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Neurorehabilitation Therapy in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2:

A 24-Week, Rater-Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Trial
Julio Cesar Rodrı́guez-Dı́az, BSc,1 Luis Vela
zquez-Pe rez, DSc,1,2,3* Roberto Rodrı́guez Labrada, PhD,1,2,3
l Aguilera Rodrı́guez, MD,1 Dalina Laffita Pe
Rau rez, BSc,4 Nalia Canales Ochoa, BSc,1 Jacqueline Medrano Montero, PhD,1,3
Annelie ~an Rodrı́guez, BSc,1 Marcos Osorio Borjas, MD,5 Mariela Go ngora Marrero, MSc,1
Lorenzo Reynaldo Cejas, BSc, Yanetza Gonza lez Zaldivar, BSc, and Dennis Almaguer Gotay, MSc1

Centre for the Research and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxias, Holguı́n, Cuba
Cuban Academy of Sciences, Havana, Cuba
School of Physical Culture and Sport, University of Holguı́n, Holguı́n, Cuba
Florida Atlantic University, Cellular Neuroscience, Florida, Boca Raton, USA
Medical University of Holguı́n, Holguı́n, Cuba

A B S T R A C T : Background: Neurorehabilitation has with the controls, mainly for the gait, stance, sitting, fin-
become in a widely used approach in spinocerebellar ger chase, and heel-shin test items. Changes in Scale
ataxias, but there are scarce powerful clinical studies for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia scores were
supporting this notion. inversely correlated with the mutation size in the reha-
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess bilitated group. The nonataxia symptom count and sac-
the efficacy of a 24-week neurorehabilitative treatment cadic measures were unchanged during the study.
in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patients. Conclusions: A comprehensive 24-week rehabilitation
Methods: A total of 38 spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 program significantly improves the motor cerebellar
patients were enrolled in a rater-blinded, 1:1 randomized, symptoms of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patients as
controlled trial using neurorehabilitation for 24 weeks. assessed by the ataxia rating score likely as result of
The treated group received 6 hours of neurorehabilitation the partial preservation of motor learning and neural
therapy, emphasizing on balance, coordination, and mus- plasticity mechanisms. These findings provide evidence
cle strengthening on weekdays, whereas the control in support of this therapeutic approach as palliative
group did not receive this intervention. Primary outcome treatment in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 suggesting its
measure was the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of use in combination with other symptomatic or neuro-
Ataxia score, whereas secondary outcome measures protective drugs and in prodromal stages. V C 2018 Inter-

included the count of Inventory of Non-Ataxia Symptoms national Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
and saccadic eye movement variables.
Results: The rehabilitated group had high levels of K e y W o r d s : neurorehabilitation; spinocerebellar
adherence and retention to the therapy and showed a ataxia type 2; outcome measure; physical therapy;
significant decrease of Scale for the Assessment and neuroplasticity
Rating of Ataxia score at 24 weeks when compared

------------------------------------------------------------ Spinocerebellar ataxias comprise a heterogeneous

*Corresponding author: Luis Vela rez, Libertad Street #26, Hol-
guı́n, Cuba, 80100; group of neurodegenerative disorders inherited in an
Julio Cesar Rodrı́guez-Dı́az and Luis Vela rez are joint first autosomal dominant manner and caused by a degener-
authors. ation of cerebellum and its afferent and efferent con-
Funding agency: Cuban Ministry of Public Health. nections, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and brain
Relevant conflicts of interests/financial disclosures: The authors stem. Among them, spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
received funding from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health and disclose (SCA2) is the second most common disorder, only sur-
no conflicts in relation to the submitted work. passed by SCA3.1 It is caused by an expansion of the
Received: 26 January 2018; Revised: 28 March 2018; cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) tract within the cod-
Accepted: 17 April 2018
ing region of the ATXN2 gene, which in turn leads to
Published online 00 Month 2018 in Wiley Online Library an increase in the polyglutamine domain in the hom-
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.27437 onymous protein.2

