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Today in our modern lives there is so much source of information many have written facts and many have
spread lies of fake news and disinformation and lead many people in disinformation that causes our
society to fake news. Social media platfors like Facebook and YouTube are being abused to distribute
false information in an effort by wealthy individuals to further their own interests and also tiktok whick is
most popular in our generation which some people use this as reference for spreading news not knowing it
could be fake or not. according to Cristobal (2019), historical distortion occurs when historical accounts
or narratives are changed to suit a personal agenda. It involves disinformation and lies to change history.
Let's use the historical revisionism of Magellan and Lapu-Lapu as an illustration. I was a child when I
learned that Lapu-Lapu had killed the Spaniard. This is a widespread belief, particularly among young
people. But when I got older, many started to believe that Lapu-Lapu wasn't the one who had murdered
Magellan. The foreigner was killed, not by Lapu-Lapu, but by someone acting under his orders. As we
can see, historians and the information they compile allowed for the clarification of hazy historical
occurrences. Exams of documents including manuscripts, books, pamphlets, maps, inscriptions, and
monuments are typically conducted through external critique. Manuscripts face the issue of document
authenticity more so than printed documents because the author or publisher of a printed document has
already attested to its legitimacy while Internal criticism, also known as positive criticism, is the
researcher's endeavor to restore the text's original meaning. In this stage of hermeneutics, the researcher
focuses on the text's meaning rather than the document's outward components. False news is not
something to take lightly. It propagates falsehoods and misinformation, leaving the public in the dark and
perplexed. Before giving a reaction to some issues do a research and check the author are they credible or
real so that it can't lead you to misinformation.

Filipinos are kind and family oriented they spent too much on work and to anything to give or provide
something for their family and that is one of the filipino trait that us Filipino posses and according to Juan
De Placencia before the Spanish era Filipino have these game called cockfighting which filipino do for a
long time and up to now they do it.

The social issues that have similarities with Spanish abuse is Labor And Taxation our government use our
tax for different things to make our nation secured and build that will provide our society a better living
because its or money but for example Sarah Duterte propose a confidential budget which we have the
rights to know where will the money of the society will go I think it's not right to be it for being
confidential and theres a lot of problems in our society thats needs budget like labor abuse some company
uses under age or workers to do things that is beyond work hours and our government should do things
about it because some companies abuse their workers and the workers have no choice but to do it for
money so they could provide for their family and its similar to Spanish era which farmers and other
workers are abuse by the Spaniards just to earn for living and that is the problem of our society
government is focusing on irrelevant things which we should focus on employment so the filipino people
could provide for their family

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