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Battle of Five Armies – November 23, TA 2941

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In the Extended Edition, Dain sent forth his goat cavalry and spinning ballistas upon the Elven forces, who tried to counter with shield wall and archer formations; during
this early conflict, most of the dwarven cavalry was killed or the dwarves dismounted from their goats and elves were killed until the Were Worms burst forth from the
earth and the fighting stopped instantly in the face of the new enemy. Seeing the danger, Dáin ordered his forward units to rush out onto the plain and set up a phalanx
formation to counter the Guldur Orc charge while Thranduil and the elves remained motionless. Just before the Orcs collided with the Dwarvish forces, Thranduil sent in
hundreds of elves jumping over the Dwarven lines to strike deep into the enemy lines, blunting the Orc charge and giving the Dwarves a chance to mount a counter-charge
that skewered hundreds of Orcs, followed soon after by the rest of the Elvish and Dwarvish forces. Determined to regain the initiative, Azog sent in his "War Beasts", a
cohort of huge armoured trolls who smashed into the left flank of the allied armies and began wreaking havoc. Thranduil's Elven archers countered some of the trolls by
letting lose several volleys of thousands of arrows which took out several of the beasts and hundreds of orcs, which in turn allowed Dáin's war-chariots the opportunity to
charge into the orc lines and cut many of the orcs down. Azog furiously countered the "war machines" with his ogre shock-troops who charged against the chariots, brought
them down and slaughtered the drivers and goats. Satisfied that the allied armies were now pinned down, Azog sent the other half his army against Dale in a flanking move
to cut off their escape and force them to fight on two fronts. Seeing this, the men of Lake-town in the valley along with Bard, Gandalf, and Bilbo made their way to the city
to regroup with the rest of the Lake-Town forces and defend it while the Dwarves and Elves continued to engage Azog's forces on the plain. Drunk with the prospect of
victory, Azog regrouped his forces on the plain for a final destructive charge against the remaining Dwarvish forces. Locked out of the mountain itself and bereft of any
other choice, the Dwarvish army turned to face the orcs, aligned into a crescent-phalanx formation with Dain at its apex and prepared to make its final stand. Azog waited
for a moment until a team of armoured trolls came to the front of the orc lines and then ordered the charge. As he did so, another horn blast sounded from the mountain,
causing the orcs to stop in their tracks as the doorway to the mountain was cleared by a huge bell, out of which ran Thorin and his companions, causing the Dwarvish
soldiers to shout and cheer at the sight of the king. Roaring a defiant Dwarvish war-cry, Thorin charged the Orc lines and, emboldened by his bravery, Dain's forces charged
with him, smashing headlong into Azog's forces and taking out large groups of the orcish forces. Farther out in the valley and within Dale itself, the remaining men of Lake-
town and the Elvish forces too found fresh resolve and charged back into battle also. The battle raged on harder than ever now the allied forces began to evenly match their
enemies blow for blow. Thorin confronts Azog in an epic fight and Azog stabs him in the chest, mortally wounding the Dwarf but Oakenshield plunges Orcrist through Azog's
chest and stabs him into the ice, killing the Orc. Thorin later apologises to Bilbo for almost killing him and dies having made peace with Bilbo. Despite Bilbo's efforts to keep
him alive, Thorin succumbs to his wounds and dies. He is found dead when the rest of his company arrive.

 Pennants: Armies of Dol Guldur commanded by Azog the Defiler and Mount Gundabad commanded by Bolg – Level 2 Commander and Level 3 Warrior. First turn.
 Standards: Combined armies of Dain Ironfoot, Thranduil of Mirkwood and Bard of Laketown – Level 2 Commander, Level 2 Wizard, Level 1 Rogue.
 Battle Savvy rules apply. 7 banners required for victory. Standard army archers use Longbow rules.

The orange shaded units are Elvish units: ignoring the movement and combat restrictions of wooded terrain (as per Wood Giant rules) and roll +1 dice in ranged attacks.

Azog on Ravenhill can only be attacked by Thorin’s company, no other Standard unit can engage Azog unless Thorin’s company has already been defeated.

Special event trigger: “The Eagles are Coming!” Upon the defeat of Azog, the Standard player can roll a 2-dice attack against every Pennant unit on the board. Sword-on-
Shield and Lore rolls count as hits. Following resolution of this action place the Beorn figure anywhere on the board. Beorn fights with the same rules as a Hill Giant.

Battlefield markers:

1: Trolls 2: Bolg 3: Bard in Dale 4: Dain Ironfoot 5: Thranduil

6: Thorin’s company 7: Gandalf the Grey 8: Bilbo Baggins 9: River Running 10: Azog on Ravenhill

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