Movement Disorders, Vol. 00, No. 00, 2018 1


SCA2 is characterized by a progressive cerebellar syn-

drome accompanied by severe saccadic slowing, periph-
eral neuropathy, autonomic disturbances, pyramidal
signs, cognitive disorders, and sleep disturbances.3 Simi-
lar to other SCAs caused by the polyglutamine domain,
the onset of SCA2 cerebellar syndrome is significantly
controlled by the mutation size2 and is preceded by pro-
dromal manifestations up to more than a decade before
disease onset.4,5
Although SCA2–as with other SCAs–has been studied
extensively, it is still considered an “orphaned treat-
ment” disease, where a cure has not been found.3,6 Nev-
ertheless, a promising gene therapy based on antisense
oligonucleotide approach was significantly efficient in
mouse models,7 and symptomatic therapeutical options
are already available for humans.3,6
Among the therapeutical approaches for SCAs, neuro- FIG. 1. Flow diagram of participants in the clinical trial. [Color figure
rehabilitation is recognized as one of the most useful to can be viewed at]
improve different clinical alterations such as ataxia of
the gait, postural sway, balance, and incoordination of measures were assessed at baseline and 24 weeks in
the upper and lower limbs.8,9 Nevertheless, there are both groups.
few studies assessing the effect of this therapeutic alter-
native on SCAs. Nearly all of these studies included a Participants
small sample size with higher heterogeneity for the dis-
As provided in the Consolidated Standards of
ease duration, ataxia severity, and molecular subtype,9-
13 Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram (Fig. 1),
excepting 3 studies encompassing relatively large
45 SCA2 patients were assessed for eligibility to par-
cohorts of patients with spinocerebellar degenera-
ticipate in the present study in the Center for the
tions.14-16 Only 2 studies have been performed using a
Research and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxias in
controlled design.13,16 Thus, the heterogeneity in
Holguın (Cuba). The determination of sample size was
patient populations and study designs hampers the
fixed as 45 based on the availability of resources and
unbiased interpretation and comparison of existing
the capability of our rehabilitation unit to conduct
this study. To be included, SCA2 had to meet the fol-
In view of the higher prevalence of SCA2 in Cuba as
lowing criteria: clinical and molecular diagnostic of
result of a founder effect,17,18 the larger and homoge-
SCA2 and patient age between 18 and 70 years, irre-
nous population of affected patients provides a good
spective of sex and disease duration. Exclusion criteria
opportunity to evaluate the effect of the rehabilitation
for participation were chronic diseases affecting the
using meaningful designs. That is why the aim of the
nervous system, psychiatric disorders, chronic alcohol
present investigation is to assess the effectiveness of 24-
abuse, pregnancy, and inclusion in any motor training
week neurorehabilitation on the cerebellar and noncere-
program. Of 45 eligible patients, 7 were excluded
bellar features of SCA2 by means a rater-blinded, con-
from the study because 5 did not meet the inclusion
trolled trial encompassing 38 patients.
criteria and 2 individuals declined to participate.
Therefore, after 2 weeks of enrollment, we included
Methods 38 participants. Once selected, 19 SCA2 patients were
randomly assigned to receive physical rehabilitation
Study Design and 19 were allocated to the control group following
This study was a prospective, rater-blinded, con- a simple randomization procedure using sequentially
trolled trial using neurorehabilitation in 38 SCA2 numbered opaque envelopes. To assure proper alloca-
patients who were randomly assigned, in a 1:1 propor- tion concealment, an off-site and uninvolved person
tion, to the rehabilitation group or the control group. sealed each allocation in the envelopes and then gave
The participants allocated to the rehabilitation group the set of sealed envelopes to the enrolling investigator
received 6 hours of neurorehabilitation per day on (L.V.P.).
weekdays during 24 weeks, whereas the patients allo- The main clinical, demographic, and molecular fea-
cated to the control group were asked to continue tures of the enrolled patients are shown in Table 1.
with their daily activities at home or on the job with- No significant difference was found between both
out including any motor training programs. Outcome groups for any of the variables. For the entire sample,

2 Movement Disorders, Vol. 00, No. 00, 2018

N E U R O R E H A B I L I T A T I O N I N S C A 2

TABLE 1. Baseline features of enrolled spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patients

Variables Rehabilitation group Control group P value

Gender, f/m 6/13 9/10 .319a

Age (y) 39.52 6 10.72 (18-63) 38.78 6 10.53 (20-58) .832b
Age at onset (y) 28.42 6 9.09 (15-55) 29.89 6 10.10 (10-49) .639b
Disease duration (y) 11.10 6 4.01 (3-19) 8.89 6 3.81 (2-14) .100b
Expanded alleles (units) 40.15 6 3.80 (32-48) 40.68 6 4.00 (35-50) .680b
Nonexpanded alleles (units) 21.84 6 0.50 (20-22) 22 6 0.00 (22-22) .178b

Frequency analysis performed using the v2 test.
Mean comparison using the independent t-test.

