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Nguyễn Hương Ly – 19032137 – K64 Thông tin – Thư viện

Môn: Tiếng Anh KHXHNV 2 – FLH1157 28

Lớp: Thứ 3 (T1-5)

1. Write a paragraph about the advantages (or the disadvantages) of aging

It cannot be denied that, there are several drawbacks of aging population.
The most common criticism is less economic growth, the country's work
force shrinks bacause lack of labour resources. This mean is old people are
weak and have to retire so the national econonmy will suffer.
Another nagative effect is older people are likely to limit the creativeness of
the young. Older people are conservativeand opposed to new ideas or
changes. They just want to preserve tradtitional past values. Therefore, they
may hinder the development of the country.
A final drawback is the government has to invest much money in welfare,
healthcare system, pension because when people are old they suffer from
many diseases. Moreover, when there are more old people in society,
working adults have to pay higher taxes in order to cope with the problem of
limited national budget.

2. Write a paragraph about how to keep your eyes strong.

This essay will discuss the how to keep your eyes strong. To keep your eyes
bright and healthy, you need to pay attention to diet and personal habits.
Here are a few suggestions on how to take care of your eyes properly to
maintain healthy eyes.
Good eyes health begins with your diet, and nutrients like omega-3, zinc,
vitamins C and E can help prevent vision problems. Add to your diet green
vegetables, carrots, eggs, salmon ... to maintain eye health.
The next significant point which affects eyes strong is reduce stress for eyes.
Most people work a lot with phones and computers. This will cause is
harmful to the eyes. If you have to work with the computer for many hours,
you should install the appropriate light system, change the brightness of the
computer screen to match the brightness of the room, blink more often and
keep the screen a long distance away, regularly exercise for your eyes, etc.
Finaly, wearing sunglasses when out in the sun is very helpful to protect
your eyes. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are very toxic. Avoid direct
sunlight as much as possible, protecting your eyes from UVA and UVB rays
to keep your eyes strong.
Everything we see accounts for 80% of our memories. Therefore, the
protection and care of healthy eyes is very important.

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