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ETOOS Comprehensive Study Material

For JEE- Main & Advanced


Vectors constitute one of the several Mathematical systems which can be usefully employed to provide mathematical
handling for certain types of problems in Geometry, Mechanics and other branches of Applied Mathematics.
Vectors facilitate mathematical study of such physical quantities as possess Direction in addition to Magnitude.
Velocity of a particle, for example, is one such quantity.

Physical quantities are broadly divided in two categories viz

(A) Vector Quantities & (B) Scalar quantities.

(a) Vector quantities

Any quantity, such as velocity, momentum, or force, that has both magnitude and direction and for which
vector addition is defined and meaningful; is treated as vector quantities.


Quantities having magnitude and direction but not obeying the vector law of addition will not be treated as vectors.
For example, the rotations of a rigid body through finite angles have both magnitude & direction but do not satisfy the
law of vector addition therefore not a vector.

(b) Scalar quantities

A quantity, such as mass, length, time, density or energy, that has size or magnitude but does not involve
the concept of direction is called scalar quantity.


To understand vectors mathematically we will first understand directed line segment.
Directed line segment :
Any given portion of a given straight line where the two end points are distinguished as Initial and Terminal is
called a Directed Line Segment.
The directed line segment with initial point A and terminal point B is denoted by the symbol AB .
The two end points of a directed line segment are not interchangeable and the directed line segments.
 
AB and BA must be thought of as different.


Terminal point

A initial point

Vector quantities are specified by

 magnitude and definite direction. A vector is generally represented
by a directed line segment, say AB . A is called the initial point and B is called the terminal point.
 
The magnitude of vector AB is expressed by  AB .


Polygon law of vector Addition (Addition of more than two vectors)

D d C
Addition of more than two vectors is found to be by repetition of triangle law.
     c
Suppose we have to find the sum of five vectors a, b, c, d and e . If these e

a+ b+ c+ d

    B


vectors be represented by line segment OA, AB, BC, CD and DE a+
 b+
c+ a+ b b
respectively, then their sum will be denoted by OE . This is the vector d+
e O A
represented by rest (last) side of the polygon OABCDE in reverse order. We a
can also make it clear this way :
By triangle's law
     
OA  AB  OB or a  b  OB
      
OB  c  OC or (a  b)  c  OC
       
OC  d  OD or (a  b  c)  d  O D
        
OD  e  OE or (a  b  c  d)  e  OE
Here, we see that OE is represented by the line segment joining the initial point O of the first vector a and the final

point of the last vector e .
In order to find the sum of more that two vectors by this method, a polygon is formed. Therefore this method is
known as the polygon law of addition.
 If the initial point of the first vector and the final point of the last vector are the same, then the sum of the
vectors will be a null vector.

(B) Subtraction of Vectors

  B
Earlier we have described the vector – b whose length is equal to vector b
  a+
but direction is opposite. Subtraction of vector a and b is defined as addition b
  O A
of a and (– b ). It is written as follows :

    –b


a  b  a  ( b)
Geometrical representation
   
In the given diagram, a and b are represented by OA and AB . We extend the line AB in opposite direction
 
upto C, where AB = AC. The line segment AC will represent the vector b . By joining the points O and C,
    
the vector represented by OC is a  ( b) . i.e. denotes the vector a  b.


    
(i) a  a  a  ( a )  0
 
(ii) a  b  b  a
Hence subtraction of vectors does not obey the commutative law.
     
(iii) a  (b  c)  (a  b)  c
i.e. subtraction of vectors does not obey the associative law.



In earlier classes we have learnt about points, lines, circles and conic section in two dimensional geometry. In two
dimensions a point represented by an ordered pair (x, y) (where x & y are both real numbers)
In space, each body has length, breadth and height i.e. each body exist in three dimensional space. Therefore three
independent quantities are essential to represent any point in space. Three axes are required to represent these
three quantities.


In cartesian system of the three lines are mutually perpendicular, such a system is called rectangular cartesian
z x'
co-ordinate system.

Co-ordinate axes and co-ordinate planes

y' y
When three mutually perpendicular planes intersect at a point, then mutually O

perpendicular lines are obtained and these lines also pass through that point.
If we assume the point of intersection as origin, then the three planes are
known as co-ordinate planes and the three lines are known as co-ordinate axes.

Octants :
Every plane bisects the space. Hence three co-ordinate plane divide the space in eight parts. These parts are known
as octants.


