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We are going to tell some quotes about chapter 6 for you to understand how this continues.

“Are you watching old man?” I shouted ~”look!”

“its my sea as much as yours” I cried. “an I’ll swim in it when I like”

“That was the moment I felt it, a searing, stinging pain in the back of my neck, then my back, and
my arms too. A large translucent with jellyfish was floating right beside me it’s tentacles groping at

“The agony was immediate and excruciating. It permeated my entire body like one continuous
electric shock. I was sinking”

“I was going to die, I was going to drown but I did not care. I just wanted the pain to stop. Death I
knew would stop it”

Michael was angry at Kensuke so he went swimming and a jellyfish stink him in chapter 6, this is
four you to undersan what happens in chapter 7. Michael woke up in Kensuke ‘s cave, he was
paralised by the jellyfish venom. Kensuke was always taking care of him, he realy spoke “but the
silence between us said more than any words”. Kensuke and Michael started building a bone, they
didn’t talk, but they showed to care for each other, Kensuke took care of him and sang to him,
feed him spone him with water. GUILLE: When Michael could move his neck he saw the cave,
wich did not look like a cave. It was sparsely furnished. The orang-utans would only go as far as the
cave mouth.  Michael was like a son to Kensuke now. He taught him everything he knew. Everyday they
would go fishing in the shallows and paint with Kensuke.


Searing: (of pain) be experienced as a sudden burning sensation.

Tatami: it is a rush covered straw mat forming a traditional Japanese floor covering.
The kimono (着物?)[1] is a Japanese traditional garment worn by men, women and children. The
word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing"),[2] has come to
denote these full-length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English is kimonos,[3] but
the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes used.

Unexpected: not expected or regarded as likely to happen.

sparse/thinly dispersed or scattered.



kimono ___O__ 1)

sakurA ____R__ 2)

michAel ___A__ 3)

stiNk ___N_ 4)

aGony _G___ 5)

Unexpectaly U________ 6)

sTella _T____7)

cAve _A__8)

teNtacles __N_____9)

2- draw kensukes cave

3- describe how you would feel if you were Michael and coudnt move

4- look for the definition of kimono

5- what did kenssuke collect every day?

6- if you where Michael what would you like to know about kensuke?
7- enumerate the singnso of affection of kensuke towards Michael

8- what kaind of paintings did kensuke do?

9- what was the orangutans actitude towards Michael and stella?

10- how did Michael and kenssuke communicate?

11- how did kensuke make his paint brushess?

12- what did Michael teach kensuke?

13- what was Michael nickname?

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