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2000 Core English Words 4

Review Test (Unit 1-4)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


The tree (coast / root / soil) is over 50 meters long.


Divers saw many fish hiding in the (coral / flow / peak).


The students were fascinated by the giant (jet / rail / fossil) of the T-Rex.

B. Choose the best answer for the question or to complete the sentence.

1. You must have a __________ if you want to travel abroad next month.

a. window b. flame c. bag d. passport

2. The rain made the weather very __________.

a. global b. southern c. humid d. western

3. What is an expedition?

a. a journey taken by people for a specific purpose b. an accident that causes damage or injury

c. a machine that makes motion d. a sudden event that happens, such as a flood

C. Look at the definition. Correct the wrong spelling, and then write.

1. a machine that carries people or cargo from one place to

2. an accident between vehicles that causes damage or
everything that exists in space univarse

all the personal items you take on a trip bagage

the weather that you think might happen in the future fourcast

a large or particular area of a country or of the world rejion

D. Choose the correct synonyms of the words in bold.

1. Several people volunteered to pick up litter in the park.

a. trash b. pollution c. coral d. cliff

2. All of the boats in the bay were damaged during the storm.

a. wave b. cove c. shore d. stream

3. If we freeze the meat, it will make it easier to slice.

a. rise b. flow c. recycle d. chill

4. George gave Sally a T-shirt as a souvenir from his trip to Italy.

a. gift b. crew c. route d. sailor

5. The motor is broken so the car won’t go.

a. crash b. route c. resort d. engine

E. Answer the questions.

Behind the Scenes

Do you know what happens before the jet you’re about to board takes you to your destination? Most likely,

the place you will board has come from somewhere else.

Once at the gate, the pilot turns off the ① , and the works begins. The ramp team

begins to unload the ② . The catering trucks move ahead and load the cabin with

new food carts. The inside of the plane is quickly cleaned. The toilet tanks are emptied. Then the

passengers begin to board. While that is going on, another team fills the ③ tanks via

giant hoses.

Someone on the ground gives the pilot a ④ that everything is ready. It all happens

very quickly. Finally, the crew locks the cabin doors. You’re on your way!

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

fuel signal baggage motor

2. What is true according to the reading?

a. It takes a while to ready a plane for flying. b. They use the same food carts for several flights.

c. The plane is not refuelled before take-off. d. The pilot turns off the motor at the gate.

3. What is the correct definition for destination?

a. a machine such as a plane or helicopter that flies through the air

b. the place someone or something is going

c. a place that offers a lot to do when you go on vacation

d. an act of moving the location or position of something

2000 Core English Words 4
Review Test (Unit 5-8)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


The company is looking to (hire / retire / manufacture) a new secretary.


Please review the terms of the (issue / agent / contract) before you sign it.


David was given a brand new (jeep / agreement / arrow) for his birthday.

B. Choose the best answer for the question or to complete the sentence.

1. I have some _________ time between 1p.m. to 4p.m. according to my schedule.

a. national b. simple c. tropical d. spare

2. I want to import a car from England, but it will be too _________ to ship.

a. expensive b. simple c. small d. easy

3. I have had the same barber _________ my hair for the past 10 years.

a. lengthen b. hold c. wash d. cut

C. Look at the definition. Correct the wrong spelling, and then write.

a group of people who get together to make decisions commity

An officer of high rank in an army captin

a person who is a member of the military solder

4. an attention that is given to someone or something by

newspapers, magazines, or television
an organization that helps people charidy

relating to a whole country or nation nathionel

D. Choose the correct synonyms of the words in bold.

1. The new assistant bought coffee for the whole team.

a. master b. helper c. ally d. guard

2. We should discuss the issue with an expert in finance.

a. arrow b. attack c. specialist d. captain

3. The company won’t see a profit until year 4 of business.

a. revenue b. battle c. debate d. client

4. The two boys quarrelled about who could use the bicycle.

a. imported b. employed c. struck d. argued

5. Protestors are trying to bring awareness to the big environmental disaster.

a. government b. crisis c. capital d. president

E. Answer the questions.

Yoni Needs Help

Matt: You seem a little overwhelmed about the responsibility you’ve taken on.

