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Fill in the periodic table: Periodic Table Review

Use the models and key below to identify the given elements.

23. What determines the properties of an element?

24. Which elements will have similar properties? Why?

25. What trend do you see going across a period?

26. What trend do you see going down a group?

27. What groups will bond together? Why? 5. How did you identify each element? (hint: What did you count?)

________________& ________________ are located in the nucleus.

28. Does elements in group eighteen bond with any other elements?
Why? __________________ are located in the electron cloud.
Circle the correct answer.
6. If an element loses an electron it will become positively charged/
29. You have an element from group two and an element from group negatively charged.
sixteen, which element will give up electron(s); which one will give up
electron(s)? Why? 7. If an element gains an electron it will become positively charged/
negatively charged.

8. Elements that belong to the same group/ period have similar physical
30. What does an element from group fourteen do with their electrons? and chemical properties.
9. Elements that belong to the same group/ period have the same number 15. What group number contains elements that don’t react with
of valence electrons (electrons in its outer shell).
others? ___________
10. Elements that belong to the same group/ period increase in atomic 16. What element belongs in group 14 and has 2 electron clouds?
number and mass as you go across/ down.
11. Element: Zinc (Zn) 17. How many valence electrons do elements that belong to 15 have?
What is the atomic number of zinc? ________
What is the atomic mass of zinc? ________
18. What element is in group 2 period 3? ____________________
How many protons are in zinc? ________
19. Which of the following elements have the same chemical
How many electrons are in zinc? ________ properties?
a. B, C, N
How many protons are in zinc? ________
b. Be, Mg, Ca
12. Use the abbreviations for each subatomic particle to label where c. Li, Na, Be
the neutrons (N), protons (P) and electrons (E) are located in an d. K, Na, Mg
(Write the letters N, E and P to represent neutrons, electrons 20. What type of element is Helium (He)?
and protons) a. Non-metal
b. Metal
c. Metalloid

21. What type of element is Nickel (Ni)?

a. Non-metal
b. Metal
c. Metalloid

22. What type of element is Carbon (C)?

a. Non-metal
13. What are characteristics of all metals? b. Metal
c. Metalloid
14. What are characteristics of all non-metals?

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