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GE-PC M2 Unit 2

1. Why is public speaking a performance?

To perform is to have the ability to effectively complete the task given. To speak
in public requires skills to effectively relay the information that he or should give the
audience. The ability to stay composed, poised, the professionalism in changing the
way in delivering the message to further make the audience understand. Like dancing
or singing in public, giving speeches and messages also requires to confidence and
presence of mind to complete and that makes it a perfect performance.
2. What public speaking practices do you think should be practiced more in class?
As someone who is mostly afraid of public places, I am extremely terrified of
speaking in front of other people. I personally would like to practice in doing reports. Not
only does it help me in gaining confidence to speak in public, but also help me to
explain what I want to say without myself stuttering causing the audience to miss my
point and cannot understand me.

GE PC M2 Unit 3 learning act.

1. True
1. Eye Contact – Occurs when two people look at each other’s eyes at the same time. It
is a form of non-verbal communication and can have a large influence on social
behavior. Eye contact is everything in public speaking in person and online. It’s one of
the characteristics of effective public speakers. Creating positive and meaningful eye
contact is important to engage your audience and help them remember more of what
you said
2. Public Speaking – speaking in front of an audience or crowd of people in real time or
live. The objective of the speech might be to instruct, influence, engage, educate, or
entertain the listeners. Importance of public speaking comes in handy at every important
event of our lives.
3. Articulation – the ability of a person to speak fluently and coherently and clearly
4. TED Talk – ( Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks) a recorded public-speaking
presentation that was originally given at the main TED (technology, entertainment
and design) annual event or one of its many satellite events around the world.
5. Speaking Style - a set of properties by which you can link speech to a certain
communicative situation.


1. In her talk, what is the relationship of climate to corona virus?

Corona virus came from nature. Mankinds constant pillaging of nature is now
talking its toll and it is the poor who paying the price. By destroying nature and heading
more into remote places, mankind has encountered diseases which is new and our
science and bodies doesn’t know about.

2. What advice did she point out in order to get rid of this pandemic?
In order to get rid of the pandemic, every country must have the capability to
detect, analyze and neutralize the virus. Which means that every country must have
great health care system which can quickly eliminate any virus before it spreads. If this
isn’t achieved, then the virus would just return and return because even if the rich
countries can contain it, the poor countries are still infected and still can infect more

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