Distance between any two points (x 1, y1, z 1) and (x2, y2, z 2) is given as (x1  x 2 ) 2  (y1  y2 ) 2  (z1  z 2 ) 2
Vector method
 
We know that if position vector of two points A and B are given as OA and OB then
 
AB = | OB – OA |
 AB = |(x2 î + y2 ĵ + z2 k̂ ) – (x1 î + y1 ĵ + z1 k̂ )|

 AB = (x 2  x1 ) 2  (y2  y1 ) 2  (z 2  z1 ) 2

(A) Distance from Origin

Let O be the origin and P (x, y, z) be any point, then OP  (x 2  y 2  z2 )

(B) Distance of a point from coordinate axes :

Let P(x, y, z) be any point in the space. Let PA, PB and PC be the perpendiculars drawn from P to the axes OX, OY and
OZ respectively. Then


6 2 3 18 10 6
=  3   5   2 =   = 1 8  10  6  2 2
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

(A) Projection of line segment OP on co-ordinate axes


O 

Let line segment make angle  with x-axis

Thus, the projections of line segment OP on axes are the absolute values
of the co-ordinates of P. i.e.
Projection of OP on x-axis = |x|
Projection of OP on y-axis = |y|
Projection of OP on z-axis = |z|
Now, in OAP, angle A is a right angle and OA = x

OP = x2  y2  z2

x x
 cos   
x y z 2 2 | OP|

if |OP| = r, then x = |OP|cos = αr

Similarly y = |OP|cosβ = mr, z = nr, where , m, n are DC’s of
(B) Projection of a line segment AB on coordinate axes
Projection of the point A(x1, y1, z1) on x-axis is E(x1, 0, 0). Projection of point B(x2, y2, z2) on x-axis is
F(x2, 0, 0).
Hence projection of AB on x-axis is EF = |x2 – x1|.
Similarly, projection of AB on y and z-axis are |y2 – y1|, |z2 – z1| respectively.

 Projection is only a length therefore it is always taken as positive.

(C) Projection of line segment AB on a line having direction cosines , m, n

Let A(x1, y1, z1) and B(x2, y2, z2).
Now projection of AB on EF = CD = AB cos


If line joining any two points on a surface lies completely on it then the surface is a plane.
If line joining any two points on a surface is perpendicular to some fixed straight line. Then this surface is
called a plane. This fixed line is called the normal to the plane.

  
(i) The equation (r  r0 ) . n  0 represents a plane containing the point with position vector
 
r0 , where n is a vector normal to the plane.
   
The above equation can also be written as r . n  d , where d = r0 . n

(ii) Angle between two planes is the angle between two normals drawn to the planes and the angle
between a line and a plane is the compliment of the angle between the line and the normal to
the plane.
  
(iii) The length of perpendicular (p) from a point having position vector a to the plane r . n  d is
 
given by p = 
     
(iv) If (r  a) . n1  0 and (r  a) . n 2  0 are the equations of two planes, then the equation of line
   
of intersection of these planes is given by r  a   (n1  n 2 ) .

(v) Normal form of the equation of a plane is x + my + nz = p, where, ,m, n are the direction
cosines of the normal to the plane and p is the distance of the plane from the origin.

(vi) General form: ax + by + cz + d = 0 is the equation of a plane, where a, b, c are the

direction ratios of the normal to the plane.

(vii) The equation of a plane passing through the point (x 1, y1, z 1) is given by
a (x  x1) + b( y  y1) + c (z  z 1) = 0 where a, b, c are the direction ratios of the normal to the plane.

(viii) Plane through three points: The equation of the plane through three non collinear points

x y z 1
x 1 y1 z 1 1
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), (x3, y3, z3) is =0
x 2 y2 z2 1
x 3 y3 z3 1
x y z
(ix) Intercept Form: The equation of a plane cutting intercept a, b, c on the axes is   1
a b c

(x) Vector form: The equation of a plane passing through a point having position vector a &
       
normal to vector n is ( r  a ). n = 0 or r . n = a . n


(J) Coplanarity of four points

The points A(x1 y1 z1), B(x2 y2 z2) C(x3 y3 z3) and D(x4 y4 z 4) are coplaner then
x 2  x1 y 2  y1 z 2  z1
x 3  x1 y3  y1 z 3  z1
x 4  x1 y 4  y1 z 4  z1
   
very similar in vector method the points A ( r1 ), B( r2 ), C( r3 ) and D( r4 ) are coplanar if
     
[ r4 – r1 , r4 – r2 , r4 – r3 ] = 0

Ex. A plane meets the co-ordinates axis in A,B,C such that the centroid of the ABC is the point (p,q,r)
x y z
show that the equation of the plane is   =3
p q r
Sol. Let the required equation of plane be :
x y z
  =1 ......(i)
a b c
Then, the co-ordinates of A, B and C are A(a, 0, 0), B(0, b, 0), C(0, 0, c) respectively

 a b c
So the centroid of the triangle ABC is  , , 
3 3 3

But the co-ordinate of the centroid are (p,q,r)

a b c
= p, = q, =r
3 3 3
x y z
Putting the values of a, b and c in (i), we get the required plane as   =1
3p 3q 3r
x y z
   =3
p q r

