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Sagittarius, the "ninth house" sign of the zodiac, is symbolized as the Archer, in the guise of
a Centaur. Centaurs are half man/half beast in mythology, which in literature, have always
been seen as highly intelligent, highly regarded creatures. But Centaurs are also known to be
hot headed, unruly and impractical. So, it is with Sagittarians. These intellectual, open-
minded, outgoing people also have a dogmatic, tactless and fiery side to them, which is
appropriate considering Sagittarius is a "mutable fire sign. The mutability gives them a need
for freedom and independence, also intelligence. The fire lends them towards impulsiveness,
impatience and extravagance.

Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians have the ability to materialize what they think they are worthy
of. They are a prime example of positive thinking manifesting the thought. Saggies get what
they want because they are able to believe that they deserve it, and then create a reality in
which to achieve the manifestation. If you are a Sag, and not receiving what you feel you
merit, some oils that may help support self-worth and self-esteem are *sandalwood,
rosewood, elemi, vetiver, ylang ylang, geranium, rose, cedarwood and jasmine*.

Also, thanks to Jupiter’s influence Sagittarians are adventurous and love their freedom.
Saggies enjoy exploring new places, maybe choosing careers as pilots or flight attendants in
order to travel; or they might gravitate towards the diplomatic service to immerse themselves
in foreign cultures and exotic surroundings. Even exploring archaeological digs would
fascinate a Sag - anything that has an element of risk taking in order to gain something would
please the Sagittarian. Oils that encourage freedom and adventure are tea tree, eucalyptus,
vetiver, geranium, thyme, hyssop, rose, clary sage, melissa, helichrysum and rosemary*.

If you are having a party, invite a Sagittarian and you will have someone fun-loving,
charming, intelligent and enthusiastic to talk to. Many Saggies are natural comedians, often
exaggerating stories in order to make them more entertaining. Many are teachers and
philosophers who, when interested in a subject, will delve deeply into it and then share the
knowledge with anyone willing to listen. They are great communicators, though can be over-
zealous and dogmatic at times and often have been known to speak before thinking. Essential
oils that bring out the best in a Sag at a party or in a classroom are *patchouli, peppermint,
basil, juniper, frankincense, pine, rosemary, neroli, melissa, sage, grapefruit, clary sage,
helichrysum and bergamot*.

Sagittarians respond to the outer world through action, in that they want to experience life,
rather than read about it. Their broad-minded, eager natures help inspire others to get things
started, which is why many Saggies are event planners, inspirational speakers and life
coaches. They are also born “spin-doctors” and can create alternate realities to the truth,
which makes them good politicians and sales people. They do not intentionally deceive, but
will sometimes over-represent in order to sell an idea or a car…

Essential oils that encourage truthfulness and communication are frankincense, narcissus,
geranium, grapefruit, basil, peppermint and rosemary.

Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. When the energy is blocked or imbalanced, Saggies can
experience pain in this area. Lower back ache, problems in the reproductive organs, leg pain,
sciatica, and adrenal exhaustion can be some of the challenges that Sagittarians are
susceptible to. Saggies are also prone to addictions and illness from poor judgment (like
alcoholism). Because they are adventurous risk-takers and enjoy the ‘rush’ of a challenge,
they can be prone to seeking out negative rushes (recreational drugs and gambling) as well as
the positive healthy ones (sky-diving). Because of their innate confidence and impulsiveness,
they have to be careful of rushing in too quickly and over-committing, as this could lead to
hypertension and stress disorders. Oils that assist the addictive nature are *vetiver,
helichrysum, basil, frankincense, juniper, clary sage, valerian and bergamot*. Essential oils
that help Saggies with stress and tension are *chamomile, geranium, lavender, marjoram,
melissa, neroli, sandalwood, frankincense, ylang ylang, jasmine, and valerian*.

Sagittarians love the freedom to do what they want, when they want to do it, choosing how
they will execute their doings. They invite excess and exaggeration and enjoy challenging
themselves both intellectually and physically. They are fun, optimistic and usually lucky. So,
when playing with a Sag, take things as they come. Without Saggies, life would be a dull
place indeed!

Many thanks to Molly Cliborne for her help in capturing the Sagittarian nature. Molly is an
astrologer in Charlottesville. 

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