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1. accept=""
a. Se indica el tipo de dato que podra ser ingresado en la caja de texto.

<Title>Example For accept</Title>
<input type="text" 
       value='The content type this field accepts is "image/gif,text/html"'>

2. accesskey=""
a. Se indica el modo de acceso directo mediante teclado, a un vinculo.

<Title>Permite acceder al boton con ALT + ACCESSKEY</Title>
<LI><A HREF="../" ACCESSKEY="H">Home</A>
<LI><A HREF="_A.html" ACCESSKEY="A">Anchor</A>
<LI><A HREF="../quicklist.html" ACCESSKEY="Q">QuickList</A>

3. action="URL"
a. Se especifica la direccion a la que se le envia los datos cuando se submitee

<form action="form_action.asp" method="get">

  First name: <input type="text" name="fname" /><br />
  Last name: <input type="text" name="lname" /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
4. align=""

<h2 align="left">Left aligned heading</h2>

<h2 align="center">Centered Heading</h2>
<h2 align="right">Centered Heading</h2>

5. alink=""
a. Asume el color una vez que se linkee

<body alink="green">
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p><a href="">HTML Tutorial</a></p>

6. allowtransparency=""

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<body style="background-color:transparent;">
<div>Division object</div>
<button>Button object</button>
<font>Font object</font>
Normal TextNode

<TABLE ID="frmTable" STYLE="width:636px">
<TH STYLE="width:50%">Frame1</TH>
<TH STYLE="width:50%">Frame2</TH>
<IFRAME ID="Frame1" SRC="prueba.htm" allowTransparency="true"></IFRAME>
<IFRAME ID="Frame2" SRC="prueba.htm" allowTransparency="true" STYLE="background-color:#33FF66"></IFRAME>
<TH STYLE="width:50%">Frame3</TH>
<TH STYLE="width:50%">Frame4</TH>
<IFRAME ID="Frame3" SRC="prueba.htm"></IFRAME>
<IFRAME ID="Frame4" SRC="prueba.htm" STYLE="background-color:#33FF66"></IFRAME>


7. alt=""
a. Sirve para agregar un comentario cuando se pasa el cursor por la imagen

<title>Example For alt</title>
<a href="http://www.LearnVisualStudio.NET/119.html" target="_blank"><img alt="Learneded"

8. application=""

<title>HTML Applications</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">
<hta:application id="oHTA" applicationname="HTML Applications" border="none"
caption="no" contextmenu="no" icon="" navigable="yes" scroll="no" showintaskbar="no"
singleinstance="no" sysmenu="no" version="1.0">

9. archive=""
10. autostart=""
11. axis=""
12. background=""
13. balance=""
14. behavior=""
15. bgcolor=""
16. bgproperties=""
17. border=""
18. bordercolor=""
19. bordercolordark=""
20. bordercolorlight=""
21. bottommargin=""
22. cabbase=""
23. cellpadding=""
24. cellspacing=""
25. charset=""
26. checked=""
27. cite=""
28. class=""
29. classid=""
30. clear=""
31. code=""
32. codebase=""
33. codetype=""
34. color=""
35. cols=""
36. colspan=""
37. compact=""
38. content=""
39. controls=""
40. coords=""
41. data=""
42. datafld=""
43. dataformatas=""
44. datapagesize=""
45. datasrc=""
46. datetime=""
47. delay=""
48. dir=""
49. direction=""
50. disabled=""
51. dynsrc=""
52. enctype=""
53. event=""
54. face=""
55. for=""
56. frame=""
57. frameborder=""
58. framespacing=""
59. gutter=""
60. height=""
61. hidden=""
62. href=""
63. hreflang=""
64. hspace=""
65. http-equiv=""
66. id=""
67. ismap=""
68. lang=""
69. language=""
70. leftmargin=""
71. link=""
72. longdesc=""
73. loop=""
74. lowsrc=""
75. marginheight=""
76. marginwidth=""
77. maxlength=""
78. mayscript=""
79. media=""
80. method=""
81. methods=""
82. multiple=""
83. name=""
84. nohref=""
85. noresize=""
86. noshade=""
87. nowrap=""
88. palette=""
89. pluginspage=""
90. pointsize=""
91. readonly=""
92. rel=""
93. rev=""
94. rightmargin=""
95. rows=""
96. rowspan=""
97. rules=""
98. runat=""
99. scope=""
100. scroll=""
101. scrollamount=""
102. scrolldelay=""
103. scrolling=""
104. selected=""