Ex. Find the equation of the plane upon which the length of normal from origin is 10 and direction
ratios of this normal are 3, 2, 6.
Sol. If p be the length of perpendicular from origin to the plane and , m, n be the direction cosines
of this normal, then its equation is
x + my + nz = p ..... (i)
Here p = 10
Direction ratios of normal to the plane are 3, 2, 6

32  22  62 = 7
 Direction cosines of normal to the required plane are
3 2 6
= ,m= ,n=
7 7 7
3 2 6
Putting the values of , m, n, p in (i), equation of required plane is x + y + z = 10
7 7 7
or, 3x + 2y + 6z = 70



A straight line in space is characterised by the intersection of two planes which are not parallel and, therefore, the
equation of a straight line is present as a solution of the system constituted by the equations of the two planes :
a1 x + b1 y + c1 z + d1 = 0; a2 x + b2 y + c2 z + d2 = 0
This form is also known as unsymmetrical form.
Some particular straight lines :

Straight lines Equation

(i) Through the origin y = mx, z = nx
x y z
(ii) x-axis y = 0, z = 0 or  
1 0 0
x y z
(iii) y-axis x = 0, z = 0 or  
0 1 0
x y z
(iv) z-axis x = 0, y = 0 or  
0 0 1
(v) parallel to x-axis y = p, z = q
(vi) parallel to y-axis x = h, z = q
(vii) parallel to z-axis x = h, y = p

(i) A straight line in space is characterised by the intersection of two planes which are not parallel and therefore,
the equation of a straight line is a solution of the system constituted by the equations of the two planes,
a 1x + b1y + c1z + d1 = 0 and a 2x + b2y + c2z + d2 =0.
This form is also known as non symmetrical form.

(ii) One point form : Let A(x1, y1, z1) be a given point on the straight line and , m, n be the d.c’s of the line, then its
equation is
x  x1 y  y1 z  z1
  r (say)
 m n
It should be noted that P(x1 + r, y1 + mr, z1 + nr) is a general point on this line at a distance r from the point
A(x1, y1, z1) i.e. AP = r. One should note that for AP = r; , m, n must be d.c.’s not d.r.’s. If a, b, c are direction ratios
of the line, then equation of the line is
x  x1 y  y1 z  z1
  r but here AP r
a b c

(iii) Vector equation: Vector equation of a straight line passing through a fixed point with position vector a
   
and parallel to a given vector b is r = a +  b where  is a scalar..
(iv) The equation of the line passing through the points (x 1, y1, z 1) and (x2, y2, z 2) is
x  x1 y  y1 z  z1
= =
x 2  x1 y 2  y1 z 2  z1


     
(v) Vector equation of a straight line passing through two points with position vectors a & b is r = a +  ( b  a ).
(vi) Reduction of cartesion form of equation of a line to vector form & vice versa
x  x1 y  y1 z  z1 
= =  r = (x1 î + y1 ĵ + z1 k̂ ) +  (a î + b ĵ + c k̂ ).
a b c


Straight lines Equation Straight lines Equation

(i) Through origin y = mx and z = nx (v) Parallel to xaxis y = p, z = q
(ii) xaxis y = 0 and z = 0 (vi) Parallel to yaxis x = h, z = q
(iii) yaxis x = 0 and z = 0 (vii) Parallel to zaxis x = h, y = p
(iv) zaxis x = 0 and y = 0

Ex. Find the equation of the line through the points (3, 4, –7) and (1, – 1, 6) in vector form as well
as in cartesian form.
Sol. Let A  (3, 4, – 7), B  (1, – 1, 6)
 
Now a = OA = 3iˆ + 4ˆj – 7kˆ ,
 
b = OB = î – ĵ + 6 k̂
     
Equation of the line through A( a ) and B( b ) is r = a + t ( b – a )

or r = 3 î + 4 ĵ – 7 k̂ + t (–2 î – 5 ĵ + 13 k̂ ) ..... (1)
Equation in cartesian form :
x 3 y4 z 7 x 3 y4 z7
Equation of AB is   or,  
3  1 4  1 7  6 2 5 13
x 1 y  2 z  3
Ex. Find the co-ordinates of those points on the line   which is at a distance of 3 units from point (1,–2, 3).
2 3 6
x 1 y  2 z  3
Sol. Here,   .......(i)
2 3 6
is the given straight line P(1,–2,3)
Let, P = (1,–2,3) on the straight line 3 Units
Here direction ratios of line (i) are (2,3,6) Q(2r+1,3r–2,6r+3)
2 3 6
 Direction cosines of line (i) are : , ,
7 7 7
 Equations of line(i) any may be written as
x 1 y  2 z  3
  ......(ii)
2/ 7 3/ 7 6/ 7
Co-ordinates of any point on the line (ii) may be taken as  2 r  1, 3 r  2, 6 r  3 
 
