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9.1 .....................................................................................................................................................


9.2 ............................................................................................................................................................... Scope

9.3 ..................................................................................................... Permits / No Objection Certificate (NOC)

9.4 ...................................................................................................................................... Operating Standards

9.5 ................................................................................... Comprehensive List of Suitable Plants for the UAE

9.6 .......................................................................................................................................................References
9.1 Introduction

Developing and enriching vegetation coverage results to immeasurable benefits – both environmentally and

Landscape and greeneries are developed to enhance structures and developments primarily but are also
greatly beneficial to the systems of the environment. Apart from its direct uses of providing shade, it helps
in creating a more conducive environment by improving air quality, reducing noise impacts; provide habitats
for various animal species, and serves as carbon sink while emitting beneficial oxygen to all life forms.
Vegetation also helps in minimizing erosion of slopes that can result to negative impacts such as siltation or
sedimentation of low-lying areas and even water systems such as river networks or harbor and sea water.

While landscaping has become a regular component of developments, whether for public or private
facilities, specific standards should be implemented to assure that such will be implemented for gains and
not detrimental to the environment.

Environmental problems can arise despite the implementation of guidelines and plans followed by project
owners, developers, contractors and other entities related to their landscaping work. Few possibilities that
can arise include, but are not limited to pest infestation or outbreak, tree mortality, un-regulated tree cutting,
unsuitable disposal of infested/affected trees, introduction of invasive species, loss of habitat among many
others which are the major concerns of this regulation.

It is important however to note that this regulations zero-in on the biological and ecological aspects of
landscaping such as tree and plant selection and care (pest control, disposal etc.). And that the specific
purpose of this regulation is to provide standard requirements to assure protection and enrichment of
existing native habitats, reduce water consumption, use of native and/or suitable planting stocks and to
promote energy conservation.

Other more specific standards on landscape plan such as pavements, irrigation, wall, lightings etc. should
be referred to existing land-use plans, landscaping plan, regulations and other guidelines implemented by
other statutory authorities (e.g. for specifics not covered by this document shall refer to LMRO1 Nakheel
Landscape Management Regulations for developments under Nakheel).

9.2 Scope

The coverage of this regulation works around practical measure for the implementation of the Federal Law
No. 24 of 1999 on the Protection and Development of the Environment. Specifically under Chapter 3, which
concerns Soil Protection and directly prohibiting “to undertake any activity that damages the quantity or the
quality of the of flora in any area, thus causing desertification or deformation of the natural environment and
it is prohibited to cut, uproot or cause damage to any tree, shrub or grass without authorization from the
Competent Authority, in coordination with the Agency.

This regulation targets to put in place standard requirements to assure that environmental safety nets are
met on the following concerns:

• Planting stock selection to avoid introduction of invasive species, pests known to the crop etc.

• Source of planting stocks

• Basic requirements to assure growth, health and disease-free condition of the plantings (e.g. root zone
size and suitable root barriers for specific tree species to assure growth and protection of adjacent
• Irrigation

• Pest control

• Cutting, clearing and translocation of tree/s

• Disposal of diseased trees

Scope shall cover all landscaping projects including Multiple Dwelling Unit, Residential Development,
Commercial Development, Industrial Development, Parking Spaces (temporary or permanent), Pavements,
roads/streets and other public right-of-way Parks and Recreation Fields developed by Dubai World.

9.3 Permits / No Objection Certificate (NOC)

All landscaping activities which directly or indirectly concern any section of this regulation shall secure a No
Objection Certificate from this Authority. Such can be issued within five (5) working days upon fulfillment of
basic requirements, payment of appropriate tariffs that facilitates application review, field validation and
other procedures which may be deemed necessary by this Authority.

No activity shall commence without securing official NOC from Trakhees and violation/s shall be subjected
to penalties/sanctions assigned by this Authority.

