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Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba

College Department


NAME: Sean Andrei G. Calip Year/Course: 1st Year – BSCS

1. How do you create fame an interface?

UI combines interaction, visual, and information design. Sometimes many content

pieces are needed. Compare saving space with making the user think more about a
dropdown or feature. Type, color, and texture provide hierarchy and clarity for your users.

Interface Elements Users expect particular behaviors from UI elements; therefore, be

consistent and predictable in your choices and layout. Task completion, efficiency, and
satisfaction will improve. Interface elements include: Text fields, checkboxes, radio
buttons, drop-down lists, list boxes, toggles, and a date field are input controls.
Breadcrumb, slider, search, pagination, slider, tags, and icons Tooltips, icons, progress
bars, notifications, message boxes, and modal windows Accordion.

Interface design best practices Know your users' goals, talents, interests, and tendencies.
Once you know your user, develop your interface accordingly. Keep the UI basic,
consistent, and consistent. Page layout matters.

2. What is the purpose of game design?

According to Wikipedia, "game design" is the process of creating a game's rules

and content. Design is defined by Salen and Zimmerman (2004) as "the process through
which a designer constructs a setting for a participant to encounter, from which meaning
emerges" (p. 41). In game design, the designer is the game designer; the setting includes
spaces, objects, stories, and behaviors, the participants are the players, and the meaning
is what Salen and Zimmerman mean by "meaningful play."

Some people choose to focus solely on game design instead of coding. Players
and developers value experience, engagement, and enjoyment. Players want a fun

Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba
College Department

experience that distracts them, transports them, or kills time in line. The game creator's
success depends on the players' enjoyment.


• User Interface Design Basics | (n.d.). User Interface Design Basics |
Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

• Asgari, M., & Kaufman, D. (n.d.). Motivation, Learning, and Game Design. Motivation, Learning,
and Game Design: Education Book Chapter | IGI Global. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

• McKeever. (2016, November 8). The art of game design and its importance | Corona Labs. Corona
Labs. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from https:///blog/2016/11/08/the-art-of-game-design-

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