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Grade ______34 = ________% Name:____________________

Social Studies Medieval Europe Unit Exam

Multiple Choice: (5 marks)

Please circle the best answer for the question

1) What years did the Middle ages occur? (CE stands for Common Era)

a) 1300 CE - 1600 CE
b) 600 CE - 1400 CE

2) What years did the black death occur?

a) 1347 CE -1351 CE
b) 1116 CE- 1125 CE

3) Roughly, how much of the population died because of the Black Plague?

a) 1/3 of the population (25 million people)

b) 1/2 of the population (35 million people)

4) Which of the statements best describes the economic impact that followed the Black Plague?

a) Trade increased between countries

b) Labour shortages that allowed many to earn wages

5) Which of the following statements about Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) is NOT true?

a) She lead the army that won the battle of Orleans

b) She was born into a noble family

Matching: (10 Marks)

Match the definition to the correct vocabulary word.
Write the letter of the definition in the box beside the vocabulary word it matches.

Match the Vocabulary Definition

Letter Word

Feudalism A. A portion of crops or percentage of earnings paid to the


Hierarchy B. A social system in which status is ranked, and power is

concentrated in the high ranks

Manors C. Loyalty

Allegiance D. The system of political organization during the middle ages

Serfs E. A piece of land, sometimes called a fief

Monastery F. Peasants who rented land or worked to pay for it

Freeman G. A person who has learned a trade and joined a guild

Guild H. Peasants who worked the land for the lord and were not
allowed to leave the manor without the lord's permission

Journeymen I. Building and lands in which monks lived and carried out their
religious duties

Tith J. Associations of artisans or merchants who control the practice

of their craft in a particular town.

Short Answer (19 marks)

● Please fill in the answers as completely as possible. Each question will be assessed using the 3-
mark rubric unless specified otherwise.
Please fill in the following pyramid. (1 mark for each correct answer)

The Feudal Hierarchy (4 marks)

Barons and Bishops


1) Describe Medieval Medicine - Surgery, beliefs, common cures, the 4 humors (3 Marks)


2) Describe Architecture in the Medieval Period - Romanesque versus Gothic, characteristics of each,
advancements, and purpose (3 Marks)


3) Describe Peasant Life in the Medieval Period - Before and After the Black Plague (3 Marks)

4) Describe the Role of the Church/Religion in People’s Lives in the Medieval Period (3 Marks)

5) Describe the Peasants Revolt - What caused it? What did the peasants do? How did it impact the
two different countries? (3 Marks)

3-Point Scale
-1- -2- -3-
Not Meeting Meeting Expectations Exceeding
Expectations Expectations
Student has not Student has answered Student has thoroughly
completely answered the question in a answered the question
question or straightforward and demonstrating careful
demonstrates a lack of clear manner; clear and consideration and
understanding; unclear, persuasive supporting insight; specific and
inaccurate, or evidence is used. convincing supporting
insufficient supporting evidence is used.
evidence is used.

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