9.4 Operating Standards

Standards to guide activities covered by this regulation as focus areas are herein presented, but are not
limited, as follows:

9.4.1 Planting Material

a. Selection of planting stock shall be in compliance with list of species suitable and allowed for
landscaping purposes and are adaptable to the project’s climatic conditions, and to the
landscape needs;

b. Use of non-native, invasive species and likely to become ecological problems through cross
pollination with native plants or spreading into the natural environment is prohibited. Preferred
plants species are those included in the list and do not normally attract potentially dangerous
animals such as snakes etc

c. Native/indigenous plant material species is encouraged for use;

d. Plantings shall continue to meet the requirements of this guideline/regulation after installation;

e. All plants shall be container grown at a reputable nursery, where they shall be inspected of
cleared from signs of nutrient deficiency, diseases or pests, by-products such as spawn,
gamete of other plant or animal species, dangerous animals like snakes etc. before delivery to
the site;

f. Plant and tree species shall be of species which does not require too much water and shall be
selected to meet a maximum applied water allowance as determined by the water budget
formula approved by authorities regulating water consumption for landscaping;
g. Plants shall be low-fuel and fire resistive; and

h. Plant source should be of reputable background while imports should be in compliance with
applicable sections of this regulations and existing guidelines of other statutory authorities.

9.4.2 Irrigation
a. Designs of the irrigation systems shall be in compliance with the Irrigation Design of the
Landscaping Plan which shall assure health and growth of the plants;

b. Should a water consumption budget is pre-determined and required to be complied with by a

regulatory body, an Irrigation plan should be developed and implemented detailing water ration,
timing and other measures to assure that water resource is maximized (e.g. irrigation in the
afternoon or night time vs. irrigation at day time when evaporation rate is higher due to

c. Monthly water consumption charts should be submitted by the contractor as evidence of

complying with the guarantees provided;

d. Treated waste water compliant with the parameters (Environmental Regulation No.: EN/005) set
by this Authority should be maximized for irrigation purposes;

e. Spills and irrigation runoff shall be contained accordingly; and

f. All required irrigation systems shall be automatic, electrically controlled, and designed to
provide water to all required plantings to maintain them in a healthy, disease-resistant condition.

9.4.3 Planting
a. All existing, invasive plant species, including vegetative parts and roots systems, shall be
completely removed from the premises when the combination of species types, location, and
surrounding environmental conditions provides a means for the species to invade other areas of
native plant material that are on or off the premises;

b. A minimum root zone suitable to the tree species shall be provided. The minimum dimension
for the area shall be 5 feet and shall provide conditions for healthy tree growth and shall assure
protection of adjacent improvements from damages;

c. Tree root barriers shall be installed where trees are placed within 5 feet from public
improvements including walks, curbs, pavements, walls or where new public improvements are
placed adjacent to existing trees;

d. Plant materials shall be grouped into hydrozones that consist of plant species having similar
water demand and by their soil, sun and shade requirements; and

e. Site to be landscaped with trees shall be compliant with existing and long term development
plans considering minimum tree separation distance from improvements for the area to avoid
future conflicts, problems that will result to clearing, cutting of naturalized trees.

9.4.4 Maintenance
a. All pruning activities shall comply with the standards of all statutory authorities; Composting of
pruning and other plant by-product is highly encouraged for re-use as soil conditioner/enhancer
for better soil quality to promote growth and health for the planting stocks. Barks and other by-
products can also be used as mulching to promote water absorption and decrease evaporation
for water efficiency.

b. Trees shall be monitored and maintained so that branches, roots and any of its part will be of
obstruction or cause to damage adjacent properties; and

c. Use of chemical-based herbicides and fertilizers/enhancers specified in the List of Prohibited

and Restricted Dangerous Goods issued by Dubai Municipality and other applicable guidelines
and regulations is strictly prohibited.

