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November 23 2012

Dr. Rodriguez

Outline  Orgasm- peaking of sexual pleasure with release of sexual

A. Brain and Sexual Behavior
tension & rhythmic contraction of the perineal muscles
B. Physiological Sexual Response
C. The Sexual Dysfunctions & pelvic reproductive organs
D. Signs of Sexual Addiction  Resolution – detumescence
E. Etiologic Considerations  If there is no desire the medications like Viagra
F. Difficulties in Addressing Sexual Function
G. Management
will not work because as we remember sex is
Notes: Minimal notes from the book because the powerpoint was taken word per word involuntary. That is why we should practice the
from the book as well. tongue and the finger.
 Through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)  Sexual Desire disorders
o The limbic system is directly involved with
 Sexual Arousal disorders
elements of sexual functioning.
 Orgasm disorders
o The parasympathetic (cholinergic) nervous
 Sexual Pain disorders
system activates the process of erection via
 Sexual Dysfunction due to a GMC
impulses that pass thru the pelvic splanchnic
 Substance-induced sexual dysfunction
nerves S2,S3,S4  smooth muscles of the penile
 Sexual Dysfunction NOS
arteries dilate blood flows into the sinuses of
the corpora cavernosa blood flow from the
Hypoactive sexual dysfunction is more common in women. Erectile
penis is inhibited erection.
dysfunction is the most common sexual dysfunction in men greater
o Parasympathetic stimulation increases blood
than 40. Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual
flow to clitoral tissue
dysfunction in men less than 40.
o The clitoris has a nerve net that is
proportionately 3 times as large as that of the SEXUAL DESIRE DISORDER
penis 1. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
 Sexual Innervation of the male and female apparatus are  Deficiency or the absence of sexual fantasies or
innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system  desire for sexual activity
Meaning it is INVOLUNTARY 2. Sexual Aversion Disorder
 Hormones  An aversion to and avoidance of genital sexual
o Fetal external genitalia are highly susceptible to contact with a sexual partner
o Testosterone- believed to be connected with * Specify if lifelong or acquired, generalized or situational, due to
libido in men and women. In men, there is an psychological or combined factors.
inverse correlation between stress &
testosterone levels. Hypoactive Sexual Disorder
o Other factors, like sleep, mood and lifestyle  More common sexual desire disorder
influence circulating levels of hormones.  Experienced by both men and women
 Neurotransmitters  May be used to mask another sexual dysfunction
 Prevalence rates: 20% of the total population, more
o Increase in dopamine  increased libido
common among women
o Serotonin produced in the upper pons &  Lack of desire may be expressed by:
midbrain is presumed to have an inhibitory - decreased frequency of coitus
effect on sexual function. - perception of the partner as unattractive
o Those taking anti-deprresants like Zoloft. What is - overt complaints of lack of desire
their most notable side effects? Its erectile  Women exhibit far more variation in their psychological
dysfunction. That is why you should take Viagra reactions to their inability to respond to sexual
or Sidenafil too
 For the man, erectile dysfunction is almost always a
psychological disaster.
THE SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE  The responses of women to a comparable sexual inhibition
 Desire – the presence of sexual fantasies and the desire range from similar great distress to a causal acceptance of
to have sexual activity their condition.
 Excitement- psychological & physical stimulation leading SEXUAL AROUSAL DISORDER
to penile erection in the man, vaginal lubrication 1. Female Sexual Arousal
in the woman & a host of other physiological changes  Persistent or recurrent ability to attain, or to
maintain until completion of the sexual activity,
an adequate lubrication swelling response of SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION AND SEXUAL DISORDER NOT
sexual excitement OTHERWISE SPECIFIED
2. Male Erectile Disorder * Sex Addiction – NOT YET in DSM but becoming more prevalent
 Persistent or recurrent ability to attain, or to like some people in show business. ;)
maintain until completion of the sexual activity,  Postcoital Dysphoria
an adequate erection  Couple Problems
 The erectile difficulties in Male Erectile Disorder are  Unconsummated Marriage
frequently associated with sexual anxiety, fear of  Body Image Problems
failure, concems about sexual perfomance, and a  Don Juanism
decreased subjective sense of sexual excitement and  Nymphomania
pleasure. Erectile dysfunction can disrupt existing  Fantasies
marital or sexual relationships and may be the ca use
 Persistent and Marked Distress about Sexual Orientation
of unconsummated marriages and infertility. This
disorder may be associated with Hypoactive Sexual  Postcoital Headache
Desire Diso rder and Premature Ejaculation. individuals  Orgasmic Anhedonia
with Mood Disord ers andSubstance-Related Disorders  Masturbatory Pain
often report problems with sexual arousal. (DSM IV)  Paraphilias (i.e., Frotteurism – rubbing or organ like in
crowded places, Fetishism – example is ampalaya or bitter
* Specify if lifelong or acquired, generalized or situational, due to gourd.)
psychological or combined factors. SIGNS OF SEXUAL ADDICTION
 Out of control behavior
ORGASMIC DISORDERS  Severe adverse consequences (medical, legal,
1. Female Orgasmic Disorder
interpersonal) due to sexual behavior
 Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of,
 Persistent pursuit of self-destructive or high-risk sexual
orgasm following a normal sexual excitement
 Repeated attempts to limit or stop sexual behavior
 Women exhibit wide variability in the type or
 Sexual obsession & fantasy as a primary coping mechanism
intensity of stimulation that triggers orgasm. The
 The need for increasing amounts of sexual activity
diagnosis of female orgasmic disorder should be
 Severe mood changes related to sexual activity
based on the clinician’s judgment that the
 Inordinate amount of time spent in obtaining sex, being
woman’s orgasmic capacity is less than would be
sexual or recovering from sexual activity
reasonable for her age, sexual experience & the
 Interference of sexual behavior in social, occupational, or
adequacy of sexual stimulation she receives.
recreational activities
2. Male Orgasmic Disorders
 Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of,
orgasm following a normal sexual excitement ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS
 Medical conditions like hypothyroidism, DM, primary
phase during sexual activity that the clinician,
taking into account the person’s age, judges to
 Surgical procedures causing temporary dyspareunia
be adequate in focus, intensity & duration.
 Conditions involving organs of the reproductive system
 Erection hardness scale by urologist. 1 – no
that may cause dyspareunia, vaginismus
harndess, 2 – hardness but not enough for
 Drugs/medications like antiHPN meds, CNS stimulants,
penetration 3 – hardness able to penetrate but
cannot sustain. 4 – all the way.
 Other sexual dysfunctions like sexual aversion disorder,
* Specify if lifelong or acquired, generalized or situational, due to sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder and sexual pain
psychological or combined factors disorders


