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 Identify the anatomical structure and functions of the heart and neck vessels
 Perform a physical assessment of the heart and neck vessels using the correct
techniques of inspection, palpation, and auscultation (IPA).
 Differentiate between normal and abnormal findings of the heart and neck
 Cardiovascular system consists of heart, and a closed system of blood vessels.
 A thorough assessment of the heart provides valuable information about the
function of a patient’s cardiovascular system. (Understanding how to properly
assess the cardiovascular system and identifying both normal and
abnormal assessment findings will allow the nurse to provide quality, safe
care to the patient.
 The most important observation to be made in the neck region is the assessment
of jugular venous pulse. (From the jugular veins you can estimate central
venous pressure (CVP) and estimate the heart’s efficiency as a pump)
 Performing an adequate assessment of the heart and neck vessels will help the
nurses to identify health problems in patients earlier and prevent further
complications from developing an existing illness or disease.
 Use the three physical examination techniques: Inspection, Palpation,
Auscultation when assessing the heart and neck vessels.

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