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Choose the most appropriate option :

1] A : ‘They remain the richest royal collection ever found….’
B : ‘ …….and have become part of the pharaoh’s legend.’
i] A is the cause of B
ii] B is the cause of A
iii] A and B are both incorrect
iv] A and B are unconnected statements
2] 3 nested coffins means :
i] the coffins looked like nests
ii] the coffins were made by birds
iii] the coffins were one inside the other
iv] the coffins were laid side by side
3] How did Carter try to loosen the resins of Tut’s mummy ?
i] by using force
ii] by putting it out in the sun
iii] by pouring water over it
iv] both i and ii
4] How has archaelogy changed over the last few decades ?
i] it uses many sophisticated tools, including medical technology
ii] there is less interest in treasure
iii] there is increased focus on the details of life
iv] all of the above
5] Two of the biggest questions scholars want answers to are :
i] how old was Tut when he came to the throne and how tall was he
ii] how did Tut die and how old was he at the time of his death
iii] whom did Tut marry and how many children did he have
iv] who ruled before and after Tut’s death
6] The CT machine malfunctioned because of :
i] the extreme heat in the desert
ii] sand in a cooler fan
iii] the curse of the pharaoh
iv] the inefficiency of the technicians
7] ‘But for now the pressure was off,’ said Zahi Hawass. Why?
i] Tut’s mummy was back in its proper place
ii] The CT scan had been done successfully
iii] The malfunctioning of the cooler fan had no impact
iv] All of the above
8] CT stands for :
i] catastrophic tension
ii] computerised telepathy
iii] computed tomography
iv] computational testing
9] Amenhotep IV changed his name to :
i] Osiris
ii] Akhenaten
iii] Akhetaten
iv] Zahi Hawass
10] What was Tut buried with?
i] mummies of his pets
ii] objects of daily use
iii] wood for his funeral pyre
Iv] electrical equipment
11] The X-ray of Tut’s mummy in 1968 revealed that :
i] his hipbone was missing
ii] some of his neck vertebrae were missing
iii] his breastbone and front ribs were missing
iv] none of the above
12] What did Carter and his men do after removing the body from the coffin ?
i] they took the mummy to England
ii] they kept it in an Egyptian museum
iii] the mummy was placed on a layer of sand in a wooden box
iv] the body was kept in an airconditioned chamber

1] i 4] iv 7] iv 10] ii
2] iii 5] ii 8] iii 11] iii
3] iv 6] ii 9] ii 12] iii

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