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Auction Ethiopia Pitch

Title 1: Together with the Ethiopian Visionary Government and

People , We will Transform the country’s Old Resource Wasting
Auctioning system with Digital Technology and Help boom its

Title 2. Dear Ethiopian Government,Private businesses and

International Organizations we believe you can grab your piece of
pie from the world’s Digital Economy … There just one piece
We are all experiencing impressive digital revolution in Ethiopia because our
government has taken a major step to Digitizing Ethiopia by 2025 .

Like it or not our country’s traditional Auctioning System needs to be Digitized.

In Spite of our government great ambition to digitize Ethiopia by 2025 ,our

country’s auctioning system is still traditional with a lot gaps and problems wasting

Billions of Birr,Assets,Time and other Resources every year causing damage to

our country’s Economy while making every organization and bidders economical

activity painful and harder..

Despite the current traditional Auctioning System : Let us Imagine a fully Digitized
Ethiopia, Where the old, resource and time consuming, Limited reach and
accessibility,Lack of transparency and trust, Poor handling of documents and data
is fully Digitized with the latest Technology and now is
Efficient ,Convenient ,Reachable , accessible,Transparent ,Secured & Tamper
proof saving the government, Private companies, and International Organization
Time and Resources that worth Billions of ETB per year .
But let’s be honest: achieving this vision is more complex than anything we
have done so far—and will make massive demands for your kind support
both financially and implementation wise.

Because the old traditional system has been a part of the country’s
Bidding/Auctioning system for a very long time wasting our country's
resources and hurting its Economical growth and no matter how long it has
been part of the country’s Economic structure , it will not help us realize the
fully Digitized Ethiopia by 2025 if we keep using this failed old system as a
way of conducting auction across industries,Individuals, and institutions.
The Bold Move for our government ,Orgs., Financial institutions, NGOs,and
other regular individual customers need to embrace our new way: Digital
Auctioning Platform developed and implemented by the visionary Technology
company :Auction Ethiopia S.C.
Auction Ethiopia is the first auctioning platform in East Africa that saves cost ,with
its ease of use,transparency, speed, convenience and frictionless advanced digital

Our online auctioning platform takes place via the internet/Mob. app, allowing
users to sell or bid for products and services online.for both buyers and Sellers in
its all in one Digital Platforms.

And this Digital Platform will play a Major Role in creating a digitized Ethiopia
with full scale Economic Growth by 2030.
If we approach this with the same rigor as our many successful country wide
projects we can do it, because we have have the most intellectual and
experienced leadership and IT infrastructure development team with a lot of
experience in Advanced Technology and IT Business Strategy.

We have built our online Auctioning Platform with a high Security and safety
measures integration with seamless Digital Auction System and with the latest AI
integration technology .
Take Action Now!

All you need to do to get started to start this Digital Revolution are following the
following three Steps.

Step One: Become Auction Ethiopia S.C Partner in is implementation and


Step Two: Download Auction Ethiopia App from your google and Apple app store
and get first hand experience .

Step Three. GO to our website

is download Auction Ethiopia app”or “The first steps are easy as one-two-three”
Your Early Benefits…

The momentum we build by starting soon with our partnership to implement our
online Digital Auctioning platform will pay off in almost instant improvements by
saving Billions of ETB in the distorted market by proving the following values:

1. Efficient Asset Management

2. Revenue Generation
3. Compliance and Accountability
4. Extended Reach and Exposure
5. Convenience and Accessibility
6. Trust and Confidence
The most amazing result will be the parts we can’t even imagine yet: new markets,
new audiences, new products we discover along the way

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