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How to Elegantly Lead www.getwsodo.

an Initial Sales Conversation 
Purpose of the Guide 
This guide will show you a step by step process for how to elegantly lead an initial sales 
Goal of the Call 
Determine if you can help your prospect fulfill an unmet need or want. 
Determine if your prospect is motivated to switch today.   
Detach from the outcome​. Don’t assume prospects need or 
PART 1  want what you’re selling. When you’re assumptive, prospects 
can smell your commission breath. Here’s the mindset - It’s okay 
if prospects are interested and it’s also okay if they aren’t 
Get control of your  interested. The world is a big place. You don’t “need” this deal. 
mental state.   Have an abundance mindset.  
Care. ​ Don’t ask questions with the intent of closing. Your intent 
is to help the prospect do something better ​even if that doesn’t 
involve you.  
Have a point of view. ​I want to hire a personal trainer who’s in 
shape. A trainer who brings me new ideas for getting in the best 
shape of my life. A trainer who has a point of view on how to 
get me from point A to point B.   
Not a personal trainer who asks me what exercises I want to do. 
You’re prospects want to buy from people that have a point of 
view too. I want to hire a personal trainer not a waiter that takes 
Be you. ​Be yourself. Don’t try to ‘be’ a salesperson.
Rapport Building Questions (But only if you’re genuinely 
PART 2:  curious) 
What’s kept you at ACME for 15 years? 
Noticed you climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. Why on earth Lisa? 
Your prospects are  Impressive roster. What makes you such a badass VP of Sales? 
secretly asking  Noticed you spent some time in Austin.  Did you love it?   
themselves, “Is this  Never been to Colorado. Worth a trip? Why?  
person competent.”  Enjoyed your post on X. Curious what you meant by Y. 
Doing research prior to  (If more than two prospects are in the meetings) Lisa, what’s it 
call and asking  like working with John?  
“credibility” questions   
build credibility  Credibility Building Question Prep 
Formulate 3 questions about about your prospects company or 
industry that only a “insider” would know. You’ll use these 
questions to build credibility be demonstrating you know about 
the prospect’s industry and company.   
Case Studies or Testimonials 
Case studies include quotes from customers that show how the
company helps their clients do something better.   
Sample Credibility Building Question: Company

"Johh, I noticed you work with A & B. Are companies with

more than 20k employees your sweet spot?"

Sample Credibility Building Question: Industry

Sample Credibility Questions

"Looks like you compete with A & B. Based on my current

understanding, you're different because of C. Am I off base

Preparation builds credibility.