the age at disease onset was inversely correlated to the of treatment dropout.19 The patient’s adherence to
CAG repeat expansion size in the ATXN2 gene neurorehabilitation was assessed by the ratio of atten-
(r 5 20.76; P < .000002). dance (calculated by dividing the number of sessions
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of attended by the number of scheduled sessions)20 and
the Center for the Research and Rehabilitation of the index of patient’s adherence behavior (calculated
Hereditary Ataxias (Holguın, Cuba) and was con- by dividing the number of sessions with successful ful-
ducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Each fillment of the intervention program by the number of
patient provided written informed consent for partici- attended sessions).
pation in the study. For ethical reasons, the partici-
pants allocated to the control group received the same
24-week neurorehabilitative treatment once the pre- Outcome Measures
sent study was completed. Examiners blinded to the experimental group assign-
ment performed all outcome measures. The primary
Rehabilitative Interventions outcome measure was the Scale for the Assessment and
Rehabilitative interventions were conducted follow- Rating of Ataxia (SARA),21 whereas the secondary out-
ing the comprehensive program for neurorehabilitation come measures involved the Inventory of Non-Ataxia
of ataxia patients applied in Centro para la investiga- Symptoms (INAS) score22 as well as 3 electronystagmo-
ciœn y rehabilitacion de ataxias hereditarias (CIRAH) graphical measures of saccade eye movements (saccade
for more than 15 years. In general, this program com- velocity, saccade accuracy, and saccade latency).23
prises 1 hour of occupational therapy, 0.5 hours of The SARA scale is a reliable and validated clinical scale
motor control for the general conditioning, 4 hours of measuring the severity of ataxia. It comprises 8 items
physical therapy, and 0.5 hours of psychotherapy per assessing the gait, posture, speech, and limb kinetic func-
day on weekdays. The physical therapy was broken tions and yields a total score of 0 (no ataxia) to 40 (most
down into 4 sessions (2 in the morning and 2 in the severe ataxia).21 The INAS scale determines the extracere-
afternoon) lasting 45 minutes, each followed by 15 bellar features of ataxia patients, and its count (0 to 16)
minutes of break and hydration. Physical interventions denotes the number of nonataxia symptoms.22
included range-of-motion exercise for the trunk and Horizontal saccades were recorded binocularly with a
limbs, dynamic and static balance exercises, indoor 2-channel electrooculography device (Jaeger-Toennies,
and outdoor walking, stair climbing up and down, Hoechberg, Germany) using silver chloride electrodes
coordinative tasks of the upper and lower limbs, and (Ag-AgCl) over the right and left outer canthus of the
muscle strengthening exercises, among others. Addi- eyes. The electrooculography signal was amplified and
tional information of the neurorehabilitative interven- bandpass filtered (0.2-70 Hz). The data were sampled at
tion is provided in the Supporting Information a frequency of 200 Hz with a time base of 1000 ms/divi-
Material 1. sion, sensitivity of 200 mV/division, and a time constant
The intervention was given by an experienced physi- of 8 seconds.23
cal therapist with graduate and postgraduate training in The participants were asked to fixate the target in the
physical culture and sport and devoted specialization in central position and to redirect their gaze to the new
rehabilitation of neurological diseases (J.C.R.D.). Other location of the target as soon as it appeared in the
specialists in neurorehabilitation participated in the periphery and later back in the central position. A total
intervention sessions (A.E.R., M.G.M., and L.R.C.). of 10 centrifugal saccades in both horizontal directions
The patient’s retention to the neurorehabilitation were registered at 60 8 predictable amplitudes of stimu-
treatment was calculated as the percentage of lus. Electrooculography signals were calibrated for a
enrolled participants who completed the program at horizontal angle of 30 8. Saccade latency and accuracy
24 weeks and were conceptually defined as opposite and maximal saccade velocity were analyzed.23

Movement Disorders, Vol. 00, No. 00, 2018 3


Molecular Analysis
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was
used to assess the CAG-triplet repeats in each patient.
Aliquots from the PCR result were sized by fragments
and later analyzed by an ALF Express II apparatus
(Amersham Biosciences, Sweden).

