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Newspaper article on Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying a serious problem

THE EDITOR: Bullying among children is not something new to schools in TT. It has always been
around. What is changing is the nature of bullying.
Cyberbullying is a newer form of bullying. It involves making use of the internet to attack, threaten
and spread false rumours about people. As more children spend more time online and texting,
instead of going outside to play sports, some of them are taking their conflicts online.
In the past bullies used playing fields and schools to prey on their victims. The internet has made the
playing field a whole lot bigger.
Cyberbullying incidents include exposure to sexual remarks, unflattering and suggestive personal
photos spread online, and being bullied, recorded and photos/videos distributed online.
Cyberbullying makes it easier for children to mask their true identities. So, bullies are not necessarily
physically imposing. Sometimes they are just children filled with hatred.
Some bullies are seeking a wider audience and may even go so far as to capture physical attacks on
video and post them online for others to view.
Bullying should be taken more seriously in TT. Children who experience bullying can feel all alone and
become emotionally traumatised, leaving long-lasting scars.
Children feel extremely confused about how to deal with such situations. Adults must partner with
children to assist them in the creation of a social network that will support them. It is time to take
cyberbullying seriously in TT.
Wednesday 4 July 2018
Written by - Arthur Dash

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