105. shape=""
106. size=""
107. span=""
108. src=""
109. standby=""
110. start=""
111. style=""
112. summary=""
113. tabindex=""
114. target=""
115. text=""
116. title=""
117. topmargin=""
118. type=""
119. url=""
120. urn=""
121. usemap=""
122. valign=""
123. value=""
124. valuetype=""
125. vlink=""
126. volume=""
127. vrml=""
128. vspace=""
129. width=""
130. wrap=""
131. xml:lang=""
132. xmlns=""

1. onAfterPrint=""
2. onBeforeCut=""
3. onBeforePaste=""
4. onBeforePrint=""
5. onBlur=""
6. onChange=""
7. onClick=""
8. onContextMenu=""
9. onCut=""
10. onDblClick=""
11. onDrag=""
12. onDragEnd=""
13. onDragEnter=""
14. onDragLeave=""
15. onDragOver=""
16. onDragStart=""
17. onDrop=""
18. onError=""
19. onFilterChange=""
20. onFocus=""
21. onKeyDown=""
22. onKeyPress=""
23. onKeyUp=""
24. onLoad=""
25. onLoseCapture=""
26. onMouseDown=""
27. onMouseMove=""
28. onMouseOut=""
29. onMouseOver=""
30. onMouseUp=""
31. onPaste=""
32. onPropertyChange=""
33. onReadystateChange=""
34. onReset=""
35. onResize=""
36. onScroll=""
37. onSelect=""
38. onSelectStart=""
39. onSubmit=""
40. onUnload=""

