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Assignment 1

My topic is Consumerism.

1. Articles
1. Consumerism as a moral attitude

Additional information funding this work was supported by The Society of Swedish Literature in
Finland. & References Aldridge. (n.d.). Consumerism as a moral attitude. Taylor & Francis.
Retrieved October 10, 2022, from


In this theoretical and exploratory article, it is claimed that it is feasible to construct a specific
interpretation of the term of consumerism within the political theological discourse through an
investigation of the writings of Pope Francis, Cornel West, and William T. Cavanaugh. The research
suggests that consumerism is fundamentally an attitude of moral indifference to pain. Thus, the act of
trivializing the good and showing indifference to pain is believed to fall under the suggested concept of
consumerism. The essay also emphasizes how the definition of consumerism undermines the notion that
it is an "ersatz" religion, which is a view of consumerism that is frequently used in a Christian theological

It is qualitative research method. Because it deals with numbers and statistics.

2. Consumerism, sustainability and consumer behavior

Piceti, P., & Camfield, C. (2017, June 24). Consumerism, sustainability and consumer behavior:
A systematic literature review. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from


This study intends to advance scholarly understanding of consumer behavior in relation to marketing,
particularly green and sustainable consumption. His search for relevant material in the ProQuest database
from 1992 to April 2015 followed a structured technique, with the three key phrases "consumption,
sustainability, and consumer behavior" serving as the primary filter. In line with your search. After filtering,
only 27 articles remained that were utilized for analysis. A number of non-marketing article expenses were
verified. The most important discoveries in the field of marketing, particularly in the areas of sustainability,
consumer behavior, and consumer behavior, indicate the existence of research areas on green marketing,
ethical, sustainable, and social consumption, and the majority of analyses include both internal and
external analysis.
It is qualitative research method. Because it deals with numbers and statistics.

3. Research on Consumerism: Opportunities and Challenges

Paul N. Bloom (1982) ,"Research on Consumerism: Opportunities and Challenges", in NA - Advances in
Consumer Research Volume 09, eds. Andrew Mitchell, Ann Abor, MI : Association for Consumer Research,
Pages: 520-522.


The study on consumption conducted over the past two decades is briefly reviewed in this essay. The
review's goal is to highlight areas where research has lagged or where new research possibilities have just
surfaced, not to give comprehensive coverage of previous research findings. In reality, the paper only
briefly mentions a few earlier research findings, three of which were the ones that were given just before
this "discussant's" presentation was delivered. The review is divided into three sections that encompass
studies attempting to (1) define and explain consumerism (on both a macro and micro level), (2) forecast
the movement's future (on both levels), and (3) manage various facets of the movement (on both levels)

4. Consumerism - Review of Literature

Nandi, Veena. (2016). Consumerism -Review of Literature. International journal of exclusive

management research.


The modern era of business has prompted an increased focus on the consumer and the responsibility of
corporations to consider their ethical and social obligations to their customers. The rise of the consumerist
movement has encouraged further research and development on the topic of consumerism, enabling
business to succeed in a consumer-driven market. Consumerism has been the subject of considerable
discussion over the last four decades. This social movement-which has sought to help consumers attain
safer products, more information, adequate selection, and better access to redress mechanisms-has been
examined by researchers from numerous disciplines using a wide variety of research approaches. These
researchers have sought to describe, explain, predict, and control the overall consumer movement and
the organizations, individuals, and issues that have made up the movement. Put differently, one could say
that these researchers have studied consumerism extensively on both a macro and micro level.
Consumerism in the global market place, focuses on the ways in which businesses can improve their
relationships with customers as well as analyze and influence purchasing behavior. As a comprehensive
reference source on topics like consumerism and the related ones, this paper is intended for use by
marketing professionals, business managers, students, and academicians.

2. Research Questions
Quantitative Research Question

How can consumers’ interactivity endeavors, such as buying, referring, influencing or giving feedback,
interact to produce focal consumer engagement and firm-based benefits?

Qualitative Research Questions

1. Under what conditions will consumer engagement generate optimal consumer behaviors?
2. Are materialists really unhappy?

3. Variables
Dependent Variable
Consumer purchase behavior

Independent Variable

Consumer needs and preferences, attitudes and perception

I want Voluntary participation as in this participants are free to opt in or out of the study at any point in

4. Ethical challenges in qualitative Research

Voluntary participation

Qualitative researchers have ethical challenges related to maintaining confidentiality, creating honest and
open relationships, and avoiding misrepresentations because of the closeness and intimacy that is
developed between the researchers and study participants. If researchers must handle conflicting
concerns and select between several methodological procedures when conflict emerges, ethically
problematic circumstances may arise. In these circumstances, disputes between several elements,
including participants, researchers, the discipline of the researchers, the funding agency, and the society,
may be unavoidable. When doing qualitative research, the following significant ethical issues should be
taken into consideration: anonymity, discretion, and knowledge-based consent.


The researcher must make every effort to reduce the likelihood of interfering with study participants'
autonomy. Children and other vulnerable people should have access to an advocate who is present
throughout the preliminary stages of the study, and preferably, during data collection sessions, where
very sensitive problems are involved. In other cases, it may even be required for the researcher to
explicitly state in writing who individuals can access the original data and how the data may be utilized.
very sensitive problems are involved. In other cases, it may even be required for the researcher to
explicitly state in writing who individuals can access the original data and how the data may be utilized.

Informed consent

Informed consent has been acknowledged as a crucial component of ethics in research done in several
domains. It is crucial for qualitative researchers to outline in advance which data will be gathered and how
they will be used. The informed consent principle emphasizes the researcher's duty to fully and clearly
explain all relevant information about the research to participants. There should be clarifications on the
following topics: the nature of the study, the prospective roles of the participants, the identity of the
researcher and the funding source, the purpose of the research, and the publication and use plans for the

Ethical challenges in quantitative Research

Research misconduct

Study misconduct includes fabrication of data, falsification of data analysis, and inaccurate reporting of
findings in research papers. It entails academic dishonesty. These behaviors are deliberate and can have
major repercussions; research misconduct is not a straightforward error or a difference of opinion over
data analysis. Because it may threaten both institutional legitimacy and scientific integrity, research
misconduct is a severe ethical problem. Money and resources that may have been employed for different
types of study are wasted as a result.

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