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Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about the most memorable experience in

your life.
Human life is overflowing with events and moments. Among these infinite
incidents, some of them are pleasant, some aren’t, and we remember those for
long. For me, the most memorable in my life was the first time I had a motorbike
accident. That was the worst time of my life.
Until now, when I remember about this accident I feel terrifying. I still
remember vividly that day it rained heavily, I was on my way to my friend’s house.
Because there was a lot of fog, I lost my sight so I didn’t notice there was a car
rushing towards me. Due to the rain, the road was very slippery, I was in panic at
that time. My motorbike collapsed and was on my arm. Thinking about it alone, I
was able to feel the pain of that moment. Fortunately, the car brakes in time. Then I
was admitted to the hospital. My left arm broken at that time and I needed to rest
for a month. Luckily, this was summer vacation so I didn’t go to school.
By now, every time I ride on a motorbike, I feel nervous.

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