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MGSE4.G.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in
two-dimensional figures.
AASL Standards:
Inquire: Think Create Share

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Opening: Activate prior knowledge: Turn and Review angles again Quick review, and assign partners.
talk with a neighbor

What are angles? What makes them


Mini-Lesson: Discussion of angles from the turn Allow students to refer back to the text Students will complete their maze.
and talk. as they need help. I will share how to
use Classkick web tool with students.

Work-Time: Read Sir Cumference and the Great Students will begin creating their maze. Students will get a partner and try to complete
Knight of Angleland. As I am each other's maze. Students will then tally the
reading, we will practice making number of right angles, obtuse angles, and
angles on geoboards. /AXF5kajhTRGgAP30t9FrzQ acute angles.

Virtual Geoboards

Closing: Ticket Out the Door: Draw an angle Ticket Out the Door: What was your Share our angle counts.
on a sticky note and write the type. favorite part of the book?

Reflection: Overall, I enjoyed this lesson. I could not co-teach with the main teacher due to her being hospitalized for unexpected heart surgery. I
had a sub with me, and she did a great job supporting students when they had questions or were referred to me for support. For the most part,
students used Classkick and created their maze. I did have two students who became frustrated with the software; one gathered himself and
completed as much as he could before leaving for speech. The other student struggled with the concept and eventually made a maze, but his
timeline took longer than the other students. Students pulled prior knowledge of angles from third grade. I was impressed with what they already
knew. Regarding the story, students found the book humorous with all the math puns and asked to see the other titles in this series. My hope is
other math teachers will catch wind!

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