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Virgilio Jacobus 10 roll

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
3 1 3 4 3 5 3 7 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 7
Movement: 3/6/9/18 Leap: 3m Jump: 60cm Wounds: 11
Insanity: 0 (stable) Corruption: 0 Fate: 3

Trained Skills
Carouse 37, Chem Use 44, Command 37 (+5 aboard spacecraft), Common Lore
(Imperial Navy) 44, Common Lore (Imperium) 44, Gamble 44, Literacy 44, Medicae
74 (+10 + Master Chirurgeon + Talented), Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) 44, Scrutiny
35, Speak Language (High Gothic) 44, Speak Language (Low Gothic) 44, Speak
Language (Battlefleet War Cant) 44, Tech-Use 44, Trade (Technomat or Chymistry)

Decadence, Master Chirurgeon, Talented (Medicae)

Physiker Virgilio Jacobus, age 51, is a through-and-through battlefleet medical officer

with an expertise in chirurgery under confined conditions of a ship's medical bay. He
is the veteran of numerous bloody campaigns, and has developed a habit for
relieving the pressures of his post by controlled intoxication (a cause of numerous
friendly arguments with his gambling buddy, Noemi Mehalko).

His long sevice has also allowed him a knack for installing cyberware into those

Noemi Mehalko (1 roll)

Infernus Master
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
38 35 3 9 4 2 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 8 3 9
Movement: 3/6/9/18 Leap: 3m Jump: 60cm Wounds: 12
Insanity: 0 (stable) Corruption: 1 Fate: 3

Trained Skills
Awareness 51 (+10), Command 39 (+5 aboard spacecraft), Common Lore (Imperial
Navy) 34, Gamble 34, Intimidate 39, Scrutiny 35, Search 51 (+10), Speak Language
(High Gothic) 34, Speak Language (Low Gothic) 4, Speak Language (Battlefleet War
Cant) 34.
Into the Jaws of Hell, Iron Discipline, Resist (Heat)

Noemi Mehalko, age 44, rose through the ranks from enlisted to petty officer for her
dogged persistence in detecting and subduing fire hazards aboard ships she's
served in the capacity of Infernus Master. Though capable in matters of command,
she spent most of her life socially awkward because of her rotund masculine
physique, but the endless hours spent around a card table with her friend Virgilio
have helped her develop a biting sense of humor which she uses to break through
her communication obstacles.

Through her sojourns in the fire, Noemi has started to embrace the flames, being
slowly corrupted by them. Each time she puts out a fire, she will turn to Tzeentch a
bit more, gaining half a rank of corruption (already has 1)

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