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 Creating patient and consumer counseling and

, , educational programs
 The DRIs are not minimum or maximum nutritional
requirements and are not intended to fit
 They are to be used as guides only for the
majority of the healthy population
 2 purposes broad categories:
a. Assessing existing nutrient intakes
 However, to ensure proper exercise is a lot of b. Planning for future nutrient intakes
hard work…
 Many people suffer from nutrition problems,
such as malnutrition A. Recommended Nutrient Intakes Both
 Thus, many food experts introduced tools, are nutrient goals
standards and guidelines
 Numbers are taken from solid experimental
evidence and reliable observations
 Standards recommended for healthy people’s  Expected to meet the needs of almost all
energy needs and nutrient intakes healthy people
 Tools to help avoid undernutrition and  Ex: How many grams of thiamin does a 20-
overnutrition year-old male need daily?
 Set values for: vitamins/minerals, carbohydrates,  Whenever the DRI committee does not find
lipids, proteins, fiber, water, and energy enough evidence to generate RDA they
establish an AI value

 Is the general term for a set of reference

values used to plan and assess nutrient intakes
of healthy people
 These values vary by age and sec
 The DRI include 4 sets of standards:

B. Facilitating Nutrition Research and


 Average nutrient requirements for given life

stages and gender groups
They are widely used in:  Policy makers and public health officials use
this in their work
 Designing and evaluating research studies and  Basis of the RDA values
results C. Safety
 Developing dietary guidelines and food guides
 Planning and tracking nutrition-related public  To identify potentially hazardous levels of
health programs and diets for military personnel nutrient intakes
 People who take supplements  This, the EAR for calcium is set at a point
 People who consume food that has added that will meet the needs, with respect to
vitamins and minerals bone health, of half of the population
 Some nutrients do not have UL but it doesn’t  EAR values become the scientific foundation
mean that you can consume as much as you upon which RDA values are set
 There is not enough data to establish a value  Are the levels of intake of essential
 Ex: What is the UL for niacin for a 5-year- nutrients that, on the basis of scientific
old? knowledge, are judged by the Food and
Nutrition Board to be adequate to meet the
known nutrient needs of practically all
healthy persons
Differences between individuals  To determine RDA – establish EAR
 Average daily level of intake sufficient to
 Adequate intake over time meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all
 Attempt to get 100% of DRI recommended (97%-98%), healthy people to a specific sex,
intake age, life stage, or physiological condition (such
 Put DRI recommended intakes into perspective as pregnancy or lactation)
 DRI are assigned for healthy people  Ex: How many grams of thiamin does a 20-
 Separate recommendations for men, women, year-old male need daily?
pregnant, lactating women, infants, and children
 Specific age ranges
Four Standards

 EAR is set at a point that meets the needs

of half the population
 While RDA are values set to meet the needs
of the vast majority (97-98%) of the target
healthy population
 RDA is a nutrient intake goal for planning the
diets of individuals
 The actual nutrient needs of a given individual
 Expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of
will be different than the RDA
the people in that age group based on a
 However, since we know that 97 to 98
review percent of the population’s needs are met
 Each nutrient, a specific bodily function is
by the RDA, we can assume that if a person
chosen as the criterion on which to base the is consuming the RDA of a given nutrient,
EAR they are most likely meeting their nutritional
 For example, the EAR for calcium is set using
need for that nutrient
a criterion of maximizing bone health  The important thing to remember is that
RDA is meant as a recommendation and
meeting the RDA means it is very likely that  It was established to help distinguish
you are meeting your actual requirement for healthful and harmful nutrient intakes
that nutrient  Developed in part as a response to the
growing usage of dietary supplements
 ULs indicate the highest level of continuous
 For instance, the DRI for vitamin D is a intake of a particular nutrient that may be
recommended 600 international units each day. taken without causing health problems
However, in order to find out your true personal  When a nutrient does not have any known
requirements for vitamin D, a blood test is issue if taken in excessive doses, it is not
necessary assigned a UL. However, even when a
 The blood test will provide an accurate reading nutrient does not have a UL it is not
from which a medical professional can gauge necessarily safe to consume in large amounts
your required daily vitamin D amounts  Is used to examine the possibility of
 This may be considerably more or less than the overconsumption of a nutrient
DRI, depending on what your level actually is. In  If an individual’s usual nutrient intake remains
terms of Adequate intake (AI) and Tolerable below the UL, there is little or no risk of
Upper Intake Levels (TU) adverse effects from excessive intake. At
intakes above the UL, the risk of adverse
 AIs are created for nutrients when there is effects may increase
insufficient consistent scientific evidence to Example:
set an EAR for the entire population
 As with RDAs, AIs can be used as nutrient-  An adult with usual zinc intakes that
intake goals for a given nutrient exceed the UL (40 mg/day) may be at
 For example, there has not been sufficient increased risk of the adverse effect of
scientific research into the particular reduced copper status. There is no
nutritional requirements for infants established benefit for healthy individuals
 Consequently, all of the DRI values for infants in consuming amounts of nutrients that
are AIs derived from nutrient values in exceed the RDA or AI
human breast milk
 For older babies and children, AI values are
derived from human milk couple with data on
 The AI is meant for a healthy target group
and is not meant to be sufficient for certain
at-risk groups, such as premature infants
 Established when evidence is insufficient to
develop an RDA and is set at a level assumed DRI Graph. This graph illustrates the risks of nutrient
to ensure nutritional adequacy inadequacy and nutrient excess as we move from a low
 Ex. How many liters of water does a 15- intake of a nutrient to a high intake. Starting in the left
year-old female need?
side of the graph, you can see that when you have very
low intake of a nutrient, your risk of nutrient deficiency
 Maximum daily intake unlikely to cause is high. As your nutrient intake increases, the chances
adverse health effects that you will be deficient in that nutrient decreases. The
point at which 50 percent of the population meets their
nutrient need is the EAR, and the point at which 97 to
98 percent of the population meets their needs is the
RDA. The UL is the highest level at which you can
consume a nutrient without it being too much – as
nutrient intake increases beyond the UL, the risk of
health problems resulting from that nutrient increases.

 You can use the DRIs to help assess and plan

your diet. Keep in mind when evaluating your
nutritional intake that the values established have
been devised with an ample safety margin and
should be used as guidance for optimal intakes.
Also, the values are meant to assess and plan
average intake over time; that is, you don’t need
to meet those recommendations every single day
– meeting them on average over several days is

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