Yoni: I chose this ① because I thought it would be financially rewarding. However,

when I purchased this shop, it was so different.

Matt: How is it different from what you’d anticipated?

Yoni: I thought I’d only need to ② two other barbers, and after I paid their salaries,

the rest would be my profit – but it’s more complicated.

Matt: Maybe you should consider finding a mentor. I believe there are small-business ③

out there who might be able to help you.

Yoni: That’s a fantastic idea! I wonder if that involves some sort of ④ .

Matt: I imagine that’s something you’ll have to find out!

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

employ experts contract profession

2. What does Matt say Yoni should find?

a. A job b. A mentor

c. A hobby d. An assistant

3. What is the correct definition for responsibility?

a. a job that requires special training or skills

b. a plan of how and when things will be done

c. a person’s name written by that same person

d. a task, job, or duty that you are required to do

2000 Core English Words 4
Review Test (Unit 9-12)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


The (royal / federal / innocent) family no longer lives in that castle anymore.


The man went to (prison / prisoner / republic) for stealing a necklace.


People no longer need a (clue / compass / suspicion) since our phone has a GPS

B. Choose the best answer for the question or to complete the sentence.

1. What is an election?

a. a person who legally belongs to a country b. a person who is trying to get elected to an office

c. an official law or rule d. a vote to choose someone to serve as a public official

2. Based on the _______, we vote our president every four years.

a. punishment b. domestic c. democracy d. risk

3. The _______ shows how much percent the company owns.

a. team b. event c. graph d. term

C. Look at the definition. Correct the wrong spelling, and then write.

1. a group of people who are chosen to make rules, laws, or

2. a group of people whose job is to stop others from
breaking rules and laws
To make someone feel scared phrightin

The punishment you get for a certain crime penelty

A very large number made up of a thousand million bilion

A number or value compared to a total value of 100 persent

D. Choose the correct synonyms of the words in bold.

1. The clerk subtracted the discount from the total amount of the order.

a. divided b. multiplied c. deducted d. calculated

2. I’m terrible at arithmetic but Arnold is a really pro at it.

a. mathematics b. division c. equation d. ordinal

3. A massive crowd gathered in front of the concert hall, waiting to enter.

a. royal b. domestic c. illegal d. large

4. When we break a rule, our mother sends us to our rooms.

a. thief b. law c. trick d. jail

5. Police were able to capture the criminal in front of the bank.

a. arrest b. frighten c. commit d. accuse

E. Answer the questions.

The Legal Process

Rules and Laws

Rules and laws are there to stop people from behaving badly. By putting them in place, the government of

a country decides what is legal and what is not.


When someone breaks the law, they are said to have committed a crime. Some crimes are much more

serious than others and can put others in ① . Other crimes can even lead to death.


It is the job of the police to catch ② and bring them to ③ .

They do this by looking for ④ . If they find a really good clue, they use it as evidence

in court.


If a person is found guilty of a crime, they will face ⑤ .They may even be sent to jail

or prison. A prisoner is often locked in a small room called a cell for most of the day.

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

justice danger clues punishment criminals

2. According to the reading, who decides what is legal and what is not?

a. a prisoner b. a police officer

c. a suspect d. a government

3. What is the correct definition for guilty?

a. large in size, amount, or degree b. being responsible for a crime

c. something that could happen d. being against the law and might be punished

2000 Core English Words 4
Review Test (Unit 13-16)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


The graduate walked on stage to accept his (curriculum / diploma / tutor).


Sarah tried to (educate / cheat / belong) during the test but was caught.