9.4.5 Tree Cutting, Clearing, Replacement and/or Translocation

a. The existing natural landscape character (especially date palm trees) shall be preserved to the
extent reasonable and feasible;

b. Indiscriminate clearing or stripping of the natural or developed vegetation on a lot or property is

prohibited unless otherwise approved by this Authority and other statutory authorities;

c. Should clearing be a result of physical limitation or of a suggested development plan, the

developer should re-locate displaced trees to suitable areas within the development;

d. No person shall remove or transplant a tree without first obtaining from Trakhees Permit to Cut
and/or Relocate Tree/s. For purposes hereof, “person” means the owner, developer,
contractor/subcontractor, tenant and/or sub-tenant, and any entity or individual with any interest
in the land on which the tree is located;

e. A NOC shall be obtained by a utility company before removal and translocation of tree except in
the case of emergency repairs;

f. Written application must include the subject tree (species, quantity, location and translocation
sites etc.) and the reasons for removal and transplanting;

g. One (1) replacement tree of equal size shall be planted for every tree permitted to be removed.

h. In case tree/s permitted to be relocated, all trees that do not survive the relocation process shall
be replaced by a tree of equal size.

i. Any person(s) or entity causing the removal a tree, with or without transplanting, is in violation of
this regulation and may be liable to penalties imposed by this Authority;

j. Considerations which can merit a NOC for Tree Removal and Transplanting

• Whether the removal of the tree is permitted by this Authority

• That the removal of the tree will not result to erosion or other related problems

• If the subject tree affects or pose threats/risks to public health, safety or Welfare
9.4.6 Disposal of Dead Trees
a. Appropriate measures for removal and disposal especially for pest infested trees/plants shall be
employed by the contractor to avoid possible spread or outbreak of the disease;

b. Geo-textile membrane and plastic cover for infected trees shall be used to prevent windblown
materials that can spread the disease/pest until it reaches the disposal facility duly approved by
this Authority; and

c. Treatment, cultivation and reconditioning of soil should be done prior to replacement planting.

9.4.7 Coastal Landscaping

a. Coastal landscaping that would encroach or serve as barrier into an environmentally sensitive
habitat/area (e.g. nesting beaches for turtles etc.) shall not be allowed.

b. Landscaping shall be allowed only if planting stocks to be used support threatened or

endangered species.

9.5 Comprehensive List of Suitable Plants for the UAE

9.5.1 Local Environmental Species Used “Cosmotic” Agriculture

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Acacia arabica Arabian Gum Leguminosae
2 Acacia ehrenbergiana Salam Leguminosae
3 Acacia farnesiana Sweet Acacia Leguminosae
4 Acacia tortilis Ambrella Thorn Leguminosae
Snow Bush /
5 Aerva javanica Amaranthaceae
Kapok Bush
6 Atriplex sp. Salin Bush Chenopodiaceae
7 Avicennia marina Mangrove Avicenniaceae
8 Boerhavia elegans choisy Showerka Nyctaginaceae
9 Colligonum comosum Arta Polygonaceae
10 Casuarina equisetifolia She Oak casuarinaceae
11 Cometes surattensis Dhaffa Caryophyllaceae
12 Convolvulucs virgortus Faghi Convolvuloceae
13 Dodonaea viscosa Purple Hop-Bush Sapindaceae
14 Hamada elegans Ramth Chenopodiaceae
Markh /
15 Leptadenia pyrotechnica Asclepiaceae
Broom Bush
16 Leucaena leucocephala Lead Tree Leguminosae
17 Lycium shawii Christmas Berry Solanaceae

18 Moringa oleifera Horse Radish Tree Uoringaceae

9.5.2 Palm Trees

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Areca catechu; L Betal Nut Palm Palmae

2 Arecastrum romanzafiannum Queen Palm Palmae

3 Bismarckia nobilis Bismarck palm Palmae

4 Butia capitata Wine Palm Palmae
5 Caryota mitis Fish Tail Palm Palmae
6 Caryota urens Stinging Palmae
7 Chamaedorea elegans Parlour Palm Palmae

