answering his carefully multiply 32 by 20? (Students say large. We would need to
worded questions, to explain the concept of the area softly that they have not yet learned
of a rectangle. how to multiply 32 × 20. None of walk for a long, long time
the students can suggest a way to to cover that distance.
Supporting students’ do this.)
explanations, whether The multiplication of two digits
correct or incorrect by two digits (e.g., 32 × 20) was a
Teacher. Does everyone agree? new topic for these students. Hsu
George. We are talking about the area, not the thought that it might be difficult for
length. his students to estimate 32 × 20, so
Teacher. Can you tell us what the area is? he decided to leave this topic until later and con-
George. The area of the court implies that the tinue with the remaining questions.
ground is completely covered. If we look at the
picture [in fig. 2], the area of the rectangle is shown Assisting and leading the
by the shaded area. The area of the rectangle is discussion when required
equal to the length times the width. Hence the court Teacher. Let’s continue with the next question.
is equal to 32 × 20. We think, therefore, that the What do you think is the distance from the ground
answer is 640. to the rim of the basket?
Ella. 8 meters.
Figure 2 George. I disagree! It should be 3 meters.
Teacher. Ella, can you tell us why you chose 8
George’s depiction of area meters?
Ella. We just think that’s the answer.
George. 8 meters is so high! That’s impossible!
Bill. My height is 138 centimeters. If I only con-
sider 100 centimeters, then we would need 8
20 people, standing on top of each other, to reach
800 centimeters. This is so high; it’s impossible to
throw a ball to such a height.
George. The ceiling of our classroom is about the
same height as the rim of the basket. It’s impossible
for our classroom to be 8 meters high.

Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006 107

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Different groups gave the two different answers. Teacher. What is the answer for the distance from
Hsu patiently listened to the students’ explanations the ground to the rim of the basket—the height of
and debate. He gave students the chance to discuss the basketball hoop?
their thinking and explain their reasoning. He then Rebecca. It is 3 meters.
decided to lead students through the problem to find Teacher. How do you know?
the answer. Students (several answer). It is about the height of
the classroom.
Giving assistance and leading Students (others respond). It is more than double
the discussion, when required our height.
Teacher. Good! Bill said that the height of the class- Teacher. Good!
room is almost the same as the distance from the
ground to the rim of the basket. What Before ending the class, Hsu asked his students
is the height of the classroom? to give their conclusion in order to review the
Bill. 3 meters. problem and the solution. Again, this helped the
Teacher. How did you come up with students clarify and make sense of the problem.
The teacher plays that number? (No students answer.) Hsu has asked his students to keep a mathemati-
Do you know how tall I am? My cal diary to record points covered in the daily les-
an important role height is about 178 cm. Now you
can estimate the height of the class-
sons. Their reflections have provided additional
insight into what they are learning and their level of
in the creation of room.
Keri. I think the height of our class-
understanding. An examination of their diaries has
demonstrated that this lesson had value, as revealed
a good learning room is about 3.5 meters, because it
is about double your height.
in the following entry:

environment, Teacher. Good! Now, what is the

distance from the ground to the rim
 his activity is interesting and different from
the lessons found in our textbooks. It gave me
of the basket? a chance to understand what the perimeter and
which encourages Keri. 3 meters. the area are. Now I know that the perimeter is
Teacher. Do you agree? (The stu- to go once around the court. The area represents
exploration, dents say they do.) the amount of ground covered by the court. The
Hsu guided the students in find- question of the distance from the ground to the
communication, and ing the correct height through dis-
cussion. The height of the classroom
rim of the basketball hoop is very interesting.
Now I know that a height of about 3 meters is
reasoning. is almost the same as the distance
from the ground to the rim of bas-
reasonable. When Lin stood under the rim, I
could see that its height is about double Lin’s
ket; this allowed them to estimate height and more.
the solution by using the teacher’s
height as a benchmark.
Teaching Reflections
Encouraging children to Even though these students did not learn how to
present their conclusion multiply 32 by 20—they knew only how to multiply
Teacher. Good! Who can present the conclusion two or three digits by one digit—the teacher perhaps
for us? had underestimated the ability of these students.
Students (many answer). The length of the court is This would have been a good time to encourage the
32 meters and the width is 20 meters; the length, students to accept the challenge of developing the
therefore, is 12 meters more than its width. The necessary skills to multiply two digits by two digits,
perimeter is the distance a person walks around based on their prior knowledge, especially because
the rim of the court, starting at one point and 20 is an easy number to manipulate.
returning to that original point. The perimeter is, We have suggested certain revisions to improve
therefore, the length times two (32 × 2) plus the this activity. An additional number of 600 should
width times two (20 × 2); this is 64 plus 40, which be included in the selection, because when estimat-
comes to 104. ing an appropriate answer for 32 × 20, it would be
Teacher. Good! So the area will be how much? more challenging for students to have to select the
Alex. It is 32 × 20. It is 640. answer from 600 or 640.