7 7 7
 2 3 6 
Let, Q  r  1, r  2, r  3 
7 7 7 
Given | r| = 3, r=±3
13 5 39   1 23 3 
Putting the value of r, we have Q  , ,  or Q = , , 
 7 7 7  7 7 7


1. Physical quantities are broadly divided in two categories viz (A) Vector Quantities & (B) Scalar quantities.

(A) Vector quantities :

Any quantity, such as velocity, momentum, or force, that has both magnitude and direction and for which vector
addition is defined and meaningful; is treated as vector quantities.
(B) Scalar quantities :
A quantity, such as mass, length, time, density or energy, that has size or magnitude but does not involve the
concept of direction is called scalar quantity.

2. Representation
Vectors are represented by directed straight line segment magnitude of
  
a =| a | = length PQ direction of a = P to Q. a
3. Addition of Vectors
(A) It is possible to develop an Algebra of Vectors which proves useful in the study of Geometry, Mechanics
and other branches of Applied Mathematics.
   B
(i) If two vectors a and b are represented by OA & OB , then their C
  OA +
sum a + b is a vector represented by OC , where OC is the diagonal
of the parallelogram OACB. O A
(ii)     (commutative)
a+b = b+a
     
(iii) (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (associativity)
(B) Multiplication of vector by scalars :
     
(i) m(a)  (a)m  ma (ii) m(na)  n(ma)  (mn)a
      
(iii) (m  n)a  ma  na (iv) m(a  b)  ma  mb

4. (A) Zero Vector or Null Vector

A vector of zero magnitude i.e. which has the same initial & terminal point is called a zero vector. It is

denoted by O . It can have any arbitrary direction and any line as its line of support.

(B) Unitvector :
 
A vector of unit magnitude in direction of a vector a is called unit vector along a and is denoted by

â symbolically â  
| a|

(C) Collinear Vectors:

Two vectors are said to be collinear if their supports are parallel disregards to their direction. Collinear vectors are
also called Parallel vectors. If they have the same direction they are named as like vectors otherwise nlike vectors.
   
Symbolically two non zero vectors a & b are collinear if and only if, a  Kb , where K  R


Ex. 1 Find the distance of the point B( î + 2 ˆj + 3 k̂ ) from the line which is passing through

A(4 î + 2 ˆj + 2 k̂) and which is parallel to the vector C  2 ˆi  3 ˆj  6 kˆ .

Sol. AB = 3 2  1 2  10 B(1,2,3)

 ˆ ˆ ˆ
ˆ (2 i  3 j  6 k)
AM  AB.iˆ  (3ˆi  k).
A (4i+2j+2k) M
BM = AB2 – AM2

So, BM = AB = 10

Ex. 2 Fi nd t he dir ect i on cosi nes , m, n of a l i ne wh i ch a r e con n ect ed by t h e r el a t ion s

 + m + n = 0, 2mn + 2m– n= 0
Sol. Given,  + m + n = 0 ..... (i)
2mn + 2m – n= 0 ..... (ii)
From (1), n = – ( + m).
Putting n = – (+ m) in equation (ii), we get,
– 2m(+ m) + 2m+ (+ m) = 0
or, – 2m– 2m 2 + 2m+ 2 + m= 0
or, 2 + m– 2m2 = 0
 
or,     –2 =0 [dividing by m 2]
m m

 1  1  8 1  3
or   = 1, –2
m 2 2

Case I. when = 1 : In this case m = 
From (1), 2+ n = 0  n = – 2
  :m:n=1:1:–2
 Direction ratios of the line are 1, 1, – 2
 Direction cosines are
1 1 2
± 2 2 2
,± 2 2 2

1  1  (2) 1  1  (2) 1  12  (2) 2

1 1 2 1 1 2
 , , or – ,– ,
6 6 6 6 6 6


Exercise # 1 [Single Correct Choice Type Questions]

   
1. If a  b is along the angle bisector of a & b then -

   
(A) a & b are perpendicular (B) a  b

   
(C) angle between a & b is 60° (D) a  b
     
2. If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon and if AB  AC  AD  AE  AF   AD , then  is -
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
  
3.  
If the vector b is collinear with the vector a  2 2 ,  1, 4 and b = 10, then:
     
(A) a  b = 0 (B) a  2b = 0 (C) 2a  b = 0 (D) none

4. The plane XOZ divides the join of (1, –1, 5) and (2, 3, 4) in the ratio  : 1, then is -
(A) –3 (B) –1/3 (C) 3 (D) 1/3
     
5. Let a = î + ĵ and b = 2 î – k̂ . The point of intersection of the lines r × a = b × a and
   
r × b = a × b is :
(A) – î + ĵ + 2 k̂ (B) 3 î – ĵ + k̂ (C) 3 î + ĵ – k̂ (D) î – ĵ – k̂
 