8 Chamaerops humilis European Fan Palm Palmae

9 Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Golden Can Palm Palmae

10 Cocos nucifera Coconut Palm Palmae
11 Cyrtostachys renda Sealing Wax Palm Palmae
12 Elaeis guineensis African Oil Palm Palmae
13 Howea forsteriana Kentia Palm Palmae
14 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Bottle Palm Palmae

15 Hyphoene thepiaca African Doum Palm Palmae

16 Livistonia chinensis Chinese Fan Palm Palmae

17 Livistonia dicipien Cabbage Palm Palmae

18 Lodoicea maldivica Coco-de-mer Palmae
19 Neodypsis decaryi Triangle Palm Palmae

20 Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date Palm Palmae

21 Phoenix roebelenii Dwarf Palm Palmae

Canary Island Date
22 Phoenix canariensis Palmae
23 Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm Palmae
24 Phoenix sylvestris Silver Date Palm Palmae
25 Pritchardia pacifica Fiji Fan Palm Palmae
26 Ptychosperma macarthurii Hurricane Palm Palmae
27 Rhapis flablliformis Lady Palm Palmae

28 Roystonea elata Florida Royal Palm Palmae

29 Roystonea regia Cuban Royal Palm Palmae

30 Sabal palmetto Palmetto Palm Palmae

31 Trithrinax paviflora Thatch Pole Palmae
32 Veitchia merrilli Manila Palm Palmae
33 Washingtonia filifera California Palm Palmae
34 Washingtonia robusta Washington Palm Palmae
35 Wodyetia bifurcata Foxtail Palm Palmae

9.5.3 Semi-Palm Trees

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Beacarnea recurvata Pony Tail Liliaceae

2 Cycas media Australian Nut Palm Cycadaceae

3 Cycas revoluta Sago palm Cycadaceae

4 Encephalartos ferox Zululand cycad Zamiaceae
5 Horridus Encephalartos Ferocius blue cycad Zamiaceae
6 Pachypodium lamerei Madagascar palm Apocynaceae
7 Pandamus utilis Screw pine Pandaceae

8 Pandanus veitchii Variegated screw pine Pandaceae

9 Ravenala madagscariensis Travelers tree Musaceae

10 Strelitzia Nicolai Bird-of-paradise tree Musaceae

11 Strelitzia reginae Bird-of-paradise Musaceae

12 Yucca aloifolia Spanish bayonet Agavaceae

13 Yucca filamentosa Adams needle Agavaceae
14 Yucca elephantips Giant yucca Agavaceae
15 Yucca brevifolia Joshua tree Agavaceae
16 Zamia Pumila Jamaica sago Zamiaceae
9.5.4 Trees and Bushes
Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Acacia arabica Arabian gum Leguminosae
2 Acacia farnes iana Sweet acacia Leguminosae
3 Acacia mangium Black wattle Leguminosae
4 Acacia saligna Golden wreath Leguminosae
5 Adansonia digitata Boabab Bombacaceae

6 Albizi lebbech Womans tongue tree Leguminosae

7 Araucaria excelsa Norfolk island pine Araucaiaceae

8 Azadirachta indica Neem tree Meliaceae

9 Balanates aegyptiaca Jericho balsam Zygophyllaceae
10 Beaucarnea recurvata Pony tail Liliaceae
11 Bauhinia varigata Purple orchid tree Leguminosae
12 Bombax ceiba Red kapok tree Bombacaceae
13 Callistemon viminalis Bottle brush tree Myrtaceae
14 Cassia fistula Golden shower Leguminosae
Pink & white shower
15 Cassia nodosa (javanica) Leguminosae
16 Cassia roxburghii marginata Red cassia Leguminosae

17 Casuarina equisetifelia She oak Casuarinaceae

18 Ceratonia siligua Kharoob Leguminosae
19 Monkey hand tree Sterculiaceae
20 Chorisia Speciosa Pink floss silk tree Bombacaceae