1. <!-- -->
2. <!doctype>
3. <a></a>
4. <abbr></abbr>
5. <acronym></acronym>
6. <address></address>
7. <applet></applet>
8. <area>
9. <b></b>
10. <base>
11. <basefont>
12. <bdo></bdo>
13. <bgsound>
14. <big></big>
15. <blockquote></blockquote>
16. <body></body>
17. <br>
18. <button></button>
19. <button-live></button-live>
20. <caption></caption>
21. <center></center>
22. <cite></cite>
23. <code></code>
24. <col>
25. <colgroup></colgroup>
26. <dd></dd>
27. <del></del>
28. <dfn></dfn>
29. <dir></dir>
30. <div></div>
31. <dl></dl>
32. <dt></dt>
33. <em></em>
34. <embed></embed>
35. <fieldset></fieldset>
36. <font></font>
37. <form></form>
38. <frame>
39. <frameset></frameset>
40. <h1></h1>
41. <h2></h2>
42. <h3></h3>
43. <h4></h4>
44. <h5></h5>
45. <h6></h6>
46. <head></head>
47. <hr>
48. <html></html>
49. <i></i>
50. <iframe></iframe>
51. <ilayer></ilayer>
52. <img>
53. <input>
54. <ins></ins>
55. <label></label>
56. <layer></layer>
57. <legend></legend>
58. <li></li>
59. <link>
60. <listing></listing>
61. <map></map>
62. <marquee></marquee>
63. <menu></menu>
64. <meta>
65. <multicol></multicol>
66. <nobr></nobr>
67. <noframes></noframes>
68. <noscript></noscript>
69. <object></object>
70. <ol></ol>
71. <optgroup></optgroup>
72. <option></option>
73. <p></p>
74. <param>
75. <pre></pre>
76. <q></q>
77. <rb></rb>
78. <rbc></rbc>
79. <rp></rp>
80. <rt></rt>
81. <rtc></rtc>
82. <ruby></ruby>
83. <s></s>
84. <samp></samp>
85. <script></script>
86. <select></select>
87. <small></small>
88. <sound>
89. <spacer>
90. <span></span>
91. <strike></strike>
92. <strong></strong>
93. <style></style>
94. <sub></sub>
95. <sup></sup>
96. <table></table>
97. <tbody></tbody>
98. <td></td>
99. <textarea></textarea>
100. <tfoot></tfoot>
101. <th></th>
102. <thead></thead>
103. <title></title>
104. <tr></tr>
105. <tt></tt>
106. <u></u>
107. <ul></ul>
108. <var></var>
109. <wbr>
110. <xml></xml>
111. <xmp></xmp>
1. Array.concat(item1[, item2[,...itemN]])
2. Array.constructor
3. Array.index
4. Array.input
5. Array.join()
6. Array.lastIndex
7. Array.length
8. Array.pop()
9. Array.prototype
10. Array.push()
11. Array.reverse()
12. Array.shift()
13. Array.slise()
14. Array.sort()
15. Array.splice()
16. Array.toLocaleString()
17. Array.toSource()
18. Array.toString()
19. Array.unshift()
20. Array.valueOf()
1. Date.parse("")
2. Date.prototype
3. Date.UTC()
4. Date.valueOf()
5. getDate()
6. getDay()
7. getFullYear()
8. getHours()
9. getMilliseconds()
10. getMinutes()
11. getMonth()
12. getSeconds()
13. getTime()
14. getTimezoneOffset()
15. getUTCDate()
16. getUTCDay()
17. getUTCFullYear()
18. getUTCHours()
19. getUTCMilliseconds()
20. getUTCMinutes()
21. getUTCMonth()
22. getUTCSeconds()getUTCSeconds()getVarDate()
23. getYear()
24. parse("")
25. setDate()
26. setDay()
27. setFullYear()
28. setHours()
29. setMilliseconds()
30. setMinutes()
31. setMonth()
32. setSeconds()
33. setTime()
34. setUTCDate()
35. setUTCDay()
36. setUTCFullYear()
37. setUTCHours()
38. setUTCMilliseconds()
39. setUTCMinutes()
40. setUTCMonth()
41. setUTCSeconds()
42. setYear()
43. toDateString()
44. toGMTString()
45. toLocaleDateString()
46. toLocaleString()
47. toLocaleTimeString()
48. toSource()
49. toString()
50. toTimeString()
51. toUTCString()

1. Event.ABORT
2. Event.ALT_MASK
3. event.altKey
4. event.altLeft
5. event.attrChange
6. event.attrName
7. Event.BACK
8. event.behaviorCookie
9. event.behaviorPart
10. Event.BLUR
11. event.bookmarks
12. event.boundElements
13. event.bubbles
14. event.button
15. event.cancelable
16. event.cancelBubble
17. Event.CHANGE
18. event.charCode
19. Event.CLICK
20. event.clientX
21. event.clientY
22. event.contentOverflow
24. event.ctrlKey
25. event.ctrlLeft
26. event.currentTarget
28. event.dataFld
29. event.dataTransfer
30. Event.DBLCLICK
31. event.detail
32. Event.DRAGDROP
33. Event.ERROR
34. event.eventPhase
35. Event.FOCUS
36. Event.FORWARD
37. event.fromElement
38. event.height
39. Event.HELP
40. event.isChar
41. event.keyCode
42. Event.KEYDOWN
43. Event.KEYPRESS
44. Event.KEYUP
45. event.layerX
46. event.layerY
47. Event.LOAD
48. Event.LOCATE
49. Event.META_MASK
50. event.metaKey
51. event.modifiers
55. Event.MOUSEOUT
57. Event.MOUSEUP
58. Event.MOVE
59. event.newValue
60. event.nextPage
61. event.offsetX
62. event.offsetY
63. event.originalTarget
64. event.pageX
65. event.pageY
66. event.prevValue
67. event.propertyName
68. event.qualifier
69. event.rangeOffset
70. event.rangeParent
71. event.reason
72. event.recordset
73. event.relatedNode
74. event.relatedTarget
75. event.repeat
76. Event.RESET
77. Event.RESIZE
78. event.returnValue
79. event.saveType
80. event.screenX
81. event.screenY
82. Event.SCROLL
83. Event.SELECT
84. Event.SHIFT_MASK
85. event.shiftKey
86. event.shiftLeft
87. event.srcElement
88. event.srcFilter
89. event.srcUrn
90. Event.SUBMIT
92. event.timeStamp
93. event.toElement
94. event.type
95. Event.UNLOAD
96. event.view
97. event.wheelDelta
98. event.which
99. event.x
100. Event.XFER_DONE
101. event.y
102. getPreventDefault()
103. initEvent()
104. initKeyEvent()
105. initMouseEvent()
106. initMutationEvent()
107. initUIEvent()
108. preventBubble()
109. preventDefault()
110. stopPropagation()