6. ˆ are the adjacent sides of a parallelogram ABCD then the
The vectors AB  3 ˆi  2 ˆj  2kˆ and BC   î  2k
angle between the diagonals is -

 1   49   1   3 
(A) cos1  (B)  – cos 1   (C) cos 1  (D) cos1 
 85    10 
   85  2 2  

       
7.    
The value of  a  2 b  c a  b a  b  c  is equal to the box product:
   
(A)  a b c  (B) 2  a b c  (C) 3  a b c  (D) 4  a b c 

8. Let ABCD be a tetrahedron such that the edges AB, AC and AD are mutually perpendicular. Let the area of triangles
ABC, ACD and ADB be 3, 4 and 5 sq. units respectively. Then the area of the triangle BCD, is -
5 5
(A) 5 2 (B) 5 (C) (D)
2 2

     
9. If | a | = 5, | a – b | = 8 and | a + b | = 10, then | b | is equal to :
(A) 1 (B) 57 (C) 3 (D) none of these

10. ˆ ˆi – 3ˆj – 5 kˆ and aˆi  3 ˆj  kˆ

The values of a, for which the points A, B, C with position vectors 2ˆi – ˆj + k,

respectively are the vertices of a right angled triangle with C  are -
(A) –2 and 1 (B) 2 and –1 (C) 2 and 1 (D) –2 and –1


Exercise # 2 Part # I [Multiple Correct Choice Type Questions]

1. ABCD is a parallelogram. E and F be the middle points of the sides AB and BC, then -
(A) DE trisect AC (B) DF trisect AC
(C) DE divide AC in ratio 2 : 3 (D) DF divide AC in ratio 3 : 2
   
2. Consider the plane r . n1  d1 and r . n 2  d2 , then which of the follwoing are true -
 
(A) they are perpendicular if n1 . n 2  0
 
 n .n 
(B) angle between them is cos 1   1 2 
| n1 | | n 2 | 

  d   d
(C) normal form of the equation of plane are r . n 1   1 & r . n 2   2
| n1 | | n2 |
(D) none of these

3. The vector
 
2 ˆi  2 ˆj  kˆ is:

(A) a unit vector (B) makes an angle with the vector 2iˆ  4 ˆj  3kˆ
1 ˆ
(C) parallel to the vector  iˆ  ˆj  k (D) perpendicular to the vector 3iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ

 ˆ b  ˆi  2 ˆj  kˆ and c  ˆi  ˆj  2kˆ be three vectors. A vector in the plane of b and c whose
Let a  2 ˆi  ˆj  k,
projection on a is magnitude 2 / 3 is -

(A) 2 ˆi  3 ˆj  3kˆ (B) 2 ˆi  3 ˆj  3 kˆ (C) 2 ˆi  5 ˆj  kˆ (D) 2 ˆi  ˆj  5 kˆ

      
5. a , b , c are mutually perpendicular vectors of equal magnitude then angle between a  b  c and a is -


(A) cos 1 3 H K (B) cos 1 GH 3 JK (C)  – cos 1 GH 3 JK (D) tan1 2

     
6. If z1  a iˆ  b ˆj and z2  c ˆi  d ˆj are two vectors in ˆi and ˆj system, where z1  z2 = r and z1 . z2 = 0,
 
then w1  a iˆ  c ˆj and w 2  b ˆi  d ˆj satisfy:
   
(A) w1 = r (B) w 2 = r (C) w1 . w 2 = 0 (D) none of these

7. If the line r = 2 î – ˆj + 3 k̂ + ( î + ˆj + 2 k̂ ) makes angles , , with xy, yz and zx planes respectively then which
one of the following are not possible ?
(A) sin2+ sin2+ sin2= 2 and cos2+ cos2+ cos2= 1
(B) tan2+ tan2+ tan2= 7 and cot2+ cot2+ cot2= 5/3
(C) sin2+ sin2+ sin2= 1 and cos2+ cos2+ cos2= 2
(D) sec2+ sec2+ sec2= 10 and cosec2+ cosec2+ cosec2= 14/3


Exercise # 3 Part # I [Matrix Match Type Questions]

Following question contains statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in
Column-I are labelled as A, B, C and D while the statements in Column-II are labelled as p, q, r and s. Any given
statement in Column-I can have correct matching with one or more statement(s) in Column-II.