21 Conocarpus erectus Button mangrove tree Combretaceae

22 Conocarpus erectus sericeus Silver tree Combretaceae

23 Conocarpus lancifolius Land mangrove Combretaceae

24 Cordia sebestena Geiger tree Boraginaceae
25 Dalbergia sissoo Sissoo tree Leguminosae

26 Delonix regia Flam of the desert Leguminosae

27 Enterolobium cyclocarpum Ear tree Leguminosae

28 Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon gum Myrtaceae

29 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Red gum Myrtaceae

30 Ficus bengalensis Banyan tree Moraceae

31 Ficus benjamina Weeping fig Moraceae

32 Ficus elastica Indian rubber plant Moraceae

33 Ficus infectoria Spotted tree Moraceae

34 Ficus religosa Bo-tree Moraceae

35 Ficus retusa Indian laurel Moraceae

36 Ficus rubiginosa Rusty fig Moraceae
37 Gliricidia sebium Madre de cacao Leguminosae

38 Jacaranda mimosifolia Mimosa-leaved ebony Bignoniaceae

39 Kigelia pinnata Susage tree Bignoniaceae

40 Lagerstroemia indica Crape myrtle Lytheraceae
41 Leucaena leucocephala Lead tree Leguminosae
42 Melaleuca genistifolia Fleece tree Myrtaceae
43 Melaluca guinguenervia Cajeput tree Myrtaceae
44 Melaluca leucadendron Papper bark tree Myrtaceae
45 Melia azedarach Pride of India Meliaceae
46 Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae
47 Moring oleifera Horse radish tree Moringaceae

48 Peltophorum inerme Yellow flame tree Leguminosae

49 Pithcellobium dulce Cats-claw Leguminosae

50 Paulownia tomentosa Empress tree Scrophulariaceae
51 Plumeria spp Frangipani Apocynaceae
52 Pongmia Glabra Pongam Leguminosae
53 Samanea saman Rian tree Leguminosae

54 Schinus molle California pepper tree Anacardiaceae

55 Spathodia campanulata African tulip tree Bignoniaceae

56 Schinus terebinthifolius Pepper tree Anacardiaceae
57 Tabebuia argetea Silver trumpet tree Bignoniaceae
Cuban pink
58 Tebebuia pallida Bignoniaceae
59 Tamarix aphylla Athel tamarisk Tamaricaceae
60 Tamarindas indica Tamarind tree Leguminosae
61 Tecoma stans Yellow bells Bignoniaceae
62 Terminalia cattapa Tropical almond Combretaceae
63 Thespesia populnea Portia tree Malvaceae
64 Tipuana tipu Rosewood Leguminosae
65 Vitex agnus castus Chaste tree Verbinaceae
66 Ziziphus spina Christi thorn Rhamnaceae
67 Petrea volubilis Queens wreath Verbenaceae
68 Tecoma stans Yellow bells Bignoniaceae
69 Lawsonia inerme Henna Lytheraceae
70 Nerium oleander Oleander Apocynaceae
71 Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba Buxaceae
72 Scaevola sericea Beach Naupake Goodeniaceae
73 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus Malvaceae
74 Hibiscus sabdariffa Karkade Malvaceae
75 Thevetia peruviana Yellow oleander Apocynaceae
76 Duranta rapens Sky flower Verbenaceae
77 Acacia coriacea Wire wood Leguminosae
78 Acacia pendula Weeping myala Leguminosae

9.5.5 Soil Covers

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name

1 Rhoeo discolor Moses-in-the Cradle Commelinaceae

2 Ruellia scumosa Ruellia Acanthaceae

3 Ruellia tuberose Ruelia Acanthaceae
4 Alternanthera versicolor Joyweed Amaranthaceae
5 Agapanthus africanus African Lily Liliaceae
6 Atriplex sp. Salt bush Chenopodiaceae
7 Scaevola aemula Fairy fanflower Goodeniaceae

