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A: Hi Jeferson! What are you doing?

B: I am thinking on the most exciting part of my birthday

A: Wow, and what was it?

B: When I received my iPad

A: Fantastic! I think the greatest is the iPad.

B: I adore my iPad because is the most modern and is the fastest of the tablets.
Besides, it's the biggest, I can download a lot of games, I can make calls and it's
the lightest. It is not the easiest device to buy because it’s the most expensive. But,
anyway, in my opinion, an iPad is essential for students. Unlike traditional tablets,
which are slower but cheaper and heavier.

A: Good for you! I also think that technological devices are essential for our lives...

B: ________(Nombre de la compañera), and what did you get for your birthday?

A: I was given a smartwatch

B: Wonderful! And why do you like the smartwatch?

A: Because it's the smallest, the nicest, the fastest, and the most practical. While
traditional watches are slower, larger, and older. On my smartwatch, I can listen to
music, can send messages, manage my phone and use various applications. I like
smartwatches, especially if they are from Apple, I feel the most reliable.

B: I remember I had a watch which was 5 $ now there are smartwatches with many
functions and are much more expensive than the old ones. Wow, technology
advances a lot.

A: Yes, it's true. Well, Jeferson, I have to go, goodbye.

B: See you later, ________, bye.

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