1. Math.abs()
2. Math.acos()
3. Math.asin()
4. Math.atan()
5. Math.atan2()
6. Math.ceil()
7. Math.cos()
8. Math.E
9. Math.exp()
10. Math.floor()
11. Math.LN10
12. Math.LN2
13. Math.log()
14. Math.LOG10E
15. Math.LOG2E
16. Math.max()
17. Math.min()
18. Math.PI
19. Math.pow()
20. Math.random()
21. Math.round()
22. Math.sin()
23. Math.sqrt()
24. Math.SQRT1_2
25. Math.SQRT2
26. Math.tan()
27. Math.toSource()
28. Math.toString()


1. navigator.appCodeName
2. navigator.appMinorVersion
3. navigator.appName
4. navigator.appVersion
5. navigator.browserLanguage
6. navigator.connectionSpeed
7. navigator.cookieEnabled
8. navigator.cpuClass
9. navigator.javaEnabled()
10. navigator.language
11. navigator.mimeTypes
12. navigator.onLine
13. navigator.opsProfile
14. navigator.oscpu
15. navigator.platform
16. navigator.plugins
17. navigator.plugins.refresh()
18. navigator.preference()
19. navigator.product
20. navigator.productSub
21. navigator.securityPolicy
22. navigator.systemLanguage
23. navigator.taintEnabled()
24. navigator.toString()
25. navigator.unwatch()
26. navigator.userAgent
27. navigator.userLanguage
28. navigator.userProfile
29. navigator.vendor
30. navigator.vendorSub


1. -- decrement
2. - minus
3. ! not
4. != does not equal
5. !== strictly does not equal
6. % modulo
7. %= modulo by value
8. & bitwise and
9. && and
10. &= bitwise and by value
11. * multiply
12. *= multiply by value
13. , series delimeter
14. / divide
15. /* */ multi-line comments
16. // comments
17. variable = (test) ? expression1 : expression2; conditional operator
18. ^ bitwise xor
19. ^= bitwise xor by value
20. | bitwise or
21. || or
22. |= bitwise or by value
23. ~ bitwise not
24. + plus (and string concat)
25. ++ increment
26. += add by value
27. < is less than
28. << left shift
29. <<= left shift by value
30. <= is less or equal to
31. = equals
32. -= subtract by value
33. == equals
34. === strictly equals
35. > is greater than
36. >= is greater than or equal to
37. >> right shift
38. >>= right shift by value
39. >>> zero fill right shift
40. >>>=zero fill by value
41. delete property destroyer
42. in item in object
43. instanceof instance of
44. new object creator
45. this object self-reference
46. typeof value type
47. - negation
48. void return no value