8 Myoporum parvifolium Creeping boobialla Myporaceae

9 Sesevium portulacastrum Sea pursalin Aizoaceae

10 Angelonia gardneri Blue wings Scrophulariaceae

11 Adenium obesium Flower of the desert Apocynaceae

12 Centratherum muticum Brazil button flower Compositae

13 Aptenia cordifolia Baby sun rose Aizoaceae

14 Asparagus densiflorus Asparagus Liliaceae
Carissa grandiflora
15 Natal plum Apocynaceae
16 Crinum asiaticum Poison bulb Amarylidaceae

17 Hymenocallis narcissiflora Peruvian Daffodil Amarylidaceae

18 Gazania rigens Treasure flower Compositae

19 Lippia nodiflora Lippia Verbenaceae

20 Osteospermum fruticosum Trailing Arrican daisy Compositae

21 Pennisetum setaceum Fountain grass Gramineae

22 Setcreasea purpurea Purple heart Commelinaceae

23 Verbena peruviana Verbena Verbenaceae
24 Wedelia trilobata Wedelia Compositae

25 Sesevium Portutlacasstrum Sea Pursaline Aizoaceae

26 Portulacaria afra Elephant food Portulacaceae

27 Pentas lanceolata Egyptian Star Cluster Rubiaceae

28 Turnera unifoloa Brooklyn Bot Turneraceae

29 Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Ranger Scrophulariaceae
30 Iresine herbstii Beefsteak Plant Amaranthaceae
31 Iresine lindenii Blood leaf Amaranthaceae
32 Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot Fig Aizoaceae
33 Lampranthus roseus Ice plant Aizoaceae
34 Asystasia gangetca Coromandel Acanthaceae
35 Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Lbiatae

9.5.6 Climbers
Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Allamanda cathartica Golden Trumpet Apocynaceae
2 Antigonon leptopus Coral vine Polygonaceae
3 Clerodendrum splendens Glorybower Verbenaceae
4 Doxantha unguis cati Cats claw Bignoniaceae

5 Senecio confusus Mexican flame vine Compositae

6 Clitorea ternatea Butterfly Pea Leguminosae

7 Cryptostegia grandiflora Indian Rubber Vine Asclepiodaceae

8 Quisqualis indica Rangoon creeper Combretaceae

9 Ficus pomila Creeping Fig Moraceae
10 Ipomoea patatas Sweet potato Convolvulaceae
11 Ipomoena palmata Convolvulaceae

12 Ipomoea pes-capree Beach morning glory Convolvulaceae

13 Jacquemontia pentantha Jacquemontia Convolvulaceae

14 Jasminum grandiflorum Jasmine Oleaceae

15 Tecomaria capensis Cape honeysuckle Bignoniaceae

16 Tristellateia austtralasiae Galphimia vine Malpighiaceae

9.5.7 Green Landscapes

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Paspalum Vaginatum Paspalum Gramineae
2 Cynodon dactylon L Bermuda grass Gramineae
3 Tifway grass Bermuda hybrid Gramineae
4 TifGreen Grass Bermuda Hybrid Gramineae
5 Zoysia Japonica Zoysia Grass Gramineae

6 Stenotaphrum Secondatum Buffalo Grass Gramineae

7 Lolium parenne Ryegrass Gramineae

9.5.8 Flowers
Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Dianthus caryophullus Carnation Caryophyllaceae

2 Dianthus chinensis hybrid Rainbow pink Caryophyllaceae

3 Dianthus barbatus Sweet william Caryophyllaceae

4 Impatiens wallriana Sultana Palsaminaceae
5 Ipatiens balsamina Rose balsam Palsaminaceae
6 Nicotiana alata Jasmine tobacco Solanaceae
7 Salvia splendens Scarlet sage Lobiate

8 Antirrhinum Hybrid Tall Floral snapdragon Scrophulariaceae

9 Antirrhinum Hybrid Dwarf Floral snapdragon Scrophulariaceae

10 Celosia cristata Cockscomb Amaranthaceae

11 Celosia plumosa Feather celosia Amaranthaceae
12 Dahlia variabilis Dahlia Compositae
13 Delphinium ajacis Rocket larksuper Ranunculaceae
14 Gaillardia pulchella Blanket flower Compositae