Preparation prepares you for pop quizzes, just in case your

prospect asks you to tell them what you know about their
Confirm Time 
PART 3  I believe we have 45 minutes. Does that work for you? 
Establishes the duration  Here's what I’d like to accomplish today. I’d like to lead you 
of the conversation and  through a few questions to help me understand what you’d like 
sets expectations for the  to improve. Then, if I feel I can potentially help and you want to 
outcome.     hear how I’ll tell you.. You’ll probably have some questions 
  too. At the end you can decide if you’d like to continue the 
  conversation. And it’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to. Does 
that sound okay? Is there anything else you’d like to cover?   
PART 4  Why Are They Are Here? 
I know we reached out to you, but what inspired you to connect 
Sample Credibility Question 
  VPs of Sales typically seek us out when they’re losing too many 
Ask questions to  sales to low-cost competitors, hearing “We’ll think it over from 
understand what your  too many prospects” or are not getting enough meetings each 
prospect wants or needs.   week. Do any of those strike a chord with you or am I rambling 
Determine if what your   
prospects wants aligns  Sample Credibility Question 
with top priorities (set be  We’re working with our VPs of Sales in the fintech and they’re 
execs).   telling us their priorities are A & B. Do those line up with your 
  top priorities?   
Understand their journey.   
What have they tried?    Prospect Journey Question 
  (Are they are the beginning or the end of the buyer's journey? If 
Determine if they are  they’ve tried multiple solutions over the course of time they are 
motivated to switch now.  more likely to switch now.) 
Can you tell me about what other solutions or things you’ve 
tried? What did or did or you like about each one?
Be curious about each answer. Pretend you’re doing a 
SIDEBAR  documentary, not asking questions to close a sale. 
When the prospect is done talking, shut your mouth. Count to 
3. Often times they will keep talking and you’ll learn more.   
Go deeper on a question by asking “expansion” questions. 
Here are a few: 
1. Repeat the last 3 words the prospect said. This is known 
as mirroring. This often results in the prospect giving 
you more information 
2. Tell me me about that? 
3. What do you mean? 
4. Can you give me an example? 
Thanks for being so transparent about your situation.   
PART 5   
It sounds like your top challenge(s) are … 
People need to feel  You want ... 
understood before you   
make a recommendation​.   You’ve tried A & B but bumped into (obstacles) 
Summarize what you  Is there anything I missed?   
heard in “their words”   
not yours.     
IF A BAD FIT  Based on my current understanding, I don’t think we’re the best 
fit because . . .  
However let me give you a few other options: 
Refer them to another provider 
Suggest a do it yourself option
Pitch only if you have  My goal is to help you get what you want. It’s okay if that’s not 
positive responses to all  with us. If you’d like I can tell you your options and the 
questions in the  benefits and drawbacks of working with us.  
conversations.    Frame Buy-In 
  First, I’m going to tell you what outcome you can expect.   
Frame the solution in   
the context of your  Next, I’ll show you how you’ll get there and finally the 
prospect's words​.   investment required.  How does that sound? 
The only demo features  Outcome 
that ladder back to your  What you’re going to get is (their desired outcome in their 
prospect's words.   words.  
Pause after each section  Conversation Demo/Solution Presentation 
of your pitch and ask  Based on what you told me let me walk your through how we 
“do you think this  can potentially help. (Pause after each component and ask, “do 
would help you save  you think this would help you {something better}” Why? Tell 
more time?’  me more.   
I know this can be a little uncomfortable, but before we go too 
INVESTMENT   far would you be open to talking about price?  
After establishing how  Based on my current understanding of the outcomes you want 
you can help the  to achieve the minimum investment required would be an 
prospects get to “better”  investment between 100- 150k. (Divide value by 10 to 
communicate the  determine the minimum price). Can you see yourself falling in 
investment required.  that range? 
The investment should   
be no more than 20% of  Investment  
the value of better.    Always, show at least 3 add on options in addition to the core 
  offering you stated in the qualifying stage.    
Bring up money early.     
(Silence for as long as it takes).   
(Everything that happens after this is about defusing objections)
Tell me about your decision-making process. 
Determine who the  In addition to yourself, does anyone else need to weigh in? 
person with authority is   
that makes the decision.   (If there are others involved) 
  Would it make sense to run this by Bob? 
See how ready they are to   
change now.    Would you be open to carving out some time after you’ve 
spoken with Bob so we can understand his perspective?   
Is this something you want to change now? 
Would it make sense to put a date on the calendar so we can 
COMMITMENT  chat briefly about what you folks decide? Not a problem at all 
See if your prospects  if you decide to pass.   
want to continue the   
conversation with you.   Or  
  Where would you like to go from here? 
If so, gain commitment   
for a decision date so  Or 
you’re not chasing.  What next step, if any would you like to take? 
Scheduled dates mean   
you’re “in a relationship​”. 
“It sounds like this is something that’s not high on the priority 
IF PROSPECT WON’T  list right now which is perfectly okay. I’d imagine you have 
COMMIT TO NEXT  lots of projects competing for your time and resources.” 
Step 1: Have fun in your subject line

Your prospects get tons of boring emails every day, so you have a rare opportunity
to bring a little fun into their day by making them feel good (if even for a moment).

Here are a few examples:

- Here's the summary email you've been waiting for.

- Reading a summary email never felt so good.
- This summary email pairs nicely with spreadsheets.

Step 2: The body

Happy Tuesday Liz!

2.1 - (an interesting and specific thing you learned about them)
Thanks for your advice on Japan. As a first-timer, I can definitely see the value of
getting a $250 JR Pass when leaving Tokyo.

2.2 (what they want using no more than 3 bullets)

Anyway (that's called an awkward transition) . . .

Is the info below accurate?

● Reps are averaging 4 meetings a month.
● You want reps averaging 9 meetings a month.
● The majority of reps think the phone is a cactus.

2.3 (the next step which should be scheduled at the end of each call)

Chat again on 9.22.

2.4: Fun sign off

Stay vigilant,

2.5: Give prospects something that matters to them in the PS.

PS - since you were interested in my OMG green smoothie, you can grab the recipe
here. It will change ​your life.

Subject: Did I lose you?

Hi Beth,

We were looking forward to helping you folks generate more services revenue, but
I haven’t heard a response to my call and emails. That typically means either
you’re too swamped or your priorities have changed (which is not a problem at

Just so I don’t end up being a pest this will be my last email.

If you change your mind and would like to join the other clinics using private
labeling to generate sales and foot traffic, please let me know we’ll get cracking on
your design.

P.S. – And no this doesn’t mean I’ll stop sending you amazing green smoothie
recipes. Unless you want me to :-).

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