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A Birth Certificate is a negotiable instrument

Nov 28, 2015 3:37 AM

They do it via your birth certificate! Most of us have assumed that our birth
certificate is just that – a certificate recording the information of our birth and
nothing more. The following is taken from Robert Arthur Menard’s book,
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception. It reveals to us just what our
birth certificate represents to our governments and the UN created and
controlled World Bank.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE. A formal document which certifies as to the date and

place of one’s birth and a recitation of his or her parentage, as issued by an
official in charge of such records. Furnishing of such is often required to prove
one’s age.

A Birth Certificate is a negotiable instrument, a registered security, a stock

certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock of the corporation
and against which you are the surety; it is a pedigree chattel document
establishing the existence of our straw man, a distinct artificial person with a
fictitious name; it is a document of title to a straw man; it is a warehouse
receipt for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond between you (flesh-
and-blood man or woman) and the industrial society and corporate US
Government (artificial person).

In Canada, the original birth certificate is generally created at the

PROVINCIAL level (in some rare instances municipal level) via birth
documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $x# from the
PROVINCE for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the
Provincial and Federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of
“birth” below, the document references both the newborn and the straw man.
Certified copies of the birth certificate may be obtained at the Vital Statistics
Office. Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instrument used by
the Government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.

BIRTH. The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence.

A man or a woman is “born”, straw men are “wholly brought into separate
existence.” Each event qualifies as a “birth”. The birth certificate documents a
muddied mixture of the two events that allows the system to both claim that it
is “your” birth certificate yet also claim to hold title to (not ownership of) the
corporately coloured straw man.

From Mary Elizabeth: Croft in her book, HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY

MAN, we get the following:

Registration vs. Recording

“Registration” comes from Latin “Rex, Regis” etc. meaning regal. So think
about what occurs to whatever you ‘register’ – you hand legal title over to the
Crown. When you register anything with the public, it releases legal title to the
government corporation and leaves you with only equitable title – the right to
use, not own, and for that use you will pay a ‘use’ tax, be it income, sin, sales,
property, etc. as opposed to lawful taxes, excise and impost. So that it doesn’t
appear that the government now owns the property which you have registered
they put it in a name which so much resembles your own that you won’t
suspect it, however, the NAME (capitalized name) is owned by the
government. If you choose rather to record your legal title to your property
with the public, you maintain your status as Title Owner. This is one of the
most important things you can ever learn for the sake of your commercial

The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A

bankrupt entity – city, state/province, and country – cannot operate in
commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA and Canada have been
bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it,
the only asset it has is men and woman and our labour. We are the collateral
for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the
application for a birth certificate.

The treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a
securities exchange and bought by the Federal Reserve Bank or Bank of
Canada, which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held
in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the sureties
on said bonds. Our labour/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence
we become the ‘transmitting utility’ for the transmission of energy.

The birth certificate created a FICTION (the name of the baby in upper case
letters). The state/province sells the birth certificate to the Commerce
Department of the corporations of USA/CA, which in turn places a bond on
the birth certificate thereby making it a negotiable instrument, and placing the
fiction, called a STRAWMAN, into the warehouse of the corporation of
USA/CA. Representation for the created fiction was given to the BAR (British
Accredited Registry/Regency), owned and operated by the Crown, for the
purpose of contracting the fiction (which most of us think is ourselves) into a
third party action.

Do not underestimate the power behind this trick. It is to con (defraud) us into
contracting with the Feds so that they can ‘legally’ confiscate our property. All
these contracts have only our signature on them because corporate fictions
cannot contract (only natural beings have the right to contract – and the right
not to contract). Because there is no full disclosure – we are never told that we
have just signed away what we believe to be our property – these contracts are
fraudulent, and hence, we are still the lawful owner and the profit earned by
the Feds from stealing securities (our property) belongs to us and must go into
a fund for our benefit, otherwise it would be fraud. Not wanting to be charged
with fraud, the Feds had to create a remedy for us…and hope we wouldn’t
discover it.

