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In this essay I will talk about each of the teaching methods that were seen in class, I will

briefly explain from my point of view what to try and finally which of those methods
will serve me in my life as a future English teacher.

1. Situational language teaching

It is an approach developed by British linguists applied between the 30s and 60s.

The Oral Approach or Situational Language Education is based or based on a structural

perspective of language. Speech, constructions and a focus on a group of primordial
vocabulary resources are thought the basis of language education, distinguished by the
approach to its focus on presenting constructs in situations.

By the way, it is estimated that mastery of a group of high-frequency vocabulary

resources leads to good reading skills. A study of English and a categorization of its
prominent grammatical constructions into sentence patterns (also called situational
tables) is estimated to help students internalize grammatical rules.

The behaviourist perspective of language learning is the cornerstone of Situational

Language Education. The approach prioritizes processes over learning conditions.

From my point of view this method focuses on 2 important points in vocabulary and
reading, since it is very much towards grammar.

2. Total Physical Response (TPR)

Parents have language-body conversations with their children, the father instructs and
the infant responds physically to this. The father says, "Look at mother" or "Give me the
ball" and the toddler does. These conversations continue for several months before the
infant begins to dialogue on his own. Although he cannot dialogue throughout this time,
the infant is assimilating all language; sounds and patterns. Occasionally, once he has
decoded enough, the infant reproduces the language quite spontaneously. Therefore, this
method without realizing it we are experiencing it since we are small at home.

Now in a context as an English teacher you must start in a class mentioning a word
('jump') or a sentence ('look at the blackboard') and show an action. After repeating
numerous times, it is feasible to enlarge this by asking students to repeat the term as
they do the action. It is most effective if students stand in a circle around the teacher
and you can even encourage them to walk as they do the action. It can be adapted to all
kinds of education situations, you just need to use your imagination, as this method is
effective from kindergarten to a university level!

That if you remember you can not teach everything with it and if it is used a lot, it
would become cyclical or tedious for the student.

3. Audio-lingual method

The Audio-Lingual education procedure had its beginnings throughout World War II,
the Audio-lingual approach to language education has many similarities with the Direct
Procedure. Both were considered as an attitude against the shortcomings of the
Grammar Translation procedure, both reject the use of the mother tongue and both
emphasize that the skills of dialogue and listening preceded the skills of reading and
writing. The direct procedure emphasized vocabulary education in which the audio-
linguistic approach focused on grammar exercises.

Language learning is the formation of habits, language skills are learned more
effectively if they are shown first orally and then in writing. Its objective is to develop
skills to hear and dialogue, which is one step away from the Grammar translation
procedure. Although the procedure is based on erroneous assumptions about language.
Language analysis is not equivalent to learning the "parole", the observable data.
Mastering a language is based on obtaining the norms that underlie language

Once the student generates the desired learningand is positively reinforced, it is feasible
for the behavior to occur again. The purpose of the audio-linguistic procedure is the
exact pronunciation and grammar, the function of answering with speed and accuracy in
speech situations and the reasoning of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammatical
patterns. It was believed that learning composition or grammar was the starting point for
the learner.
4. Communicative Language Teaching

Community Language Learning represents the use of Counseling-Learning theory to

teach languages, the Communicative Approach, or Communicative Language Education
(CLT), is an approach to education that highlights the value of real communication for
learning to take place.

In the Communicative Approach, real communication and relationship are not only the
purpose of learning, but also the means by which it is carried out. That means that,
instead of focusing on the purchase of grammar and vocabulary.

For this reason, the study project of courses that adopt a communicative approach to
education favors the purposes of lessons that will help students to carry out and develop
their language competence, rather than their grammatical competence.

In addition to that, the study project can also integrate the work in the 4 skills (reading,
writing, listening and oral expression), because its development is essential for students
to achieve real life ends. Capabilities are often worked on in parallel in what is known
as an integrated capabilities approach. In the communicative approach, authentic texts
are mainly favored, because they have the possibility of exposing students to a more
genuine use of language.

The teacher acts as a facilitator in the learning process.

5. The Silent Way

Throughout history, many trends on the planet of language education came and went.
Others have stood the test of time and have become to some extent the training of
language teachers internationally. This approach has history behind it, it has existed
since the early 70s.