1. Premature Ejaculation – persistent or recurrent ejaculation DYSFUNCTION
with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after  Antipsychotic drugs
penetration & before the person wishes it.  Antidepressant drugs
2. Dyspareunia – recurrent or persistent genital pain  Lithium
associated with sexual intercourse in either male or  Psychostimulants
female.  Alpha Adrenergic & Beta Adrenergic receptor antagonists
3. Vaginismus – recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of  Anticholinergics
the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that  Antihistamines
interferes with sexual intercourse  Antianxiety agents
4. Sexual Dysfunction and Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise  Alcohol
Specified  Opioids
 Hallucinogens - surgery
 Cannabis  Individual psychotherapy, couple therapy
 Barbiturates & other CNS depressants  Sex therapy
 Dopamine – direct relationship with libido. Increase SEX THERAPY
dopamine increase libido. Serotonin – inverse  Dual sex therapy by Masters and Johnson
relationship with libido. Increase serotonin decrease  Sensate focus exercises - sexual activity is limited to gentle
libido. (This will be asked in the exam) touching & caressing each other’s body
 Genital stimulation – light, teasing genital play
PSYCHOCOLOGICAL ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS  Non-demand coitus – the woman’s awareness of
 Childhood sexual trauma pleasurable vaginal sensations increases considerably
 Repeated painful experiences with coitus when coital thrusting is under her control, with the sole
 Unconscious connections between sex and overwhelming objective of augmenting her sensory awareness
feelings of shame and guilt  Behavior therapy
 Perceived psychological assault by the person’s partner Results of Sex Therapy
 Relationship difficulties 1. Because the woman is not pressured to produce a
 Chronic stress, anxiety or depression response, she is not apt to mobilize her defenses &
 Prolonged suppression of the sexual impulse anxiety.
 Partner’s/Husband’s responses 2. The stimulation is provided primarily for the woman’s
erotic pleasure.
CULTURAL ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS 3. The couple becomes more perceptive & sensitive to each
 Women are not subject to the same sexual pressures to other’s sexual needs & reactions.
perform as men are. 4. The defenses initially held on to begin to dissolve in the
 In our society, the woman’s role in sexuality is to give man relaxed sexual ambience & open authentic
pleasure and bear children. communication.
 Most of these women are advised to accept or adjust to RESULTS OF TREATMENT
their inorgastic state.  Depends on the cause
 The more severe the psychopathology associated with a
DIFFICULTIES IN ADDRESSING SEXUAL FUNCTION problem of long duration, the more adverse the outcome
 Lack of sexual education in medical school and residency is likely to be.
 Lack of FDA approved treatment options for sexual  Better outcomes are associated with:
dysfunction - couples who regularly practice assigned exercises
 Discomfort with the topic - flexibility of attitude
 Time constraints - younger couples tend to complete the therapy
 Patient’s embarrassment
 Consultation focused solely on pregnancy KEY POINTS
 Psychosocial factors should be part of the evaluation and
MANAGEMENT management of sexual disorders.
 The presence of desire depends on:  When appropriate, management of psychosocial factors
1. Biological drive may preclude the use of expensive and unnecessary
2. Adequate self-esteem treatments for sexual disorders.
3. Previous good experiences with sex
4. Availability of an appropriate partner M V & J were so tired of the drama that was happening between them and
5. A good relationship in non-sexual areas with one’s the mean girls. J realized that they don't have to compromise anymore and
should just do what makes them happy. Since then every time the mean girls
came they would just ignore them which pissed the mean girls more. Out of
 General medical work-up to rule out a medical cause
nowhere a butterfly came to V's hair which made them realized that they
 Management of medical causes should just be themselves and do things that made them happy. What story
- Pharmacotherapy would like them to be happy? None! So the mean girls thought of a plan that
* Sildenafil in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction- a PDE- would shatter MJV's barrier. Stay Tuned!
5 inhibitoractivates guanylate cyclaseinc. cyclic
guanosine monophosphate(cGMP)smooth muscle
relaxation in the corpus cavernosumblood inflow during
sexual stimulation
- hormone therapy (androgens for ED, antiandrogens for
sex addiction)
- penile injections, prosthesis

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