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Why is it important to speak English during the class?

Today's education is not just about going to class, sitting down and listening to
your teacher. The main objective is to obtain knowledge and exchange
information, through participation between students and the teacher.
If we understand communication as the ultimate goal in learning English, we
must also understand that vocabulary or grammar are necessary simply to
shape the oral and written production of the language
Educational Psychologist Korl Andrews says that to know the result of learning
a new language It is as easy as comparing with a kitchen recipe: we can buy
the ingredients, they can explain the procedure to us, we can even memorize
the steps of the recipe, but until we put it into practice, we will not know if we are
doing it well or badly, or about learning to correct possible errors that may arise
during the process. The teachers are the guides who provide the ingredients of
the recipe, but we must not forget that it is the students who must start it.
In my opinion it is very important to practice and participate during class
because indirectly our brain generates more neural connections that will help us
to understand and remember the language and we will learn faster.

My extra point teacher.

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