Leslie felt (sensible / progressive / depressed) after the death of her


B. Choose the best answer for the question or to complete the sentence.

1. What is a mentor?

a. someone who leads another closely through learning

b. a teacher at a college or university

c. a group of people who share a common goal

d. an award given to a student when they finish at university

2. The examination will include ___________ from the first 10 chapters.

a. material b. lecturer c. section d. union

3. The students were anxious as they waited for the _______________ of the cast of the school play.

a. draft b. confidence c. graduation d. announcement

C. Look at the definition. Correct the wrong spelling, and then write.

thinking of others’ needs and wants toughtfull

a bad feeling, reaction, or response negetiv

the process of telling people how to do something instrution

4. money students pay to be taught, especially at a college

or university
what we feel about a person we think is good or special respeck

full of energy and enthusiasm lifely

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D. Choose the correct antonyms of the words in bold.

1. Sally has an extreme fear of bugs.

a. positive b. minor c. severe d. fraction 4.a


2. The doctor said I would feel total relief after taking the medicine.

a. comfort b. section c. term d. grief

3. Please include all references at the back of your essay.

a. certificaes b. midterms c. citations d. directions

4. The boy hid his marks from his parents.

a. grades b. knowledge c. commands d. tutorials

5. The man sang an extra song to satisfy the crowd.

a. solve b. caring c. annoy d. please

E. Answer the questions.

A Letter to Our New Students

Dear Student,

Brightwater University is one of the best-known universities in the country.

We are looking for young people of the highest ① . We expect students to perform

at a very high standard. We ② a great deal of effort and hard work. In return, our

staff act as personal mentors. They give students individual instruction.

We see universities as places for sharing ③ . Whatever your major, you will be joining

an incredible department. However, Brightwater offers you a wide range of other subjects to choose from,

too. Many students use their time here to master a second language or a musical instrument. We hope to

send you in the right ④ . for the rest of your life.


Prof. James Hill, Dean, Brightwater University

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

intelligence direction demand knowledge

2. What does Brightwater University expect from their students?

a. to master a second language b. to perform at a high standard

c. to perform lessons d. to choose many subjects

3. What is the correct definition for major?

a. one part of a larger thing b. the level at which you do something

c. the main subject that a student studies at university d. the process by which people learn

2000 Core English Words 4
Midterm Test (Unit 1-8)

A. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence.

1. The scientist discovered an ancient animal __________.

a. bloom b. fossil c. trash d. soil

2. I lost all of my possessions in the terrible __________ last year.

a. flood b. flow c. flame d. freeze

3. They went on an incredible __________ to the Antarctic.

a. tourism b. expedition c. wander d. movement

4. You should use both hands to __________ the vehicle. Otherwise, you might crash.

a. signal b. launch c. fuel d. steer

5. Soldiers need lots of training to shoot their __________ properly.

a. guns b. radars c. armor d. helmets

6. I’m a magazine __________. It’s very stressful working with so many writers.

a. priest b. officer c. editor d. minister

7. They asked a(n) __________ to speak about the topic at the conference.

a. barber b. guide c. expert d. servant

8. __________ is a great way to help poor people.

a. crisis b. battle c. aviation d. charity

9. Do you have a __________ pen I can borrow? Mine has no ink left. .

a. capable b. full-time c. spare d. convenient

10. The __________ was defeated by the government and the army.

a. society b. revolution c. nation d. military

B. Unscramble and write the correct word for to the given definition.

1. a large or particular area of a country or the world 6. to have the ability to do something successfully

rgneoi laecpab

2. a lot of moisture in the air 7. to disagree about something

ihdum ageru

3. to make prior arrangements to use it 8. related to the armed services of a country

eesevrr irItmyia

4. a machine such as a plane or helicopter that flies 9. a situation in which people have the same opinions

through the air engtermea

rariafct 10. relating to a whole country or nation

5. person who helps someone else onnaltai


C. Write the letter S for synonyms or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. district – region 6. hire - dismiss

2. freeze – melt 7. capable – efficient

3. peak – base 8. profit – loss

4. expedition– journey 9. ally – enemy

5. jet – airplane 10. peace - fighting

D. Reading Comprehension

A Business Trip

Hi Kelly,

I just got an e-mail from Golden Toy Tech. They manufacture our new RC toy car. They have a
problem with the production of the remote control. Since we are on a tight promotion schedule,
I think it would be faster to fly there and figure out the problem

Also, our contract with them is ending soon. So we should try to re-negotiate it with them.
Although they are considered experts in this kind of toy, lately they have had several issues with
importing materials. A tropical storm caused a problem last year. But they always have problems.
I don’t think they are capable of working with us anymore.