Statistical Analysis
For descriptive statistics of continuous variables,
means and standard deviations were calculated and
categorical variables were expressed as proportions.
The normality of variables was evaluated by the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Comparisons between the
rehabilitation and control groups (between-subjects
comparison) as well as between baseline and 24-week
assessments (within-subjects comparison) were assessed
by repeated-measure analyses of variance (rmANOVA)
using each outcome measure as dependent variables and
the experimental group as the categorical predictor. To FIG. 2. Effects of 24-week neurorehabilitation on motor cerebellar fea-
fully understand group differences in the rmANOVA, tures of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patients. A: The repeated-
we conducted the post-hoc Tukey’s honest significance measure analyses of variance of the Scale for the Assessment and
Rating of Ataxia (SARA) total score baseline for the rehabilitated and
difference test. The effect sizes for all outcome measure control groups. B: Mean comparisons of SARA score items at baseline
in each group were calculated as the standardized and 24 weeks in the rehabilitated group. ns, nonsignificant. [Color fig-
response mean (SRM), which consisted in the mean ure can be viewed at]
score change/standard deviation of score change. SRM
cut-off points of 0.20, 0.50, and 0.80 defined the small, or 24-week assessments. Accordingly, the rmANOVA
moderate, and large changes, respectively. SRM values showed a significant effect of the group 3 rehabili-
below 0.20 indicated negligible effect sizes.24 The tation interaction on the SARA score variability, dem-
improvement of the frequency of 2 groups was com- onstrating the efficacy of this intervention on cerebellar
pared using the v2 test. Correlation analyses were per- signs (Fig. 2a). The SRM of the SARA score was 0.78
formed using the Pearson product moment correlation and 0.12 for the rehabilitated and control groups,
test. To indicate statistical significance, a level of respectively, supporting the rmANOVA findings. The
P < .05 was used. All analyses were conducted using SARA score changes can be interpreted as large in the
Statistica software package version 6 (StatSoft, Inc. rehabilitated group and negligible in the control group.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA; All analy- The individual SARA scores of all enrolled patients are
ses were conducted with the commercially available Sta- shown in Supporting Information Material 2.
tistica software package (StatSoft, Inc.). Moreover, mean comparisons between baseline and
24-week measures of SARA subscores within the reha-
Results bilitation group disclosed significant decreases for gait,
stance, sitting, finger chase, and the heel-shin test (Fig.
The intervention was well tolerated by all rehabili- 2b). The rmANOVAS for INAS count and saccadic var-
tated patients. The retention rate was 100% as no treat- iables disclosed no significant effects of rehabilitation,
ment dropouts were observed. Only 4 cases (21%) group, or group 3 rehabilitation interaction (Table 2).
reported slight side effects during the intervention, con- In addition, the SRM reached criterion for small in the
sisting of evoked painful muscle cramps. Regarding the INAS count for the control group (0.26), in the saccade
adherence to the program, we obtained a mean ratio of latency for both groups (rehabilitated, 0.32; control,
attendance of 97.5% (SD 1.96), and all cases attended 0.31), and in the saccade accuracy for the control group
to the program for at least 95% of appointments. In (20.32). The remaining SRMs were negligible.
addition, the index of patient’s adherence behavior was Correlation analyses disclosed significant correlations
98.28% (SD 2.19). The intervention delivery was ful- between the delta SARA score (DSARA 5 SARAbaseline 2
filled as planned in the program. SARA24-week) with the expanded CAG repeats (r 5 20.48;
The rmANOVA disclosed a significant rehabilitation P 5 .036) and age at onset (r 5 0.47; P 5 .040). However,
effect for total score of SARA, with post-hoc compari- this measure showed no correlation with age (r 5 20.39;
sons showing differences of baseline and final evalua- P 5 .095), disease duration (r 5 20.02; P 5 .929), ratio of
tion only in the rehabilitated patients. In addition, no attendance (r 5 0.42; P 5 .070), or index of the patient’s
significant group effect was found either at the baseline adherence behavior (r 5 0.02; P 5 .933).

4 Movement Disorders, Vol. 00, No. 00, 2018

N E U R O R E H A B I L I T A T I O N I N S C A 2

TABLE 2. The rmANOVAs of Inventory of Non-Ataxia Symptoms (INAS) count and saccade measures during the rehabilita-
tive treatment

