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Name: Angela B.

Aligado Course/Year Level: BSSW- Second

Year College

Teacher: Patricia Rose Dacanay Subject and Time: HB201 ( 9:00AM-

10:30AM) TTH


Provide the answers to each question.

1. What do we mean by Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders?

According to the information I’ve read disruptive means to prevent something from
continuing or operating in a normal way. However, Impulse- Control refer to the struggle
of several people have in putting a halt to particular activities. Thus, Conduct Disorder on
the other hand, is one kind of behavioral problem. When a kid exhibits antisocial
conduct, that is. He or she could flout fundamental societal norms and laws. In overall it
is a group of disorders known as disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders are
connected by varying degrees of difficulty in reining in aggressive behaviors, self-control,
and impulses.

2. Give examples of Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders and explain each.

Disruptive include minor infractions like talking out or turn or being out of one’s seat without
permission as well as more serious one like defiance , verbal threats, or acting out.

Impulse controls might also have behaviors like uncontrolled gambling, hence the the
majority of gamblers don't have a gambling problem, but some people do over time. These
people let their gambling to get out of hand to the point that it was affecting their day-to-day

Conduct disorder examples like Peer pressure and the desire to fit in may be present. They
could be undervalue themselves. They can be trying to "purchase" their friends because they
don't have any. If they don't get good feedback from their parents, they can try to get skilled at
stealing so that they can feel proud of what they have done.

1.) Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

2.) IRIS | Page 1: Effects of Disruptive Behavior. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

Cherney, K. (2020, June 9). How to Cope with Impulse Control Issues in Kids and
Adults. Healthline.

Conduct Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

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