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Mayank Bhatt IPM01038 Section-A

Marketing Management-II
By Dr. Neha Bhardwaj

Decision Sheet
Magellan Boatworks

Case Overview:

Magellan Boatworks creates custom-built power boats and powerful cruising vessels. In view of
the political and economic instability in late 2016, Walt Robinson, the Magellan vice president of
marketing and sales, is evaluating whether or not to increase the budget for the following year.
Despite the competitive and challenging economic and market conditions, the firm may gain
from the choices made about budget allocation. Because the items were unable to provide
significant profit returns in the previous years, the company has to make strategic decisions that
may yield profits in the following years, notably in 2017.

Problem Statement:

The target market's compatibility with the current marketing strategy, which is "product-centric,"
should be taken into account initially. The second question is whether changing the media mix
would enhance sales from potential consumers.

Recommended Solutions:

The marketing message has to be modified to more effectively appeal to the hidden desires of
its target consumers. It might be better to focus more on intangible benefits like "adventure" or
"life without boundaries" than on the physical features of the boat. Rich retirees and company
owners will respond to these messages more strongly.

The media mix needs to be changed in order to boost potential customers' willingness to buy.
Utilizing alternative media, such as search engine optimization, is a superior technique for
monitoring internet activity and connecting it to campaign results.

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