1. Column-I Column-II

(A) ABC is a triangle. If P is a point inside the ABC (p) centroid

such that areas of the triangle PBC, PCA and PAB,
all are equal, then with respect to the ABC, P is its
  
(B) If a, b, c are the position vectors of the three (q) orthocentre

non-collinear points A, B and C respectively such

   
that the vector V  PA  PB  PC is a null vector,,

then with respect to the ABC, P is its

(C) If P is a point inside the ABC such that the (r) incentre
   
vector R  (BC)(PA)  (CA)(PB)  (AB)(PC) is a
null vector, then with respect to the ABC, P is its
(D) If P is a point in the plane of the triangle ABC (s) circumcentre
   
such that the scalar product PA. CB and PB. AC

vanishes, then with respect to the ABC, P is its

2. Match the following pair of planes with their lines of intersections :

Column-I Column-II
x  2 y  2007 z  2004
(A) x+y=0=y+z (p) = =
0 1 1

x 2 y z 1
(B) x = 2, y = 3 (q) = =
0 1 1
(C) x = 2, y + z = 3 (r) x = –y = z

x2 y3 z
(D) x = 2, x + y + z = 3 (s) = =
0 0 1
3. Column –  Column – 

 
(A) If the vectors a  3iˆ  ˆj  2kˆ , b   ˆi  3 ˆj  4kˆ and (p) 2

c  4 ˆi  2 ˆj  6kˆ constitute the sides of a ABC

and length of the median bisecting the vector c is , then 2


Exercise # 4 [Subjective Type Questions]

 
1. Points X & Y are taken on the sides QR & RS, respectively of a parallelogram PQRS, so that QX  4 XR &
   
RY  4 YS . The line XY cuts the line PR at Z. Prove that PZ   21  PR .
 25 
2. Points X and Y are taken on the sides QR and RS, respectively of a parallelogram PQRS, so that
QX = 4XR and RY = 4YS. The line XY cuts the line PR at Z. Find the ratio PZ : ZR.

3. The plane x + my = 0 is rotated about its line of intersection with the plane z = 0 through an angle . Prove that the

equation to the plane in new position is x + my ±z 2  m 2 tan = 0

4. Find the distance between points of intersection of

x 1 y  2 z  3 x  4 y 1
Lines = = & = =z
2 3 4 5 2
 
and Lines r = ( î  ĵ  k̂ ) +  (3 î  ĵ ) & r = (4 î  k̂ ) +  (2 î  3 k̂ )
   
5. If a, b, c are non-coplanar vectors and d is a unit vector, then find the value of,
            
| (a . d)(b  c)  (b. d)(c  a)  (c. d)(a  b)| independent of d .

6.(i) If n̂ is the unit vector normal to a plane and p be the length of the perpendicular from the origin to the plane, find the
vector equation of the plane.
 
(ii) Find the equation of the plane which contains the origin and the line of intersection of the planes r . a = p
 
and r . b = q

7. Let ABCD be a tetrahedron such that the edges AB, AC and AD are mutually perpendicular. Let the area of triangles
ABC, ACD and ADB be denoted by x, y and z sq. units respectively. Find the area of the
triangle BCD.

8. If the three successive vertices of a parallelogram have the position vectors as,
A ( 3,  2, 0); B (3,  3, 1) and C ( 5, 0, 2). Then find
(A) position vector of the fourth vertex D
(B) a vector having the same direction as that of AB but magnitude equal to AC
 
(C) the angle between AC and BD .
9. Two medians of a triangle are equal, then using vector show that the triangle is isosceles.

10. Find the ratio in which the sphere x 2 + y2 + z 2 = 504 divides the line joining the points (12, – 4, 8) and
(27, – 9, 18)
x 3 y3 z
11. Find the equations of the two lines through the origin which intersect the line = = at an
2 1 1

angle of
12. In triangle ABC using vector method show that the distance between the circumcentre and the orthocentre is
R 1  8 cos A cos B cos C , where R is the circumradius of the triangle ABC.


Exercise # 5 Part # I [Previous Year Questions] [AIEEE/JEE-MAIN]

1. If a, b, c are three non zero vectors out of which two are not collinear. If a + 2b and c ; b + 3c and a are collinear then
a + 2b + 6c is- [AIEEE-2002]
(1) Parallel to c (2) Parallel to a (3) Parallel to b (4) 0
       
2. If [ a b c ] = 4 then [ a × b b × c c × a ] = [AIEEE-2002]
(1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 8 (4) 16

3. If c = 2(a × b) + 3µ(b × a) ; a × b 0, c.(a × b)=0 then- [AIEEE-2002]

(1)  = 3µ (2) 2 = 3µ (3)  + µ = 0 (4) None of these
   
4. If a = 2 î + ˆj + 2 k̂ , b = 5 î – 3 ˆj + k̂ , then orthogonal projection of a on b is- [AIEEE-2002]
9 (5 ˆi  3ˆj  k) ˆ
(5 ˆi  3 ˆj  k)
(1) 3 î – 3 ˆj + k̂ (2) (3) (4) 9(5 î – 3 ˆj + k̂ )
35 35
 
