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Detailed Lesson Plan in EED11

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Identify the different parts of kinds of colors and shapes

b. Appreciate the importance of colors and shapes.
c. Give some examples of colors and shape

II.Subject Matter

Topic: Colors and Shape

References: *Musika at Sining 3. Sunico, Raul M. etal, 2000. pp.143

Code: A1EL-Ia

Materials: Power point, pictures, laptop

Values Integration: Appreciated the importance of colors and shapes

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Let’s all stand and Let us pray. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
2. Greetings against us; and lead us not into temptation,
Good morning class! You may now but deliver us from evil. Amen.
take your seats.
Good morning ma’am!
3. Checking of Attendance
I will check your attendance for today,
so if your name is called, raise your hand Okay ma’am.
and say present. OK?

4. Setting of Standards
But before we start our class. I want
you to follow my rules.
1. Sit properly
2. Do not talk when I’m talking.
3. Listen carefully. Yes, we ma’am!
4. Raise your hand if you want to
answer or ask something.
5. Enjoy the whole class.
Can I expect that all from you?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Review
Yesterday we talked about lines

This time please tell ,e what kind of (Student raise hand)

line is this?

1. Straight line Our topic yesterday was all about “Heathy

2. Curved line Food and body”
3. 3. Vertical line
We need to variety of foods, just like
Very good job class! vegetables, fruits, meats every day so that
we can have a healthy body.
4. Motivation
Alright Children we’re going to
sing a song colors of the Rainbow
The colors of the rainbow are Green Vegetables
so beautiful to see The colors of the
rainbow, sing the colors along with Fruits
me Red, orange, yellow, green and Meat, Fish, Eggs, and Milk
blue, indigo and you know there's
violet too Red, orange, yellow,
green and blue, indigo and you
know there's violet too The colors of
the rainbow are so beautiful to see
The colors of the rainbow, sing the
colors along with me Red, orange, Ma’am she is pale, she is not healthy. She eats a
yellow, green and blue, indigo and lot of oily foods and often eats fruits.
you know there's violet too Red,
orange, yellow, green and blue, He has pinkish gums and bloomy face; he is
indigo and you know there's violet healthy ma’am. He always eats vegetables and
too Everybody have fun and move fruits.
with me to the colors of the rainbow

C. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion
Class. I have pictures here in
different shapes.

This is triangle
Okay ma’am
triangle is color red.
(Watching the video)
What is the shape on the picture?
What is the color of a triangle?

2. Application
Very good job class! Now this time let
us practice. I will show a picture and
We learned something ma’am.
identify the different kinds of shapes
and each color. Are you ready class?
3. Generalization
That’s the end of our lesson so let me ask you
some questions, Give me some example of

Very Good! Now what are the different color?

That’s great!
D. Evaluation
E. Assignment

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