108 Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006

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Some Things We Learned
Students actively participated in discussions and
enjoyed explaining their thinking. They enjoyed
this kind of question because they could apply what
they learned in their class to help them solve realis-
tic problems. This activity showed how the teacher
was able to lead and challenge students to commu-

Photograph by Ping Jui Chiang; all rights reserved

nicate, think, and reason. It also showed that small-
group discussion resulted in valuable experiences
and encouraged higher levels of mathematical
thinking. More specifically, this lesson had some
important pedagogical implications:

1. Mathematical questions, when they relate to

real-life situations, have higher student involve-
ment. When students can apply and connect
mathematical ideas to real-life situations, they
understand the importance and usefulness of
mathematics. At the same time, their understand-
ing of mathematical ideas has more depth and is
more lasting because they can connect mathemati-
cal concepts from a real-life context. This supports
the statement in Principles and Standards for children are able to develop a conceptual under-
School Mathematics (NCTM 2000) that instruc- standing of mathematics through problems involv-
tion “should enable all students to recognize and ing real-life situations. This lesson demonstrated
apply mathematics in contexts outside of math- how the teacher can help students “recognize the
ematics” (p. 64). importance of reflecting on their thinking and learn-
2. The teacher plays an important role in the ing from their mistakes” (NCTM 2000, p. 21).
creation of a good learning environment, which 4. The teacher decides what to teach and how to
encourages exploration, communication, and teach it. Textbooks provide structure for the content
reasoning. A good teacher must offer mathemati- of a mathematics course. It is the teacher, however,
cal tasks that are worthwhile and of interest to who decides what mathematical ideas or concepts
students, while at the same time supporting them are important and need to be emphasized. Hsu
in a comfortable learning environment. Hsu not showed a strong self-confidence by focusing on
only encouraged exploration and discussion but an activity that differed from the mathematics cur-
also provided opportunities for children to share riculum in Taiwan. He knew that “the opportunity
their thinking and reasoning skills. He challenged for students to experience mathematics in a context
students to come up with clear and convincing is important” (NCTM 2000, p. 66). Although he
explanations without solving the problem for understood that his students were familiar with
them. He supported their reasoning by clarifying written computation and routine questions, he also
mathematical concepts and by assisting them in realized that they were not necessarily developing
the development of a higher level of mathematical good number sense. He realized that “conceptual
thinking. This reflects the assertion that “effective understanding is an important component of profi-
mathematics teaching requires understanding what ciency” and “learning with understanding is essen-
students know and need to learn and then challeng- tial” (NCTM 2000, pp. 20–21).
ing and supporting them to learn it well” (NCTM
2000, p. 16).
3. Students’ explanations help the teacher gain Conclusions
insight into their thinking and understanding about This experience demonstrates that students’ num-
mathematics. Children are encouraged to partici- ber sense can improve through flexible teaching
pate in meaningful learning and to develop number and thinking about numbers, in a real-life con-
sense through problem solving. At the same time, text. The lesson shows how the teacher plays an

Teaching Children Mathematics / September 2006 109

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important role by posing challenging questions,
eliciting students’ explanations, and providing
guidance to promote mathematical skills. It also
illustrates how a teacher, by including interesting
and valuable mathematical tasks, can create mean-
ingful and worthwhile learning for students. Most
important, it challenges every teacher who teaches
mathematics to think about the ways in which a
student learns.

Greenes, Carole, Linda Schulman, and Rika Spungin.
“Developing Sense about Numbers.” Arithmetic
Teacher 40 (January 1993): 279–84.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School
Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM, 1989.
———. Principles and Standards for School Mathemat-
ics. Reston, VA: NCTM, 2000.
Reys, Barbara J. “Promoting Number Sense in the Middle
Grades.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
1 (September–October 1994): 114–20.

This paper is part of a research project supported

by the National Science Council of Taiwan with
grant no. NSC 92-2522-S-415-002. Any opinions
expressed here are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
Council of Taiwan.

The author gratefully acknowledges the coop-

eration, in collecting data and in teaching, of Tony
Hsu, a fourth-grade teacher in Taiwan. Without his
help, this article would not have been possible.

Editor’s Note
Looking for additional resources? NCTM offers a
variety of resources related to topics mentioned in
this article, including the following:

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

(NCTM). Number Sense and Operations. Reston,
VA: NCTM, 1993.

For more information on teacher reflection,

readers are encouraged to visit the NCTM Reflec-
tions resource located online at
eresources/reflections. Visit
for more on these resources. Visit www.nctm.
org for information on all of NCTM’s resources,
including professional development offerings, pub-
lications, and online resources. ▲

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