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The second house sign of the zodiac is Taurus, the

Bull. Taurus is considered a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. Those born under fixed signs
(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) find it very difficult to change. Earth (Taurus, Capricorn
and Virgo) signs are grounded, practical and unchanging. Now add the energy of the Bull,
characterized as stubborn, plodding and bull-headed. Poor Taureans, being both fixed and
earth, they are the most unmovable, stuck signs in the zodiac, with a stubborn will and
resistant nature. Luckily, being ruled by Venus, they also have a gentle, sensitive side; a real
saving grace!

Taureans have a gift for beauty, thanks to their Venusian natures. They enjoy pleasure in all
aspects of their life, whether it is fine wine, good food, art, music or a beautiful garden. They
need a salubrious setting in order to feel at peace within themselves and with others and will
take time and care to produce such an environment. Taureans seek harmony and sensuality
and will enjoy both almost to excess. They are tactile people, loving delicious, tender, slow
and affectionate touch. Essential oils that support their sensual natures are the aphrodisiacs –
jasmine, neroli, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang, clary and black pepper.

But Taureans are not all sweetness and light. When in their bullish nature they can be
negative, lazy, obstinate, resistant to change and wilful. They are capable of concentrating
their entire being on a single goal, and working persistently toward that purpose, to the
exclusion of other’s reason or suggestions. They have unyielding determination, which makes
them hard workers and practical, reliable colleagues, but also can make them appear obdurate
and inflexible. Oils that can help the bull easy back from their intractable, headstrong ways
are coriander, lemon, peppermint, pine, chamomile, helichrysum, marjoram, neroli,
lavender and vetiver.

Taureans tend to carry much of their stress and tension in their shoulders and neck. They are
prone to sore throats, earaches, headaches and stiff necks. They carry their emotions in this
upper torso region, feeling that they have to shoulder responsibility, carry other people’s
emotional loads, be burdened by the woes of the world, duck to avoid confrontation and do
backbends for others. All these contortions, brought on by the need to please others, soothe
over situations and take away other’s pain, put a load on the poor bull’s upper body. Oils that
alleviate aching muscles and stiffness are eucalyptus, cajuput, ginger, juniper, lavender,
lemon, black pepper, chamomile, rosemary and sage. These oils are also good for sore
throats and upper respiratory conditions. Oils that aid in relieving the bull’s headaches are
jasmine, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, juniper, melissa, rose, clary sage
and lemon.

Taureans, because of their practicality and solid outlook on the world, could find a career in
anything that gives them a sense of material security and stability. These are not people to
change professions often nor do they tire of what they set their minds to doing. They will
seek out professions where the environment appears controlled, where there are no surprises
and no hectic pace. Banking is a favourite Taurean profession and you will find many
accountants, stockbrokers, investment bankers and even tax assessors wearing the bull’s
horns. They enjoy nose to the grindstone activities in which plodding methodical work
produces results. Though, having said that, there is also the Taurus that loves the beauty in
life. Having a Venus influence, Taureans are happy in art, music (they love singing), and in
creating beautiful gardens and food. But don’t ask them to try anything new. They prefer the
established, tired and true ways, so they always know where they stand. They don’t seek
challenges that take them out of their own secure space; rather they can appreciate being
fenced in, safe and unfettered by chaos and commotion.

I love the story of Ferdinand, the bull, in the field smelling flowers. And I’m sure many a
Taurus can identify with this bull, enjoying the sensual pleasures of the great outdoors with
nothing better to do than to be quiet, grounded and at peace with the world.

Many thanks to Molly Cliborne and her North-node website for inspiration and guidance.

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