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You have to practice who you wanna be you know you don't wake up one

morning and you're 1._____ who you think you want to be you have to put
some energy into it so if you want to be an honest person you have to be an
honest person every day even starting at 3 and 4 and 5 right, if you're gonna be a
hard worker hard work doesn't just 2.____ you have to practice hard work you
have to practice effort and I also encourage them try to help them understand
that good things don't come 3.____ with that effort that's where you grow that's
where growth is some of the best times in my life when I've grown when I've
done something 4.___ when I've overcome a fear of 8 you don't 5.____ that
when you're doing it but when you come out on the other side you realize wow
I've really stepped up so I pushed my girls but more importantly I love them a
lot and that's what I feel for all of you I want you guys to feel that in your
6.____ so that you can be excellent because other people told me that I might
not be able to to do well in school for whatever reason I was always a good
student I 7.____ hard but I thought there was some 8._____ that happened that
made me really.., I didn't know that was just plain old hard work so there were
periods of doubt for sure I think ...well I have doubts today doubts don't go
away you just 9.___ how to deal with them you start knowing yourself and you
become more confident that the more 10.____ you have the more chances you
take you don't let the failures or the 11._____ define you you know everybody
falls every now and then. some people follow lot and what I realize is that we
have long lives if we're healthy and we do what we’re supposed to do, I'm 47
years old so think about it whatever mistake I made when I was 13 who cares.
so think about life as a long trajectory, but at the same time you don't want to
make 12.____ mistakes because when you're young making big big mistakes
can last forever right, so you want to choose wisely but the stumbles the lessons
learned but that's part of life that makes you grow but I came to know that when
I was your age I thought every mistake was the end of the world I'll never be
able I'll 13.____ get in that school I'll never be of course we all feel that way but
just continue to work put the 14.____ in and I think that has been some of
what's helped me being first lady. First of all is 15.____ who you are and being
confident in yourself because there’ll be clear as what is it pushing 16._____
other people’s labels of you right? That's a big part that's what we do to each
other all the time we don't even know each other and we already determined
from one glance meeting 1 line 1 word 1 phrase this is who you are so you have
to know who you are before that and you live that 17._____ and you keep living
it out no matter what and if you're a good have good character and good
intentions that that ultimately 18.______ through but in the end it's hard work
hard work and I'd like to work hard and I'd like to do good things and you
practice that now and believe it or not I didn't know it prepared me to be the
first lady of United States I didn't know I guess I'm doing OK but you know
what every day we just get up and keep doing what we think Is the right thing...
read, write. Read, read. If the president were here one of his greatest 19._____
is reading that's 1 of the reasons why he’s a good communicator why he’s such
a good writer he’s a voracious reader so we're trying to get our girls no matter
what to just be to love reading and to challenge themselves with what they read
not just read the gossip books but push themselves beyond and do things that
maybe they wouldn't do so I would encourage you all to read, read, read just
keep reading. And writing is another skill is practice, it's practice. the more you
write the better you get, drafts of our kids are learning the 1st draft means
nothing you're gonna do 7, 10 drafts, that's writing, it's not 20.____ it's not the
teacher not liking you because it's all marked up in red and when you get to be a
good writer you mark your own stuff in red and you rewrite and you rewrite and
you rewrite that's what writing is and if you come out with those skills and then
you're confident and you can 21_____ and you can stand up straight and look
anybody in the eye and say... this is who I am it's a pleasure to meet you that's
one of the things we try to do with our mentoring 22. ____ with young girls. My
message to them is if you can walk into the white house and meet the first lady
and say... my name is .. and how are you...and Look me in the eye and there's
nothing you can't do that's why it's important if you guys walked here , are
sitting here in front of all these people standing tall asking questions using your
voice you have to practice that, these 23.____ just show up again and again and
then you just get used to it the nerves go away and you start relaxing into your
own abilities but it's practice. When you are 24. _____ and you start thinking
about giving up, I want you to remember something that my husband and I have
talked about since we 1st started this 25._____ nearly a decade ago. Something
that has carried us through every moment in this White House and every
moment of our lives and that is the power of hope, the 26. _____ that something
better if you’re willing to work for it and fight for it. It is our fundamental belief
in the power of hope that has allowed us to rise above the voices of doubt and
division of anger and fear that we have faced in our own lives and in the life of
this country our hope that if we work hard enough and 27.____ in ourselves
then we can be whatever we dream regardless of the limitations that others may
place on us, the hope that when people see us for who we truly are maybe just
maybe they too will be inspired to rise to their best possible self. Should it's the
hope of folks like my dad got up every day... do his job at the city water plant
the hope that 1 day his kids will go to college and have opportunities he never
dreamed of. That's the kind of hope that every single one of us politicians,
parents, 28____ , all of us need to be providing for our young people because
that is what moves this country forward every single day. I hope for the future
and the hard work that hope inspires that I want our are young people to know
that they matter, that they belong, so don't be afraid you hear me young people
don't be afraid, be focused, be determined, be hopeful, be 30. ____ , empower
yourselves with a good education and get out there and use that education to
build a country worthy of your boundless promise, lead by example with hope
never fear

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