5. A unit vector perpendicular to the plane of a = 2 î – 6 ˆj – 3 k̂ , b = 4 î + 3 ˆj – k̂ is- [AIEEE-2002]

4 ˆi  3ˆj  kˆ 2 ˆi – 6 ˆj  3 kˆ 3ˆi – 2ˆj  6 kˆ 2 ˆi – 3ˆj – 6 kˆ

(1) (2) (3) (4)
26 7 7 7

     
6. Let u = î + ˆj , v = î – ˆj and w = î + 2 ˆj + 3 k̂ . If n̂ is a unit vector such that u . n̂ = 0 and v . n̂ =0, then | w . n̂ |
is equal to- [AIEEE-2003]
(1) 3 (2) 0 (3) 1 (4) 2

7. A particle acted on by constant forces 4 î + ˆj – 3 k̂ and 3 î + ˆj – k̂ is displaced from the point

î + 2 ˆj + 3 k̂ to the point 5 î + 4 ˆj + k̂ . The total work done by the forces is- [AIEEE-2003]
(1) 50 units (2) 20 units (3) 30 units (4) 40 units
 
8. The vectors AB = 3 î + 4 k̂ and AC =5 î – 2 ˆj +4 k̂ are the sides of a triangle ABC. The length of the median through
A is- [AIEEE-2003]

(1) 2 8 8 (2) 1 8 (3) 72 (4) 33

         
9. a , b , c are three vectors, such that a + b + c = 0 , | a | = 1, | b | = 2, | c | = 3,
     
then a . b + b . c + c . a is equal to- [AIEEE-2003]
(1) 1 (2) 0 (3) –7 (4) 7

10. Consider point A, B, C and D with postion vectors 7 î – 4 ˆj + 7 k̂ , î – 6 ˆj + 10 k̂ , – î – 3 ˆj + 4 k̂ and

5 î – ˆj + 5 k̂ respectively. Then ABCD is a- [AIEEE-2003]
(1) parallelogram but not a rhombus (2) square
(3) rhombus (4) None of these
         
11. If u , v and w are three non-coplanar vectors, then ( u + v – w ).( u – v ) × ( v – w ) equals- [AIEEE-2003]
        
(1) 3 u .( v × w) (2) 0 (3) u .( v × w ) (4) u .( w × v )



   
1. Let a = a 1 ˆi+ a 2 ˆj+ a 3 kˆ , b=b 1 ˆi+b 2 ˆj+b 3 kˆ and c=c 1 ˆi+c 2 ˆj+c 3 kˆ be three non-zero vectors such that c is a
a1 a 2 a3
    
unit vector perpendicular to both a and b . If the angle between a and b is , then b1 b2 b3 is equal to:
c1 c 2 c3
(A) 0 (B) 1
1 2 3 2
(C) (a  a 22  a 32 ) (b12  b 22  b 32 ) (D) (a  a 22  a 32 ) (b12  b 22  b 32 ) (c12  c 22  c32 )
4 1 4 1

  
2. If a = ˆi  ˆj , b = ˆi  ˆj  2kˆ & c = 2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ . Then altitude of the parallelopiped formed by the vectors
          
a , b , c having base formed by b & c is ( a , b , c and a , b , c are reciprocal systems of vectors)

3 2 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
2 6 2
  
3. The vectors a =  4 î + 3 k̂ , b = 14 î + 2 ˆj  5 k̂ are co-initial. The vector d which is bisecting the angle between
 
the vectors a and b and is having the magnitude 6 , is
(A) î + ˆj + 2 k̂ (B) ˆi  ˆj  2 kˆ (C) ˆi  ˆj  2 kˆ (D) none

             
4. Let r , a , b &c be four non  zero vectors such that r . a = 0, r  b = r b , r c = r c ,
then [ a b c ] =
(A) a bc (B) a bc (C) 0 (D) none of these

5. The vector ˆi  xjˆ  3kˆ is rotated through an angle of cos–1 and doubled in magnitude, then it becomes

4iˆ  (4x  2)ˆj  2kˆ . The value of ' x ' is:

2 2 1
(A)  (B) (C) (D) 2
3 3 3

      
6. If a = ˆi  ˆj , b = ˆj  kˆ , c = kˆ  ˆi , then in the reciprocal system of vectors of the vectors a , b , c , reciprocal a 

of vector a is

ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ˆi  ˆj  kˆ
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2




x2 y  1 z 1
1. The line = = intersects the curve xy = c2, z = 0 if c is equal to :
3 2 1