If you examine your birth certificate you will find a number in red ink that
begins with a letter. On the small plastic card the number will appear on the
back of the card. On the larger Birth Certificate printed on bank note paper the
red number may be on the front. In the USA this bank note paper comes from
the American Bank Note Company, in Canada it comes from the CANADIAN
BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. This information can be found along
the lower left-hand edge of the note. If you are holding one of these you are
holding a certified copy of a bank note in your name that has an alleged value
of well over $1,000,000 (one million dollars). The number in red ink is a bond
number or a bond tracking number. This bond is legally and lawfully yours.
This is the most important fact the World Bank does not want you to know.

Even though the country was bankrupt the banks could not take away your
rights and freedoms, so they forced the government to create an artificial
CORPORATION (STRAWMAN) in your name. Then they had you sign
fraudulent contracts to accept the privileges and benefits attached to this
artificial CORPORATION. You only signed these contracts for SSN/SIN
numbers, registrations and other licenses because you were led to believe this
artificial CORPORATION was you and that you were obliged to sign. They
did not tell you that by signing these contracts you were signing away your
lawful rights and freedoms and giving the government total control of your
life, property and labour.

Today, the one simple fact that the World Bank does not want you to find out
is that all these contracts are fraudulent and that because of that fact you have
always had and still, to this very moment, retain all your lawful rights and
freedoms. We have been deceived into being bound by rules, statutes and
“laws” that simply do not apply to human beings.

Apparently you can not cash this birth certificate bond in… but you can use it
to pay off any dept you have against you. It’s called “defusing”. If you have a
student loan get them to send you a bill for all that you owe, then you go to the
treasury and tell them to defuse the loan with your bond certificate. You can
do this with car payments, home payments,… etc.. etc. If someone you know
dies penniless you can use his or her birth certificate bond tracking number to
pay for a proper burial and to clear all outstanding debt he or she may have.
But you can not use it to go out and buy a home, land, car, or toys, only to pay
off what you owe.

What does the FBI (an agency originally created with agents of the Secret
Service of the Department of the Treasury with the mission of suppressing
counterfeiting – failed miserably as the Federal Reserve Note is an illegal
counterfeit of the United States Note – and derived from the Interstate
Commerce Act of 1887 which became the United States’ (U.S.) first
regulatory agency.) have to say about this? The U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) regards the instructors and promoters of what they call
“Redemption schemes” as fraudsters. The IRS- Internal Revenue Service has
included the “straw man” claim in its list of frivolous positions that may result
in the imposition of a $5,000 penalty when used as the basis for an inaccurate
tax return.

Who is really defrauding who? A fraud is an intentional deception made for

personal gain or to damage another individual. It isn’t the individual person
who is “creating” birth certificates, bonds, marriage certificates, vehicle
registrations, drivers licenses, property tax and personal income tax using
forged legal names – name which are intentionally created to resemble your
own and impersonate you – for financial gain.

The sole purpose behind the creation and use of all capital letters names is
done to create fabricated legal names such as “CONSTITUTION OF THE
Fabricated legal names can then be used to fabricate additional legal names

“Fictions” arise from the law, not the law from fictions. Bastard legal names
originate from any judicial/governmental actor that wishes to create them,
regardless of whether he/she/it is empowered by law to do so. However, a law
can never originate from a fictional foundation that doesn’t exist.

A warrant issued by a judge is invalid if the name of the person described in

the warrant is spelled out in all capital letters. As stated before all capital
lettering is – “done to create fabricated legal names”. If the warrant describes
you using all capital letters it is describing a fabricated (fictional, fake, non-
existent) name. You can legally reject any warrant if your name is spelled out
in all capital letters. Fabricated legal names are invalid – fictional law without
validity. A warrant issued using all capital letters is invalid - a fraud – an
intentional deception made to damage another individual. No judge, no court,
no lawmakers can issue a warrant against a fabricated (fictional, fake, non-
existent) person. A law can never originate from a fictional foundation that
doesn’t exist.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author. If you have a
problem with the correctness of the information, please contact the author.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.)
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