I’ve asked my assistant Barbara to book us plane tickets and reserve us a vehicle. I heard there
isn’t public transportation near the factory. After your client meeting this afternoon, let’s talk
about the trip.


1. What is the article discussing?

a. A manufacturer

b. A client

c. A vacation

d. A new product

2. What problem does Jonathon say the Golden Toy Tech has?

a. They can’t get enough material.

b. They lost a design.

c. They don’t answer e-mails.

d. They broke a product.

3. When will Kelly most likely do today?

a. go shopping

b. sign a contract

c. go to a conference

d. meet a client

4. The meaning of capable in this passage is

a. able to do b. having no limit c. covered

5. Fill in the blank with the word from the passage.

Jonathon wants to visit the company who ________________ their products. They are having

______________ producing a product. He asked his assistant to ____________ plane tickets and a car for

the trip.

2000 Core English Words 4
Final Test (Unit 9-16)

A. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence.

1. International sales are good, but __________ sales are poor.

a. domestic b. democracy c. federal d. republic

2. If you do something __________, you will be fined or sent to jail.

a. guilty b. legal c. illegal d. law

3. He’s so brave. He doesn’t __________ anything!

a. suspect b. risk c. commit d. fear

4. Arithmetic and __________ are basic math skills.

a. division b. formula c. ordinal d. graph

5. I started __________ school when I was 6 years old.

a. education b. elementary c. master d. tuition

6. He didn’t study hard at all, so he __________ the exam.

a. educated b. attacked c.. solved d. failed

7. Don’t be __________! We all do silly things sometimes.

a. jealous b. embarrassed c. lonely d. depressed

8. My boss __________ me to work harder! She thinks I’m lazy.

a. commanded b. appreciated c. disappointed d. satisfied

9. If you want to get a good job, you need to show __________ at interviews.

a. esteem b. comfort c. confidence d. anxiety

10. I get __________ allowance than my sister. I’m so annoyed!

a. minus b. plus c. less d. quarter

B. Write the correct word for to the given definition.

1. something is large in size, amount, or degree

6. the main subject that a student studies at university

__ a __ siv __
m __ jo __

2. an object or piece of information that helps to solve

7. a test taken halfway through a semester

m __ __ te __ __
c __ __ e

8. feeling very sad or grumpy

3. something that could happen

__ __sera __ l __
__ __ ten __ ia __

9. things that are far from normal

4. a picture that shows us numbers or quantities

ex __ r __ m __
__ r __ p __

10. to be grateful for something or understand the

5. to increase a number by adding that number to
reason for it
itself a certain number of times

a __ __ re __ i __ te
m __ __ ti __ l __

C. Write the letter S for synonyms or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. deny – accept 6. examination - test

2. illegal – banned 7. fail– succeed

3. deliberate – accidental 8. depressed – cheerful

4. even – odd 9. nervous – calm

5. direction – instruction 10. command – order

D. Reading Comprehension

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are characterized by persistent fear, worry, and anxiety. These feelings can be
caused by a many different “threats,” whether real or perceived. Here are a few examples of
anxiety disorders.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is worry about everyday events. People with GAD are often
nervous of or fear “what if” situations. They might also feel accused or to blame when things go
wrong. This often causes sufferers to develop perfectionist behavior. People with GAD also need
frequent approval. Without others’ approval, sufferers can feel depressed or disappointed in
themselves. Depression is a common condition associated with many anxiety disorders.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a fear of being watched, judged, or of being embarrassed. People
with SAD often lack confidence and communication skills. They may also appear awkward or
tense in public. This is because people with SAD are overly critical of their actions. They fear that
any little action they make will bring ridicule.