(A) ± 1 (B) ± (C) ± 5 (D) none of these
    
2. Equation of the straight line in the plane r . n = d which is parallel to r = a +  b and passes through the foot
    
of perpendicular drawn from the point P (a) to the plane r . n = d is (where n . b = 0)
   
   d a .n       d a .n   
(A) r = a +   2  n +  b (B) r = a +    n +  b
n   n  
   
   a .n d       a .n d   
(C) r = a +   2  n +  b (D) r = a +    n +  b
 n   n 

3. The equation of motion of a point in space is x = 2t, y = – 4t, z = 4t where t measured in hours and the
co-ordinates of moving point in kilometers, then the distance of the point from the starting point O (0, 0, 0) in
10 hours is :
(A) 20 km (B) 40 km (C) 60 km (D) 55 km
       
4. If P1 : r . n1  d1 = 0, P2 : r . n 2  d2 = 0 and P3 : r . n 3  d3 = 0 are three planes and n1 , n2 and n3 are three non-
coplanar vectors then, the three lines P1 = 0, P2 = 0; P2 = 0, P3 = 0 and P3 = 0, P1 = 0 are
(A) parallel lines (B) coplanar lines (C) coincident lines (D) concurrent lines

5. The direction cosines of a line equally inclined to three mutually perpendicular lines having D.C.’s as
1, m1, n1 ; 2, m2, n2 ; 3, m3, n3 are

1   2   3 m1  m 2  m 3 n1  n 2  n 3
(A) 1 + 2 + 3, m1 + m2 + m3, n1 + n2 + n3 (B) , ,
3 3 3

 1   2   3 m1  m 2  m 3 n 1  n 2  n 3
(C) , , (D) none of these
3 3 3
   
6. If a , b and c are three unit vectors equally inclined to each other at an angle . Then the angle between a
 
and plane of b and c is

   
 cos    cos  
(A)  = cos–1   (B)  = sin –1  
 cos    cos  
 2  2

   
 sin   sin 2 
(C) = cos–1  2  (D)  = sin –1  
 sin    sin  
   

11th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Physical World and Units 1. Mole Concept 1. Basic Maths and Logarithm
& Dimensions 2. Atomic Structure 2. Quadratic Equation
2. Basic Maths & Vector 3. Chemical Bonding 3. Sequence and Series
3. Kinematics 4. Gaseous State
Module-2 Module-2(PC) 1. Trigonometric Ratio and
1. Thermodynamics Identities
1. Newton’s Law of Motion 2. Trigonometric Equation
& Friction 2. Thermochemistry
3. Chemical Equilibrium 3. Properties & Solution
2. Work, Energy & Power of Triangle
4. Ionic Equilibrium
Module-3 Module-3
1. Centre of Mass & Collisions 1. Periodic Table & Its Properties 1. Permutation & Combination
2. Rotational Motion 2. Redox Reaction & Equivalent 2. Binomial Theorum
3. Gravitation Concepts 3. Complex Number
3. Hydrogen & Its Components
Module-4 4. S-Block Module-4
1. Straight Line
1. Mechanical Properties 2. Circle
of Matter Module-4(OC)
1. Nomenclature of 3. Conic Section
2. Thermal Properties of Matter (Parabola,Ellipse & Hyperbola)
Organic Compounds
Module-5 2. Isomerism
3. General Organic Chemistry Module-5
1. Simple Harmonic Motion 1. Mathematical Induction
2. Wave Motion Module-5(OC) 2. Mathematical Reasoning
3. Measurement Error 1. Reaction Mechanism 3. Statistics
& Experiment 2. Hydrocarbon
3. Aromatic Hydrocarbon
4. Environmental Chemistry

To purchase the books, go through the link below-
12th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

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Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Solid State 1. Sets & Relation
1. Electrostatics
2. Solutions and 2. Function
2. Capacitance
Colligative Properties 3. Inverse Trigonometric Function
3. Electro Chemistry 4. Probability
1. Current Electricity Module-2(PC) Module-2
2. Magnetic Effect of Current 1. Chemical Kinetics and
and Magnetism Nuclear Chemistry 1. Limit
2. Surface Chemistry 2. Continuity
Module-3 3. Differentiability
Module-3(IC) 4. Method of Differentiation
1. Electromagnetic Induction
2. Alternating Current 1. Metallurgy
2. P- Block Module-3
Module-4 3. Transition Elements 1. Indefinite Integration
(d & f block) 2. Definite Integration
1. Geometrical Optics 4. Co-ordination Compound 3. Area Under the Curve
2. Wave Optics 5. Salt Analysis & Qualitative
Analysis Module-4
Module-4(OC) 1. Application of Derivative
1. Modern Physics
1. Alkyl Halides & Aryl Halides 2. Matrix
2. Nuclear Physics
2. Alcohol, Phenol & Ether 3. Determinant
3. Solids & Semiconductor
Devices 3. Carbonyl Compound
4. Electromagnetic Waves
5. Principle of Communication Module-5(OC) 1. Differential Equation
1. Carboxylic Acid & Their 2. Vector & 3-Dimensional
2. Biomolecules & Polymers
3. Chemistry in Everyday Life

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