Rehabilitation group Control group

Variables Baseline 24 weeks Baseline 24 weeks rmANOVA findingsa

INAS count 3.68 6 0.21 3.74 6 0.20 3.63 6 0.21 3.79 6 0.20 F(1.36) 5 0.33;
(3.3-4.1) (3.4-4.1) (3.2-4.1) (3.4-4.2) P 5 .569
Saccade velocity, 8/secs 210.11 6 28.73 193.68 6 20.92 155.64 6 27.96 173.20 6 20.36 F(1.36) 5 1.11;
(151.8-268.4) (151.1-236.4) (98.9-212.4) (131.8-214.5) P 5 .300
Saccade latency, ms 283.07 6 18.17 263.02 6 17.00 308.51 6 17.69 273.87 6 16.55 F(1.36) 5 0.40;
(242.4-314.4) (229.3-295.5) (272.5-344.5) (240.8-306.9) P 5 .531
Saccade accuracy, % 85.26 6 4.06 86.31 6 3.90 82.57 6 3.96 84.38 6 3.79 F(1.36) 5 0.40;
(78.9-95.8) (79.4-94.8) (74.1-91.0) (76.7-92.1) P 5 .530

Mean 6 standard error of the mean are provided. Data within parenthesis are the 95% confidence intervals. rmANOVAs, repeated-measure analyses of
Group 3 Rehabilitation effects.

Discussion The improvement of cerebellar signs as a result of the

neurorehabilitation suggests the partial preservation of
This article describes the first controlled trial of neuro- motor learning and neural plasticity mechanisms in the
rehabilitation in SCA2 patients. Throughout this study, cerebellum of SCA2 patients. For several years, many
we demonstrated the high retention and adherence to a researchers have offered convincing evidence regarding
24-week program of comprehensive rehabilitation and the neuroplasticity properties of the cerebellar circuitry,
its efficacy on the cerebellar signs, but not on nonataxia focusing on the synapses level between parallel fibers
symptoms and saccade abnormalities. and Purkinje cells in the molecular layer of the cerebel-
As compared to other physiotherapy and rehabilita- lar cortex.31,32
tion programs, the adherence and retention levels of Moreover, previous studies performed in human and
the present study are certainly higher than other phys- animal models have demonstrated the role of physical
iotherapy and rehabilitation programs,25-28 which is a exercises as a stimulating factor of neural plasticity by
result of the high patient efficacy expectancy and the increase of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
motivation because of the positive impacts of this 15- (BDNF) levels, axonal regeneration, and the promotion
year program applied in more than 600 patients with of long-term potentiation (LTP)-like plasticity in the
ataxia. motor cortex.33-36 Also, physical exercise has been
The improvement of cerebellar signs was demon- proven to provide beneficial effects in the cerebellar
strated by the significant reduction of the mean SARA mitochondrial bioenergetics systems of rats,37 and this
score in the rehabilitated group. Among the available could be used as a model for a therapeutic approach for
ataxia’s rating scale, the SARA score utilizes the most SCA2 patients in which the bioenergetic deficits caused
impactful properties, taking into consideration the by the ataxin-2 mutation38-40 could be alleviated.
semiquantitative measure of cerebellar signs; therefore, Of note, rehabilitating patients carrying the shorter
it has a higher application in clinical trials.29 The expanded CAG repeats and a higher age at onset
analysis of the SARA scale features gives us insight exhibited the higher reductions of SARA score at the
about the response of cerebellar function through the end of the treatment. This finding identified the muta-
physical exercises in the rehabilitating group. The find- tion size as an important determinant for the thera-
ings identified the ataxic gait and postural instability peutic responses of neurorehabilitation. These findings
as well as upper and lower limb dysmetria as the demonstrate the importance of this molecular parame-
abnormalities that showed the best responses in ter on SCA2 patients’ cerebellar function, specifically
the experimental group. A significant reduction of the on the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity. In fact, a
SARA score after neurorehabilitative therapy was pre- significant relationship between the expanded ATXN2
viously observed by Miyai and colleagues16 in 42 alleles and the inositol-3-phosphate receptor has been
patients with pure cerebellar degenerations (including observed in Purkinje cells cultures from a Spinocere-
20 cases with SCA6 and 6 with SCA31) after a shorter bellar Ataxia type 2 transgenic model carrying 58 glu-
treatment period than our study (4 weeks). Although tamines in the ataxin-2 protein (SCA2-58Q)
we did not obtain SARA scores at the 4-week period transgenic mouse,41 which suggests the disruption of
of rehabilitation, the faster treatment effects in the calcium-related neural plasticity mechanisms and
study by Miyai et al. could be expected as a result of seems to explain the disease onset.42
the less progressive nature of pure cerebellar ataxia The nonsignificant response of the nonataxia symp-
when compared with SCA2 patients.30 toms assessed by the INAS count could be explained

Movement Disorders, Vol. 00, No. 00, 2018 5


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