15 Heliotropium peruvianum Heliotrope Boraginaceae

16 Limonium sinuatum Statice Plumbaginaceae

17 Ageratum SP Floss-flower Compositae
18 Viola tricolor Pansy Violaceae
19 Petunia gandiflora Petunia Solanaceae
20 Petunia milliflora Petunia Solanaceae

21 Zinnia hybrid Youth and old age Compositae

22 Lobelia erinus Lobelia Lobeliaceae

23 Phlox drummondii Dwarf annual phlox Polemoriaceae

24 Verbena hybrida Verbena Verbenaceae

25 Callistephus chinensis China aster Compositae
26 Centaurea cryans Cornflower Compositae
27 Coreopsis Sp. Lance tickseed Compositae
28 Cosmos bipinnatus Garden cosmos Compositae
29 Fuchsia hybrida Fushia Onagraceae
30 Gazania splendens Treasure flower Compositae
31 Helianthus annuns Sunflower Compositae
32 Matthiola incana Stocks Curiferae
33 Nemesia strumosa Cape jewels Scrophulariaceae
34 Lathyrus odoratus Sweet pea Leguminosae
35 Alyssum maritime Ice plant Curiferae

36 Catharanthus rosea Madagascar periwinkle Apocynaceae

37 Portulaca grandiflora Rose moss Portulacaceae

38 Dimorphotheca aurntiaca Rain cape marigold Compositae

39 Amaranthus tricolor Josephs coat Amaranthaceae

40 Gypsophila elegans Annual baby’s breath Caryophyllaceae

41 Iberis coronaria Rocket candytuft Curiferae

42 Clarkia elegans Orchid godetia Oenotheraceae
43 Calendula officinalis Pot marigold Compositae
44 Gompharena globosa Globe amaranth Amaranthaceae
45 Tagetes ericta Marigold Compositae
46 Brassica oleracea Flowering kale Curiferae

9.5.9 Fruit-bearing Trees

Item Scientific Name Common Name Arabic Name Family Name
1 Citrus aurantifolia Lime Rutaceae
2 Citrus sinensis Sweet orange Rutaceae
3 Citrus reticulta Mandarin orange Rutaceae
4 Ficus carica Fig tree Moraceae
5 Carica papaya Papaya Cariaceae
6 Mangifera indica Mango tree Anacardiaceae
7 Psidium guaiva Apple gwaiva Myrtaceae

8 Ficus sycomorus Sycamore fig ficus Moraceae

9 Olea europea Olive tree Oleaceae
10 Punica granatum Pome granate Punicaceae
11 Ceratonia siliqua Carob Leguminosae
12 Tamarindus indica Tamarind tree Leguminosae
13 Annona squamosa Sugar apple Annonaceae
14 Manikara zapota Chikoo Sapotaceae
15 Terminalia catappa Tropical almond Combretaceae
16 Citrus aurantium Bitter orange Rubceae
17 Morus spp. Mulberry Moraceae
18 Musa spp. Banana Musaceae
19 Ziziphus spina credi Christi thorn Rhamnaceae
20 Pithcellobium dulce Cats-claw Leguminosae
21 Grewia asiati Phalsa Tilliaceae

9.6 References

• Article 2: General Development Regulations, Division 4: Landscape Regulations

San Diego Municipal Code

• The Landscape Manual

Prepared by the Miami-Dade County
Department of Planning and Zoning / Seventh Edition, April 2002

• Landscape Management Regulations LMR 01

Design and Planning / The Design Group
March 2007

• Planting Manual and Landscape Regulation Guidelines

City of Park Hills / February 2002 / NKAPC

• Plants Used in Landscaping in the Emirates of Dubai

Public Parks & Horticulture Department – Dubai Municipality
Director Ahmed Abdul Karim / July 2010

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