1. RegExp.compile()
2. RegExp.constructor
3. RegExp.exec()
5. RegExp.ignoreCase
6. RegExp.index
7. RegExp.input
8. RegExp.lastIndex
9. RegExp.lastMatch
10. RegExp.lastParen
11. RegExp.leftContext
12. RegExp.multiline
13. RegExp.prototype
14. RegExp.rightContext
15. RegExp.source
16. RegExp.test()
17. RegExp.toSource()
18. RegExp.toString()
19. RegExp.valueOf()


@if (/condition/)


variable = (test) ? expression1 : expression2;



while (/expression/)

for (/initialization/ ; /test/; /increment/)


for (/variable/ in /object/)


function /functionname/()

if (/condition/)

if (/condition/)

switch (/expression/)
case /label1/:
case /label2/:

throw value

/statements to test/
catch (errorInfo)
/statements if exception occurs in try block/
/statements to run, exception or not/

while (/expression/)

with (/object/)

1. anchor("anchorName")
2. big()
3. blink()
4. bold()
5. charAt()
6. charCodeAt()
7. concat()
8. constructor
9. fixed()
10. fontcolor(#rrggbb)
11. fontsize(1to7)
12. fromCharCode()
13. indexOf()
14. italics()
15. lastIndexOf()
16. length
17. link(URL)
18. localeCompare()
19. match()
20. parseFloat()
21. parseInt()
22. prototype
23. replace()
24. search(regexp)
25. slice(i, j)
26. small()
27. split()
28. strike()
29. sub()
30. substr()
31. substring()
32. sup()
33. toLocaleLowerCase()
34. toLocaleUpperCase()
35. toLowerCase()
36. toSource()
37. toString()
38. toUpperCase()
39. valueOf()

1. window._newEnum
2. window.addEventListener()
3. window.alert()
4. window.appCore
5. window.atob()
6. window.attachEvent()
7. window.back()
8. window.blur()
9. window.btoa()
10. window.captureEvents()
11. window.clearInterval()
12. window.clearTimeout()
13. window.clientInformation
14. window.clipboardData
15. window.close()
16. window.closed
17. window.Components[]
18. window.confirm("")
19. window.content
20. window.controllers[]
21. window.createPopup()
22. window.crypto
23. window.crypto.random()
24. window.crypto.signText()
25. window.defaultStatus
26. window.detachEvent()
27. window.dialogArguments
28. window.dialogHeight
29. window.dialogLeft
30. window.dialogTop
31. window.dialogWidth
32. window.directories
33. window.disableExternalCapture()
34. window.dispatchEvent()
35. window.document
36. window.enableExternalCapture()
37. window.event
38. window.execScript()
39. window.external
40. window.find()
41. window.fireEvent()
42. window.focus()
43. window.forward()
44. window.frameElement
45. window.frames.length
46. window.frames[]
47. window.getAttention
48. window.getComputedStyle()
49. window.getSelection()
50. window.handleEvent()
51. window.history
52. window.home()
53. window.innerHeight
54. window.innerWidth
55. window.item()
56. window.length
57. window.loading
58. window.location
59. window.locationbar
60. window.locationbar.visible
61. window.menubar
62. window.menubar.visible
63. window.moveBy()
64. window.moveTo()
66. window.navigate()
67. window.navigator
68. window.offscreenBuffering
69."", "")
70. window.opener
71. window.outerHeight
72. window.outerWidth
73. window.pageXOffset
74. window.pageYOffset
75. window.parent
76. window.personalbar
77. window.personalbar.visible
78. window.print()
79. window.prompt("", "")
80. window.promter
81. window.releaseEvents()
82. window.removeEventListener()
83. window.resizeBy()
84. window.resizeTo()
85. window.returnValue
86. window.routeEvent()
87. window.screen
88. window.screenLeft
89. window.screenTop
90. window.screenX
91. window.screenY
92. window.scroll()
93. window.scrollbars
94. window.scrollbars.visible
95. window.scrollBy()
96. window.scrollByLines()
97. window.scrollByPages()
98. window.scrollTo()
99. window.scrollX
100. window.scrollY
101. window.self
102. window.setActive()
103. window.setCursor()
104. window.setHotKeys()
105. window.setInterval()
106. window.setResizable()
107. window.setTimeout()
108. window.setZOptions()
109. window.showHelp()
110. window.showModalDialog()
111. window.showModalessDialog()
112. window.sideBar
113. window.sizeToContent()
114. window.status
115. window.statusbar
116. window.statusbar.visible
117. window.stop()
118. window.toolbar
119. window.toolbar.visible
121. window.toString()
122. window.unwatch()
124. window.window

