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Positioning Nursing Considerations

Note any changes in appetite,

Place patient in a semi-fowler’s
weight, activity level, speech,
memory, skin such as dryness and
Sitting position is angled
cold intolerance
between 15 and 45 degrees.
Administer oral calcium
Support their head and neck using
supplements, magnesium
either sandbags or pillows to keep
supplements and vitamin D as
everything in a neutral position
don’t want the patient to
Monitor and assess the patient
every 2 hours for 24 hours for
Keep patient’s head at the
signs and symptoms of
hemorrhage such as irregular
breathing, frequent swallowing,
Pain and Infection Control
blood on wound dressing, neck
Pain after thyroidectomy is reported swelling and pooling of blood
as minimal in patients who had under the neck and shoulder area
preoperative education on the or tracheal compression
procedure Assess the patient’s ability to
Non-opioid and non swallow by doing the water
pharmacological therapies should swallow test and repetitive saliva
be prioritized swallow test
Pain scores to those treated
Patient Teaching
with opioids up to the first
Avoid extreme neck extension or
postoperative visit have similar
flexing, and to keep their head in
pain scores to non-opioid
a midline position.
(acetaminophen & ibuprofen)
Reinforce that the patient will POST-OPERATIVE
Application of topical antibiotic
need to take thyroid replacement
for the rest of their lives
Soframycin: Applied three times a
day to prevent infection
no longer producing thyroid thai·roy·dek·tuh·mee
hormones T3 and T4 anymore the removal of the thyroid
Josiah David P. Maraat, SN; Kyrah Mae Nerez, SN Administer Levothyroxine gland and is done to patients
REFERENCES: consistently in the morning on who have a large goiter causing
tracheal compression, lack of
Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., & Reinisch, C. (2020). Lewis's Medical-Surgical
Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems (11th ed.). Elsevier.
an empty stomach, at least 30
response to antithyroid therapy
Yu, V., & Wu, C. (n.d.). Speech therapy after thyroidectomy - Yu - Gland Surgery. Gland Surgery.

to 60 minutes before food.

Retrieved October 29, 2022, from

or thyroid cancer
Types of Thyroidectomy Complications Post-Operative Care
1. Total Thyroidectomy
Choice of operation for all types A. Hypothyroidism Thyroid Hormone
If the entire thyroid gland is removed,
of thyroid cancer where the Supplementation
entire thyroid gland is removed the body can no longer make thyroid
hormone which in return would cause Supplementation is determined
2. Near Total Thyroidectomy
symptoms of hypothyroidism or an on the extent of the resection of
surgical removal of both thyroid
underactive thyroid such as the thyroid
lobes except for a small amount
decreased mentation, metabolism Benign disease except
of thyroid tissue on one or both
and movement hyperthyroidism
sides less than 1.0 mL
B. Hypocalcemia/ Hypoparathyroidism Patients who underwent
3. Subtotal Thyroidectomy
A common complication following a total thyroidectomy were
involves removing 90% of the
total thyroidectomy where it is prescribed a daily dose of
thyroid gland leaving
characterized by hypocalcemia due thyroid-stimulating
approximately 3g-5g on the less
to a lack of parathyroid hormone to hormone (TSH)
affected side
maintain serum calcium levels (levothyroxine) 1.6 mcg/kg
4. Lobectomy/Hemithyroidectomy
C. Hemorrhage and Hematoma body weight after surgery
removal of half of the thyroid
gland may occur after surgery and impede
the patient's ability to breathe Thyroid lobectomy
causing airway obstruction TSH are not routinely
D. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury started after surgery
Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis Permanent hypothyroidism should
Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis be discussed with patients prior
E. Dysphagia to any thyroid surgery, including
F. Horner Syndrome thyroid lobectomy
A neurologic condition causing ptosis, TSH levels should be obtained
Indications miosis and anhidrosis approximately six weeks after
Thyroid Nodules G. Tracheal Injury surgery to determine the need for
Hyperthyroidism may occur due to excessive use of thyroid hormone replacement
Obstructive or substernal cautery on or around the trachea
H. Esophageal Injury Bleeding
Usually the esophagus is not affected Lots of blood flows through the
during thyroidectomy however there thyroid gland
is still a percentage of esophageal Check their wound dressing for
injury associated with thyroidectomy blood, and check behind their
neck to make sure blood is not
pooling behind them

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