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Date: SEPTEMBER 24, 2022

Subject: Euthenics 1
Topic: Task Performance for Prelims re: Creating a 5-8 pages Magazine

Good day!

Here are the final instructions for your Task Performance.

1. Create a magazine that highlights the character, skills, and values of an STIer.
2. Your magazine should contain tips and facts on how to excel in college.
3. Your cover page must contain the following:
a. Your picture wherein your face is recognizable.
b. Name of the magazine.
c. Contents/highlights of your magazine.
4. Date of Submission will be on October 8, 2022.
5. PLEASE be mindful of the rubrics below:

Rubric for scoring the magazine:

Criteria Description Points Score

The content of the magazine/blog is original, accurate,
interesting, and reflects one’s understanding of the topic
Content of College Life.
It contains a feature story that motivates its viewers.
Creativity The information is presented uniquely and attractively. 20
All the materials used, especially the borrowed ones, are
Fair Use properly acknowledged. 20

Grammar and Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and

Mechanics 20
Total 100

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