1. document.activeElement
2. document.addBinding()
3. document.alinkColor
4. document.all
5. document.anchors[]
6. document.appendChild()
7. document.applets
8. document.attachEvent()
9. document.attributes
10. document.baseUrl
11. document.bgColor
12. document.body
13. document.captureEvents()
14. document.characterSet
15. document.charset
16. document.childNodes
17. document.clear()
18. document.cloneNode()
19. document.close()
20. document.compatMode
21. document.cookie
22. document.createAttribute()
23. document.createAttributeNS()
24. document.createCDATASection()
25. document.createComment()
26. document.createDocumentFragment()
27. document.createDocumentFromUrl()
28. document.createElement()
29. document.createElementNS()
30. document.createEntityReference()
31. document.createEvent()
32. document.createEventObject()
33. document.createNodeIterator()
34. document.createProcessingInstruction()
35. document.createRange()
36. document.createRenderStyle()
37. document.createStyleSheet()
38. document.createTextNode()
39. document.createTreeWalker()
40. document.defaultCharset
41. document.defaultView
42. document.designMode
43. document.detachEvent()
44. document.dir
45. document.doctype
46. document.documentElement
47. document.domain
48. document.elementFromPoint()
49. document.embeds
50. document.execCommand()
51. document.execCommandShowHelp()
52. document.expando
53. document.fgColor
54. document.fileCreatedDate
55. document.fileModifiedDate
56. document.fileSize
57. document.fileUpdatedDate
58. document.fireEvent()
59. document.focus()
60. document.form.action
61. document.form.elements[]
62. document.form.encoding
63. document.form.length
64. document.form.method
65. document.form.reset()
66. document.form.submit()
68. document.forms[]
69. document.frames[]
70. document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute()
71. document.getAnonymousNodes()
72. document.getBindingParent()
73. document.getElementById()
74. document.getElementsByName()
75. document.getElementsByTagName()
76. document.getSelection()
77. document.handleEvent()
78. document.hasChildNodes()
79. document.hasFocus()
80. document.height
81. document.ids
82. document.images.length
83. document.images[]
84. document.implementation
85. document.importNode()
86. document.insertBefore()
87. document.lastChild
88. document.lastModified
89. document.layers
90. document.layers.length
100. document.linkColor
101. document.links.length
102. document.links[]
103. document.load()
104. document.loadBindingDocument()
105. document.location
107. document.mergeAttributes()
108. document.mimeType
109. document.nameProp
110. document.namespaces
111. document.namespaceURL
112. document.nodeName
113. document.nodeType
115. document.ownerDocument
116. document.parentNode
117. document.parentWindow
118. document.plugins
119. document.plugins.length
120. document.previousSibling
121. document.protocol
122. document.queryCommandCommandState()
123. document.queryCommandEnabled()
124. document.queryCommandIndeterm()
125. document.queryCommandState()
126. document.queryCommandSupported()
127. document.queryCommandText()
128. document.queryCommandValue()
129. document.readyState
130. document.recalc()
131. document.referrer
132. document.releaseCapture()
133. document.releaseEvents()
134. document.removeBinding()
135. document.removeChild()
136. document.removeNode()
137. document.replaceChild()
138. document.replaceNode()
139. document.routeEvent()
140. document.scripts
142. document.selection
143. document.setActive
144. document.styleSheets
145. document.swapNode()
146. document.tags
147. document.title
148. document.toString()
149. document.uniqueID
150. document.unwatch()
151. document.URL
152. document.URLUnencoded
153. document.vlinkColor
155. document.width
156. document.write()
157. document.writeln()

