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Make a drawing of maria s family

Why was maria forced to flee her native country colombia

The degradation caused by internal violence in Colombia has had serious
consequences, including the displacement of the rural population to large urban
centers (the Ombudsman's Office estimates the current number of displaced at
2,600,000), the migration of Colombians abroad, the feminization of poverty1 and
the degradation of children's rights. Aware of this reality, the project Legal and
institutional mechanisms to guarantee the human rights of the displaced
population in Colombia included the component: "The case of migrants." 2 This, in
order to investigate the situation of Colombian migrants facing to their
fundamental rights and to explore the public policies of the Colombian State for
those who for different reasons have had to emigrate irregularly to different
countries. On the other hand, it was investigated about the policies that countries
similar to ours have against the same phenomenon, in order to establish a
standard of comparison with our country.
It began with an approach to the Colombian migratory problem, analyzing the
antecedents, causes and consequences of both internal and external
displacement of the Colombian. In the first place, we study border migration and
the current situation of the Colombian migrant who moves to Panama, Ecuador
and Venezuela. We focus on the policies that the Colombian State has adopted on
the issue of migration, particularly in relation to border displacement,
representation of Colombians abroad and treatment of remittances. Second, and
in order to evaluate these policies, the migration policies of Peru were reviewed,
due to suffering from similar violent disorders in the eighties, as well as Mexico,
due to its proximity to the United States and the constant migratory flow. to the
latter country, similar to the one that Colombia has had with Venezuela.

Quien acompaño a maria a panama

sus padres


porq crees que la familia de maria decidio abandonar colombia

porq avia mucho terorismo y abuso sexual

que crees que significa el termino refugiado

crees que maria volvera a colombia

puede ser que si

Who accompanied Maria to Panama

His parents

does maria like living in panama


Why do you think María's family decided to leave Colombia?

because there is a lot of terrorism and sexual abuse

What do you think the term refugee means?

person] Who has taken refuge in a foreign country because of a war or because of his political
or religious ideas.

Do you think María will return to Colombia?

maybe yes, maybe no

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