The Silent Way is a language education procedure based on the hypothesis that the
instructor should be silent as much as is feasible in the classroom, however, the student
should be encouraged to create the largest proportion of language viable. The resources
of Silent Way, especially the use of color tables and Cuisenaire's colored rods.

The main procedure underlying this approach is simple but potentially quite powerful:
in contrast to classical procedures, the emphasis is on student learning rather than
teacher education. In the absence of a teacher who masters the lesson, the student takes
an active role in the learning process and their input guides the learning trajectory.

Student-led learning. We all understand what the research says: students learn best once
they have the chance to be active competitors in their own learning. It just seems logical
that, once we talk about language, allowing students to be the only ones to speak is the
best way to achieve this. Without their input, students are forced to solve all sorts of
things themselves, mimicking several of the real-life problem-solving situations they
might face if they were immersed in target language.

Learning elementary vocabulary and pronunciation constantly can be monotonous for

students. With Silent Way, students are involved in the learning process, discovering
words and sounds instead of having them instilled. Students become more involved and
more involved in the process while taking more responsibility for their own learning
and the tasks have more relevance.

A positive and safe learning environment. This means that students feel it is safe to
make mistakes, a fundamental step in language learning.

6. Suggestopedia

Certain components that are necessary for this procedure are based on the sensory
learning environment, for this, the teacher requires generating a good and motivating
environment with images, colors, melody, etc. To produce this relaxed state in the
student and encourage positive recommendations, Suggestopedia makes use of melody,
a comfortable and relaxing environment, and an interaction between teacher and student
similar to parent-child interaction.

In most cases, such dialogues are read aloud to students with song support. The most
formal of these readings, known as a "concert reading", would commonly employ a
memorable piece of typical song such as a Beethoven symphony. This could not be as a
background melody, but could be the primary focus of the reading, with the teacher's
voice acting as a counterpoint to the melody. Therefore, the "concert reading" could be
seen as a kind of pleasant event, with students free to concentrate on the song, the
writing or a conjunction of the two.

A second, less formal reading would employ a lighter and more attractive piece of
music, such as a piece of baroque melody, and this would have a less prominent role.
After the readings of these long dialogues with the support of the melody, the teacher
would make use of the dialogues for a more usual language work.

The most obvious criticisms lie in the fact that many people discover the typical song
irritating rather than stimulating (for many civilizations, Western song may sound
jarring), the expansion of dialogue, and the lack of a coherent theory of language have
the potential to serve to confuse rather than confuse.

The use of melody both in the background and in support of certain occupations can be
motivating and relaxing. If these conditions are best generated through the use of
traditional melody and dialogue reading is open to questions, however, there is no doubt
that Suggestopedia has postulated several interesting questions in the areas of learning
and memory.

In this procedure learning is allowed in a friendly and comfortable environment.

7. The Natural Approach

The natural approach developed by Tracy Terrell and endorsed by Stephen Krashen is a
language education approach that confirms that language learning is a reproduction of
the way humans naturally acquire their native language.

Krashen and Terrell see communication as the primary functionality of language and
adhere to a communicative approach to language education, focusing on teaching
communicative skills rather than sterile linguistic constructs.

Vocabulary is of utmost importance because language is essentially your lexicon!

This means that the purchase of the language cannot take place unless the acquirer
understands the messages in the target language and has developed a sufficient
vocabulary inventory.

Mindful learning can only function as a monitor or editor that checks and repairs the
output of the acquired system. The Monitor Conjecture states that we have the
possibility of using learned reasoning to correct ourselves once we communicate,
however, that conscious learning only has this functionality.
Education according to the Natural approach concentrates on communicative skills,
providing interesting and understandable information the technique used in this
approach is constantly borrowed from other procedures and accommodated to
consummate with the requirements of the approach.

• Methods I would use as a future English teacher:

I would use the TPR because I think it is one of the most dynamic methods, and most
feasible for student learning, because it is useful at any edorcativo level from the most
basic to the higher levelr, that if without abusing the method because it would be
repetitive and tedious.

The other method I would use would be the Silent Way because frommy personal
experience it is often very useful that the student must learn autonomously, in this
method student must speak as much as he can therefore not only learn vocabulary, but
also practice speaking.

In conclusion, both methods are very positive within the student environment and help
to have a more effective learning, since as a future English teacher you should look for
the best strategies to help all your students understand a topic or a new vocabulary.

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