1. frame.allowTransparency
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24. frame.self
25. frame.setInterval()
26. frame.setTimeout()
27. frame.src
29. frame.unwatch()
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32. frame.window


1. history.back()
2. history.current
3. history.forward()
4. history.go()
5. history.item()
6. history.length
8. history.previous
9. history.unwatch()

1. location.assign()
2. location.hash
4. location.hostname
5. location.href
6. location.pathname
7. location.port
8. location.protocol
9. location.reload()
10. location.replace("")
12. location.toString()
13. location.unwatch()

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4. screen.availWidth
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6. screen.colorDepth
7. screen.deviceXDPI
8. screen.deviceYDPI
9. screen.fontSmoothingEnabled
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12. screen.logicalYDPI
13. screen.pixelDepth
14. screen.unwatch()
15. screen.updateInterval
17. screen.width

1. onabort
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3. onafterprint
4. onafterupdate
5. onbeforeactivate
6. onbeforecopy
7. onbeforecut
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9. onbeforeeditfocus
10. onbeforepaste
11. onbeforeprint
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15. onbounce
16. oncellchange
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18. onclick
19. onclose
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21. oncontrolselect
22. oncopy
23. oncut
24. ondataavailable
25. ondatasetchanged
26. ondatasetcomplete
27. ondblclick
28. ondeactivate
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32. ondragenter
33. ondragleave
34. ondragover
35. ondragstart
36. ondrop
37. onerror
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39. onfilterchange
40. onfinish
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43. onfocusout
44. onhelp
45. onkeydown
46. onkeypress
47. onkeyup
48. onlayoutcomplete
49. onload
50. onlosecapture
51. onmousedown
52. onmouseenter
53. onmouseleave
54. onmousemove
55. onmouseout
56. onmouseover
57. onmouseup
58. onmousewheel
59. onmove
60. onmoveend
61. onmovestart
62. onpaste
63. onpropertychange
64. onreadystatechange
65. onreset
66. onresize
67. onresizeend
68. onresizestart
69. onrowenter
70. onrowexit
71. onrowsdelete
72. onrowsinserted
73. onscroll
74. onselect
75. onselectionchange
76. onselectstart
77. onstart
78. onstop
79. onsubmit
80. onunload


1. !important
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3. background :
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6. background-image :
7. background-position :
8. background-position-x :
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18. border-color :
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25. border-right-style :
26. border-right-width :
27. border-spacing :
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32. border-top-width :
33. border-width :
34. bottom :
35. caption-side :
36. clear :
37. clip :
38. color :
39. column-span :
40. content :
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43. cue :
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46. cursor :
47. direcion :
48. display :
49. elevation :
50. empty-cells :
51. filter :
52. first-letter pseudo :
53. first-line pseudo :
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84. margin-right :
85. margin-top :
86. marker-offset :
87. marks :
88. max-height :
89. max-width :
90. min-heght :
91. min-width :
92. orphans :
93. outline :
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96. outline-width :
97. overflow :
98. overflow-x :
99. overflow-y :
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107. page-break-before :
108. page-break-inside :
109. pause :
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112. pitch :
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114. play-during :
115. position :
116. quoters :
117. richness :
118. right :
119. row-span :
120. ruby-overhang :
121. ruby-position :
122. scrollbar-3dlight-color :
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130. size :
131. speak :
132. speak-header :
133. speak-numeral :
134. speak-punctuation :
135. speech-rate :
136. stress :
137. table-layout :
138. text-align :
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142. text-indent :
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144. text-kashida-space :
145. text-overflow :
146. text-shadow :
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148. text-underline-position :
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150. unicode-bidi :
151. vertical-align :
152. visibility :
153. voice-family :
154. volume :
155. white-space :
156. width :
157. windows :
158. word-break :
159. word-spacing :
160. word-wrap :
161. writing-mode :
162. z-index :
163. zoom :

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