Specific phobias are extreme fears of a specific objects or situations. There are many different
kinds of phobias. For example, agoraphobia is a fear of public places. People who have
agoraphobia feel severe anxiety when outside. Many maintain the belief that the outside world is
full of danger. These people shut themselves in their homes. They would rather stay inside than
risk going outside to face potential dangers. This is harmful not only to themselves but to their
loved ones.

1. Which of the following best describes the reading?

a. Everyone has an anxiety disorder.

b. People with anxiety disorders are very careless.

c. People with extreme fears need to get treatment.

d. Anxiety disorders are due to a persistent feeling of worry and fear.

2. What trait do people with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) lack?

a. friendliness b. a sense of danger c. confidence d. self-awareness

3. According to the reading, why don’t many people with agoraphobia go outside?

a. They feel the outside world is full of danger.

b. They are afraid of people looking at them.

c. They don’t know what to say to others.

d. They think the world is very dirty.

4. The meaning of awkward in this passage is

a. knowing something will happen

b. the feeling of being relaxed

c. an uncomfortable movement

5. Fill in the blank with the word from the passage.

a. Those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder are of imaginary situations and often

display perfectionist behavior.

b. People with Social Anxiety Disorder feel like they are judged by others and, as a result, tend to be

in public.

c. Someone with agoraphobia, or a(n) fear of public places might refuse to leave

their house since they think it is dangerous.

2000 Core English Words 4
Final Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 4

Review Test (Unit 1-4) Review Test (Unit 5-8)

A. A.
1. root 1. hire
2. coral 2. contract
3. fossil 3. jeep

B. B.
1. d 1. b
2. c 2. a
3. a 3. d

C. C.
1. vehicle 1. committee
2. crash 2. captain
3. universe 3. soldier
4. baggage 4. weapon
5. forecast 5. charity
6. region 6. national

D. D.
1. a 1. b
2. b 2. c
3. d 3. a
4. a 4. d
5. d 5. b

E. E.
1. ① motor ② baggage ③ fuel ④ signal 1. ① profession ② employ ③ experts
2. d ④ contract
3. b 2. b
3. d
1 / 2
Review Test (Unit 9-12) Review Test (Unit 13-16)

A. A.

1. royal 1. diploma

2. prison 2. cheat

3. compass 3. depressed

B. B.

1. d 1. a

2. c 2. a

3. c 3. d

C. C.

1. council 1. thoughtful

2. police 2. negative

3. frighten 3. instruction

4. penalty 4. tuition

5. billion 5. respect

6. percent 6. lively

D. D.

1. c 1. c

2. a 2. a

3. c 3. c

4. b 4. a

5. a 5. d

E. E.

1. ① danger ② criminals ③ justice ④ clues 1. ① intelligence ② demand ③ knowledge

⑤ punishment ④ direction

2. d 2. b

3. b 3. c

2000 Core English Words 4
Midterm Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 4

Midterm Test (Unit 1-8)

A. C.

1. fossil 1. S

2. flood 2. A

3. expedition 3. A

4. steer 4. S

5. guns 5. S

6. editor 6. A

7. expert 7. S

8. charity 8. A

9. spare 9. A

10. revolution 10. A

B. D.

1. region 1. a
2. a
2. humid
3. d
3. reserve
4. a
4. aircraft
5. a. manufactures
5. assistant b. issues
6. capable c. reserve
7. argue
8. military
9. agreement
10. national

1 / 1
2000 Core English Words 4
Final Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 4

Final Test (Unit 9-16)

A. C.

1. a 1. A

2. c 2. S

3. d 3. A

4. a 4. A

5. b 5. S

6. d 6. S

7. b 7. A

8. a 8. A

9. c 9. A

10. c 10. S

B. D.

1. massive 1. d
2. c
2. clue
3. a
3. potential
4. c
4. graph
5. a. nervous
5. multiply b. awkward
6. major c. extreme
7. midterm
8. miserable
9. extreme
10. appreciate

1 / 1

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